Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/doc/5.reference In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv6096/pd/doc/5.reference
Modified Files: help-plot.pd help-rpole~.pd Log Message: Damn, edited this before and lost the update. More data features. Took about 12 patches.
Index: help-rpole~.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/doc/5.reference/help-rpole~.pd,v retrieving revision 1.1 retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2 *** help-rpole~.pd 6 Sep 2004 20:20:25 -0000 1.1 --- help-rpole~.pd 18 May 2005 04:28:31 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,8 **** ! #N canvas 56 7 526 510 12; #X floatatom 118 172 0 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 54 85 osc~ 100; #X msg 69 117 clear; ! #X obj 77 483 lop~; ! #X text 8 483 see also:; #X obj 52 7 rpole~; #X text 114 7 real one-pole (recursive) filter , raw; --- 1,8 ---- ! #N canvas 56 7 669 542 12; #X floatatom 118 172 0 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 54 85 osc~ 100; #X msg 69 117 clear; ! #X obj 96 512 lop~; ! #X text 10 512 see also:; #X obj 52 7 rpole~; #X text 114 7 real one-pole (recursive) filter , raw; *************** *** 10,36 **** real filter , whose coefficient is controlled by a creation argument or by an audio signal (right inlet).; ! #X text 331 482 updated for Pd version-0.38; ! #X obj 84 430 rzero~; ! #X obj 35 450 cpole~; ! #X obj 35 430 rpole~; ! #X obj 133 430 rzero_rev~; ! #X obj 84 450 czero~; ! #X obj 133 450 czero_rev~; ! #X text 211 430 real; ! #X text 210 451 complex; ! #X text 32 414 1-pole; ! #X text 81 414 1-zero; ! #X text 131 414 1-zero , reversed; ! #X text 57 399 summary of raw filters:; #X msg 71 143 set 1; ! #X text 117 143 <-- set internal state; ! #X text 118 86 <-- signal to filter; ! #X text 142 173 <-- filter coefficient (may be a signal); ! #X text 129 198 <-- creation argument initializes filter coefficient ; #X text 73 252 y[n] = y[n-1] + a[n] * x[n]; ! #X text 10 302 The transfer function is H(Z) = 1/(1 - aZ^-1).; ! #X text 113 116 <-- clear internal state to zero; ! #X text 8 270 where y[n] is the output , x[n] the input , and a[n] the filter coefficient. The filter is unstable if/when |a[n]|>1.; #X obj 53 195 rpole~ 0.9; --- 10,36 ---- real filter , whose coefficient is controlled by a creation argument or by an audio signal (right inlet).; ! #X text 413 511 updated for Pd version-0.38; ! #X obj 95 441 rzero~; ! #X obj 35 463 cpole~; ! #X obj 35 441 rpole~; ! #X obj 154 441 rzero_rev~; ! #X obj 95 463 czero~; ! #X obj 154 463 czero_rev~; ! #X text 253 441 real; ! #X text 252 464 complex; ! #X text 32 425 1-pole; ! #X text 92 425 1-zero; ! #X text 142 425 1-zero , reversed; ! #X text 57 410 summary of raw filters:; #X msg 71 143 set 1; ! #X text 119 142 <-- set internal state; ! #X text 132 86 <-- signal to filter; ! #X text 150 173 <-- filter coefficient (may be a signal); ! #X text 150 195 <-- creation argument initializes filter coefficient ; #X text 73 252 y[n] = y[n-1] + a[n] * x[n]; ! #X text 10 310 The transfer function is H(Z) = 1/(1 - aZ^-1).; ! #X text 121 117 <-- clear internal state to zero; ! #X text 11 272 where y[n] is the output , x[n] the input , and a[n] the filter coefficient. The filter is unstable if/when |a[n]|>1.; #X obj 53 195 rpole~ 0.9; *************** *** 68,74 **** #X connect 12 0 10 1; #X connect 13 0 12 1; ! #X restore 457 416 pd test; ! #X text 111 483 etc.: user-friendly filters; ! #X text 8 320 (Pd also provides a suite of user-friendly filters. This and other raw filters are provided for situations which the user-friendly ones can't handle. See Chapter 8 of http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/techniques --- 68,74 ---- #X connect 12 0 10 1; #X connect 13 0 12 1; ! #X restore 457 427 pd test; ! #X text 136 512 etc.: user-friendly filters; ! #X text 8 331 (Pd also provides a suite of user-friendly filters. This and other raw filters are provided for situations which the user-friendly ones can't handle. See Chapter 8 of http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/techniques
