Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv16123
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: more converting of proc to def
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.48 -r1.1.2.49 *** desire.tk 13 Sep 2005 20:33:29 -0000 --- desire.tk 13 Sep 2005 21:58:20 -0000 *************** *** 20,24 **** proc ${name}_new {args} " global nextid _ ! set self $nextid incr nextid set _($self:_class) $name --- 20,24 ---- proc ${name}_new {args} " global nextid _ ! set self [format %08x $nextid] incr nextid set _($self:_class) $name *************** *** 65,72 **** #some variables i created, some are tmp only. --chun
- set canvas .x80f2b50 set offset 0 set offset_wire 0 - set offset_canvas 0 set offset_canvas_file 0 set offset_wire_file 0 --- 65,70 ---- *************** *** 144,148 **** switch $OS { win32 { - global pd_guidir pd_tearoff set pd_gui2 [string range $argv0 0 [expr [string last \ $argv0] - 1]] regsub -all \\ $pd_gui2 / pd_gui3 --- 142,145 ---- *************** *** 152,156 **** } osx { - global pd_guidir pd_tearoff set pd_gui2 [string range $argv0 0 [expr [string last / $argv0] - 1]] set pd_guidir $pd_gui2/.. --- 149,152 ---- *************** *** 424,428 **** }
- # Odd little function to make better Mac accelerators proc accel_munge {acc} { global OS --- 420,423 ---- *************** *** 907,976 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
! class_new canvas ! def canvas init {} { ! global offset_canvas _ ! set canvas_id [format %x [expr 0x80f2b50 + $offset_canvas]] ! set canvas_id .x$canvas_id ! set offset_canvas [expr $offset_canvas + 1] ! set _($canvas_id:obj_in_edit) 0 ! #puts "new canvas id -> $canvas_id" ! canvas_new $canvas_id 300 300 +[expr $offset_canvas*50]+[expr $offset_canvas*50] 1 ! set untitled_number $canvas_id ! } ! ! #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! ! proc canvas_new_menubar {name editable} { ! global pd_opendir pd_tearoff OS cmdline canvasmenu _ ! menu $name.m ! menu $name.m.file -tearoff $pd_tearoff ! $name.m add cascade -label File -menu $name.m.file ! populate_menu $name.m.file $name $canvasmenu(file) ! menu $name.m.edit -postcommand "menu_fixeditmenu $name" -tearoff $pd_tearoff ! $name.m add cascade -label Edit -menu $name.m.edit ! populate_menu $name.m.edit $name $canvasmenu(edit) ! # instead of "red = #BC3C60" we take "grey85", so there is no difference if ! # widget is selected or not. ! $name.m.edit add checkbutton -label "Edit mode" \ ! -indicatoron true -selectcolor grey85 \ ! -command "menu_editmode $name" \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Ctrl+e"] ! ! if {!$editable} {$name.m.edit entryconfigure "Edit mode" -indicatoron false} ! ! menu $name.m.view -tearoff $pd_tearoff ! $name.m add cascade -label View -menu $name.m.view ! populate_menu $name.m.view $name { ! {Redraw {pd "%W map 0 ; %W map 1 ;"} {}} ! } ! # {Crosshair {global crosshair; set crosshair [expr !!$crosshair]} "" toggle} ! ! menu $name.m.put -tearoff $pd_tearoff ! $name.m add cascade -label Put -menu $name.m.put ! populate_menu $name.m.put $name $canvasmenu(put) ! menu $name.m.find -tearoff $pd_tearoff ! $name.m add cascade -label Find -menu $name.m.find ! populate_menu $name.m.find $name { ! {Find... {foo menu_findobject} "Ctrl+f"} ! {"Find Again" {foo "pd %W findagain"} "Ctrl+g"} ! {"Find last error" {foo menu_finderror} {}} ! } ! menu $name.m.windows -postcommand "foo menu_fixwindowmenu" \ ! -tearoff $pd_tearoff ! populate_menu $name.m.windows $name { ! {"parent window" {foo menu_windowparent} {}} ! {"Pd window" {foo menu_pop_pd} {}} ! {} ! } ! menu $name.m.media -tearoff $pd_tearoff ! $name.m