Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/olafmatt/hidin In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv29852/olafmatt/hidin
Added Files: Tag: branch-v0-39-2-extended hidin-help.pd Log Message: added rough help file hacked together at the gohan workshop
--- NEW FILE: hidin-help.pd --- #N canvas 263 56 747 573 12; #X obj 209 336 hidin; #X msg 211 70 start; #X msg 224 99 stop; #X msg 264 235 close; #X msg 266 261 show; #X floatatom 2 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 41 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 80 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 119 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 158 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 197 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 236 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 275 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X text 338 136 the interval between each event (in ms); #X msg 270 287 print; #X msg 248 206 open 1; #X obj 18 374 cyclone/prepend set; #X msg 18 420; #X obj 127 448 route 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ; #X floatatom 314 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 353 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 392 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 431 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 470 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 509 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 548 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 587 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X text 178 408 [hidin] numbers the elements in the order that it finds them; #N canvas 162 133 578 428 serin 0; #X obj 209 61 cnv 15 15 15 empty $0-open-canvas 1 4 8 0 14 -233017 -1 0; #X obj 60 61 hradio 15 1 1 10 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 1; #X obj 60 13 inlet; #X msg 200 202 label $1; #X obj 200 180 makefilename %d; #X obj 59 108 int; #X obj 59 337 outlet; #X msg 201 306 set $1 $2; #X obj 59 266 trigger bang anything; #X obj 201 286 list; #X msg 60 210 open $1; #X obj 200 225 send $0-open-canvas; #X connect 1 0 5 0; #X connect 2 0 1 0; #X connect 3 0 11 0; #X connect 4 0 3 0; #X connect 5 0 4 0; #X connect 5 0 10 0; #X connect 7 0 6 0; #X connect 8 0 6 0; #X connect 8 1 9 0; #X connect 9 0 7 0; #X connect 10 0 8 0; #X coords 0 -1 1 1 165 17 1 60 60; #X restore 248 179 pd serin; #X text 303 260 print the available elements of the current device ; #X text 314 288 print the available devices to the Pd window; #X floatatom 626 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 665 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 704 489 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X text 24 394 message format:; #X msg 238 136 interval 10; #X msg 192 38 bang; #X text 228 37 prints a list of devices to the right outlet; #X obj 257 375 print DEVICES; #X connect 0 0 16 0; #X connect 0 0 18 0; #X connect 0 1 38 0; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 2 0 0 0; #X connect 3 0 0 0; #X connect 4 0 0 0; #X connect 14 0 0 0; #X connect 15 0 0 0; #X connect 16 0 17 0; #X connect 18 0 5 0; #X connect 18 1 6 0; #X connect 18 2 7 0; #X connect 18 3 8 0; #X connect 18 4 9 0; #X connect 18 5 10 0; #X connect 18 6 11 0; #X connect 18 7 12 0; #X connect 18 8 19 0; #X connect 18 9 20 0; #X connect 18 10 21 0; #X connect 18 11 22 0; #X connect 18 12 23 0; #X connect 18 13 24 0; #X connect 18 14 25 0; #X connect 18 15 26 0; #X connect 18 16 31 0; #X connect 18 17 32 0; #X connect 18 18 33 0; #X connect 28 0 15 0; #X connect 35 0 0 0; #X connect 36 0 0 0;