Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14682
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: more bugfixes. it's really close to be rendering again now.
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.89 -r1.1.2.90 *** desire.tk 31 Oct 2005 12:47:12 -0000 --- desire.tk 31 Oct 2005 13:20:08 -0000 *************** *** 74,78 ****
def* manager init {} { - post %s "MANAGER INIT!!! self=$self" set @q [list] $self call --- 74,77 ---- *************** *** 81,89 **** def manager call {} { global poolset ! if {![llength $@q]} return ! post "client queue %d" [llength $@q] foreach o $@q { ! puts "$o: $poolset($o)" ! unset poolset($origin) } set @q [list] --- 80,88 ---- def manager call {} { global poolset ! if {[llength $@q]} {post "client queue %d" [llength $@q]} foreach o $@q { ! post %s "$o: $poolset($o)" ! unset poolset($o) ! $o draw [$o canvas] } set @q [list] *************** *** 94,102 **** global poolset if {[info exists poolset($origin)]} { # nothing for now } { set poolset($origin) {-1} ! lappend poolset $origin } }
--- 93,103 ---- global poolset if {[info exists poolset($origin)]} { + post %s "def manager notice: double dirty" # nothing for now } { set poolset($origin) {-1} ! lappend @q $origin } + post "manager notice: queue length is now %d" [llength $@q] }
*************** *** 731,734 **** --- 732,736 ---- $self subscribe $manager $self changed + $self canvas= $self }
*************** *** 961,967 **** #}
! # in the future, one view may have several canvases. ! # this means that the following proc will have to die. ! def view canvas {} {return $@canvas}
def* objectbox draw {canvas} { --- 963,970 ---- #}
! # in the future, one view may have several canvases. (??) ! # this would mean that the following proc will have to die. ! def view canvas {} {return $@canvas} ! def view canvas= {c} {set @canvas $c}
def* objectbox draw {canvas} { *************** *** 999,1002 **** --- 1002,1009 ---- }
+ def canvas draw {canvas} { + + } + #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def io draw/2 {canvas which n y} { *************** *** 1215,1219 **** set born [lwithout $children $@children]; post %s "BORN: $born" set dead [lwithout $@children $children]; post %s "DEAD: $dead" ! foreach x $born {$x subscribe $self; $x changed} foreach x $dead {$x unsubscribe $self} set @children $children --- 1222,1226 ---- set born [lwithout $children $@children]; post %s "BORN: $born" set dead [lwithout $@children $children]; post %s "DEAD: $dead" ! foreach x $born {$x subscribe $self; $x changed; $x canvas= $self} foreach x $dead {$x unsubscribe $self} set @children $children *************** *** 1224,1227 **** --- 1231,1236 ---- set i [lsearch $@children $obj] if {!$i} {lappend @children $obj} + $obj subscribe $self; $x changed + $obj canvas= $self }
*************** *** 1229,1232 **** --- 1238,1242 ---- set i [lsearch $@children $obj] if {$i} {set @children [lreplace $@children $i $i]} + $obj unsubscribe $self }
*************** *** 1680,1684 ****
def* canvas notice {origin args} { ! eval [concat [list child_changed $origin] $args] }
--- 1690,1694 ----
def* canvas notice {origin args} { ! eval [concat [list $self child_changed $origin] $args] }
*************** *** 2537,2554 **** }
! set console_scrollback_count 0 proc post_to_gui {x} { ! global cmdline console_scrollback_count ! if {[catch { set oldpos [lindex [.log.2 get] 1] .log.1 insert end $x ! incr console_scrollback_count ! if {$console_scrollback_count >= $cmdline(console)} { .log.1 delete 1.0 2.0 ! } if {$oldpos > 0.9999} {.log.1 see end} ! }]} { ! puts -nonewline stderr $x ! } }
--- 2547,2567 ---- }
! set console_lines 0 proc post_to_gui {x} { ! global cmdline console_lines ! # if {[catch { set oldpos [lindex [.log.2 get] 1] .log.1 insert end $x ! regsub "\n$" $x "" y ! set n [expr [string length $x]-[string length $y]] ! set console_lines [expr $console_lines+$n] ! while {$console_lines >= $cmdline(console)} { .log.1 delete 1.0 2.0 ! set console_lines [expr $console_lines-1] ! } if {$oldpos > 0.9999} {.log.1 see end} ! # }]} { ! # puts -nonewline stderr $x ! # } }