Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv23025
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: added more bugs in the completion code and stuff
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.319 -r1.1.2.320 *** desire.tk 12 Aug 2006 15:52:48 -0000 --- desire.tk 13 Aug 2006 04:47:26 -0000 *************** *** 851,856 **** $self populate_menu .mbar.find { find find_again find_last_error} ! # slash {$self audio 1} ! # period {$self audio 0} # Q {$main really_quit} # s {$self save} S {$self save_as} --- 851,856 ---- $self populate_menu .mbar.find { find find_again find_last_error} ! # slash {$self audio 1} ! # period {$self audio 0} # Q {$main really_quit} # s {$self save} S {$self save_as} *************** *** 1617,1626 **** if {[info exists @isnew]} {set @isnew 0} set @edit 1 ! set @tab_repeats 0 $@canvas obj_in_edit= $self set @selected? 1 .$@canvas.c delete ${self}TEXT $self update_size ! bind Text <Tab> "$self tab; continue" set new_size [format %.0f [expr $font(size)*$_($@canvas:scale)]] set font_str [format $font(str2) $new_size] --- 1617,1626 ---- if {[info exists @isnew]} {set @isnew 0} set @edit 1 ! set @tab_repeats 0 $@canvas obj_in_edit= $self set @selected? 1 .$@canvas.c delete ${self}TEXT $self update_size ! #bind Text <Tab> "$self tab; continue" set new_size [format %.0f [expr $font(size)*$_($@canvas:scale)]] set font_str [format $font(str2) $new_size] *************** *** 1644,1649 **** $self item text window [list [expr $cx+2] [expr $cy+2]] -window $t -anchor nw -tags "${self}text $self" ! ! #$self draw $t configure -pady 0 -padx 1 --- 1644,1648 ---- $self item text window [list [expr $cx+2] [expr $cy+2]] -window $t -anchor nw -tags "${self}text $self" ! #$self draw $t configure -pady 0 -padx 1 *************** *** 1653,1672 **** }
- def TextBox tab {} { - puts "continue..................." - if {[winfo exists .completion]} { - #completion focus_switch Down .completion.comp .$@canvas.c.${self}text - } - - - } - def TextBox key {widget x y key iso shift} { after 0 "$self after_key $widget" switch -- $key { Tab {$self propose_completions; $widget configure -state disabled} - #--------------------------------------- label completion #default {lower .$@canvas.c.${self}propose $widget; set @tab_repeats 0} - #--------------------------------------- } } --- 1652,1660 ---- *************** *** 3156,3160 **** switch -- [lindex $mess 0] { "#N" { - post "#N: $mess" set class canvas if {$isnew} { --- 3144,3147 ---- *************** *** 3167,3171 **** } "#X" { - post "#X: $mess" set i 1 if {[lindex $mess 1] == "obj"} {set i 4} --- 3154,3157 ---- *************** *** 3372,3376 ****
def PropertiesDialog init {of} { ! super set @of $of } --- 3358,3362 ----
def PropertiesDialog init {of} { ! super cancel apply ok set @of $of } *************** *** 4028,4032 ****
def Slider bbox {} { - puts [$self _inspect] mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$@w] [expr $y1+$@h] --- 4014,4017 ---- *************** *** 4341,4345 **** set xs $@w set ys $@h ! $self item BASE rectangle $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$xs] [expr $y1+$ys] \ -fill [parse_color $@bcol] super --- 4326,4330 ---- set xs $@w set ys $@h ! $self item BASE rectangle [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$xs] [expr $y1+$ys]] \ -fill [parse_color $@bcol] super *************** *** 4616,4621 **** set @name $name set @focus ".completion.comp" - set @x $x - set @y $y set @width 0 set @height 0 --- 4601,4604 ---- *************** *** 4632,4640 **** foreach class $class_list { if {[string length $s]==0 || [string first $s $class]>=0} { ! if {[can_say $class]} { ! set t "[$class] [say $class]" ! } { ! set t "[$class]" ! } $@listbox insert end $t if {[string length $t] > [string length $@width]} {set @width [string length $t]} --- 4615,4620 ---- foreach class $class_list { if {[string length $s]==0 || [string first $s $class]>=0} { ! set t "[$class]" ! if {[can_say $class]} {append t " [say $class]"} $@listbox insert end $t if {[string length $t] > [string length $@width]} {set @width [string length $t]} *************** *** 4642,4646 **** } $@listbox selection set 0 0 - puts "matches ::: [$@listbox size] |||| width ::: $@width |||| height ::: $@height" }
