Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv7612
Modified Files: Tag: branch-v0-39-2-extended 02.basic_elements.pd 03.getting_help.pd 04.edit_mode.pd 05.objects.pd 06.connections.pd 07.messages.pd 08.EXERCISE-make_your_first_patch.pd 09.bang.pd 10.event_driven_processing.pd 11.counters.pd 12.hot_and_cold_inlets.pd 13.building_messages.pd 14.right_to_left_order.pd 15.ordering_messages.pd 16.depth_first.pd 17.inlets_and_outlets.pd 18.storage_objects.pd 19.atoms.pd 20.atomic_messages.pd 21.selectors.pd 22.subpatches.pd 23.inlets_and_outlets.pd 24.outlet_order.pd 26.EXERCISE-hmmm.pd 27.turning_on_and_off.pd 28.properties.pd 29.sliders.pd 30.gui_objects.pd 31.nervous_guis.pd 32.EXERCISE-make_a_gui_object_dynamic.pd 33.selecting_events.pd 34.comparing_numbers.pd 36.init_to_0.pd 37.math_expr.pd 38.EXERCISE-help_americans.pd 39.building_lists.pd 40.using_lists.pd 41.sorting_messages_by_type.pd 42.trigger_conversion.pd 43.grabbing_keystrokes.pd 44.multiple_messages.pd 45.send_messages_to_pd.pd 46.pure_data_files.pd EXERCISE_TEMPLATE.pd TEMPLATE.pd building_lists.pd comparing_numbers.pd determinism.pd floats_and_ints.pd init_to_0.pd keywords.pd multiple_messages.pd number_limitations.pd pure_data_files.pd selecting_events.pd send_messages_to_pd.pd sorting_messages_by_selectors.pd symbol_conversion.pd trigger_conversion.pd using_lists.pd Added Files: Tag: branch-v0-39-2-extended +pager.pd Removed Files: Tag: branch-v0-39-2-extended 31.guis.pd Log Message: quick clean up
Index: 36.init_to_0.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/36.init_to_0.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 36.init_to_0.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 36.init_to_0.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,3 **** ! #N canvas 396 67 603 361 12; #X text 21 93 float values are automatically initialized to 0 in Pd. ; --- 1,3 ---- ! #N canvas -7 42 656 460 12; #X text 21 93 float values are automatically initialized to 0 in Pd. ; *************** *** 16,20 **** #X msg 67 148 bang; #X msg 425 148 bang; ! #X obj 12 13 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty init_to_zero 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 67 285 0; --- 16,20 ---- #X msg 67 148 bang; #X msg 425 148 bang; ! #X obj 12 13 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty init_to_zero 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 67 285 0;
Index: 08.EXERCISE-make_your_first_patch.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/08.EXERCISE-make_your_first_patch.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 08.EXERCISE-make_your_first_patch.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:10:23 -0000 1.1 --- 08.EXERCISE-make_your_first_patch.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 1,5 **** #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 600 40 empty empty EXERCISE-make_your_first_patch ! 20 12 0 24 -262131 -66577 0; #X text 15 71 Its time to make your first patch. Follow the instructions on the right:; --- 1,5 ---- #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 600 40 empty empty EXERCISE-make_your_first_patch ! 10 15 0 24 -262131 -66577 0; #X text 15 71 Its time to make your first patch. Follow the instructions on the right:;
Index: 26.EXERCISE-hmmm.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/26.EXERCISE-hmmm.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 26.EXERCISE-hmmm.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 26.EXERCISE-hmmm.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 93,97 **** #X msg 285 242 try again; #X obj 11 10 cnv 15 600 40 empty empty EXERCISE-make_your_first_patch ! 20 12 0 24 -262131 -66577 0; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 4 0 0 1; --- 93,97 ---- #X msg 285 242 try again; #X obj 11 10 cnv 15 600 40 empty empty EXERCISE-make_your_first_patch ! 10 15 0 24 -262131 -66577 0; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 4 0 0 1;
Index: keywords.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/keywords.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** keywords.pd 12 Apr 2006 14:23:54 -0000 1.1 --- keywords.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 21 40 643 459 12; ! #X obj -39 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty keywords 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 127 126 float; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 21 40 643 459 12; ! #X obj -39 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty keywords 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 127 126 float;
--- NEW FILE: +pager.pd --- #N canvas 657 22 430 83 10; #N canvas 363 198 743 593 guts 0; #X obj 252 148 mapping/tolist; #X obj 150 289 list; #X obj 251 175 list-abs/list-len; #X obj 339 92 makefilename %s/[0-9]*.pd; #X obj 190 19 loadbang; #X obj 156 400 makefilename pd-%s; #X obj 60 10 bng 50 450 50 0 empty empty --> 12 25 1 24 -141952 -1 -1; #X obj 10 10 bng 50 450 50 0 empty empty <-- 10 25 1 24 -87656 -1 -1 ; #X text 70 65 next; #X text 4 65 previous; #X obj 15 132 trigger bang float; #X text 94 99 up; #X obj 150 260 trigger bang float bang bang float; #X obj 324 286 list; #X obj 324 393 pack symbol symbol; #X msg 324 423 ; pd open $2 $1; #X obj 513 413 send $0-filename; #X msg 513 392 label $1; #X msg 64 98 0; #X msg 16 97 1; #X obj 151 236 cyclone/counter; #X obj 220 300 float 2; #X obj 220 323 select 0; #X msg 156 424 ; $1 menuclose 1; #X obj 157 356 list-abs/list-idx; #X obj 324 306 list-abs/list-idx; #X obj 389 353 select 0-pager.pd; #X obj 