add cascade -label Media -menu $name.m.media ! $name.m add cascade -label Window -menu $name.m.windows ! menu $name.m.help -tearoff $pd_tearoff ! $name.m add cascade -label Help -menu $name.m.help ! menu_addstd $name.m } ! ! proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} {canvas_new $name $width $height $geometry $editable} ! proc canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} { #puts "canvas_new::: $name $width $height $geometry $editable" global pd_opendir pd_tearoff OS cmdline canvasmenu _ --- 902,915 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
! proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} { ! global _ ! regsub "\.x" $name "" self ! puts "NEW CANVAS $self" ! set _($self:_class) canvas ! $self init $width $height $geometry $editable } ! class_new canvas ! def canvas init {width height geometry editable} { ! set name .$self #puts "canvas_new::: $name $width $height $geometry $editable" global pd_opendir pd_tearoff OS cmdline canvasmenu _ *************** *** 1093,1096 **** --- 1032,1087 ----
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# + + proc canvas_new_menubar {name editable} { + global pd_opendir pd_tearoff OS cmdline canvasmenu _ + menu $name.m + menu $name.m.file -tearoff $pd_tearoff + $name.m add cascade -label File -menu $name.m.file + populate_menu $name.m.file $name $canvasmenu(file) + menu $name.m.edit -postcommand "menu_fixeditmenu $name" -tearoff $pd_tearoff + $name.m add cascade -label Edit -menu $name.m.edit + populate_menu $name.m.edit $name $canvasmenu(edit) + # instead of "red = #BC3C60" we take "grey85", so there is no difference if + # widget is selected or not. + $name.m.edit add checkbutton -label "Edit mode" \ + -indicatoron true -selectcolor grey85 \ + -command "menu_editmode $name" \ + -accelerator [accel_munge "Ctrl+e"] + + if {!$editable} {$name.m.edit entryconfigure "Edit mode" -indicatoron false} + + menu $name.m.view -tearoff $pd_tearoff + $name.m add cascade -label View -menu $name.m.view + populate_menu $name.m.view $name { + {Redraw {pd "%W map 0 ; %W map 1 ;"} {}} + } + # {Crosshair {global crosshair; set crosshair [expr !!$crosshair]} "" toggle} + + menu $name.m.put -tearoff $pd_tearoff + $name.m add cascade -label Put -menu $name.m.put + populate_menu $name.m.put $name $canvasmenu(put) + menu $name.m.find -tearoff $pd_tearoff + $name.m add cascade -label Find -menu $name.m.find + populate_menu $name.m.find $name { + {Find... {foo menu_findobject} "Ctrl+f"} + {"Find Again" {foo "pd %W findagain"} "Ctrl+g"} + {"Find last error" {foo menu_finderror} {}} + } + menu $name.m.windows -postcommand "foo menu_fixwindowmenu" \ + -tearoff $pd_tearoff + populate_menu $name.m.windows $name { + {"parent window" {foo menu_windowparent} {}} + {"Pd window" {foo menu_pop_pd} {}} + {} + } + menu $name.m.media -tearoff $pd_tearoff + $name.m add cascade -label Media -menu $name.m.media + $name.m add cascade -label Window -menu $name.m.windows + menu $name.m.help -tearoff $pd_tearoff + $name.m add cascade -label Help -menu $name.m.help + menu_addstd $name.m + } + + #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# proc menu_editmode {name} { #puts "menu_editmode::: $name" *************** *** 1350,1354 ****
set _(focus) $self ! bind $t <KeyRelease> {text_key $_(focus) $canvas.c %W %x %y %K %A 0}
#$canvas create window 41 41 -window $t -anchor nw\ --- 1341,1345 ----
set _(focus) $self ! bind $t <KeyRelease> "text_key $self $canvas %W %x %y %K %A 0"
