Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv29963
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.c Log Message: cleanup
Index: desire.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.c,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** desire.c 10 Jul 2007 17:52:52 -0000 --- desire.c 10 Jul 2007 19:35:11 -0000 *************** *** 1592,1596 **** void garray_arrayviewlist_new(t_garray *x) { int yonset=0, elemsize=0; - float yval; char cmdbuf[200]; t_array *a = garray_getarray_floatonly(x, &yonset, &elemsize); --- 1592,1595 ---- *************** *** 1599,1603 **** sprintf(cmdbuf, "pdtk_array_listview_new %%s %s %d\n", x->realname->name, 0); for (int i=0; i < ARRAYPAGESIZE && i < a->n; i++) { ! yval = *(float *)(a->vec + elemsize*i + yonset); sys_vgui(".%sArrayWindow.lb insert %d {%d) %g}\n", x->realname->name, i, i, yval); } --- 1598,1602 ---- sprintf(cmdbuf, "pdtk_array_listview_new %%s %s %d\n", x->realname->name, 0); for (int i=0; i < ARRAYPAGESIZE && i < a->n; i++) { ! float yval = *(float *)(a->vec + elemsize*i + yonset); sys_vgui(".%sArrayWindow.lb insert %d {%d) %g}\n", x->realname->name, i, i, yval); } *************** *** 1606,1610 **** void garray_arrayviewlist_fillpage(t_garray *x, t_float page, t_float fTopItem) { int yonset=0, elemsize=0, topItem=(int)fTopItem; - float yval; t_array *a = garray_getarray_floatonly(x, &yonset, &elemsize); if (!a) pd_error(x,"error in garray_arrayviewlist_new()"); --- 1605,1608 ---- *************** *** 1618,1622 **** sys_vgui(".%sArrayWindow.lb delete 0 %d\n", x->realname->name, ARRAYPAGESIZE - 1); for (int i = (int)page * ARRAYPAGESIZE; (i < (page+1)*ARRAYPAGESIZE && i < a->n); i++) { ! yval = *(float *)(a->vec + elemsize*i + yonset); sys_vgui(".%sArrayWindow.lb insert %d {%d) %g}\n", x->realname->name, i%ARRAYPAGESIZE, i, yval); } --- 1616,1620 ---- sys_vgui(".%sArrayWindow.lb delete 0 %d\n", x->realname->name, ARRAYPAGESIZE - 1); for (int i = (int)page * ARRAYPAGESIZE; (i < (page+1)*ARRAYPAGESIZE && i < a->n); i++) { ! float yval = *(float *)(a->vec + elemsize*i + yonset); sys_vgui(".%sArrayWindow.lb insert %d {%d) %g}\n", x->realname->name, i%ARRAYPAGESIZE, i, yval); } *************** *** 1625,1632 ****
static void garray_free(t_garray *x) { - t_pd *x2; if (x->listviewing) garray_arrayviewlist_close(x); pd_unbind(x,x->realname); /* LATER find a way to get #A unbound earlier (at end of load?) */ while ((x2 = pd_findbyclass(gensym("#A"), garray_class))) pd_unbind(x2, gensym("#A")); } --- 1623,1630 ----
static void garray_free(t_garray *x) { if (x->listviewing) garray_arrayviewlist_close(x); pd_unbind(x,x->realname); /* LATER find a way to get #A unbound earlier (at end of load?) */ + t_pd *x2; while ((x2 = pd_findbyclass(gensym("#A"), garray_class))) pd_unbind(x2, gensym("#A")); } *************** *** 2019,2026 **** static void garray_yticks(t_garray *x, t_floatarg point, t_floatarg inc, t_floatarg f) {vmess(x->canvas, gensym("yticks"), "fff", point, inc, f);} ! static void garray_xlabel(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) ! {typedmess(x->canvas, s, argc, argv);} ! static void garray_ylabel(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) ! {typedmess(x->canvas, s, argc, argv);}
static void garray_rename(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s) { --- 2017,2022 ---- static void garray_yticks(t_garray *x, t_floatarg point, t_floatarg inc, t_floatarg f) {vmess(x->canvas, gensym("yticks"), "fff", point, inc, f);} ! static void garray_xlabel(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {typedmess(x->canvas, s, argc, argv);} ! static void garray_ylabel(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {typedmess(x->canvas, s, argc, argv);}
