Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/grill/flext/build In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv8452/build
Added Files: config-win-max-msvc.def config-win-max-msvc.txt config-win-pd-msvc.def config-win-pd-msvc.txt make-win-gen-msvc.inc make-win-max-msvc.inc make-win-msvc.inc make-win-pd-msvc.inc Log Message: global system lock functions fixed a thread sensitive spot fix for _long_ attribute dialogs build system for flext-based externals typo fixed in attribute editor atom outlet functions
--- NEW FILE: config-win-pd-msvc.txt --- # where is PD? PDPATH=c:\programme\audio\pd
# where do the flext libraries reside? FLEXTPATH=$(PDPATH)\flext
# where is MS VC++? # (not necessary if the build is run with the compiler environment) # MSVCPATH=C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7
# where should the external be built? OUTPATH=pd-msvc
# where should the external be installed? # (leave blank to omit installation) INSTPATH=$(PDPATH)\extra
# user defined compiler flags # (check if they match your system!) UFLAGS=/G6 /Ox /arch:SSE
--- NEW FILE: config-win-pd-msvc.def --- # where is PD? PDPATH=c:\programme\audio\pd
# where do the flext libraries reside? FLEXTPATH=$(PDPATH)\flext
# where is MS VC++? # (not necessary if the build is run with the compiler environment) # MSVCPATH=C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7
# where should the external be built? OUTPATH=pd-msvc
# where should the external be installed? # (leave blank to omit installation) INSTPATH=$(PDPATH)\extra
# user defined compiler flags # (check if they match your system!) UFLAGS=/G6 /Ox /arch:SSE
--- NEW FILE: make-win-pd-msvc.inc --- DEFS=$(DEFS) /DFLEXT_SYS=2
# these are both in PDPATH LIBS=$(LIBS) pd.lib pthreadVC.lib
!ifdef FLEXT_SHARED # --- shared ---
!elseifdef FLEXT_THREADED # --- static multi-threaded ---
!ifdef _DEBUG LIBS=$(LIBS) flext_td-pdwin.lib !else LIBS=$(LIBS) flext_t-pdwin.lib !endif
!else # --- static single-threaded ---
!ifdef _DEBUG LIBS=$(LIBS) flext_d-pdwin.lib !else LIBS=$(LIBS) flext-pdwin.lib !endif
# add user flags CFLAGS=$(UFLAGS)
# for VC7 - exception handling CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /EHsc
# use multithreaded static libraries !ifdef _DEBUG CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /DMTd !else CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /DMT !endif
!ifdef FLEXT_SHARED # --- shared --- DEFS=$(DEFS) /DFLEXT_SHARED
!elseifdef FLEXT_THREADED # --- static multi-threaded --- DEFS=$(DEFS) /DFLEXT_THREADS
!else # --- static single-threaded ---
# remove build clean: -del /q $(OUTPATH) > nul -rmdir $(OUTPATH) > nul
OBJS= $(SRCS:.c=.obj) OBJS= $(OBJS:.objpp=.obj)
$(OUTPATH): -mkdir $(OUTPATH) > nul
{$(SRCDIR)}.cpp{}.obj: cl /c /LD $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(INCPATH) $** /Fo$(OUTPATH)$@
{$(SRCDIR)}.c{}.obj: cl /c /LD $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(INCPATH) $** /Fo$(OUTPATH)$@
$(OUTPATH)$(NAME).$(EXT): $(OBJS) cd $(OUTPATH) link /DLL $(LDFLAGS) /out:$(NAME).$(EXT) /INCREMENTAL:NO $** $(LIBS) $(LIBPATH) @-del *.exp @-del *.lib cd .. !ifdef INSTPATH @-if not exist $(INSTPATH) mkdir $(INSTPATH) copy $@ $(INSTPATH) > nul !endif
--- NEW FILE: config-win-max-msvc.def --- # where are the Max/MSP SDK header files? # you should have the latest version! MAXSDKPATH="c:\data\prog\audio\maxmspsdk_win\4.5 headers\c74support"
# where do the flext libraries reside? FLEXTPATH="%CommonProgramFiles%\Cycling '74\flext"
# where is MS VC++? # (need not be defined if the build is started with the compiler environment set) # MSVCPATH="c:\programme\prog\microsoft visual studio\VC98"
# where should the external be built? # (path for temporary files) OUTPATH=max-msvc
# where should the external be installed? # (leave blank to omit installation) INSTPATH="%CommonProgramFiles%\Cycling '74\externals\flext"
# some user-definable flags # (check if they match your system!) UFLAGS=/G6 /Ox /arch:SSE
--- NEW FILE: make-win-max-msvc.inc --- DEFS=$(DEFS) /DFLEXT_SYS=1 CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /Zp2
# these are both in MAXSDKPATH LIBS=$(LIBS) maxapi.lib maxaudio.lib
!ifdef FLEXT_SHARED # --- shared ---
!elseifdef FLEXT_THREADED # --- static multi-threaded ---
!ifdef _DEBUG LIBS=$(LIBS) flext_td-maxwin.lib !else LIBS=$(LIBS) flext_t-maxwin.lib !endif
!else # --- static single-threaded ---
!ifdef _DEBUG LIBS=$(LIBS) flext_d-maxwin.lib !else LIBS=$(LIBS) flext-maxwin.lib !endif
--- NEW FILE: make-win-msvc.inc --- !ifdef $(MAX) # Max/MSP !include config-pd-msvc.txt !include makefile-msvc.txt !include ..\flext\build\make-win-max-msvc.inc
!elseifdef $(PD) # PD !include config-pd-msvc.txt !include makefile-msvc.txt !include ..\flext\build\make-win-pd-msvc.inc
!else !error Platform not supported !endif
# all the source files from the package !include make-files.txt
# now build !include ..\flext\build\make-win-gen-msvc.inc
--- NEW FILE: config-win-max-msvc.txt --- # where are the Max/MSP SDK header files? # you should have the latest version! MAXSDKPATH="c:\data\prog\audio\maxmspsdk_win\4.5 headers\c74support"
# where do the flext libraries reside? FLEXTPATH="%CommonProgramFiles%\Cycling '74\flext"
# where is MS VC++? # (need not be defined if the build is started with the compiler environment set) # MSVCPATH="c:\programme\prog\microsoft visual studio\VC98"
# where should the external be built? # (path for temporary files) OUTPATH=max-msvc
# where should the external be installed? # (leave blank to omit installation) INSTPATH="%CommonProgramFiles%\Cycling '74\externals\flext"
# some user-definable flags # (check if they match your system!) UFLAGS=/G6 /Ox /arch:SSE