#$canvas create window 41 41 -window $t -anchor nw\ *************** *** 1370,1380 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def text key {canvas widget x y key iso shift} { ! global _ font set obj_name [$widget get 1.0 1.end] set name_len [string length $obj_name] regexp {(.x[0-9a-fA-F]+.c).([0-9a-fA-F]+)text(.*)} $widget full canvas self $widget configure -width [expr $name_len + 1] ! set _($self:xs) [expr ($font(width) * ($name_len+1) + $font(padx))] ! set _($self:ys) [expr $font(height) + $font(pady)] objectbox_draw $self $canvas } --- 1361,1371 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def text key {canvas widget x y key iso shift} { ! global font set obj_name [$widget get 1.0 1.end] set name_len [string length $obj_name] regexp {(.x[0-9a-fA-F]+.c).([0-9a-fA-F]+)text(.*)} $widget full canvas self $widget configure -width [expr $name_len + 1] ! set @xs [expr ($font(width) * ($name_len+1) + $font(padx))] ! set @ys [expr $font(height) + $font(pady)] objectbox_draw $self $canvas } *************** *** 1383,1401 **** class_new objectbox def objectbox init {} { ! global offset _ set canvas $_(focus) ! set self [canvastosym $canvas] ! if {$_($self:mode) == "edit"} { ! set offset [expr $offset + 1] ! set object_id [format %x [expr 0x81168b0 - $offset]] ! set _($object_id:class) objectbox ! set _($object_id:_class) objectbox ! #puts "new object id -> $object_id" ! object_add $object_id $canvas ! } }
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! def object add {canvas} { #puts "object_add:: $self $canvas" global font look --- 1374,1386 ---- class_new objectbox def objectbox init {} { ! global offset ! #set canvas [canvastosym $_(focus)] set canvas $_(focus) ! set @class "" ! $self add $canvas }
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! def objectbox add {canvas} { #puts "object_add:: $self $canvas" global font look *************** *** 1432,1460 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def object complete {canvas} { - #puts "object_complete::: $self $canvas" - global font - set @isselected 0 set @isnew 0 set obj_name [${canvas}.${self}text get 1.0 1.end] set @name_len [string length $obj_name] - #set _($canvas:obj_in_edit) 0 - #puts $obj_name - #puts "deleting ${self}text" destroy ${canvas}.${self}text $canvas delete ${self}text - #puts "confirm -> [$canvas find withtag ${self}text]" - objectbox_erase $self $canvas set @sx [expr ($@name_len*$font(width)) + $font(padx)] set @sy [expr $font(height) + $font(pady)] objectbox_draw $self $canvas - #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) - #wire_draw2 $wire_id $canvas - for {set x 0} {$x<$@inlets} {incr x} { - #if {[info exists]} - #puts "check -> $self" if {[info exists _($self:0:$x)]} { #puts "wires at inlet $x to select --> $_($self:0:$x)" --- 1417,1432 ---- *************** *** 1480,1486 **** } } - #text_new $canvas ${self}TEXT [expr $@cx+2] [expr $@cy+2] \ - # $obj_name $font(size) #000000 - text_new $canvas $self [expr $@cx+2] [expr $@cy+2] \ $obj_name $font(size) #000000 --- 1452,1455 ---- *************** *** 1709,1732 **** #puts stderr "($label) $canvas $cx $cy $b $f : $tags " #puts "stack => $stack" - foreach tag $stack { ! #puts "target => [$canvas gettags $tag]" ! #puts " [regexp {^([a-f0-9]{6,8})} [$canvas gettags $tag] id]" ! #puts " $id" ! if {[regexp {^([a-f0-9]{6,8})} [$canvas gettags $tag] id]} { global _ if {[info exists _($id:class)]} {set class $_($id:class)} {set class unknown} ! #puts stderr "(.....) $id is a [$class] object" ! #puts "target_id => $id" return [list "object" $id] } } foreach tag $stack { ! if {[regexp {^l([a-f0-9]{6,8})} [$canvas gettags $tag] id]} { ! #puts stderr "(.....) this is a wire" return [list "wire" $id] } } ! #puts stderr "(.....) nothing in