Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv5827
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: fixed some bugs in FloatBox and added some new ones
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.78 -r1.1.2.600.2.79 *** desire.tk 14 Dec 2006 01:20:38 -0000 --- desire.tk 14 Dec 2006 01:26:24 -0000 *************** *** 913,917 ****
def Client open_file_really {filename} { ! global pd_opendir font set i [string last / $filename] set folder [string range $filename 0 [expr $i-1]] --- 913,917 ----
def Client open_file_really {filename} { ! global pd_opendir set i [string last / $filename] set folder [string range $filename 0 [expr $i-1]] *************** *** 1216,1219 **** --- 1216,1220 ----
def View outside_of_the_box {} { + if {$@canvas eq ""} {return} # always hide these things if {[$self class] == "Wire"} {set @inside_box 0; return} *************** *** 2043,2047 ****
def TextBox text= {text} {set @text $text} ! def TextBox text {} {return $text}
def TextBox draw {} { --- 2044,2049 ----
def TextBox text= {text} {set @text $text} ! def TextBox text {} {return $@text} ! def TextBox filter_text {{for_edit 0}} {return $@text}
def TextBox draw {} { *************** *** 2055,2059 **** -window $t -anchor nw -tags "${self}text $self text" } { ! set text $@text if {$::leet} {set text [string map -nocase {a 4 e 3 t 7 s 5 i 1 o 0 g 9} $text]} $self item TEXT text [l+ $@textoffset [$self xy]] \ --- 2057,2061 ---- -window $t -anchor nw -tags "${self}text $self text" } { ! set text [$self filter_text] if {$::leet} {set text [string map -nocase {a 4 e 3 t 7 s 5 i 1 o 0 g 9} $text]} $self item TEXT text [l+ $@textoffset [$self xy]] \ *************** *** 2106,2110 **** -window $t -anchor nw -tags "${self}text $self text" $t configure -pady 0 -padx 0 ! $t insert 1.0 $@text $self resize none focus $t --- 2108,2112 ---- -window $t -anchor nw -tags "${self}text $self text" $t configure -pady 0 -padx 0 ! $t insert 1.0 [$self filter_text 1] $self resize none focus $t *************** *** 2162,2166 ****
def TextBox update_size {} { - global font if {[$self class] == "FloatBox"} {return};# floatbox's size is contant set by @w if {[$self class] == "NumBox"} {return};# numbox's size is contant set by @w --- 2164,2167 ---- *************** *** 2301,2305 **** def TextBox unedit {{accept 1}} { if {!$@edit} {return} ! if {!$accept} {$@canvas del [$@canvas children_idx $self]} set @edit 0; $self changed edit set c [$@canvas widget] --- 2302,2306 ---- def TextBox unedit {{accept 1}} { if {!$@edit} {return} ! #if {!$accept} {$@canvas del [$@canvas children_idx $self]} set @edit 0; $self changed edit set c [$@canvas widget] *************** *** 4441,4451 **** class_new AtomBox {TextBox} def AtomBox draw_box {} { - global font $self update_size mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] set points [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x2-4] $y1 $x2 [expr $y1+4] $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] - set canvas [$self get_canvas] - [$canvas widget] canvasx $x1 - #[$@canvas widget] canvasx $x1 if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]} $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [$self look bg] -outline $frcol --- 4442,4448 ---- *************** *** 4454,4471 **** }
! def AtomBox draw {} { ! #if {[$self selected?]} {set fcol red} else {set fcol [$self look fg]} ! if {[string length $@val] <= $@w} { ! set string $@text ! } else { ! set string [string range $@text 0 [expr $@w-1]] ! } ! set @text $string ! super ! } ! ! def AtomBox edit {} { ! set @text ""; #so that the existing number is cleared ! super }
--- 4451,4458 ---- }
! def AtomBox filter_text {{for_edit 0}} { ! if {$for_edit} {return ""} ! if {[string length $@text] <= $@w} {return $@text} ! return [string range $@text 0 [expr $@w-1]] }
