Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv20418
Modified Files: Tag: impd_0_37 g_editor.c u_main.tk u_object.tk Log Message: bug fixes
Index: g_editor.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/g_editor.c,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** g_editor.c 21 Apr 2004 03:02:41 -0000 --- g_editor.c 26 Apr 2004 08:45:12 -0000 *************** *** 25,29 **** for (i=0; i<ac; i++) { atom_string(av+i,buf+n,sizeof(buf)-1-n); ! sprintf(buf+n,", "); } post("%s",buf); --- 25,29 ---- for (i=0; i<ac; i++) { atom_string(av+i,buf+n,sizeof(buf)-1-n); ! if (i!=ac-1) sprintf(buf+n,", "); } post("%s",buf); *************** *** 675,687 ****
! void canvas_inlettip(t_canvas* x,t_object* ob,int closest,int xpos,int ypos) { int inlet=closest; char *text; if (!sys_tooltips) return; if (ob->ob_pd->c_firstin) closest--; text = closest < 0 ? ob->ob_pd->c_firsttip->s_name : inlet_tip(ob->te_inlet,closest); sys_vgui("show_canvas_tooltip %x .x%x.c %d %d "%d: %s"\n", ! ob, x, xpos, ypos-20,inlet,text); }
--- 675,690 ----
! void canvas_inlettip(t_canvas* can,t_symbol *o,t_float closest,t_float x,t_float y) { int inlet=closest; + int xpos=x, ypos=y; char *text; + t_object *ob; + sscanf(o->s_name,"x%x",(int*)&ob); if (!sys_tooltips) return; if (ob->ob_pd->c_firstin) closest--; text = closest < 0 ? ob->ob_pd->c_firsttip->s_name : inlet_tip(ob->te_inlet,closest); sys_vgui("show_canvas_tooltip %x .x%x.c %d %d "%d: %s"\n", ! ob, can, xpos, ypos-20,inlet,text); }
*************** *** 1021,1025 **** else if (ob && (ninlet = obj_ninlets(ob)) && ypos <= y1+4) { ! int width = x2-x1; int nin1 = ninlet>1 ? ninlet-1 : 1; int closest = ((xpos-x1) * nin1 + width/2)/width; --- 1024,1028 ---- else if (ob && (ninlet = obj_ninlets(ob)) && ypos <= y1+4) { ! /* int width = x2-x1; int nin1 = ninlet>1 ? ninlet-1 : 1; int closest = ((xpos-x1) * nin1 + width/2)/width; *************** *** 1027,1030 **** --- 1030,1034 ---- if (closest < ninlet && xpos >= hotspot-1 && xpos <= hotspot + IOWIDTH+1) canvas_inlettip(x,ob,closest,xpos,ypos); + */ } /* not in an outlet; select and move */ *************** *** 1034,1039 **** /* check if the box is being text edited */ nooutletafterall: ! if (ob && (rt = e->e_textedfor) && ! rt == glist_findrtext(x, ob)) { rtext_mouse(rt, xpos - x1, ypos - y1, RTEXT_DOWN); --- 1038,1042 ---- /* check if the box is being text edited */ nooutletafterall: ! if (ob && (rt = e->e_textedfor) && rt == glist_findrtext(x, ob)) { rtext_mouse(rt, xpos - x1, ypos - y1, RTEXT_DOWN); *************** *** 1095,1119 ****
void canvas_add_wire(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { ! if (ac==4 && av[0].a_type == A_SYMBOL && av[1].a_type == A_FLOAT ! && av[2].a_type == A_SYMBOL && av[3].a_type == A_FLOAT) { ! t_object *obj1, *obj2; ! int port1, port2; ! t_symbol *obj1s, *obj2s; ! t_outconnect *oc; ! obj1s = atom_getsymbol(av+0); sscanf(obj1s->s_name,"%x",&obj1); port1 = atom_getint(av+1); ! obj2s = atom_getsymbol(av+2); sscanf(obj2s->s_name,"%x",&obj2); port2 = atom_getint(av+3); ! /* post("canvas_add_wire: .x%x.c %x %d %x %d",x,obj1,port1,obj2,port2); */ ! oc = obj_connect(obj1, port1, obj2, port2); ! sys_vgui("wire_update l%x {%x %d %x %d %d}\n", oc, obj1,port1,obj2,port2, ! obj_issignaloutlet(obj1,port1)); ! sys_vgui("wire_draw2 l%x .x%x.c\n", oc, glist_getcanvas(x)); ! canvas_setundo(x, canvas_undo_connect, ! canvas_undo_set_connect(x, ! canvas_getindex(x, &obj1->ob_g), port1, ! canvas_getindex(x, &obj2->ob_g), port2), ! "connect"); ! } else { ! post("BORK at %s:%d",__FILE__,__LINE__); ! } }
--- 1098,1124 ----