particular" return [list "nothing"] } --- 1678,1698 ---- #puts stderr "($label) $canvas $cx $cy $b $f : $tags " #puts "stack => $stack" foreach tag $stack { ! set tags [$canvas gettags $tag] ! if {[regexp {^([a-f0-9]{6,8})} $tags id]} { global _ if {[info exists _($id:class)]} {set class $_($id:class)} {set class unknown} ! #post "(.....) $id is a [$class] object" return [list "object" $id] } } foreach tag $stack { ! set tags [$canvas gettags $tag] ! if {[regexp {^l([a-f0-9]{6,8})} $tags id]} { ! #post "(.....) $id is a wire" return [list "wire" $id] } } ! #post "(.....) nothing in particular" return [list "nothing"] } *************** *** 1736,1740 **** set f $name.stat frame $f -border 2 -relief ridge ! foreach {a b} {pos 12 what 32 mode 4 action 4 sel 4} { label $f.$a -width $b -font {courier 9} \ -background #cccccc -foreground black -anchor w --- 1702,1706 ---- set f $name.stat frame $f -border 2 -relief ridge ! foreach {a b} {pos 15 what 32 mode 4 action 4 sel 4} { label $f.$a -width $b -font {courier 9} \ -background #cccccc -foreground black -anchor w *************** *** 1744,1750 **** label $f.sel_l -text " Sel: " pack $f.pos -side left ! pack $f.what -side left -padx 8 ! pack $f -side bottom -fill x pack $f.mode_l $f.mode $f.action_l $f.action $f.sel_l $f.sel -side left }
--- 1710,1716 ---- label $f.sel_l -text " Sel: " pack $f.pos -side left ! pack $f.what -side left -padx 8 -fill x -expand yes pack $f.mode_l $f.mode $f.action_l $f.action $f.sel_l $f.sel -side left + pack $f -side bottom -fill x }
*************** *** 1779,1786 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# proc canvas_click {canvas x y b f} { ! #puts "canvas_click::: $canvas $x $y $b $f" ! ! canvas_click2 $canvas $x $y $b $f ! statusbar_update [canvastosym $canvas] $x $y }
--- 1745,1752 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# proc canvas_click {canvas x y b f} { ! set self [canvastosym $canvas] ! puts "canvas_click::: $canvas $x $y $b $f" ! canvas_click2 $self $x $y $b $f ! statusbar_update $self $x $y }
*************** *** 1788,1805 **** # agree, but could i do this a bit later? --chun
! proc canvas_click2 {canvas x y b f} { ! #puts "canvas_click2::: $canvas $x $y $b $f" ! global _ wire_from rightclick_object OS select_area mouse font look ! set self [canvastosym $canvas] set cx [$canvas canvasx $x] set cy [$canvas canvasy $y] ! set edit 0; switch $_($self:mode) { edit { set edit 1 } } set select_area(x1) $x set select_area(y1) $y set mouse(b1down) 1 - foreach {type id} [identify_target $canvas $cx $cy $b $f "click"] {} - #puts "click on => $type:$id"
--- 1754,1768 ---- # agree, but could i do this a bit later? --chun
! def canvas click2 {x y b f} { global _ wire_from rightclick_object OS select_area mouse font look ! puts "canvas_click2::: $self $x $y $b $f" ! set canvas $self.c set cx [$canvas canvasx $x] set cy [$canvas canvasy $y] ! set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } set select_area(x1) $x set select_area(y1) $y set mouse(b1down) 1 foreach {type id} [identify_target $canvas $cx $cy $b $f "click"] {} #puts "click on => $type:$id"