static void garray_rename(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s) { *************** *** 2040,2045 **** TEMPLATE_FLOATY(x,array,) nelem = array->n; ! if ((filedesc = canvas_open(canvas_getcanvas(x->canvas), ! filename->name, "", buf, &bufptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) < 0 || !(fd = fdopen(filedesc, "r"))) { pd_error(x,"%s: can't open", filename->name); return; --- 2036,2041 ---- TEMPLATE_FLOATY(x,array,) nelem = array->n; ! filedesc = canvas_open(canvas_getcanvas(x->canvas), filename->name, "", buf, &bufptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0); ! if (filedesc<0 || !(fd = fdopen(filedesc, "r"))) { pd_error(x,"%s: can't open", filename->name); return; *************** *** 2088,2093 **** t_array *array = garray_getarray(x); int n = f<1?1:(int)f; ! garray_fittograph(x, n, (int)template_getfloat( ! template_findbyname(x->scalar->t), gensym("style"), x->scalar->v, 1)); array_resize_and_redraw(array, n); if (x->usedindsp) canvas_update_dsp(); --- 2084,2088 ---- t_array *array = garray_getarray(x); int n = f<1?1:(int)f; ! garray_fittograph(x, n, (int)template_getfloat(template_findbyname(x->scalar->t), gensym("style"), x->scalar->v, 1)); array_resize_and_redraw(array, n); if (x->usedindsp) canvas_update_dsp(); *************** *** 2214,2220 **** static t_gobj *canvas_merge(t_canvas *x, t_gobj *g1, t_gobj *g2) { t_gobj *g = 0, *g9 = 0; ! float f1 = 0, f2 = 0; ! if (g1) f1 = gobj_getxforsort(g1); ! if (g2) f2 = gobj_getxforsort(g2); while (1) { if (g1 && !(g2 && f1>f2)) { --- 2209,2214 ---- static t_gobj *canvas_merge(t_canvas *x, t_gobj *g1, t_gobj *g2) { t_gobj *g = 0, *g9 = 0; ! float f1 = g1 ? gobj_getxforsort(g1) : 0; ! float f2 = g2 ? gobj_getxforsort(g2) : 0; while (1) { if (g1 && !(g2 && f1>f2)) { *************** *** 2382,2396 **** static int canvas_xtopixels(t_canvas *x, float xval) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float width = x->x2-x->x1; ! if (!x->isgraph) return (int)((xval-x->x1)/width); ! if (x->havewindow) return (int)((x->screenx2-x->screenx1) * (xval-x->x1) / width); graph_graphrect(x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); ! return (int)(x1 + (x2-x1) * (xval-x->x1) / width); } static int canvas_ytopixels(t_canvas *x, float yval) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float height = x->y2-x->y1; ! if (!x->isgraph) return (int)((yval-x->y1)/height); ! if (x->havewindow) return (int)((x->screeny2-x->screeny1) * (yval-x->y1) / height); graph_graphrect(x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); ! return (int)(y1 + (y2-y1) * (yval-x->y1) / height); }
--- 2376,2390 ---- static int canvas_xtopixels(t_canvas *x, float xval) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float width = x->x2-x->x1; ! if (!x->isgraph) return int((xval-x->x1)/width); ! if (x->havewindow) return int((x->screenx2-x->screenx1) * (xval-x->x1) / width); graph_graphrect(x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); ! return int(x1 + (x2-x1) * (xval-x->x1) / width); } static int canvas_ytopixels(t_canvas *x, float yval) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float height = x->y2-x->y1; ! if (!x->isgraph) return int((yval-x->y1)/height); ! if (x->havewindow) return int((x->screeny2-x->screeny1) * (yval-x->y1) / height); graph_graphrect(x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); ! return int(y1 + (y2-y1) * (yval-x->y1) / height); }