190 42 trigger bang bang bang; #X msg 336 497 label $1; #X obj 336 517 send $0-folder_name; #X msg 18 503 label $1; #X obj 18 523 send $0-current_page; #X obj 18 457 pack float float; #X obj 18 483 zexy/makesymbol (%s/%s); #X obj 63 242 float; #X obj 339 67 flatspace/getdir; #X obj 339 114 hcs/folder_list; #X obj 324 332 hcs/split_path; #X obj 157 378 hcs/split_path; #X obj 271 458 hcs/split_path; #X msg 172 139 min 0; #X connect 0 0 1 1; #X connect 0 0 2 0; #X connect 0 0 13 1; #X connect 1 0 24 0; #X connect 2 0 20 4; #X connect 2 0 34 0; #X connect 3 0 36 0; #X connect 4 0 27 0; #X connect 5 0 23 0; #X connect 6 0 18 0; #X connect 7 0 19 0; #X connect 10 0 20 0; #X connect 10 1 20 1; #X connect 12 0 1 0; #X connect 12 1 21 1; #X connect 12 2 21 0; #X connect 12 3 13 0; #X connect 12 4 25 1; #X connect 13 0 25 0; #X connect 14 0 15 0; #X connect 17 0 16 0; #X connect 18 0 10 0; #X connect 19 0 10 0; #X connect 20 0 12 0; #X connect 20 0 32 0; #X connect 21 0 22 0; #X connect 22 1 24 1; #X connect 24 0 38 0; #X connect 25 0 37 0; #X connect 26 1 17 0; #X connect 26 1 14 1; #X connect 27 0 40 0; #X connect 27 1 0 1; #X connect 27 2 35 0; #X connect 28 0 29 0; #X connect 30 0 31 0; #X connect 32 0 33 0; #X connect 33 0 30 0; #X connect 34 0 32 1; #X connect 35 0 3 0; #X connect 36 0 0 0; #X connect 37 0 14 0; #X connect 37 0 39 0; #X connect 37 1 26 0; #X connect 38 1 5 0; #X connect 39 1 28 0; #X connect 40 0 20 0; #X coords 0 -1 1 1 100 50 1 10 10; #X restore 6 8 pd guts; #X obj 167 8 cnv 15 240 25 empty $0-folder_name intro 5 12 1 14 -262131 -28 0; #X obj 107 33 cnv 15 300 25 empty $0-filename 02.basic_elements.pd 5 12 1 14 -262131 -28 0; #X obj 107 8 cnv 15 60 25 empty $0-current_page (1/48) 5 12 1 14 -262131 -28 0; #X coords 0 0 1 1 85 60 0;
Index: number_limitations.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/number_limitations.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** number_limitations.pd 12 Apr 2006 14:23:54 -0000 1.1 --- number_limitations.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 399 275 659 475 12; ! #X obj -30 9 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty number_limitations 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 13 146 NaN; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 399 275 659 475 12; ! #X obj -30 9 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty number_limitations 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 13 146 NaN;
Index: determinism.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/determinism.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** determinism.pd 13 Apr 2006 05:04:52 -0000 1.1 --- determinism.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 628 453 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty determinism 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 31 229 pddp/pddplink http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s5.3 --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 628 453 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty determinism 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 31 229 pddp/pddplink http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s5.3
Index: 23.inlets_and_outlets.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/23.inlets_and_outlets.pd,v retrieving revision 1.2 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.2.2.1 *** 23.inlets_and_outlets.pd 28 Apr 2006 13:10:40 -0000 1.2 --- 23.inlets_and_outlets.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** ! #N canvas 606 22 628 468 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty inlets_and_outlets 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #N canvas 10 40 628 468 look 0; --- 1,4 ---- ! #N canvas 22 46 632 472 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty inlets_and_outlets 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #N canvas 10 40 628 468 look 0; *************** *** 45,55 **** own patches. There are times when you need to make other inlets hot , but in general , its a good rule to stick with.; ! #X obj 332 126 cnv 15 220 120 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; ! #X obj 347 132 inlet; ! #X obj 348 218 outlet; ! #X text 402 132 take in data; ! #X text 361 173 do some stuff here; ! #X text 418 217 output data; #X text 14 72 When making your own objects and subpatches , you can create inlets and outlets using [inlet] and [outlet].; --- 45,55 ---- own patches. There are times when you need to make other inlets hot , but in general , its a good rule to stick with.; ! #X obj 332 122 cnv 15 220 120 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; ! #X obj 347 128 inlet; ! #X obj 348 214 outlet; ! #X text 402 128 take in data; ! #X text 361 169 do some stuff here; ! #X text 418 213 output data; #X text 14 72 When making your own objects and subpatches , you can create inlets and outlets using [inlet] and [outlet].;
Index: 15.ordering_messages.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/15.ordering_messages.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 15.ordering_messages.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 15.ordering_messages.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 628 468 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty ordering_messages 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 10 393 look here for the result -->; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 628 468 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty ordering_messages 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 10 393 look here for the result -->;
