Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv10798
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: copy/paste now ok, kept getting this bug with duplication, i think its because of the pd_upload...
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.219 -r1.1.2.220 *** desire.tk 3 Jun 2006 21:16:48 -0000 --- desire.tk 4 Jun 2006 06:17:25 -0000 *************** *** 141,145 **** }
! def* Manager notice {origin args} { global poolset if {[info exists poolset($origin)]} { --- 141,145 ---- }
! def Manager notice {origin args} { global poolset if {[info exists poolset($origin)]} { *************** *** 892,896 **** def View noutlets {} {return $@noutlets}
! def* View init {} { set @selected? 0 set @ninlets 1 --- 892,896 ---- def View noutlets {} {return $@noutlets}
! def View init {} { set @selected? 0 set @ninlets 1 *************** *** 973,978 **** # in the future, one View may have several canvases. (??) # this would mean that the following proc will have to die. ! def* View canvas {} {return $@canvas} ! def* View canvas= {c} {set @canvas $c}
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# --- 973,978 ---- # in the future, one View may have several canvases. (??) # this would mean that the following proc will have to die. ! def View canvas {} {return $@canvas} ! def View canvas= {c} {set @canvas $c}
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# *************** *** 1124,1128 **** def* Canvas init {{width 400} {height 300} {geometry +0+0} {editable 1}} { super ! global pd_opendir pd_tearoff OS cmdline look set name .$self set c .$self.c --- 1124,1129 ---- def* Canvas init {{width 400} {height 300} {geometry +0+0} {editable 1}} { super ! global pd_opendir pd_tearoff OS cmdline look canvas ! set canvas(current) $self set name .$self set c .$self.c *************** *** 1382,1386 **** class_new io {ganymeda}
! def* io draw/2 {which n y} { global look set nplus [expr $n==1 ? 1 : $n-1] --- 1383,1387 ---- class_new io {ganymeda}
! def io draw/2 {which n y} { global look set nplus [expr $n==1 ? 1 : $n-1] *************** *** 1417,1433 **** class_new TextBox {Box}
! def* TextBox draw {} { # TEXT = the text label # text = the input text field # confusing?;) ! puts "metrics: [font metrics courier]" global font look mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] - puts "x1=$x1 y1=$y1" - puts "text === $@text" set l {} foreach char [split $@text ""] {lappend l [scan $char %c]} - puts "l == $l" - # puts "!!!!edit = $@edit!!!!" if {$@edit} { set t .$@canvas.c.${self}text --- 1418,1430 ---- class_new TextBox {Box}
! def TextBox draw {} { # TEXT = the text label # text = the input text field # confusing?;) ! # puts "metrics: [font metrics courier]" global font look mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] set l {} foreach char [split $@text ""] {lappend l [scan $char %c]} if {$@edit} { set t .$@canvas.c.${self}text *************** *** 1443,1447 **** def Canvas obj_in_edit= {v} {set @obj_in_edit $v}
! def* TextBox edit {} { global look font if {$@edit} {return} --- 1440,1444 ---- def Canvas obj_in_edit= {v} {set @obj_in_edit $v}
! def TextBox edit {} { global look font if {$@edit} {return} *************** *** 1489,1493 **** }
! def* TextBox tab {} { puts "continue..................." if {[winfo exists .completion]} { --- 1486,1490 ---- }
! def TextBox tab {} { puts "continue..................." if {[winfo exists .completion]} { *************** *** 1498,1502 **** }
! def* TextBox key {widget x y key iso shift} { after 0 "$self after_key $widget" switch -- $key { --- 1495,1499 ---- }
! def TextBox key {widget x y key iso shift} { after 0 "$self after_key $widget" switch -- $key { *************** *** 1508,1512 **** }
! def* TextBox after_key {widget} { $widget configure -state normal set @text [$widget get 1.0 1.end] --- 1505,1509 ---- }
! def TextBox after_key {widget} { $widget configure -state normal set @text [$widget get 1.0 1.end] *************** *** 1542,1546 **** class_new ObjectBox {TextBox}