*************** *** 2488,2497 **** #define DRAWLABEL(x1,y1) sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create text %d %d -text {%s} -font "FONT" -tags %s\n", (long)c, \ int(canvas_xtopixels(x,x1)),int(canvas_ytopixels(x,y1)),s,canvas_getfont(x),tag); ! for (int i=0; i < x->nxlabels; i++) { ! char *s = x->xlabel[i]->name; DRAWLABEL(atof(s),x->xlabely); ! } ! for (int i=0; i < x->nylabels; i++) { ! char *s = x->ylabel[i]->name; DRAWLABEL(x->ylabelx,atof(s)); ! } }
--- 2482,2487 ---- #define DRAWLABEL(x1,y1) sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create text %d %d -text {%s} -font "FONT" -tags %s\n", (long)c, \ int(canvas_xtopixels(x,x1)),int(canvas_ytopixels(x,y1)),s,canvas_getfont(x),tag); ! for (int i=0; i < x->nxlabels; i++) {char *s = x->xlabel[i]->name; DRAWLABEL(atof(s),x->xlabely);} ! for (int i=0; i < x->nylabels; i++) {char *s = x->ylabel[i]->name; DRAWLABEL(x->ylabelx,atof(s));} }
*************** *** 2571,2575 **** static void canvas_readatoms(t_canvas *x, int natoms, t_atom *vec, int *p_nextmsg, t_symbol *templatesym, t_word *w, int argc, t_atom *argv) { - int message, n; t_template *t = template_findbyname(templatesym); if (!t) { --- 2561,2564 ---- *************** *** 2579,2583 **** } word_restore(w, t, argc, argv); ! n = t->n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (t->vec[i].type == DT_ARRAY) { --- 2568,2572 ---- } word_restore(w, t, argc, argv); ! int n = t->n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (t->vec[i].type == DT_ARRAY) { *************** *** 2586,2593 **** t_symbol *arraytemplatesym = t->vec[i].arraytemplate; t_template *arraytemplate = template_findbyname(arraytemplatesym); ! if (!arraytemplate) { ! pd_error(x,"%s: no such template", arraytemplatesym->name); ! } else while (1) { t_word *element; int nline = canvas_scanbinbuf(natoms, vec, &message, p_nextmsg); --- 2575,2581 ---- t_symbol *arraytemplatesym = t->vec[i].arraytemplate; t_template *arraytemplate = template_findbyname(arraytemplatesym); ! if (!arraytemplate) pd_error(x,"%s: no such template", arraytemplatesym->name); else while (1) { + int message; t_word *element; int nline = canvas_scanbinbuf(natoms, vec, &message, p_nextmsg); *************** *** 2599,2604 **** nitems++; } ! } ! else if (t->vec[i].type == DT_LIST) { while (1) { if (!canvas_readscalar(w->w_list, natoms, vec, p_nextmsg, 0)) break; --- 2587,2591 ---- nitems++; } ! } else if (t->vec[i].type == DT_LIST) { while (1) { if (!canvas_readscalar(w->w_list, natoms, vec, p_nextmsg, 0)) break; *************** *** 2693,2699 **** t_canvas *canvas = canvas_getcanvas(x); int wasvis = canvas_isvisible(canvas); ! int cr = 0; ! if (!strcmp(format->name, "cr")) cr = 1; ! else if (*format->name) pd_error(x,"canvas_read: unknown flag: %s", format->name);
/* flag 2 means eval continuously. this is required to autodetect the syntax */ --- 2680,2685 ---- t_canvas *canvas = canvas_getcanvas(x); int wasvis = canvas_isvisible(canvas); ! int cr = strcmp(format->name, "cr")==0; ! if (!cr && *format->name) pd_error(x,"canvas_read: unknown flag: %s", format->name);