Index: building_lists.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/building_lists.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** building_lists.pd 13 Apr 2006 23:48:34 -0000 1.1 --- building_lists.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 148 243 628 453 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty building_lists 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 117 350 pack float float float; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 148 243 628 453 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty building_lists 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 117 350 pack float float float;
Index: 16.depth_first.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/16.depth_first.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 16.depth_first.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 16.depth_first.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 632 472 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty depth_first 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 265 229 trigger bang bang; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 632 472 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty depth_first 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 265 229 trigger bang bang;
Index: comparing_numbers.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/comparing_numbers.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** comparing_numbers.pd 13 Apr 2006 23:48:34 -0000 1.1 --- comparing_numbers.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 411 149 624 449 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty comparing_numbers 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X floatatom 24 160 5 0 0 0 - - -; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 411 149 624 449 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty comparing_numbers 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X floatatom 24 160 5 0 0 0 - - -;
--- 31.guis.pd DELETED ---
Index: 10.event_driven_processing.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/10.event_driven_processing.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 10.event_driven_processing.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:10:23 -0000 1.1 --- 10.event_driven_processing.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** ! #N canvas 10 40 628 468 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty event_driven_processing 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 18 65 Message processing is driven by events , nothing happens --- 1,4 ---- ! #N canvas 10 40 632 472 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty event_driven_processing 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 18 65 Message processing is driven by events , nothing happens *************** *** 6,10 **** until you click on the messages (the bangs at the bottom illustrate that):; ! #X obj 113 324 tgl 20 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -24198 -1 -1 1 1 ; #X obj 113 372 float; --- 6,10 ---- until you click on the messages (the bangs at the bottom illustrate that):; ! #X obj 113 324 tgl 20 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -24198 -1 -1 0 1 ; #X obj 113 372 float;
Index: selecting_events.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/selecting_events.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** selecting_events.pd 13 Apr 2006 23:48:34 -0000 1.1 --- selecting_events.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 632 457 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty selecting_events 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X floatatom 75 138 5 0 0 0 - - -; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 632 457 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty selecting_events 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X floatatom 75 138 5 0 0 0 - - -;
Index: multiple_messages.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/multiple_messages.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** multiple_messages.pd 10 Apr 2006 18:54:51 -0000 1.1 --- multiple_messages.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 517 97 631 447 12; ! #X obj -49 6 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty multiple_messages 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text -42 70 You can send multiple messages in one message box by --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 517 97 631 447 12; ! #X obj -49 6 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty multiple_messages 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text -42 70 You can send multiple messages in one message box by
Index: 04.edit_mode.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/04.edit_mode.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 04.edit_mode.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:10:23 -0000 1.1 --- 04.edit_mode.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 620 460 12; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty edit_mode 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 19 67 There are two modes when editing a patch: play and edit. --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 620 460 12; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty edit_mode 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 19 67 There are two modes when editing a patch: play and edit.