*************** *** 1808,1812 **** set run [expr !$edit || ($f&2)] #pd "$self click-on-object x$id $cx $cy $b $f;" ! if {[string length $_($self:focus)]} {set gid $_($self:focus)} if {$f&8} { #puts "RIGHTCLICK OBJECT" --- 1771,1775 ---- set run [expr !$edit || ($f&2)] #pd "$self click-on-object x$id $cx $cy $b $f;" ! if {[string length $@focus]} {set gid $@focus} if {$f&8} { #puts "RIGHTCLICK OBJECT" *************** *** 1818,1822 **** event $id clickevent $canvas $cx $cy $b $f} { event $id clickeditevent $canvas $cx $cy $b $f ! } } if {!($f&8) && $edit && [llength [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE]]} { --- 1781,1785 ---- event $id clickevent $canvas $cx $cy $b $f} { event $id clickeditevent $canvas $cx $cy $b $f ! } } if {!($f&8) && $edit && [llength [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE]]} { *************** *** 1835,1845 **** } # selection ! set already [expr [lsearch $_($self:selection) $id]>=0] #mine begins --chun #if selection only contains one object and has already been selected, #allow it to turn into edit mode. ! if {[llength $_($self:selection)] == 1} { if {[expr $already]} { ! set _($self:select_by) "click" } } --- 1798,1808 ---- } # selection ! set already [expr [lsearch $@selection $id]>=0] #mine begins --chun #if selection only contains one object and has already been selected, #allow it to turn into edit mode. ! if {[llength $@selection] == 1} { if {[expr $already]} { ! set $@select_by "click" } } *************** *** 1862,1889 **** # may need to call canvas_select_object here to work out # the shift+click selection ! if {[llength $_($self:selection)] == 1} { ! #puts "____complete [lindex $_($self:selection) 0] first!____" ! set old_obj [lindex $_($self:selection) 0] ! if {$_($self:select_by) == "click"} { object_complete $old_obj $canvas } ! set _($self:obj_in_edit) 0 } #de-hilight ! if {[llength $_($self:selection)] > 0} { #puts "dehightlight all!!!!!" ! foreach obj $_($self:selection) { $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) } ! #set _($self:selection) {} } ! set _($self:selection) {} ! set _($self:selection) [linsert $_($self:selection) 0 $id] ! #puts "self:selection --> $_($self:selection)" ! foreach obj $_($self:selection) { #puts "${obj}BASE :: $canvas" $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe4) } ! set _($self:select_by) "click" #} #} --- 1825,1852 ---- # may need to call canvas_select_object here to work out # the shift+click selection ! if {[llength $@selection] == 1} { ! #puts "____complete [lindex $@selection 0] first!____" ! set old_obj [lindex $@selection 0] ! if {$@select_by == "click"} { object_complete $old_obj $canvas } ! set @obj_in_edit 0 } #de-hilight ! if {[llength $@selection] > 0} { #puts "dehightlight all!!!!!" ! foreach obj $@selection { $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) } ! #set @selection {} } ! set @selection {} ! set @selection [linsert $@selection 0 $id] ! #puts "@selection --> $@selection" ! foreach obj $@selection { #puts "${obj}BASE :: $canvas" $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe4) } ! set @select_by "click" #} #} *************** *** 1891,1895 **** } ! set _($self:action) move } } --- 1854,1858 ---- } ! set @action move } } *************** *** 1905,1909 **** #$canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(wirefg2) $canvas itemconfigure $id -fill $look(wirefg2) ! set _($self:selection_wire) $id # my wire click select end return --- 1868,1872 ---- #$canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(wirefg2) $canvas itemconfigure $id -fill $look(wirefg2) ! set @selection_wire $id # my wire click select end return *************** *** 1912,1938 **** if {$edit} { # my object edit mode code begins --chun ! if {[info exists _($self:obj_in_edit)]} { ! if {$_($self:obj_in_edit) > 0} { ! object_complete [lindex $_($self:selection) 0] $canvas ! set _($self:obj_in_edit) 0 } } ! if {[llength $_($self:selection)] > 0} { #puts "dehightlight all!!!!!" ! foreach obj $_($self:selection) { $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) } ! set _($self:selection) {} } ! if {[llength $_($self:selection_wire)] > 0} { #puts "dehightlight all wires!!!!!" ! foreach wire $_($self:selection_wire) { $canvas itemconfigure $wire -fill $look(wirefg) } ! set _($self:selection_wire) {} } focus $canvas # my object edit mode code ends ! set _($self:action) rect $canvas create line $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy -tags selrect global OS --- 1875,1901 ---- if {$edit} { # my object edit mode code begins --chun ! if {[info exists @obj_in_edit]} { ! if {$@obj_in_edit > 0} { ! object_complete [lindex $@selection 0] $canvas ! set @obj_in_edit 0 } } ! if {[llength $@selection] > 0} { #puts "dehightlight all!!!!!" ! foreach obj $@selection { $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) } ! set @selection {} } ! if {[llength $@selection_wire] > 0} { #puts "dehightlight all wires!!!!!" ! foreach wire $@selection_wire { $canvas itemconfigure $wire -fill $look(wirefg) } ! set @selection_wire {} } focus $canvas # my object edit mode code ends ! set @action rect $canvas create line $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy -tags selrect global OS *************** *** 1951,1966 ****
proc canvas_mouseup {canvas x y b} { ! canvas_mouseup2 $canvas $x $y $b ! statusbar_update [canvastosym $canvas] $x $y }
! proc canvas_mouseup2 {name x y b} { ! #puts "canvas_mouseup2::: $name $x $y $b" global canvas_mouseup wire_from wire_to _ font look offset_wire ! set canvas $name set cx [$name canvasx $x] set cy [$name canvasy $y] - set self [canvastosym $name] - if {[llength $wire_from]} { if {[llength $wire_to]} { --- 1914,1929 ----
proc canvas_mouseup {canvas x y b} { ! set self [canvastosym $canvas] ! puts "canvas_mouseup::: $canvas $x $y $b" ! canvas_mouseup2 $self $x $y $b ! statusbar_update $self $x $y }
! def canvas mouseup2 {x y b} { global canvas_mouseup wire_from wire_to _ font look offset_wire ! set canvas $self.c ! set name $canvas set cx [$name canvasx $x] set cy [$name canvasy $y] if {[llength $wire_from]} { if {[llength $wire_to]} { *************** *** 1975,1981 **** #tmp only, generates id for wires ! set wire_id [format %x [expr 0x80f8ea8 - $offset_wire]]; set wire_id l$wire_id - set from [lindex $wire_from 0] set outlet_number [lindex $wire_from 1] --- 1938,1943 ---- #tmp only, generates id for wires ! set wire_id l[format %x [expr 0x80f8ea8 - $offset_wire]] set wire_id l$wire_id set from [lindex $wire_from 0] set outlet_number [lindex $wire_from 1] *************** *** 2061,2079 **** foreach obj $selected_objs { ! set i [lsearch $_($self:selection) $obj] ! if {$i<0} {lappend _($self:selection) $obj} } #foreach wire $wires { ! # set i [lsearch $_($self:selection_wire) $wire] ! # if {$i<0} {lappend _($self:selection_wire) $wire} #} ! set _($self:selection_wire) $wires #----handles the wire---- ! #set _($self:inlets) $ins ! #set _($self:outlets) $outs ! foreach obj $_($self:selection) { for {set x 0} {$x<$_($obj:inlets)} {incr x} { #if {[info exists]} --- 2023,2041 ---- foreach obj $selected_objs { ! set i [lsearch $@selection $obj] ! if {$i<0} {lappend @selection $obj} } #foreach wire $wires { ! # set i [lsearch $@selection_wire $wire] ! # if {$i<0} {lappend @selection_wire $wire} #} ! set @selection_wire $wires #----handles the wire---- ! #set @inlets $ins ! #set @outlets $outs ! foreach obj $@selection { for {set x 0} {$x<$_($obj:inlets)} {incr x} { #if {[info exists]} *************** *** 2086,2091 **** #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) #wire_draw2 $wire_id $canvas ! set i [lsearch $_($self:selection_wire) $wire_id] ! if {$i<0} {lappend _($self:selection_wire) $wire_id} } } --- 2048,2053 ---- #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) #wire_draw2 $wire_id $canvas ! set i [lsearch $@selection_wire $wire_id] ! if {$i<0} {lappend @selection_wire $wire_id} } } *************** *** 2097,2122 **** #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) #wire_draw2 $wire_id $canvas ! set i [lsearch $_($self:selection_wire) $wire_id] ! if {$i<0} {lappend _($self:selection_wire) $wire_id} } } } } ! #puts "self:selection --> $_($self:selection)" ! #puts "self:wire_selection --> $_($self:selection_wire)" ! foreach obj $_($self:selection) { #puts "${obj}BASE :: $canvas" $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe4) } ! foreach wire $_($self:selection_wire) { $canvas itemconfigure $wire -fill $look(wirefg2) } ! set _($self:select_by) "selrect" } { #puts "dehightlight all!!!!!" ! #foreach obj $_($self:selection) { #$canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) #} ! #set _($self:selection) {} } # my selrect code ends --- 2059,2084 ---- #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) #wire_draw2 $wire_id $canvas ! set i [lsearch $@selection_wire $wire_id] ! if {$i<0} {lappend @selection_wire $wire_id} } } } } ! #puts "@selection --> $@selection" ! #puts "@selection_wire --> $@selection_wire" ! foreach obj $@selection) { #puts "${obj}BASE :: $canvas" $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe4) } ! foreach wire $@selection_wire { $canvas itemconfigure $wire -fill $look(wirefg2) } ! set @select_by "selrect" } { #puts "dehightlight all!!!!!" ! #foreach obj $@selection { #$canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) #} ! #set @selection {} } # my selrect code ends *************** *** 2124,2141 **** }
! if {[llength $_($self:selection)]==1} { #puts "___only one obj selected by click!!!"
! #pd "$self gobj-activate x$_($self:selection);" ! #puts "____ selected by ->$_($self:select_by) ____" ! if {$_($self:select_by) == "click"} { ! switch $_($_($self:selection):class) { objectbox { ! if {$_($self:obj_in_edit) == 0} { ! set _($self:obj_in_edit) 1 ! object_edit [lindex $_($self:selection) 0] $canvas } } --- 2086,2103 ---- }
! if {[llength $@selection]==1} { #puts "___only one obj selected by click!!!"
! #pd "$self gobj-activate x$@selection;" ! #puts "____ selected by ->$@select_by ____" ! if {$@select_by == "click"} { ! switch $_($@selection:class) { objectbox { ! if {$@obj_in_edit == 0} { ! set @obj_in_edit 1 ! object_edit [lindex $@selection 0] $canvas } } *************** *** 2143,2156 **** } } ! #object_edit $_($self:edit_object) $canvas } ! set edit 0; switch $_($self:mode) { edit { set edit 1 } } set run [expr !$edit]
#not sure what this does ! #puts "mouseup2::: _($self:focus) => $_($self:focus)"
! if {[string length $_($self:focus)]} { ! set id $_($self:focus) if {$run} { #puts "====== drag drag drag ======" --- 2105,2118 ---- } } ! #object_edit $@edit_object $canvas } ! set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } set run [expr !$edit]
#not sure what this does ! #puts "mouseup2::: @focus => $@focus"
! if {[string length $@focus]} { ! set id $@focus if {$run} { #puts "====== drag drag drag ======" *************** *** 2165,2169 **** }
! set edit 0; switch $_($self:mode) { edit { set edit 1 } } foreach {type id} [identify_target $canvas $cx $cy -1 -1 "blah "] {}
--- 2127,2131 ---- }
! set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } foreach {type id} [identify_target $canvas $cx $cy -1 -1 "blah "] {}
*************** *** 2206,2210 **** } canvas_checkgeometry [canvastosym $name] ! set _($self:action) none }
--- 2168,2172 ---- } canvas_checkgeometry [canvastosym $name] ! set @action none }