--- 4622,4625 ---- *************** *** 4662,4666 **** catch { set xs [glob "$dir/*.pd*"] - #foreach x $xs {lappend class_list "[lindex [file split $x] end] (not loaded)"} foreach x $xs { set fn [lindex [file split $x] end] --- 4641,4644 ---- *************** *** 4687,4692 **** pack [frame $f] -side top -fill both -expand yes pack [label .$self.title -text ""] -side top ! listbox $f.1 -width 50 -height 20 -yscrollcommand "$f.2 set" \ ! -activestyle none scrollbar $f.2 -command "$f.1 yview" text $f.3 -width 30 -height 20 -yscrollcommand "$f.4 set" --- 4665,4669 ---- pack [frame $f] -side top -fill both -expand yes pack [label .$self.title -text ""] -side top ! listbox $f.1 -width 50 -height 20 -yscrollcommand "$f.2 set" -activestyle none scrollbar $f.2 -command "$f.1 yview" text $f.3 -width 30 -height 20 -yscrollcommand "$f.4 set" *************** *** 4711,4723 **** $self fill_box "" #bind $f.1 <Button-1> "after 1 "$self info $f.1 "" ! bind $f.1 <Button-1> "after 1 "$self focus_switch Up $b.2"" ! bind $f.1 <KeyPress> "after 1 "$self focus_switch %K $b.2"" ! #bind $b.2 <KeyPress> {after 1 "$self fill_box [.$self.butt.2 get]"} ! bind $b.2 <KeyPress> "after 1 "$self focus_switch %K $b.2"" ! #after 1 "focus $b.2" }
def* Completion list_callback {} { ! global class_list font $self search_for_externs set class_list [luniq [lsort $class_list]] --- 4688,4700 ---- $self fill_box "" #bind $f.1 <Button-1> "after 1 "$self info $f.1 "" ! bind $f.1 <Button-1> "after 1 "$self key Up $b.2"" ! foreach w [list $f.1 $b.2] { ! bind $w <KeyPress> "after 1 "$self key %K $w 0"" ! bind $w <Shift-KeyPress> "after 1 "$self key %K $w 1"" ! } }
def* Completion list_callback {} { ! global class_list $self search_for_externs set class_list [luniq [lsort $class_list]] *************** *** 4725,4730 **** toplevel .$self wm protocol .$self WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self cancel" ! #$self test_focus ! #wm overrideredirect .$self 1 set canvas $@name set f .$self.comp --- 4702,4706 ---- toplevel .$self wm protocol .$self WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self cancel" ! wm overrideredirect .$self 1 set canvas $@name set f .$self.comp *************** *** 4745,4749 **** $self fill_box [$@textbox get 1.0 1.end] $f configure -width $@width ! set box_width [winfo reqwidth $f] set box_height [winfo reqheight $f] pack $f -side left -expand yes --- 4721,4725 ---- $self fill_box [$@textbox get 1.0 1.end] $f configure -width $@width ! set box_width [winfo reqwidth $f] set box_height [winfo reqheight $f] pack $f -side left -expand yes *************** *** 4767,4782 **** wm geometry .$self [winfo reqwidth .$self]x[winfo reqheight .$self]+$box_x+$box_y
! bind $f <Button-1> "after 1 "$self focus_switch Up $@textbox"" ! bind $f <KeyPress> "$self focus_switch %K $@textbox" ! bind $f <Return> "after 1 "$self complete"" ! # shouldn't bind Text here! -- matju ! bind Text <Tab> "$self tab $@textbox; continue" ! bind $@textbox <KeyPress> "$self focus_switch %K $@textbox" ! #bind $@textbox <Tab> "after 1 "$self tab %K $@textbox $f "" focus .$self.comp }
def ClassBrowser complete {} { - puts "complete me!!!!" if {[regexp {x([0-9a-z]{6,8})text$} $@textbox obj]} { set cut [string first "text" $obj] --- 4743,4756 ---- wm geometry .$self [winfo reqwidth .$self]x[winfo reqheight .$self]+$box_x+$box_y
! bind $f <Button-1> "after 1 "$self complete"" ! bind $f <Return> "after 1 "$self complete"" ! bind $f <KeyPress> "$self key %K $@textbox 0" ! bind $f <Shift-KeyPress> "$self key %K $@textbox 1" ! bind $@textbox <Tab> "$self key %K $@textbox; break" ! bind $@textbox <KeyPress> "$self key %K $@textbox" focus .$self.comp }
def ClassBrowser complete {} { if {[regexp {x([0-9a-z]{6,8})text$} $@textbox obj]} { set cut [string first "text" $obj] *************** *** 4785,4811 **** set i [$@listbox curselection] set class [string range [lindex [$@listbox get $i] 0] 1 end-1] - # set class [lindex [$@listbox get $i] 0] $@textbox delete 1.0 1.end $@textbox insert 1.0 $class $obj unedit - #.$@name.c delete $self - #destroy .$@name.c.comp destroy .$self - }