Index: 44.multiple_messages.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/44.multiple_messages.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 44.multiple_messages.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 44.multiple_messages.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** ! #N canvas 517 97 631 447 12; ! #X obj -49 6 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty multiple_messages 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text -42 70 You can send multiple messages in one message box by --- 1,4 ---- ! #N canvas 10 40 631 447 12; ! #X obj -49 6 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty multiple_messages 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text -42 70 You can send multiple messages in one message box by
Index: 34.comparing_numbers.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/34.comparing_numbers.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 34.comparing_numbers.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 34.comparing_numbers.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** ! #N canvas 411 149 628 453 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty comparing_numbers 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X floatatom 24 160 5 0 0 0 - - -; --- 1,4 ---- ! #N canvas 10 40 640 465 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty comparing_numbers 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X floatatom 24 160 5 0 0 0 - - -; *************** *** 23,34 **** #X floatatom 147 272 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 209 273 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X msg 496 115 3; ! #X floatatom 441 116 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 496 164 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X obj 496 140 > 1; ! #X obj 441 142 < 5; ! #X floatatom 441 165 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X obj 463 191 &&; ! #X floatatom 463 213 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X connect 2 0 11 0; #X connect 4 0 5 0; --- 23,34 ---- #X floatatom 147 272 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 209 273 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X msg 476 117 3; ! #X floatatom 421 118 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 476 166 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X obj 476 142 > 1; ! #X obj 421 144 < 5; ! #X floatatom 421 167 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X obj 443 193 &&; ! #X floatatom 443 215 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X connect 2 0 11 0; #X connect 4 0 5 0;
Index: 29.sliders.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/29.sliders.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 29.sliders.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 29.sliders.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty sliders 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 120 105 vsl 15 128 0 127 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -8 0 8 -262144 --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty sliders 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 120 105 vsl 15 128 0 127 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -8 0 8 -262144
Index: 27.turning_on_and_off.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/27.turning_on_and_off.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 27.turning_on_and_off.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 27.turning_on_and_off.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty turning_on_and_off 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 160 122 tgl 20 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -24198 -1 -1 1 1 --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty turning_on_and_off 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 160 122 tgl 20 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -24198 -1 -1 1 1
Index: symbol_conversion.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/symbol_conversion.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** symbol_conversion.pd 7 Apr 2006 00:15:27 -0000 1.1 --- symbol_conversion.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 68 53 638 461 12; ! #X obj 10 -38 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty symbol_conversion 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X symbolatom 73 319 10 0 0 0 - - -; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 68 53 638 461 12; ! #X obj 10 -38 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty symbol_conversion 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X symbolatom 73 319 10 0 0 0 - - -;
Index: 24.outlet_order.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/24.outlet_order.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 24.outlet_order.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 24.outlet_order.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,5 **** #N canvas 10 40 620 460 12; #X text 223 149 <-- click here ,; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty outlet_order 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 153 149 3 2 1; --- 1,5 ---- #N canvas 10 40 620 460 12; #X text 223 149 <-- click here ,; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty outlet_order 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 153 149 3 2 1;
Index: 41.sorting_messages_by_type.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/41.sorting_messages_by_type.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 41.sorting_messages_by_type.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 41.sorting_messages_by_type.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,3 **** ! #N canvas 44 68 635 451 12; #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty sorting_messages_by_type 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; --- 1,3 ---- ! #N canvas 10 40 635 451 12; #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty sorting_messages_by_type 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0;
Index: 45.send_messages_to_pd.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/45.send_messages_to_pd.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 45.send_messages_to_pd.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 45.send_messages_to_pd.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,3 **** ! #N canvas 476 37 655 592 12; #X msg 134 485 menuclose; #X obj 46 550 s pd-mon-nouveau-patch.pd; --- 1,3 ---- ! #N canvas 10 40 655 592 12; #X msg 134 485 menuclose; #X obj 46 550 s pd-mon-nouveau-patch.pd; *************** *** 16,20 **** #X obj 19 440 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 5 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0; #X obj 18 495 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 6 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty send_messages_to_pd 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 11 75 Keeping true to the name "Pure Data" , you can send --- 16,20 ---- #X obj 19 440 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 5 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0; #X obj 18 495 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 6 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty send_messages_to_pd 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 11 75 Keeping true to the name "Pure Data" , you can send