Index: help-plot.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/doc/5.reference/help-plot.pd,v retrieving revision 1.2 retrieving revision 1.3 diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3 *** help-plot.pd 28 Nov 2004 21:20:32 -0000 1.2 --- help-plot.pd 18 May 2005 04:28:31 -0000 1.3 *************** *** 5,46 **** #N struct help-plot-array2-template float x float y; #N struct help-plot-array3-template float y float w; ! #N canvas 398 0 516 229 12; ! #N canvas 288 75 606 588 help-plot-template 1; ! #X text 35 30 creation arguments:; ! #X text 51 48 - RGB color (0=black , 999=white , 900=red , 90=green , 9=blue , 555=grey , etc.); ! #X text 50 97 - relative x and y location; ! #X text 50 114 - x spacing; ! #X text 40 150 This first example plots the red trace (500) , width 1 , at point (10 , 15) , with horizontal spacing 20 The black diamonds come from the template of the array1 element itself.; ! #X text 44 327 If a "w" variable is present in the template as for array3 , it is added to the line width.; ! #X obj 37 493 filledpolygon 509 509 0 -10 -10 10 -10 10 10 -10 10; ! #X text 34 454 To see the data itself , select "properties" for the scalar by right clicking on the purple square.; ! #X obj 36 390 struct help-plot-template float x float y array array1 help-plot-array1-template array array2 help-plot-array2-template array array3 help-plot-array3-template; ! #X text 45 369 here's the "struct" for all this:; ! #X obj 51 8 plot array1 500 1 10 15 20 1; ! #X obj 39 217 plot array2 70 3 100 0 0 2; ! #X text 30 542 obsolete feature: the arguments can be preceded by the ! word "curve" to specify bezier curves. This will be phased out.; ! #X text 52 80 - line width in pixels; ! #X text 51 130 - style (0 for points , 1 for polygon , 2 for Bezier ! curve); ! #X text 40 236 This is the green spiral (color 70 , line width 3 , location (100 , 0). Since the template for array2 contains an "x" ! cariable , play ignores x spacing requests and takes x from the data ! itself. The style is 2 for a Bezier curve.; ! #X obj 43 309 plot array3 9 1 120 50 20 1; #X restore 243 78 pd help-plot-template; #N canvas 196 292 273 120 help-plot-array1-template 0; #X obj 30 71 filledpolygon 0 0 0 -5 0 0 5 5 0 0 -5; ! #X obj 32 27 template float y; #X restore 242 101 pd help-plot-array1-template; #N canvas 161 163 273 120 help-plot-array2-template 0; ! #X obj 32 26 template float x float y; #X restore 243 123 pd help-plot-array2-template; #N canvas 0 0 411 207 help-plot-data 1; --- 5,44 ---- #N struct help-plot-array2-template float x float y; #N struct help-plot-array3-template float y float w; ! #N canvas 477 38 516 229 12; ! #N canvas 486 0 622 558 help-plot-template 0; ! #X text 29 34 creation arguments:; ! #X text 49 94 - RGB color (0=black , 999=white , 900=red , 90=green , 9=blue , 555=grey , etc.); ! #X text 47 52 - OPTIONAL word "curve" to specify bezier; ! #X text 47 121 - line width; ! #X text 47 137 - relative x and y location; ! #X text 48 153 - x spacing; ! #X obj 40 240 plot curve array2 70 3 100 0; ! #X obj 31 331 plot curve array3 9 1 120 50 20; ! #X obj 45 12 plot array1 500 1 10 15 20; ! #X text 30 170 This first example plots the red trace (500) , width 1 , at point (10 , 15) , with horizontal spacing 20 The black diamonds come from the template of the array1 element itself.; ! #X text 51 351 If a "w" variable is present in the template as for array3 , it is added to the line width.; ! #X obj 28 524 filledpolygon 509 509 0 -10 -10 10 -10 10 10 -10 10; ! #X text 28 477 To see the data itself , select "properties" for the scalar by right clicking on the purple square.; ! #X obj 25 410 struct help-plot-template float x float y array array1 help-plot-array1-template array array2 help-plot-array2-template array array3 help-plot-array3-template; ! #X text 34 389 here's the "struct" for all this:; ! #X text 46 73 - field to plot (the array); ! #X text 63 262 This is the green spiral (color 70 , line width 3 , location (100 , 0). Since the template for array2 contains an "x" ! variable , play ignores x spacing requests and takes x from the data ! itself.; #X restore 243 78 pd help-plot-template; #N canvas 196 292 273 120 help-plot-array1-template 0; #X obj 30 71 filledpolygon 0 0 0 -5 0 0 5 5 0 0 -5; ! #X obj 32 27 struct help-plot-array1-template float y; #X restore 242 101 pd help-plot-array1-template; #N canvas 161 163 273 120 help-plot-array2-template 0; ! #X obj 32 26 struct help-plot-array2-template float x float y; #X restore 243 123 pd help-plot-array2-template; #N canvas 0 0 411 207 help-plot-data 1; *************** *** 51,61 **** #X text 23 139 see also:; #X obj 30 184 drawnumber; - #X obj 29 163 template; #X obj 35 22 plot; #X text 87 21 -- draw array elements of scalars; #X obj 29 206 drawpolygon; #N canvas 161 163 273 120 help-plot-array3-template 0; ! #X obj 43 32 template float y float w; #X restore 242 144 pd help-plot-array3-template; #X text 8 79 explanation is in here-->; #X text 264 203 updated for Pd version 0.35; --- 49,59 ---- #X text 23 139 see also:; #X obj 30 184 drawnumber; #X obj 35 22 plot; #X text 87 21 -- draw array elements of scalars; #X obj 29 206 drawpolygon; #N canvas 161 163 273 120 help-plot-array3-template 0; ! #X obj 43 32 struct help-plot-array3-template float y float w; #X restore 242 144 pd help-plot-array3-template; #X text 8 79 explanation is in here-->; #X text 264 203 updated for Pd version 0.35; + #X obj 29 163 struct;