/* flag 2 means eval continuously. this is required to autodetect the syntax */ *************** *** 2717,2721 **** we delete the scalar and put the new thing in its place on the list. */ void canvas_dataproperties(t_canvas *x, t_scalar *sc, t_binbuf *b) { ! int ntotal=0, nnew, scindex=-1; t_gobj *y, *y2 = 0, *newone, *oldone = 0; canvas_each(y,x) { --- 2703,2707 ---- we delete the scalar and put the new thing in its place on the list. */ void canvas_dataproperties(t_canvas *x, t_scalar *sc, t_binbuf *b) { ! int ntotal=0, scindex=-1; t_gobj *y, *y2 = 0, *newone, *oldone = 0; canvas_each(y,x) { *************** *** 2729,2733 **** /* take the new object off the list */ if (ntotal) { ! for (y = x->list, nnew = 1; (y2 = y->g_next); y = y2, nnew++) if (nnew == ntotal) { newone = y2; y->g_next = y2->g_next; --- 2715,2720 ---- /* take the new object off the list */ if (ntotal) { ! int nnew = 1; ! for (y = x->list; (y2 = y->g_next); y = y2, nnew++) if (nnew == ntotal) { newone = y2; y->g_next = y2->g_next; *************** *** 2744,2748 **** canvas_delete(x, oldone); if (scindex > 0) { ! nnew = 1; canvas_each(y,x) { if (nnew == scindex || !y->g_next) { --- 2731,2735 ---- canvas_delete(x, oldone); if (scindex > 0) { ! int nnew = 1; canvas_each(y,x) { if (nnew == scindex || !y->g_next) { *************** *** 2826,2835 ****
static void canvas_addtemplatesforscalar(t_symbol *templatesym, t_word *w, int *p_ntemplates, t_symbol ***p_templatevec) { - t_dataslot *ds; - int i; t_template *t = template_findbyname(templatesym); canvas_doaddtemplate(templatesym, p_ntemplates, p_templatevec); ! if (!t) bug("canvas_addtemplatesforscalar"); ! else for (ds = t->vec, i = t->n; i--; ds++, w++) { if (ds->type == DT_ARRAY) { t_array *a = w->w_array; --- 2813,2821 ----
static void canvas_addtemplatesforscalar(t_symbol *templatesym, t_word *w, int *p_ntemplates, t_symbol ***p_templatevec) { t_template *t = template_findbyname(templatesym); canvas_doaddtemplate(templatesym, p_ntemplates, p_templatevec); ! if (!t) {bug("canvas_addtemplatesforscalar"); return;} ! t_dataslot *ds = t->vec; ! for (int i=t->n; i--; ds++, w++) { if (ds->type == DT_ARRAY) { t_array *a = w->w_array; *************** *** 2890,2899 ****
static void canvas_write(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *filename, t_symbol *format) { - int cr = 0; char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; t_canvas *canvas = canvas_getcanvas(x); canvas_makefilename(canvas, filename->name, buf, MAXPDSTRING); ! if (!strcmp(format->name, "cr")) cr = 1; ! else if (*format->name) pd_error(x,"canvas_write: unknown flag: %s", format->name); t_binbuf *b = canvas_writetobinbuf(x); if (b) { --- 2876,2884 ----
static void canvas_write(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *filename, t_symbol *format) { char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; t_canvas *canvas = canvas_getcanvas(x); canvas_makefilename(canvas, filename->name, buf, MAXPDSTRING); ! int cr = strcmp(format->name, "cr")==0; ! if (!cr && *format->name) pd_error(x,"canvas_write: unknown flag: %s", format->name); t_binbuf *b = canvas_writetobinbuf(x); if (b) { *************** *** 2929,2935 **** static void canvas_savecoordsto(t_canvas *x, t_binbuf *b) { /* if everything is the default, skip saving this line */ ! if (!x->isgraph && x->x1==0 && x->y1==0 && ! x->x2==1 && x->y2==1 && x->pixwidth==0 && x->pixheight==0) return; ! /* if we have a graph-on-parent rectangle, we're new style. The format is arranged so that old versions of Pd can at least do something with it. --- 2914,2918 ---- static void canvas_savecoordsto(t_canvas *x, t_binbuf *b) { /* if everything is the default, skip saving this line */ ! if (!x->isgraph && x->x1==0 && x->y1==0 && x->x2==1 && x->y2==1 && x->pixwidth==0 && x->pixheight==0) return; /* if we have a graph-on-parent rectangle, we're new style. The format is arranged so that old versions of Pd can at least do something with it. *************** *** 