Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/packages/darwin_app In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv29979/darwin_app
Modified Files: Makefile TODO Log Message: a few tweaks to make sure everything is assembling
Index: Makefile =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/packages/darwin_app/Makefile,v retrieving revision 1.17 retrieving revision 1.18 diff -C2 -d -r1.17 -r1.18 *** Makefile 21 Nov 2005 04:37:41 -0000 1.17 --- Makefile 21 Nov 2005 07:03:50 -0000 1.18 *************** *** 83,87 **** make $(DEST_PATHS) PD_CONFIGURE_FLAGS=--enable-jack pd_install # tigital's Gem window focus black magic: ! /Developer/tools/Rez -t APPL mac.r -o $(BIN_DEST)/pd cd "$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/Resources/Scripts" && \ ln -s ../bin/pd.tk AppMain.tcl --- 83,88 ---- make $(DEST_PATHS) PD_CONFIGURE_FLAGS=--enable-jack pd_install # tigital's Gem window focus black magic: ! install -p $(CWD)/mac.r $(BIN_DEST) ! cd $(BIN_DEST) && /Developer/tools/Rez -t APPL mac.r -o pd cd "$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/Resources/Scripts" && \ ln -s ../bin/pd.tk AppMain.tcl *************** *** 275,279 **** install -p noncvs/doc/5.reference/*.* $(HELP_DEST) test -d noncvs/extra && install -p noncvs/extra/*.* $(OBJECTS_DEST) ! test -d noncvs/doc/serendipd && cp -Rp noncvs/doc/serendipd $(DOCS_DEST)
darwin_app_perms: --- 276,281 ---- install -p noncvs/doc/5.reference/*.* $(HELP_DEST) test -d noncvs/extra && install -p noncvs/extra/*.* $(OBJECTS_DEST) ! test -d noncvs/doc/serendipd && cp -Rp noncvs/doc/serendipd \ ! $(APPLICATIONS_DEST)
darwin_app_perms: *************** *** 281,293 **** chmod -R a-w $(DOCS_DEST) # serendiPd shared patch ! test -d $(DOCS_DEST)/serendipd && \ ! chmod a+w $(DOCS_DEST)/serendipd/*shared_patch.pd
! dmg: darwin_app_readme darwin_app_welcome darwin_app_license darwin_app_perms install -d "$(CWD)/$(DMG_NAME)" cd $(BUILD_BASE) && mv $(PD_APP_NAME).app "$(CWD)/$(DMG_NAME)/$(DMG_NAME).app" ! install -p -m0444 $(PD_SRC)/LICENSE.txt "$(CWD)/$(DMG_NAME)/PD LICENSE.txt" ! install -p -m0444 $(LICENSE_FILE) $(README_FILE) \ ! $(WELCOME_FILE) $(LICENSE_FILE) "$(CWD)/$(DMG_NAME)" cd $(CWD) && /bin/sh mkdmg "$(DMG_NAME)"
--- 283,294 ---- chmod -R a-w $(DOCS_DEST) # serendiPd shared patch ! test -d $(APPLICATIONS_DEST)/serendipd && \ ! chmod a+w $(APPLICATIONS_DEST)/serendipd/*shared_patch.pd
! dmg: darwin_app_perms install -d "$(CWD)/$(DMG_NAME)" cd $(BUILD_BASE) && mv $(PD_APP_NAME).app "$(CWD)/$(DMG_NAME)/$(DMG_NAME).app" ! install -p -m0444 $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/*.txt $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/*.html \ ! "$(CWD)/$(DMG_NAME)" cd $(CWD) && /bin/sh mkdmg "$(DMG_NAME)"
Index: TODO =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/packages/darwin_app/TODO,v retrieving revision 1.9 retrieving revision 1.10 diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10 *** TODO 21 Nov 2005 04:37:41 -0000 1.9 --- TODO 21 Nov 2005 07:03:50 -0000 1.10 *************** *** 1,3 **** --- 1,5 ----
+ - check to make sure that Rez mac.r is working in Makefile + - make Pd open a new window when its launched to workaround the bug where the menus don't work until a window is opened. *************** *** 8,21 **** (cd Pd.app/Contents/Resources/extra && ln -s . lib)
- - explore Pd.app/Contents/Plugins with "Get Info" installation for externals - (just make it a symlink to Resources/extra) - - from Carmen Rocco about [fiddle~] crash: "is fiddle~: * compiled with the same header * linked with the same binary of (lib)pd * compiled with the same compiler? i had very similar issues with bonk on windows (Virtually same stacktrace but s/fiddle/bonk) until fixing the above 3 things..."
- - test for noncvs locations before copying to prevent show-stopping errors - - - investigate moving pd binary to Contents/MacOS to solve GEM window not - getting focus, i.e. no symlink, make it the real binary location - - review permissions so that you can build on top on existing builds
--- 10,15 ---- *************** *** 55,60 **** - make Cmd-click work like Ctrl-click
! - convert from -DMACOSX to -D__APPLE__ where ever possible (check out ! __gnu_linux__) while I am at it
- instead of shipping Pd.app with a org.puredata.pd.plist, make a script that --- 49,54 ---- - make Cmd-click work like Ctrl-click
! - write script to convert from -DMACOSX to -D__APPLE__ where ever possible (check out ! __gnu_linux__ while I am at it) and submit to miller
- instead of shipping Pd.app with a org.puredata.pd.plist, make a script that