Index: 20.atomic_messages.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/20.atomic_messages.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 20.atomic_messages.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 20.atomic_messages.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; ! #X obj 10 12 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty atomic_messages 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 69 191 symbol atom; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; ! #X obj 10 12 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty atomic_messages 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 69 191 symbol atom;
Index: 38.EXERCISE-help_americans.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/38.EXERCISE-help_americans.pd,v retrieving revision 1.2 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.2.2.1 *** 38.EXERCISE-help_americans.pd 9 Aug 2006 00:31:09 -0000 1.2 --- 38.EXERCISE-help_americans.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,3 **** ! #N canvas 354 158 698 494 12; #X obj 11 10 cnv 15 600 40 empty empty EXERCISE-help_americans 20 12 0 24 -262131 -66577 0; --- 1,3 ---- ! #N canvas 10 40 641 495 12; #X obj 11 10 cnv 15 600 40 empty empty EXERCISE-help_americans 20 12 0 24 -262131 -66577 0;
Index: 03.getting_help.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/03.getting_help.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 03.getting_help.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:10:23 -0000 1.1 --- 03.getting_help.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 3,7 **** #X obj 61 150 trigger; #X text 54 28 comment; ! #X obj 12 13 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty Getting_Help 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 26 291 You can right-click on the canvas to get a list of the --- 3,7 ---- #X obj 61 150 trigger; #X text 54 28 comment; ! #X obj 12 13 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty Getting_Help 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 26 291 You can right-click on the canvas to get a list of the
Index: send_messages_to_pd.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/send_messages_to_pd.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** send_messages_to_pd.pd 13 Apr 2006 05:04:52 -0000 1.1 --- send_messages_to_pd.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 16,20 **** #X obj 19 440 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 5 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0; #X obj 18 495 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 6 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty send_messages_to_pd 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 11 75 Keeping true to the name "Pure Data" , you can send --- 16,20 ---- #X obj 19 440 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 5 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0; #X obj 18 495 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 6 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty send_messages_to_pd 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 11 75 Keeping true to the name "Pure Data" , you can send
Index: 42.trigger_conversion.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/42.trigger_conversion.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 42.trigger_conversion.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 42.trigger_conversion.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** ! #N canvas 227 116 647 463 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty trigger_conversion 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 126 187 trigger anything float bang; --- 1,4 ---- ! #N canvas 10 40 647 463 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty trigger_conversion 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 126 187 trigger anything float bang;
Index: 22.subpatches.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/22.subpatches.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 22.subpatches.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 22.subpatches.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty subpatches 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 12 69 Encapsulation is a key concept in Pd programming. Each --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty subpatches 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 12 69 Encapsulation is a key concept in Pd programming. Each
Index: 43.grabbing_keystrokes.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/43.grabbing_keystrokes.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 43.grabbing_keystrokes.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 43.grabbing_keystrokes.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,3 **** ! #N canvas 493 88 628 453 12; #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty grabbing_keystrokes 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; --- 1,3 ---- ! #N canvas 10 40 628 453 12; #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty grabbing_keystrokes 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0;
Index: 32.EXERCISE-make_a_gui_object_dynamic.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/32.EXERCISE-make_a_gui_object_dynamic.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 32.EXERCISE-make_a_gui_object_dynamic.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 32.EXERCISE-make_a_gui_object_dynamic.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,5 **** ! #N canvas 333 243 690 486 12; #X obj 11 10 cnv 15 600 40 empty empty EXERCISE-make_a_gui_object_dynamic ! 20 12 0 24 -262131 -66577 0; #X text 26 60 Take any gui object , and make it change and/or move according to your program.; --- 1,5 ---- ! #N canvas 15 44 644 486 12; #X obj 11 10 cnv 15 600 40 empty empty EXERCISE-make_a_gui_object_dynamic ! 10 15 0 24 -262131 -66577 0; #X text 26 60 Take any gui object , and make it change and/or move according to your program.;
Index: TEMPLATE.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/TEMPLATE.pd,v retrieving revision 1.5 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1 *** TEMPLATE.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.5 --- TEMPLATE.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,3 **** #N canvas 10 40 624 449 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty TEMPLATE 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; --- 1,3 ---- #N canvas 10 40 624 449 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty TEMPLATE 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0;
Index: trigger_conversion.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/trigger_conversion.pd,v retrieving revision 1.2 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.2.2.1 *** trigger_conversion.pd 13 Apr 2006 05:04:52 -0000 1.2 --- trigger_conversion.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 227 116 647 463 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty trigger_conversion 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 126 187 trigger anything float bang; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 227 116 647 463 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty trigger_conversion 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 126 187 trigger anything float bang;