2972,2976 **** for (int i=0; i < ntemplates; i++) { t_template *t = template_findbyname(templatevec[i]); - int j, m = t->n; if (!t) { bug("canvas_savetemplatesto"); --- 2955,2958 ---- *************** *** 2979,2983 **** /* drop "pd-" prefix from template symbol to print */ binbuf_addv(b,"ttt","#N","struct",templatevec[i]->name+3); ! for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { t_symbol *type; switch (t->vec[j].type) { --- 2961,2965 ---- /* drop "pd-" prefix from template symbol to print */ binbuf_addv(b,"ttt","#N","struct",templatevec[i]->name+3); ! for (int j=0; j<t->n; j++) { t_symbol *type; switch (t->vec[j].type) { *************** *** 3052,3067 **** }
! static void vinlet_bang(t_vinlet *x) ! {outlet_bang(x->ob_outlet);} ! static void vinlet_pointer(t_vinlet *x, t_gpointer *gp) ! {outlet_pointer(x->ob_outlet, gp);} ! static void vinlet_float(t_vinlet *x, t_float f) ! {outlet_float(x->ob_outlet, f);} ! static void vinlet_symbol(t_vinlet *x, t_symbol *s) ! {outlet_symbol(x->ob_outlet, s);} ! static void vinlet_list(t_vinlet *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) ! {outlet_list(x->ob_outlet, s, argc, argv);} ! static void vinlet_anything(t_vinlet *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) ! {outlet_anything(x->ob_outlet, s, argc, argv);}
static void vinlet_free(t_vinlet *x) { --- 3034,3043 ---- }
! static void vinlet_bang(t_vinlet *x) {outlet_bang(x->outlet);} ! static void vinlet_pointer(t_vinlet *x, t_gpointer *gp) {outlet_pointer(x->outlet, gp);} ! static void vinlet_float(t_vinlet *x, t_float f) {outlet_float(x->outlet, f);} ! static void vinlet_symbol(t_vinlet *x, t_symbol *s) {outlet_symbol(x->outlet, s);} ! static void vinlet_list(t_vinlet *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {outlet_list(x->outlet, s, argc, argv);} ! static void vinlet_anything(t_vinlet *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {outlet_anything(x->outlet, s, argc, argv);}
static void vinlet_free(t_vinlet *x) { *************** *** 4000,4004 ****
void template_notify(t_template *t, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { ! if (t->list) outlet_anything(t->list->ob_outlet, s, argc, argv); }
--- 3976,3980 ----
void template_notify(t_template *t, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { ! if (t->list) outlet_anything(t->list->outlet, s, argc, argv); }
*************** *** 5309,5313 **** if (indx >= nitems) indx = nitems-1; gpointer_setarray(&x->gp, array, (t_word *)&array->vec[indx*elemsize]); ! outlet_pointer(x->ob_outlet, &x->gp); }
--- 5285,5289 ---- if (indx >= nitems) indx = nitems-1; gpointer_setarray(&x->gp, array, (t_word *)&array->vec[indx*elemsize]); ! outlet_pointer(x->outlet, &x->gp); }
*************** *** 5351,5355 **** t_word *w = gpointer_word(gp); t_array *array = *(t_array **)(((char *)w) + onset); ! outlet_float(x->ob_outlet, (float)(array->n)); }
--- 5327,5331 ---- t_word *w = gpointer_word(gp); t_array *array = *(t_array **)(((char *)w) + onset); ! outlet_float(x->outlet, (float)(array->n)); }
*************** *** 5478,5482 **** for (int i=0; i<nitems; i++,vp++) template_setfloat(t, vp->sym, vec, vp->f, 1); scalar_redraw(sc, canvas); ! outlet_pointer(x->ob_outlet, gp); }
--- 5454,5458 ---- for (int i=0; i<nitems; i++,vp++) template_setfloat(t, vp->sym, vec, vp->f, 1); scalar_redraw(sc, canvas); ! outlet_pointer(x->outlet, gp); }
*************** *** 5518,5522 **** t_word *w = gpointer_word(gp); gpointer_setcanvas(&x->gp, *(t_canvas **)(((char *)w) + onset), 0); ! outlet_pointer(x->ob_outlet, &x->gp); }
--- 5494,5498 ---- t_word *w = gpointer_word(gp); gpointer_setcanvas(&x->gp, *(t_canvas **)(((char *)w) + onset), 0); ! outlet_pointer(x->outlet, &x->gp); }
