Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv12109
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: fix Canvas do_paste
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.125 -r1.1.2.600.2.126 *** desire.tk 20 Dec 2006 02:09:00 -0000 --- desire.tk 20 Dec 2006 03:59:19 -0000 *************** *** 1864,1868 **** netsend [concat [list .$self $sel $x $y] $args] $goto } ! def Canvas new_object_callback {obj} {} def Canvas new_object_select {obj} {$self selection+= $obj} --- 1864,1868 ---- netsend [concat [list .$self $sel $x $y] $args] $goto } ! def Canvas new_wire_callback {wire} {} def Canvas new_object_callback {obj} {} def Canvas new_object_select {obj} {$self selection+= $obj} *************** *** 2915,2923 **** set in 0 $self deselect_all - mset {vx1 vy1 vx2 vy2} [$self visible_rect] - mset {xcoords ycoords} [$self clipboard_coords $offset] - set visible [$self paste_visible? $vx1 $vy1 $vx2 $vy2 $offset] - set ref [lsearch $ycoords [lindex [lsort -increasing $ycoords] 0]] - #pd .$self push netsend [list .$self "push"] set paste(state) $self --- 2915,2918 ---- *************** *** 2925,2957 **** set type [lindex $mess 1] switch $type { ! canvas {set in 1; netsend $mess} "" {} connect { mset {from outlet to inlet} [lrange $mess 2 end] set count [llength $@children] set mess2 [list #X connect [expr $from+$count] $outlet [expr $to+$count] $inlet] ! if {$in} {netsend $mess} else {netsend $mess2 [list $self new_wire_select]} } default { ! if {$type == "restore"} {set in 0} ! mset {x y} [lmap + [lrange $mess 2 3] $offset] ! set mess2 [lreplace $mess 2 3 $x $y] ! if {$in} { ! netsend $mess [list $self new_object_callback] ! } else { ! if {!$visible} { ! set xoff [expr ($vx2 - $vx1) * 0.25] ! set yoff [expr ($vy2 - $vy1) * 0.25] ! set x2 [expr [lindex $mess 2] - [lindex $xcoords $ref] + $vx1 + $xoff] ! set y2 [expr [lindex $mess 3] - [lindex $ycoords $ref] + $vy1 + $yoff] ! set mess2 [lreplace $mess 2 3 $x2 $y2] ! } ! netsend $mess2 [list $self new_object_select] } } } } netsend [list #X pop 1] }
def Canvas cut {} { $@history atomically [list cut] { --- 2920,2970 ---- set type [lindex $mess 1] switch $type { ! "" {} ! canvas {set in 1; set goto [list $self new_object_select]} connect { mset {from outlet to inlet} [lrange $mess 2 end] set count [llength $@children] set mess2 [list #X connect [expr $from+$count] $outlet [expr $to+$count] $inlet] ! if {$in} {set goto ""} else { ! set mess $mess2 ! set goto [list $self new_wire_select] ! } } + restore {set in 0; set goto "";set mess [$self paste_coords $mess $offset]} default { ! if {$in} {set goto ""} else { ! set mess [$self paste_coords $mess $offset] ! set goto [list $self new_object_select] } } } + switch $goto { + "" {netsend $mess} + default {netsend $mess $goto} + } } netsend [list #X pop 1] }
+ def Canvas paste_coords {mess offset} { + set x [lindex $mess 2]; set y [lindex $mess 3] + mset {vx1 vy1 vx2 vy2} [$self visible_rect] + mset {xcoords ycoords} [$self clipboard_coords $offset] + set visible [$self paste_visible? $vx1 $vy1 $vx2 $vy2 $offset] + set ref [lsearch $ycoords [lindex [lsort -increasing $ycoords] 0]] + if {!$visible} { + set xoff [expr ($vx2 - $vx1) * 0.25] + set yoff [expr ($vy2 - $vy1) * 0.25] + set x2 [expr [lindex $mess 2] - [lindex $xcoords $ref] + $vx1 + $xoff] + set y2 [expr [lindex $mess 3] - [lindex $ycoords $ref] + $vy1 + $yoff] + set mess2 [lreplace $mess 2 3 $x2 $y2] + return $mess2 + } else { + set mess2 [lreplace $mess 2 3 [expr $x+$offset] [expr $y+$offset]] + return $mess2 + } + + } + def Canvas cut {} { $@history atomically [list cut] {