! def ClassBrowser test_focus {} { ! if {[winfo exists .$self]} { ! after 500 $self test_focus ! puts "focus is: [focus] || viewable: [winfo viewable .$self]" ! } ! } ! ! def* ClassBrowser tab {textbox} { ! set $@focus $@listbox ! $self focus_switch Down $textbox ! }
! def* ClassBrowser focus_switch {key focus1} { #focus1 = whatever if {[regexp {x([0-9a-z]{6,8})text$} $@textbox textself]} { --- 4759,4774 ---- set i [$@listbox curselection] set class [string range [lindex [$@listbox get $i] 0] 1 end-1] $@textbox delete 1.0 1.end $@textbox insert 1.0 $class $obj unedit destroy .$self }
! #def* ClassBrowser tab {textbox} { ! # set $@focus $@listbox ! # $self key Down $textbox ! #}
! def* ClassBrowser key {key focus1 {shift 0}} { #focus1 = whatever if {[regexp {x([0-9a-z]{6,8})text$} $@textbox textself]} { *************** *** 4813,4870 **** set textself [string range $textself 0 [expr $cut -1]] } ! if {$key != "Down" & $key != "Up"} { ! puts "------> focus_switch received none down/up key => $key" if {$@focus == $@listbox} { ! puts "------> focus_switch focus = $@listbox" ! if {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z]{1}$} $key]} { switch $self { ! browser {.$self.butt.2 insert end $key} ! completion { ! puts "------> focus_switch $@listbox receives letter key $key" ! $focus1 insert 1.end $key ! $textself after_key $@textbox ! $self fill_box [$focus1 get 1.0 1.end] ! puts "------> focus_switch focus = $focus1" ! focus $focus1 ! set @focus $focus1 ! } ! } } - - if {$key == "BackSpace"} {focus $focus1; set @focus $focus1} - } - - # continue tabbing will go through the matches - if {$key == "Tab"} { - set next [expr [$@listbox index active] + 1] - puts "------> focus_switch !!! move to the item $@select!! [$@listbox index active]" - if {$next >= [expr [$@listbox size] - 1]} { - $@listbox activate 0 - } else { - #puts "------ [$@listbox yview] ------" - $@listbox activate $next - $@listbox selection clear 0 [expr [$@listbox size] - 1] - $@listbox selection set $next $next - if {$next >= [expr $@height - 1]} {$@listbox yview scroll 1 units} } } - switch $self { ! browser {$self fill_box [$focus1 get]} ! completion { ! if {$@focus == $focus1 & $key != "Tab"} { ! puts "------> focus_switch receives $key @ $@focus" ! #if {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z]{1}$} $key]} {$focus1 insert 1.end $key} ! if {[winfo exists .$self]} {$self fill_box [$focus1 get 1.0 1.end]} ! #hum, no idea why i need after 1 for it to work... ! after 1 $textself after_key $@textbox ! } ! } } ! } else { ! focus $@listbox ! set @focus $@listbox ! set @select 0 ! if {$@name == "browser"} {$self info $@listbox} } } --- 4776,4823 ---- set textself [string range $textself 0 [expr $cut -1]] } ! switch -regexp -- $key { ! Up|Down { ! focus $@listbox ! set @focus $@listbox ! set @select 0 ! if {$@name == "browser"} {$self info $@listbox} ! } ! Escape {after 1 "$self cancel"} ;# doesn't really work ! Tab { ! set next [$@listbox index active] ! incr next ! if {$next >= [$@listbox size]} {set next 0} ! $@listbox activate $next ! $@listbox selection clear 0 [expr [$@listbox size] - 1] ! $@listbox selection set $next $next ! if {$next >= [expr $@height - 1]} {$@listbox yview scroll 1 units} ! } ! Backspace {focus $focus1; set @focus $focus1} ! default { if {$@focus == $@listbox} { ! if {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z]{1}$} $key]} { switch $self { ! browser {.$self.butt.2 insert end $key} ! completion { ! $focus1 insert 1.end $key ! $textself after_key $@textbox ! $self fill_box [$focus1 get 1.0 1.end] ! focus $focus1 ! set @focus $focus1 ! } } } } switch $self { ! browser {$self fill_box [$focus1 get]} ! completion { ! if {$@focus == $focus1 & $key != "Tab"} { ! if {[winfo exists .$self]} {$self fill_box [$focus1 get 1.0 1.end]} ! #hum, no idea why i need after 1 for it to work... ! after 1 $textself after_key $@textbox ! } ! } } ! } } } *************** *** 4877,4889 **** $f.3 delete 0.0 end $f.3 insert end "class $class\n" ! foreach {k v} $class_info($class) { ! $f.3 insert end "$k="$v"\n" ! } }