! def* ObjectBox init {args} { super global font look --- 1539,1543 ---- class_new ObjectBox {TextBox}
! def ObjectBox init {args} { super global font look *************** *** 1560,1564 **** }
! def* ObjectBox draw {} { $self update_size set xs $@xs --- 1557,1561 ---- }
! def ObjectBox draw {} { $self update_size set xs $@xs *************** *** 1586,1590 **** }
! def* ObjectBox unedit {} { if {!$@edit} {return} set @edit 0 --- 1583,1587 ---- }
! def ObjectBox unedit {} { if {!$@edit} {return} set @edit 0 *************** *** 1625,1633 ****
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! def* Canvas window_title {title} {wm title .$self $title} ! #def* Canvas add {i obj} {lset @children $i $obj} ! #def* Canvas del {i} {lset @children $i ""}
! def* Canvas children= {children} { # think of the children!!! set born [lwithout $children $@children] --- 1622,1630 ----
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! def Canvas window_title {title} {wm title .$self $title} ! #def Canvas add {i obj} {lset @children $i $obj} ! #def Canvas del {i} {lset @children $i ""}
! def Canvas children= {children} { # think of the children!!! set born [lwithout $children $@children] *************** *** 1637,1641 **** $x subscribe $self; $x changed; $x canvas= $self } else { ! puts "$x not been borned yet...." set @unborn [lappend @unborn $x]} } --- 1634,1638 ---- $x subscribe $self; $x changed; $x canvas= $self } else { ! puts "$x not been borned yet............." set @unborn [lappend @unborn $x]} } *************** *** 1647,1651 **** }
! def* Canvas add {obj} { set i [lsearch $@children $obj] if {!$i} {lappend @children $obj} --- 1644,1648 ---- }
! def Canvas add {obj} { set i [lsearch $@children $obj] if {!$i} {lappend @children $obj} *************** *** 1654,1658 **** }
! def* Canvas del {obj} { set i [lsearch $@children $obj] if {$i} {set @children [lreplace $@children $i $i]} --- 1651,1655 ---- }
! def Canvas del {obj} { set i [lsearch $@children $obj] if {$i} {set @children [lreplace $@children $i $i]} *************** *** 1660,1668 **** }
! def* Canvas wires= {wires2} { ! global _ set wires {} # look up for wire id - puts "duplicating ????????? $@duplicating" foreach x $wires2 { set outobj [lindex $x 0] --- 1657,1664 ---- }
! def Canvas wires= {wires2} { ! global _ canvas set wires {} # look up for wire id foreach x $wires2 { set outobj [lindex $x 0] *************** *** 1688,1698 **** set born [lwithout $wires $@wires] set born_num [expr [llength $born] - 1] set i 0 foreach x $born { $x subscribe $self;$x changed;$x canvas= $self ! if {$@duplicating} { ! lappend @selection_wire $x; $x selected?= 1 ! if {$i == $born_num} {set @duplicating 0} ! } incr i } --- 1684,1710 ---- set born [lwithout $wires $@wires] set born_num [expr [llength $born] - 1] + + if {$@duplicating && [llength $born] > 0} { + puts "##### wires to dup:: $canvas(dup_wire_num) wires got born:: [expr $born_num + 1] #####" + if {$canvas(dup_wire_num) != [expr $born_num + 1]} {} + } + set i 0 foreach x $born { $x subscribe $self;$x changed;$x canvas= $self ! if {$@duplicating} { ! lappend @selection_wire $x ! puts "appending $x from duplication..........." ! $x selected?= 1 ! #if {$i == $born_num} {set @duplicating 0} ! puts "### how many wires duped? [llength $@selection_wire] total? $canvas(dup_wire_num)" ! if {[llength $@selection_wire] == $canvas(dup_wire_num)} {set @duplicating 0} ! } ! if {[info exists canvas(copy)]} { ! if {$canvas(copy)} { ! lappend @selection_wire $x; $x selected?= 1 ! if {$i == $born_num} {set canvas(copy) 0} ! } ! } incr i } *************** *** 1705,1709 **** }
! def* Canvas wires_new {whoout outno whoin inno} { # @wires_pair is a workaround for looking up the wire id with {0 1 1 0} format # i moved calling wire_new here instead of where it was (canvas wires=) --- 1717,1721 ---- }
! def Canvas wires_new {whoout outno whoin inno} { # @wires_pair is a workaround for looking up the wire id with {0 1 1 0} format # i moved calling wire_new here instead of where it was (canvas wires=) *************** *** 1765,1770 ****