Index: 21.selectors.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/21.selectors.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 21.selectors.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 21.selectors.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 628 468 12; ! #X obj 8 -33 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty selectors 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #N canvas 10 40 620 460 object 0; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 628 468 12; ! #X obj 8 -33 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty selectors 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #N canvas 10 40 620 460 object 0;
Index: 33.selecting_events.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/33.selecting_events.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 33.selecting_events.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 33.selecting_events.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 636 461 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty selecting_events 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X floatatom 328 112 5 0 0 0 - - -; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 636 461 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty selecting_events 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X floatatom 328 112 5 0 0 0 - - -;
Index: 11.counters.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/11.counters.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 11.counters.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:10:23 -0000 1.1 --- 11.counters.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty counters 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 156 362 cnv 15 100 60 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -261039 -66577 --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty counters 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 156 362 cnv 15 100 60 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -261039 -66577
Index: EXERCISE_TEMPLATE.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/EXERCISE_TEMPLATE.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** EXERCISE_TEMPLATE.pd 13 Apr 2006 04:42:15 -0000 1.1 --- EXERCISE_TEMPLATE.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 93,97 **** #X msg 298 242 try again; #X obj 11 10 cnv 15 600 40 empty empty EXERCISE-make_your_first_patch ! 20 12 0 24 -262131 -66577 0; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 4 0 0 1; --- 93,97 ---- #X msg 298 242 try again; #X obj 11 10 cnv 15 600 40 empty empty EXERCISE-make_your_first_patch ! 10 15 0 24 -262131 -66577 0; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 4 0 0 1;
Index: sorting_messages_by_selectors.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/sorting_messages_by_selectors.pd,v retrieving revision 1.2 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.2.2.1 *** sorting_messages_by_selectors.pd 13 Apr 2006 23:48:34 -0000 1.2 --- sorting_messages_by_selectors.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 1,3 **** #N canvas 290 64 632 457 12; #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 420 40 empty empty sorting_messages_by_selector ! 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; --- 1,3 ---- #N canvas 290 64 632 457 12; #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 420 40 empty empty sorting_messages_by_selector ! 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0;
Index: 12.hot_and_cold_inlets.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/12.hot_and_cold_inlets.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 12.hot_and_cold_inlets.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:10:23 -0000 1.1 --- 12.hot_and_cold_inlets.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 26,30 **** #X text 75 192 1) click this first , and [+ ] immediately outputs a 1; ! #X obj 6 8 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty hot_and_cold_inlets 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 10 111 All other inlets are generally "cold" inlets , which --- 26,30 ---- #X text 75 192 1) click this first , and [+ ] immediately outputs a 1; ! #X obj 6 8 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty hot_and_cold_inlets 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 10 111 All other inlets are generally "cold" inlets , which
Index: 06.connections.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/06.connections.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 06.connections.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:10:23 -0000 1.1 --- 06.connections.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 12,16 **** box , then drag and drop on the inlet of the bottom number box; #X text 28 299 ^--; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty connections 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 39 418 pddp/pddplink http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s2.6 --- 12,16 ---- box , then drag and drop on the inlet of the bottom number box; #X text 28 299 ^--; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty connections 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 39 418 pddp/pddplink http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s2.6
Index: 37.math_expr.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/37.math_expr.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 37.math_expr.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 37.math_expr.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 4,8 **** #X obj 192 137 cnv 15 80 25 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -261681 -66577 0; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty math_expr 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 204 114 sqrt(x^2 + y^2); --- 4,8 ---- #X obj 192 137 cnv 15 80 25 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -261681 -66577 0; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty math_expr 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 204 114 sqrt(x^2 + y^2);
Index: init_to_0.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/init_to_0.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** init_to_0.pd 13 Apr 2006 05:04:52 -0000 1.1 --- init_to_0.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 16,20 **** #X msg 67 148 bang; #X msg 425 148 bang; ! #X obj 12 13 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty init_to_zero 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X connect 1 0 6 0; --- 16,20 ---- #X msg 67 148 bang; #X msg 425 148 bang; ! #X obj 12 13 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty init_to_zero 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X connect 1 0 6 0;
Index: using_lists.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/using_lists.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** using_lists.pd 13 Apr 2006 23:48:34 -0000 1.1 --- using_lists.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 624 449 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty using_lists 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 49 113 300 240 1; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 624 449 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty using_lists 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 49 113 300 240 1;