*************** *** 5697,5705 **** }
! struct t_mresp { ! t_pd mr_pd; t_outlet *outlet; }; - struct t_message : t_text { t_mresp mresp; --- 5673,5679 ---- }
! struct t_mresp : t_pd { t_outlet *outlet; }; struct t_message : t_text { t_mresp mresp; *************** *** 5716,5726 ****
static void message_bang(t_message *x) ! {binbuf_eval(x->binbuf, &x->mresp.mr_pd, 0, 0);} static void message_float(t_message *x, t_float f) ! {t_atom at; SETFLOAT(&at, f); binbuf_eval(x->binbuf, &x->mresp.mr_pd, 1, &at);} static void message_symbol(t_message *x, t_symbol *s) ! {t_atom at; SETSYMBOL(&at, s); binbuf_eval(x->binbuf, &x->mresp.mr_pd, 1, &at);} static void message_list(t_message *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) ! {binbuf_eval(x->binbuf, &x->mresp.mr_pd, argc, argv);} static void message_add2(t_message *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {binbuf_add(x->binbuf, argc, argv); gobj_changed(x,"binbuf");} --- 5690,5700 ----
static void message_bang(t_message *x) ! {binbuf_eval(x->binbuf,&x->mresp, 0, 0);} static void message_float(t_message *x, t_float f) ! {t_atom at; SETFLOAT(&at, f); binbuf_eval(x->binbuf, &x->mresp, 1, &at);} static void message_symbol(t_message *x, t_symbol *s) ! {t_atom at; SETSYMBOL(&at, s); binbuf_eval(x->binbuf, &x->mresp, 1, &at);} static void message_list(t_message *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) ! {binbuf_eval(x->binbuf, &x->mresp, argc, argv);} static void message_add2(t_message *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {binbuf_add(x->binbuf, argc, argv); gobj_changed(x,"binbuf");} *************** *** 5751,5755 **** void canvas_msg(t_canvas *gl, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_message *x = (t_message *)pd_new(message_class); ! x->mresp.mr_pd._class = mresp_class; x->mresp.outlet = outlet_new(x,&s_float); x->binbuf = binbuf_new(); --- 5725,5729 ---- void canvas_msg(t_canvas *gl, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_message *x = (t_message *)pd_new(message_class); ! x->mresp._class = mresp_class; x->mresp.outlet = outlet_new(x,&s_float); x->binbuf = binbuf_new(); *************** *** 6448,6452 ****
static void bng_bout2(t_bng *x) { ! outlet_bang(x->ob_outlet); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_bang(x->snd->thing); } --- 6422,6426 ----
static void bng_bout2(t_bng *x) { ! outlet_bang(x->outlet); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_bang(x->snd->thing); } *************** *** 6454,6458 **** static void bng_bang(t_bng *x) { bng_set(x); ! outlet_bang(x->ob_outlet); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing && iemgui_forward(x)) pd_bang(x->snd->thing); } --- 6428,6432 ---- static void bng_bang(t_bng *x) { bng_set(x); ! outlet_bang(x->outlet); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing && iemgui_forward(x)) pd_bang(x->snd->thing); } *************** *** 6509,6513 ****
static void toggle_action(t_toggle *x) { ! outlet_float(x->ob_outlet, x->on); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_float(x->snd->thing, x->on); } --- 6483,6487 ----
static void toggle_action(t_toggle *x) { ! outlet_float(x->outlet, x->on); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_float(x->snd->thing, x->on); } *************** *** 6568,6577 **** SETFLOAT(x->at,a); SETFLOAT(x->at+1,b); ! outlet_list(x->ob_outlet, &s_list, 2, x->at); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_list(x->snd->thing, &s_list, 2, x->at); }