def Canvas motion {x y mods state} { ! global font global tooltip look set c .$self.c set x [$c canvasx $x] --- 1777,1783 ----
def Canvas motion {x y mods state} { ! global font canvas global tooltip look + set canvas(current) $self set c .$self.c set x [$c canvasx $x] *************** *** 1840,1844 **** } wire { - puts " over a wire! -> $id" } } --- 1853,1856 ---- *************** *** 1862,1866 **** set tags [$c gettags $tag] if {[regexp {^([0-9a-f]{6,8})} $tags id]} { - puts "tags:: $tags" return [list "wire" $id] } --- 1874,1877 ---- *************** *** 1934,1938 **** --- 1945,1952 ---- def* Canvas duplicate {} { global _ canvas + set canvas(dup_wire_num) 0 if {$@selection != ""} { + # store the selected objects in canvas(dup_orig), which later will + # be linked to the cuplicated object set canvas(dup_orig) $@selection set dups $@selection *************** *** 1947,1951 **** set @duplicating 1 pd .$self obj [expr $x1 + 15] [expr $y1 +15] $name ! set dup_wires $_($item:wires) } --- 1961,1965 ---- set @duplicating 1 pd .$self obj [expr $x1 + 15] [expr $y1 +15] $name ! #set dup_wires $_($item:wires) } *************** *** 1957,1963 **** global _ canvas puts "!!!!!!!!!!! dup wires for these duplicates::: $@selection !!!!!!!!!!!!" puts "!!!!!!!!!!! dup wires ::: $@selection_wire !!!!!!!!!!!!" puts "!! $@children !!" ! set i 0 foreach obj $canvas(dup_orig) {set _($obj:duplicate) [lindex $@selection $i]; incr i} foreach wire $@selection_wire { --- 1971,1980 ---- global _ canvas puts "!!!!!!!!!!! dup wires for these duplicates::: $@selection !!!!!!!!!!!!" + if {[llength $@selection] != [llength $canvas(dup_orig)]} {error "duplication ([llength $canvas(dup_orig)]) and obj born ([llength $@selection]) don't match.."} puts "!!!!!!!!!!! dup wires ::: $@selection_wire !!!!!!!!!!!!" puts "!! $@children !!" ! set i 0 ! set canvas(dup_wire_num) [llength $@selection_wire] ! # _($obj:duplicate) sotres the duplicated object so that we know how to duplicate the wires foreach obj $canvas(dup_orig) {set _($obj:duplicate) [lindex $@selection $i]; incr i} foreach wire $@selection_wire { *************** *** 1966,1970 **** set obj1_dup $_($obj1:duplicate) set obj2_dup $_($obj2:duplicate) ! #puts "$obj1 :: $obj1_dup | $obj2 :: $obj2_dup" #puts "connect [lsearch $@children $obj1_dup] $_($wire:port1) [lsearch $@children $obj2_dup] $_($wire:port2)" --- 1983,1987 ---- set obj1_dup $_($obj1:duplicate) set obj2_dup $_($obj2:duplicate) ! puts "$obj1 :: $obj1_dup | $obj2 :: $obj2_dup" #puts "connect [lsearch $@children $obj1_dup] $_($wire:port1) [lsearch $@children $obj2_dup] $_($wire:port2)" *************** *** 1977,1982 **** #set @duplicating 0 set @selection_wire "" ! }
--- 1994,2048 ---- #set @duplicating 0 set @selection_wire "" + } + + def* Canvas copy {} { + global canvas + if {$@selection != ""} { + set canvas(copy_obj) $@selection + set canvas(copy_wire) $@selection_wire + puts "objects to copy::: $canvas(copy_obj)" + puts "wires to copy::: $canvas(copy_wire)" + } + + } + + def* Canvas paste {} { + global canvas _ + set @selection "" + set canvas(copied_obj) "" + foreach item $canvas(copy_obj) { + mset {x1 y1} [$item xy] + if {$_($item:_class) == "Objectbox"} { + set name $_($item:text) } else { + set name $_($item:class) + } + set canvas(copy) 1 + pd .$self obj $x1 $y1 $name + } + } + + def* Canvas paste_wires {} { + global canvas _ ! set i 0 ! # _($obj:duplicate) sotres the duplicated object so that we know how to duplicate the wires ! foreach obj $canvas(copy_obj) {set _($obj:duplicate) [lindex $canvas(copied_obj) $i]; incr i} ! foreach wire $canvas(copy_wire) { ! set obj1 $_($wire:obj1) ! set obj2 $_($wire:obj2) ! set obj1_copy $_($obj1:duplicate) ! set obj2_copy $_($obj2:duplicate) ! #puts "::::: $obj1 :: $obj1_copy | $obj2 :: $obj2_copy :::::" ! ! #puts "connect [lsearch $@children $obj1_copy] $_($wire:port1) [lsearch $@children $obj2_copy] $_($wire:port2)" ! pd .$self connect [lsearch $@children $obj1_copy] $_($wire:port1) [lsearch $@children $obj2_copy] $_($wire:port2) ! #$wire selected?= 0 ! } ! #clean up ! foreach obj $canvas(copy_obj) {set _($obj:duplicate) 0} ! set $canvas(copied_obj) "" ! set $canvas(copy_obj) "" ! set $canvas(copy_wire) "" ! }