Index: 31.nervous_guis.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/31.nervous_guis.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 31.nervous_guis.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 31.nervous_guis.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 632 472 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty nervous_guis 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 23 146 tgl 20 1 empty start_nervously1 empty 8 -8 0 10 -24198 --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 632 472 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty nervous_guis 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 23 146 tgl 20 1 empty start_nervously1 empty 8 -8 0 10 -24198
Index: 09.bang.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/09.bang.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 09.bang.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:10:23 -0000 1.1 --- 09.bang.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 7,11 **** #X text 14 137 Here , this toggle changes state when it receives a bang:; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty bang 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 13 79 In Pd , "bang" means "do it". What that "it" is depends --- 7,11 ---- #X text 14 137 Here , this toggle changes state when it receives a bang:; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty bang 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 13 79 In Pd , "bang" means "do it". What that "it" is depends
Index: pure_data_files.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/pure_data_files.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** pure_data_files.pd 13 Apr 2006 05:04:52 -0000 1.1 --- pure_data_files.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 23,27 **** #X text 34 75 Here is a patch that reads the file of this patch and sends it to the "clone" subpatch , making a clone:; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty pure_data_files 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 100 198 moses 52; --- 23,27 ---- #X text 34 75 Here is a patch that reads the file of this patch and sends it to the "clone" subpatch , making a clone:; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty pure_data_files 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 100 198 moses 52;
Index: floats_and_ints.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/floats_and_ints.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** floats_and_ints.pd 12 Apr 2006 14:23:41 -0000 1.1 --- floats_and_ints.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:58 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 338 33 639 455 12; ! #X obj -47 -1 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty floats_and_ints 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text -40 55 In Pd , there is only one kind of number , its generally --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 338 33 639 455 12; ! #X obj -47 -1 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty floats_and_ints 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text -40 55 In Pd , there is only one kind of number , its generally
Index: 39.building_lists.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/39.building_lists.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 39.building_lists.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 39.building_lists.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** ! #N canvas 18 89 632 457 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty building_lists 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 117 350 pack float float float; --- 1,4 ---- ! #N canvas 10 40 632 457 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty building_lists 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 117 350 pack float float float;
Index: 14.right_to_left_order.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/14.right_to_left_order.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 14.right_to_left_order.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 14.right_to_left_order.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 7,11 **** #X msg 165 264 3; #X obj 273 340 print ORDER; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty right_to_left_order 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 212 188 <-- click here ,; --- 7,11 ---- #X msg 165 264 3; #X obj 273 340 print ORDER; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty right_to_left_order 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 212 188 <-- click here ,;
Index: 40.using_lists.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/40.using_lists.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 40.using_lists.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 40.using_lists.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 624 449 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty using_lists 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 49 113 300 240 1; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 624 449 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty using_lists 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 49 113 300 240 1;
Index: 02.basic_elements.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/02.basic_elements.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 02.basic_elements.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:10:23 -0000 1.1 --- 02.basic_elements.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 7,11 **** #X text 33 334 comment; #X text 54 28 comment; ! #X obj 12 13 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty Basic_Elements 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 153 333 comment (like the rest of this text); --- 7,11 ---- #X text 33 334 comment; #X text 54 28 comment; ! #X obj 12 13 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty Basic_Elements 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 153 333 comment (like the rest of this text);
Index: 05.objects.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/05.objects.pd,v retrieving revision 1.3 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.3.2.1 *** 05.objects.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:10:23 -0000 1.3 --- 05.objects.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 28,31 **** 1; #X text 382 326 [tgl]; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty objects 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; --- 28,31 ---- 1; #X text 382 326 [tgl]; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty objects 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0;
Index: 13.building_messages.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/13.building_messages.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 13.building_messages.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 13.building_messages.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 628 453 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty building_messages 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 86 180; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 628 453 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty building_messages 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 86 180;