static void radio_send(t_radio *x, float a) { ! outlet_float(x->ob_outlet,a); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_float(x->snd->thing,a); } --- 6542,6551 ---- SETFLOAT(x->at,a); SETFLOAT(x->at+1,b); ! outlet_list(x->outlet, &s_list, 2, x->at); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_list(x->snd->thing, &s_list, 2, x->at); }
static void radio_send(t_radio *x, float a) { ! outlet_float(x->outlet,a); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_float(x->snd->thing,a); } *************** *** 6708,6712 **** double out = x->is_log ? x->min*exp(t) : x->min+t; if (fabs(out) < 1.0e-10) out = 0.0; ! outlet_float(x->ob_outlet, out); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_float(x->snd->thing, out); } --- 6682,6686 ---- double out = x->is_log ? x->min*exp(t) : x->min+t; if (fabs(out) < 1.0e-10) out = 0.0; ! outlet_float(x->outlet, out); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_float(x->snd->thing, out); } *************** *** 6791,6795 ****
static void nbx_bang(t_nbx *x) { ! outlet_float(x->ob_outlet, x->val); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_float(x->snd->thing, x->val); } --- 6765,6769 ----
static void nbx_bang(t_nbx *x) { ! outlet_float(x->outlet, x->val); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_float(x->snd->thing, x->val); } *************** *** 7012,7016 ****
static void dropper_bang(t_dropper *x) { ! outlet_symbol(x->ob_outlet, x->ds); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_symbol(x->snd->thing, x->ds); } --- 6986,6990 ----
static void dropper_bang(t_dropper *x) { ! outlet_symbol(x->outlet, x->ds); if(x->snd && x->snd->thing) pd_symbol(x->snd->thing, x->ds); } *************** *** 7124,7140 **** }
! /* utility function to read a file, looking first down the canvas's search ! path (set with "declare" objects in the patch and recursively in calling ! patches), then down the system one. The filename is the concatenation of ! "name" and "ext". "Name" may be absolute, or may be relative with ! slashes. If anything can be opened, the true directory ! ais put in the buffer dirresult (provided by caller), which should ! be "size" bytes. The "nameresult" pointer will be set somewhere in ! the interior of "dirresult" and will give the file basename (with ! slashes trimmed). If "bin" is set a 'binary' open is ! attempted, otherwise ASCII (this only matters on Microsoft.) ! If "x" is zero, the file is sought in the directory "." or in the ! global path.*/ ! int canvas_open(t_canvas *x, const char *name, const char *ext, char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin) { --- 7098,7109 ---- }
! /* utility function to read a file, looking first down the canvas's search path (set with "declare" ! objects in the patch and recursively in calling patches), then down the system one. The filename ! is the concatenation of "name" and "ext". "Name" may be absolute, or may be relative with slashes. ! If anything can be opened, the true directory is put in the buffer dirresult (provided by caller), ! which should be "size" bytes. The "nameresult" pointer will be set somewhere in the interior of ! "dirresult" and will give the file basename (with slashes trimmed). If "bin" is set a 'binary' ! open is attempted, otherwise ASCII (this only matters on Microsoft.) If "x" is zero, the file is ! sought in the directory "." or in the global path.*/ int canvas_open(t_canvas *x, const char *name, const char *ext, char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin) { *************** *** 7168,7172 **** reply_class = class_new2("reply",0,reply_free,sizeof(t_reply),CLASS_GOBJ,"!"); // class_setsavefn(reply_class, (t_savefn)reply_savefn); - declare_class = class_new2("declare",declare_new,declare_free,sizeof(t_declare),CLASS_NOINLET,"*"); t_class *c = canvas_class = class_new2("canvas",0,canvas_free,sizeof(t_canvas),CLASS_NOINLET,""); --- 7137,7140 ---- *************** *** 7228,7243 **** t_class *visualloader_class;