- ############ completions def TextBox propose_completions {} { global class_list - # .x8241f48.c.x8242130text set widget .$@canvas.c.${self}text set propose .$@canvas.c.${self}propose --- 4830,4838 ---- $f.3 delete 0.0 end $f.3 insert end "class $class\n" ! foreach {k v} $class_info($class) {$f.3 insert end "$k="$v"\n"} }
def TextBox propose_completions {} { global class_list set widget .$@canvas.c.${self}text set propose .$@canvas.c.${self}propose *************** *** 4891,4895 **** if {![info exists class_list]} { pd pd update-class-list $self propose_completions - post_to_gui "loading class list..." return } --- 4840,4843 ---- *************** *** 4902,4910 **** if {[string compare [say $class] "{{$class}}"]} { lappend r "$class : [say $class]" - lappend c $class } { lappend r $class - lappend c $class } incr n } --- 4850,4857 ---- if {[string compare [say $class] "{{$class}}"]} { lappend r "$class : [say $class]" } { lappend r $class } + lappend c $class incr n } *************** *** 4912,4924 **** } set r [join $r "\n"] - #--------------------------------------- label completion - #set next_obj [lindex $c $@tab_repeats] - #puts "tab....$@tab_repeats ::: $next_obj" - #$propose configure -width [string length $next_obj] - #$propose delete 1.0 1.end - #$propose insert 1.0 $next_obj - #raise $propose $widget - #incr @tab_repeats - #--------------------------------------- mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] Completion new_as completion $@canvas $x1 $y1 $widget --- 4859,4862 ---- *************** *** 4933,4939 ****
proc properties_dialog {self w struct} { - #puts "self::: $self" - #puts "w::: $w" - #puts "struct::: $struct" global _ key set no_max_label 0 --- 4871,4874 ---- *************** *** 4959,4972 **** frame $f label $f.label -text $label ! # wtf, %6.6x sometimes gives me _8_ chars !?! ! #set c $_($self:$name) ! #switch -regexp -- $c { ^# { set c 0x[string trimleft $c #] } } ! #set c [expr $c & 0xFCFCFC] ! set c 0xFCFCFC ! set text_color [complement $_($self:$name)] ! button $f.color -text $_($self:$name) -font {Courier 10} -width 10 -pady 2 -fg $text_color \ ! -command [list $self choose_col $f $name $_($self:$name)] \ ! -relief sunken -background $_($self:$name) \ ! -highlightbackground [format #%6.6x $c] -activebackground [darker $_($self:$name)] set i 10 button $f.preset -text "..." -pady 2 -font {Helvetica 8} -command [list $self color_popup $f $name $i] --- 4894,4903 ---- frame $f label $f.label -text $label ! set c $_($self:$name) ! set text_color [complement $c] ! button $f.color -text $c -font {Courier 10} -width 10 -pady 2 -fg $text_color \ ! -command [list $self choose_col $f $name $c] \ ! -relief sunken -background $c \ ! -highlightbackground "#ffffff" -activebackground [darker $c] set i 10 button $f.preset -text "..." -pady 2 -font {Helvetica 8} -command [list $self color_popup $f $name $i] *************** *** 5133,5137 **** # pack $f.b.3 -side top # pack $f.b -side left ! # } entry {} default { --- 5064,5068 ---- # pack $f.b.3 -side top # pack $f.b -side left ! # } entry {} default { *************** *** 5148,5155 **** } } - }
- ############ .pdrc editor #Turns #rgb into 3 elem list of decimal vals. --- 5079,5084 ---- *************** *** 5187,5191 **** }
- # this makes the tooltip proc balloon {w help} { --- 5116,5119 ---- *************** *** 5206,5211 **** pack [message $top.txt -aspect 10000 -bg lightyellow \ -font fixed -text $arg] - # set wmx [winfo rootx $w] - # set wmy [expr [winfo rooty $w]+[winfo height $w]] set wmx [expr [winfo rootx $w]+[winfo width $w]] set wmy [winfo rooty $w] --- 5134,5137 ---- *************** *** 5875,5891 **** Português (Portuguese): Nuno Godinho Italiano (Italian): Davide Morelli" ! .$self.text configure -state disabled }
- #c proc updatesel {_ sel} { - #c variable "" - #c set os [getsel $_] - #c up $_ canvas sel - #c redraw $_ [lsort -unique [concat $os $sel]] - #c } - #c that thing..redraws anythign that is currently selected or was currently selected - #c lsort proably does what u want (has an integer flag too) - set manager [Manager new]
--- 5801,5809 ---- Português (Portuguese): Nuno Godinho Italiano (Italian): Davide Morelli" ! ! # this looks bad on OSX, iirc .$self.text configure -state disabled }
set manager [Manager new]