Index: 28.properties.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/28.properties.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 28.properties.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 28.properties.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 620 460 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty properties 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 260 148 tgl 200 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -24198 -1 -1 0 --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 620 460 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty properties 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 260 148 tgl 200 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -24198 -1 -1 0
Index: 17.inlets_and_outlets.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/17.inlets_and_outlets.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 17.inlets_and_outlets.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 17.inlets_and_outlets.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 19,23 **** #X connect 4 1 1 0; #X restore 365 254 pd another object; ! #X obj 12 13 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty inlets_and_outlets 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 14 76 When making your own objects , you can make your own --- 19,23 ---- #X connect 4 1 1 0; #X restore 365 254 pd another object; ! #X obj 12 13 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty inlets_and_outlets 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 14 76 When making your own objects , you can make your own
Index: 18.storage_objects.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/18.storage_objects.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 18.storage_objects.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 18.storage_objects.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 22,26 **** #X floatatom 185 228 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 124 507 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X obj 12 13 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty storage_objects 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 185 199 float 5.5; --- 22,26 ---- #X floatatom 185 228 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 124 507 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X obj 12 13 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty storage_objects 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X obj 185 199 float 5.5;
Index: 07.messages.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/07.messages.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 07.messages.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:10:23 -0000 1.1 --- 07.messages.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty messages 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 354 162 say hello; --- 1,4 ---- #N canvas 10 40 624 464 12; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty messages 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X msg 354 162 say hello;
Index: 46.pure_data_files.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/46.pure_data_files.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 46.pure_data_files.pd 7 May 2006 22:50:38 -0000 1.1 --- 46.pure_data_files.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,6 **** ! #N canvas 461 69 584 547 10; #X obj 191 249 textfile; #X obj 111 279 print all; - #X msg 100 223 bang; #X msg 191 213 rewind; #X obj 131 347 route canvas; --- 1,5 ---- ! #N canvas 461 69 588 551 10; #X obj 191 249 textfile; #X obj 111 279 print all; #X msg 191 213 rewind; #X obj 131 347 route canvas; *************** *** 23,54 **** #X text 34 75 Here is a patch that reads the file of this patch and sends it to the "clone" subpatch , making a clone:; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty pure_data_files 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; ! #X obj 100 198 moses 52; ! #N canvas 0 22 552 603 clone 1; #X restore 428 494 pd clone; #X msg 317 214 read 46.pure_data_files.pd; #X connect 0 0 1 0; ! #X connect 0 0 12 0; #X connect 2 0 0 0; ! #X connect 3 0 0 0; ! #X connect 4 0 10 0; ! #X connect 10 0 6 0; ! #X connect 10 1 7 0; ! #X connect 10 2 5 0; ! #X connect 10 3 8 0; ! #X connect 10 4 9 0; ! #X connect 12 0 4 0; ! #X connect 12 1 11 0; ! #X connect 13 0 17 0; ! #X connect 13 0 18 0; ! #X connect 14 0 11 0; ! #X connect 15 0 16 1; ! #X connect 16 0 15 0; #X connect 16 0 22 0; ! #X connect 17 0 24 0; ! #X connect 17 0 3 0; ! #X connect 17 0 14 0; ! #X connect 18 0 16 0; ! #X connect 22 0 2 0; ! #X connect 24 0 0 0; --- 22,53 ---- #X text 34 75 Here is a patch that reads the file of this patch and sends it to the "clone" subpatch , making a clone:; ! #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty pure_data_files 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; ! #N canvas 0 22 556 607 clone 1; #X restore 428 494 pd clone; #X msg 317 214 read 46.pure_data_files.pd; + #X obj 100 213 bang; #X connect 0 0 1 0; ! #X connect 0 0 11 0; ! #X connect 0 1 12 0; #X connect 2 0 0 0; ! #X connect 3 0 9 0; ! #X connect 9 0 5 0; ! #X connect 9 1 6 0; ! #X connect 9 2 4 0; ! #X connect 9 3 7 0; ! #X connect 9 4 8 0; ! #X connect 11 0 3 0; ! #X connect 11 1 10 0; ! #X connect 12 0 16 0; ! #X connect 12 0 17 0; ! #X connect 13 0 10 0; ! #X connect 14 0 15 1; ! #X connect 15 0 14 0; ! #X connect 15 0 23 0; #X connect 16 0 22 0; ! #X connect 16 0 2 0; ! #X connect 16 0 13 0; ! #X connect 17 0 15 0; ! #X connect 22 0 0 0; ! #X connect 23 0 0 0;
Index: 19.atoms.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/19.atoms.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 19.atoms.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:17:13 -0000 1.1 --- 19.atoms.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:56 -0000 *************** *** 2,6 **** #X obj 8 192 cnv 15 600 70 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262134 -66577 0; ! #X obj 10 12 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty atoms 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 52 190 1; --- 2,6 ---- #X obj 8 192 cnv 15 600 70 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262134 -66577 0; ! #X obj 10 12 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty atoms 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 52 190 1;
Index: 30.gui_objects.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/tutorials/intro/30.gui_objects.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1 *** 30.gui_objects.pd 18 Apr 2006 10:10:23 -0000 1.1 --- 30.gui_objects.pd 13 Feb 2007 03:34:57 -0000 *************** *** 1,4 **** ! #N canvas 10 40 644 484 10; ! #X obj 420 33 import cyclone unauthorized; #X obj 11 57 cnv 15 600 650 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262131 -66577 0; --- 1,4 ---- ! #N canvas 10 40 648 488 10; ! #X obj 414 33 import flatspace cyclone unauthorized; #X obj 11 57 cnv 15 600 650 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262131 -66577 0; *************** *** 56,60 **** #X floatatom 462 386 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 534 387 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty gui_objects 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X floatatom 244 680 5 0 0 0 - - -; --- 56,60 ---- #X floatatom 462 386 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 534 387 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X obj 10 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty gui_objects 10 15 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X floatatom 244 680 5 0 0 0 - - -;