! static t_pd *visualloader_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { ! return pd_new(visualloader_class); ! } ! static void visualloader_free(t_pd *self) {free(self);} ! ! static void copy_atoms(int argc, t_atom *argvdest, t_atom *argvsrc) { ! memcpy(argvdest,argvsrc,argc*sizeof(t_atom)); ! } ! static void visualloader_anything(t_gobj *self, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { - t_hash *h; int i=0,j=0; //printf("visualloader_anything start newest=%p\n",newest); --- 7196,7203 ---- t_class *visualloader_class;
! static t_pd *visualloader_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {return pd_new(visualloader_class);} static void visualloader_free(t_pd *self) {free(self);} ! static void copy_atoms(int argc, t_atom *argvdest, t_atom *argvsrc) {memcpy(argvdest,argvsrc,argc*sizeof(t_atom));} static void visualloader_anything(t_gobj *self, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int i=0,j=0; //printf("visualloader_anything start newest=%p\n",newest); *************** *** 7251,7255 **** //printf("#V reading '%s':\n",s->name); if (!newest) {pd_error(self,"#V: there is no newest object\n"); return;} ! h = ((t_gobj *)newest)->dix->visual; if (hash_exists(h,s)) { //printf("'%s' exists, deleting\n",s->name); --- 7211,7215 ---- //printf("#V reading '%s':\n",s->name); if (!newest) {pd_error(self,"#V: there is no newest object\n"); return;} ! t_hash *h = ((t_gobj *)newest)->dix->visual; if (hash_exists(h,s)) { //printf("'%s' exists, deleting\n",s->name); *************** *** 7504,7521 **** char buf[256], buf2[256]; char cwd[666]; - t_namelist *nl; getcwd(cwd,665); sys_socketreceiver=netreceive_newest_receiver(sys_netreceive); //fprintf(stderr,"sys_socketreceiver=%p\n",sys_socketreceiver); /* load dynamic libraries specified with "-lib" args */ ! for (nl = sys_externlist; nl; nl = nl->nl_next) if (!sys_load_lib(0, nl->nl_string)) post("%s: can't load library", nl->nl_string); /* open patches specified with "-open" args */ ! for (nl = sys_openlist; nl; nl = nl->nl_next) openit(cwd, nl->nl_string); namelist_free(sys_openlist); sys_openlist = 0; /* send messages specified with "-send" args */ ! for (nl = sys_messagelist; nl; nl = nl->nl_next) { t_binbuf *b = binbuf_new(); binbuf_text(b, nl->nl_string, strlen(nl->nl_string)); --- 7464,7480 ---- char buf[256], buf2[256]; char cwd[666]; getcwd(cwd,665); sys_socketreceiver=netreceive_newest_receiver(sys_netreceive); //fprintf(stderr,"sys_socketreceiver=%p\n",sys_socketreceiver); /* load dynamic libraries specified with "-lib" args */ ! for (t_namelist *nl=sys_externlist; nl; nl = nl->nl_next) if (!sys_load_lib(0, nl->nl_string)) post("%s: can't load library", nl->nl_string); /* open patches specified with "-open" args */ ! for (t_namelist *nl=sys_openlist; nl; nl = nl->nl_next) openit(cwd, nl->nl_string); namelist_free(sys_openlist); sys_openlist = 0; /* send messages specified with "-send" args */ ! for (t_namelist *nl=sys_messagelist; nl; nl = nl->nl_next) { t_binbuf *b = binbuf_new(); binbuf_text(b, nl->nl_string, strlen(nl->nl_string));