Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/packages/darwin_app In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18184
Modified Files: Tag: branch-v0-39-2-extended Makefile Added Files: Tag: branch-v0-39-2-extended VolumeIcon.icns Log Message: set the name of the mounted disk image to always be 'Pd-extended so that .DS_Store and other settings will work
Index: Makefile =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/packages/darwin_app/Makefile,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.65.2.4 -r1.65.2.5 *** Makefile 17 May 2007 04:40:09 -0000 --- Makefile 17 May 2007 16:04:18 -0000 *************** *** 265,285 **** package: dmg
dmg: hdiutil create -format UDRW -fs HFS+ -srcfolder "$(BUILD_BASE)" \ ! -volname $(PACKAGE_NAME) build.dmg # detach one with the same name first ! -hdiutil detach "/Volumes/$(PACKAGE_NAME)" hdiutil attach build.dmg ! install -p $(manualsdir)/Pd/ReadMe.html "/Volumes/$(PACKAGE_NAME)" ! install -p -m0644 org.puredata.pd.plist "/Volumes/$(PACKAGE_NAME)" ! install -d "/Volumes/$(PACKAGE_NAME)/.imagefolder" # add link to /Applications for easy install ! cd "/Volumes/$(PACKAGE_NAME)/" && ln -s /Applications ! # background image will only show when the disk image is called "Pd-extended # the background image needs to be added to the .DS_Store to work ! # install -p background.png "/Volumes/$(PACKAGE_NAME)/.imagefolder/" ! install -p DS_Store "/Volumes/$(PACKAGE_NAME)/.DS_Store" ! chmod -R a-w "/Volumes/$(PACKAGE_NAME)/$(PD_APP_NAME).app/Contents/Resources/doc" ! hdiutil detach `mount | grep $(PACKAGE_NAME) | cut -d ' ' -f 1` hdiutil convert -format UDZO -o "$(PACKAGE_NAME).dmg" build.dmg rm -f build.dmg --- 265,287 ---- package: dmg
+ VOLUME_NAME = Pd-extended dmg: hdiutil create -format UDRW -fs HFS+ -srcfolder "$(BUILD_BASE)" \ ! -volname $(VOLUME_NAME) build.dmg # detach one with the same name first ! -hdiutil detach "/Volumes/$(VOLUME_NAME)" hdiutil attach build.dmg ! install -p $(manualsdir)/Pd/ReadMe.html "/Volumes/$(VOLUME_NAME)" ! install -p -m0644 org.puredata.pd.plist "/Volumes/$(VOLUME_NAME)" ! install -d "/Volumes/$(VOLUME_NAME)/.imagefolder" # add link to /Applications for easy install ! ln -s /Applications /Volumes/$(VOLUME_NAME)/Applications ! # background image will only show when the disk image is called "$(VOLUME_NAME) # the background image needs to be added to the .DS_Store to work ! install -p background.png "/Volumes/$(VOLUME_NAME)/.imagefolder/" ! install -p DS_Store "/Volumes/$(VOLUME_NAME)/.DS_Store" ! install -p VolumeIcon.icns "/Volumes/$(VOLUME_NAME)/.VolumeIcon.icns" ! chmod -R a-w "/Volumes/$(VOLUME_NAME)/$(PD_APP_NAME).app/Contents/Resources/doc" ! hdiutil detach `mount | grep $(VOLUME_NAME) | cut -d ' ' -f 1` hdiutil convert -format UDZO -o "$(PACKAGE_NAME).dmg" build.dmg rm -f build.dmg
--- NEW FILE: VolumeIcon.icns --- (This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)