*************** *** 4793,4802 ****
def AtomBox init {mess} { - global font super $mess - set @val 0 - set @old_val 0 set @clickpos {} - set @key_input 0 set width [font measure [$self look font] W] set height [font metrics [$self look font] -linespace] --- 4780,4785 ---- *************** *** 4808,4830 **** def SymbolBox init {mess} {super $mess; set @text "symbol"}
! def AtomBox set {val} { ! set @val $val ! set @text $val ;# why do i have to set two vars and not just one? $self changed }
! def AtomBox apply_value {} {netsend [list .$self float $@val]} def SymbolBox apply_value {} {netsend [list .$self symbol $@val]}
- def SymbolBox key {key shift} { - global font - if {[super $key $shift]} {return} - if {[string length $@val] < $@w} { - append @val $key - set @text $@val - $self changed - } - } - def FloatBox ftoa {} { set f $@val --- 4791,4803 ---- def SymbolBox init {mess} {super $mess; set @text "symbol"}
! # why does this exist? ! def AtomBox set {text} { ! set @text $text $self changed }
! def AtomBox apply_value {} {netsend [list .$self float $@val]} def SymbolBox apply_value {} {netsend [list .$self symbol $@val]}
def FloatBox ftoa {} { set f $@val *************** *** 4851,4858 **** set @clickx $x; set @clicky $y set canvas [$self get_canvas] ! set c [$canvas widget] set @clickpos [list $x $y] set @mouse [list $x $y] - set t $c.${self}text $canvas focus= $self set @rate [expr $f&1 ? 0.01 : 1.00] --- 4824,4830 ---- set @clickx $x; set @clicky $y set canvas [$self get_canvas] ! set t [$canvas widget].${self}text set @clickpos [list $x $y] set @mouse [list $x $y] $canvas focus= $self set @rate [expr $f&1 ? 0.01 : 1.00] *************** *** 4860,4890 ****
def AtomBox unclick {x y f target} { ! set canvas [$self get_canvas] ! set c [$canvas widget] ! if {$x == $@clickx && $y == $@clicky} {$self edit} else {$canvas focus= ""} }
def AtomBox unedit {{accept 1}} { if {!$@edit} {return} ! set @edit 0 ! set canvas [$self get_canvas] ! set c [$canvas widget] ! set t $c.${self}text ! set text [$t get 1.0 "end - 1 chars"] ! if {![regexp {[a-zA-Z]} $text]} {set @val $text} else {set @text $@val} ! $self apply_value ! after 1 "destroy $t" ! $self selected?= 0 ! $canvas focus= "" ! focus $c }
def AtomBox motion {x y f target} { mset {ox oy} $@mouse ! set @val [expr $@val-$@rate*($y-$oy)] ! set @text $@val ! set @old_val $@val set @mouse [list $x $y] ! netsend [list .$self float $@val] ;# noserial }
--- 4832,4850 ----
def AtomBox unclick {x y f target} { ! if {$x == $@clickx && $y == $@clicky} {$self edit} ! [$self get_canvas] focus= "" }
def AtomBox unedit {{accept 1}} { if {!$@edit} {return} ! super }
def AtomBox motion {x y f target} { mset {ox oy} $@mouse ! set @text [expr $@text-$@rate*($y-$oy)] ! $self changed text set @mouse [list $x $y] ! netsend [list .$self float [expr {0+$@text}]] ;# noserial }
*************** *** 4895,4906 **** super $mess set @clicking 0 ! set @old_val 0 set @buf "" set @text 0 - set @key_input 0 }
def NumBox draw {} { - global font super mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] --- 4855,4864 ---- super $mess set @clicking 0 ! set changed 0 set @buf "" set @text 0 }
def NumBox draw {} { super mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] *************** *** 4920,4928 **** $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -outline [$self look frame3] -fill $color4 $c raise ${self}BASE4 - if {!$focused} {set @text $@val} }
def NumBox ftoa {} { ! set f $@val set is_exp 0 if {[string length $@buf]>0} {return $@buf} --- 4878,4885 ---- $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -outline [$self look frame3] -fill $color4 $c raise ${self}BASE4 }
def NumBox ftoa {} { ! set f $@text set is_exp 0 if {[string length $@buf]>0} {return $@buf} *************** *** 5717,5721 ****
def Browser list_callback {} { ! global class_list font $self search_for_externs set class_list [luniq [lsort $class_list]] --- 5674,5678 ----
def Browser list_callback {} { ! global class_list $self search_for_externs set class_list [luniq [lsort $class_list]]