*************** *** 2076,2079 **** --- 2142,2147 ----
def* Canvas click {x y b f} { + global canvas + #set canvas(current) $self set c .$self.c focus $c *************** *** 2164,2168 **** } move { - puts "something moved ::: $@selection" foreach obj $@selection { #this could be wrong.... --- 2232,2235 ---- *************** *** 2374,2378 **** class_new Wire {View}
! def* Wire init {canvas from outno to inno} { super global _ --- 2441,2445 ---- class_new Wire {View}
! def Wire init {canvas from outno to inno} { super global _ *************** *** 2396,2400 **** }
! def* Wire draw {} { global look #set thick 2 --- 2463,2467 ---- }
! def Wire draw {} { global look #set thick 2 *************** *** 2552,2556 **** set class [lindex $d $i] switch -- $class { ! canvas {set class $class; set canvas(current) $x} obj {set i 4; set class [lindex $d 4]} } --- 2619,2624 ---- set class [lindex $d $i] switch -- $class { ! #canvas {set class $class; set canvas(current) $x} ! canvas {set class $class} obj {set i 4; set class [lindex $d 4]} } *************** *** 2577,2581 **** --- 2645,2666 ---- puts "duplicating stuff............ $x" $x selected?= 1 + lappend _($canvas(current):children) $x + $x subscribe $canvas(current); $x canvas= $canvas(current) lappend _($canvas(current):selection) $x + puts "duplicated ::: [llength $_($canvas(current):selection)]" + puts "are:: $_($canvas(current):selection)" + if {[llength $_($canvas(current):selection)] == [llength $canvas(dup_orig)]} { + $canvas(current) duplicate_wire + } + } + + if {[info exists canvas(copy)]} { + if {$canvas(copy)} { + puts "copying stuff................ $x" + $x selected?= 1 + lappend _($canvas(current):selection) $x + lappend canvas(copied_obj) $x + if {[llength $canvas(copy_obj)] == [llength $canvas(copied_obj)]} {$canvas(current) paste_wires} + } } } *************** *** 2608,2620 **** # when it reachs the last unborn child, its time to draw the wires # the end of duplication set _($canvas(current):unborn) "" if {$_($canvas(current):duplicating)} { ! #set _($canvas(current):duplicating) 0 ! $canvas(current) duplicate_wire } else { puts "time to draw wires ----- $_($canvas(current):unborn_wire)" $canvas(current) wires= $_($canvas(current):unborn_wire) set _($canvas(current):unborn_wire) "" } } } --- 2693,2710 ---- # when it reachs the last unborn child, its time to draw the wires # the end of duplication + puts "###### number of unborn child [llength $_($canvas(current):unborn)] ######" + puts "###### they are :: $_($canvas(current):unborn) ######" + puts "###### but we are now at :: $x ######" set _($canvas(current):unborn) "" + if {$_($canvas(current):duplicating)} { ! #$canvas(current) duplicate_wire } else { + if {[info exists _($canvas(current):unborn_wire)]} { puts "time to draw wires ----- $_($canvas(current):unborn_wire)" $canvas(current) wires= $_($canvas(current):unborn_wire) set _($canvas(current):unborn_wire) "" } + } } } *************** *** 2622,2625 **** --- 2712,2716 ---- # maybe this $x changed should be changed, so that when loading a file, changed won't # call the drawing method twice... + $x changed *************** *** 2724,2728 **** #class_new BlueBox {Box Labeled}
! def* BlueBox draw {} { global look super --- 2815,2819 ---- #class_new BlueBox {Box Labeled}
! def BlueBox draw {} { global look super *************** *** 3042,3046 **** class_new Labeled {}
! def* Labeled draw {} { mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] set lx [expr $x1+$@ldx] --- 3133,3137 ---- class_new Labeled {}
! def Labeled draw {} { mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] set lx [expr $x1+$@ldx]