void canvas_add_wire(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { ! t_object *obj1, *obj2; ! int port1, port2; ! t_symbol *obj1s, *obj2s; ! t_outconnect *oc; ! if (!(ac==4 && av[0].a_type == A_SYMBOL && av[1].a_type == A_FLOAT ! && av[2].a_type == A_SYMBOL && av[3].a_type == A_FLOAT)) goto bork; ! obj1s = atom_getsymbol(av+0); sscanf(obj1s->s_name,"x%x",&obj1); port1 = atom_getint(av+1); ! obj2s = atom_getsymbol(av+2); sscanf(obj2s->s_name,"x%x",&obj2); port2 = atom_getint(av+3); ! if (port1>50 || port1<0) goto bork; ! if (port2>50 || port2<0) goto bork; ! oc = obj_connect(obj1, port1, obj2, port2); ! sys_vgui("wire_update l%x {%x %d %x %d %d}\n", oc, obj1,port1,obj2,port2, ! obj_issignaloutlet(obj1,port1)); ! sys_vgui("wire_draw2 l%x .x%x.c\n", oc, glist_getcanvas(x)); ! canvas_setundo(x, canvas_undo_connect, ! canvas_undo_set_connect(x, ! canvas_getindex(x, &obj1->ob_g), port1, ! canvas_getindex(x, &obj2->ob_g), port2), ! "connect"); ! return; ! bork: ! post_atoms("canvas_add_wire: ",ac,av); ! post("BORK at %s:%d",__FILE__,__LINE__); }
*************** *** 1977,1980 **** --- 1982,1986 ---- class_addmethod(c, (t_method)canvas_motion, gensym("motion"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(c, (t_method)canvas_add_wire, gensym("add-wire"), A_GIMME, A_NULL); + class_addmethod(c, (t_method)canvas_inlettip, gensym("inlet-tip"), A_SYMBOL, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_NULL); /* ------------------------ menu actions ---------------------------- */ class_addmethod(c, (t_method)canvas_menuclose, gensym("menuclose"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
Index: u_object.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/u_object.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.19 -r1.1.2.20 *** u_object.tk 17 Apr 2004 04:39:01 -0000 --- u_object.tk 26 Apr 2004 08:45:12 -0000 *************** *** 94,98 **** global look set xys [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] ! # set length [expr sqrt(pow($x2-$x1,2)+pow($y2-$y1,2))] # set step [expr 1/floor(1+$length/4)] # for {set i 0} {$i<=1.001} {set i [expr $i+$step]} { --- 94,98 ---- global look set xys [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] ! set length [expr sqrt(pow($x2-$x1,2)+pow($y2-$y1,2))] # set step [expr 1/floor(1+$length/4)] # for {set i 0} {$i<=1.001} {set i [expr $i+$step]} { *************** *** 106,114 **** # }
if {[llength [$canvas gettags $self]] != 0} { $canvas coords $self $xys } { $canvas create line $xys -tags $self -width $thick \ ! -arrow last -fill $look(wirefg) # -smooth yes } --- 106,119 ---- # }
+ set arrowsize [expr $length<100 ? $length/10 : 10] + if {$arrowsize < 5} {set arrow none} {set arrow last} + set arrowshape [list $arrowsize [expr $arrowsize*4/5] [expr $arrowsize/3]] + if {[llength [$canvas gettags $self]] != 0} { $canvas coords $self $xys + $canvas itemconfigure -arrow $arrow -arrowshape $arrowshape } { $canvas create line $xys -tags $self -width $thick \ ! -arrow $arrow -arrowshape $arrowshape -fill $look(wirefg) # -smooth yes } *************** *** 127,131 ****
proc wire_select {self canvas flag} { ! if {$flag} {set colour #0000ff} {set colour #8888cc} $canvas itemconfigure $self -fill $colour } --- 132,137 ----
proc wire_select {self canvas flag} { ! global _ look ! if {$flag} {set colour #ff8000} {set colour $look(wirefg)} $canvas itemconfigure $self -fill $colour } *************** *** 776,780 **** global _ vu_col foreach {x1 y1} [object_xy $self $canvas] {} - set y1 $_($self:y1) set xs $_($self:w) set ys $_($self:h) --- 782,785 ---- *************** *** 783,786 **** --- 788,792 ---- set c [lindex $vu_col $i] #puts "i=$i c=$c" + if {!$i} {return} set y1 [expr $y1 + ($led_size+1)*(41-$i) - ($led_size+1)/2] $canvas create rectangle $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$xs] [expr $y1+$led_size] \
Index: u_main.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/u_main.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** u_main.tk 20 Apr 2004 01:20:44 -0000 --- u_main.tk 26 Apr 2004 08:45:12 -0000 *************** *** 769,774 **** bind $name.c <Button-5> "$name.c yview scroll +1 units" }} ! catch {image create photo mybackground -file "test2.gif"} ! catch {$name.c create image -6 -39 -anchor nw -image mybackground -tag bg} #scale $name.bbar.bg -orient horizontal -showvalue false -from 0 -to 255 -command {} #pack $name.bbar.bg -side right --- 769,774 ---- bind $name.c <Button-5> "$name.c yview scroll +1 units" }} ! #catch {image create photo mybackground -file "test2.gif"} ! #catch {$name.c create image -6 -39 -anchor nw -image mybackground -tag bg} #scale $name.bbar.bg -orient horizontal -showvalue false -from 0 -to 255 -command {} #pack $name.bbar.bg -side right *************** *** 831,835 **** set cy [$canvas canvasy $y] set edit 0; switch $_($self:mode) { edit { set edit 1 } } ! foreach {type id} [identify_target $canvas $x $y $b $f "click"] {} switch $type { object { --- 831,835 ---- set cy [$canvas canvasy $y] set edit 0; switch $_($self:mode) { edit { set edit 1 } } ! foreach {type id} [identify_target $canvas $cx $cy $b $f "click"] {} switch $type { object { *************** *** 837,841 **** pd "$self click-on-object x$id $cx $cy $b $f;" if {$edit && [llength [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE]]} { - set wire_from [list $cx $cy] foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE] {} if {abs($y2-3-$cy)<=3} { --- 837,840 ---- *************** *** 882,897 **** set current_x $cx set current_y $cy foreach {type id} [identify_target $canvas $x $y -1 -1 "move "] {} switch $type { object { if {$edit && [llength [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE]]} { ! if {[llength $wire_from]} { ! # may highlight an inlet ! foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE] {} ! if {abs($y1+3-$cy)<=3} { ! set ports 0 ! catch {set ports $_($id:inlets)} ! if {$ports==0} return ! set port [expr int(($cx-$x1)*$ports/($x2-$x1))] $canvas create rectangle \ [l+ [$canvas coords ${id}i${port}] {-4 -4 +4 +4}] \ --- 881,909 ---- set current_x $cx set current_y $cy + if {[llength [$canvas gettags lnew]]} { + #foreach {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [$canvas coords lnew] {} + #$canvas coords lnew $ox1 $oy1 $cx $cy + foreach {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [lrange [$canvas coords lnew] end-3 end] {} + set l [$canvas coords lnew] + if {[llength $l]<4 || pow($ox1-$cx,2)+pow($oy1-$cy,2)<pow(30,2)} { + set l [lrange $l 0 [expr [llength $l]-3]] + } + lappend l $cx $cy + $canvas coords lnew $l + #$canvas coords lnew [lindex $l 0] [lindex $l 1] [lindex $l end-1] [lindex $l end] + #return + } foreach {type id} [identify_target $canvas $x $y -1 -1 "move "] {} switch $type { object { if {$edit && [llength [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE]]} { ! # may highlight an inlet ! foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE] {} ! if {abs($y1+3-$cy)<=3} { ! set ports 0 ! catch {set ports $_($id:inlets)} ! if {$ports==0} return ! set port [expr int(($cx-$x1)*$ports/($x2-$x1))] ! if {[llength $wire_from]} { $canvas create rectangle \ [l+ [$canvas coords ${id}i${port}] {-4 -4 +4 +4}] \ *************** *** 900,903 **** --- 912,918 ---- set wire_to [list $id $port] return + } { + pd "$self inlet-tip x${id} $port $cx $cy ;" + return } } { *************** *** 922,939 **** wire {} } ! if {[llength [$canvas gettags lnew]]} { ! #foreach {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [$canvas coords lnew] {} ! #$canvas coords lnew $ox1 $oy1 $cx $cy ! foreach {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [lrange [$canvas coords lnew] end-3 end] {} ! set l [$canvas coords lnew] ! if {[llength $l]<4 || pow($ox1-$cx,2)+pow($oy1-$cy,2)<pow(30,2)} { ! set l [lrange $l 0 [expr [llength $l]-3]] ! } ! lappend l $cx $cy ! $canvas coords lnew $l ! #$canvas coords lnew [lindex $l 0] [lindex $l 1] [lindex $l end-1] [lindex $l end] ! return ! } ! pd "[canvastosym $canvas] motion $x $y $mods ;" }
--- 937,941 ---- wire {} } ! pd "[canvastosym $canvas] motion $cx $cy $mods ;" }
*************** *** 949,956 **** proc pdtk_canvas_mouseup {name x y b} { global pdtk_canvas_mouseup wire_from wire_to set self [canvastosym $name] if {[llength $wire_from]} { if {[llength $wire_to]} { ! pd "$self add-wire $wire_from $wire_to ;" } set wire_from {} --- 951,961 ---- proc pdtk_canvas_mouseup {name x y b} { global pdtk_canvas_mouseup wire_from wire_to + set cx [$name canvasx $x] + set cy [$name canvasy $y] set self [canvastosym $name] if {[llength $wire_from]} { if {[llength $wire_to]} { ! puts stderr "$self add-wire x$wire_from x$wire_to ;" ! pd "$self add-wire x$wire_from x$wire_to ;" } set wire_from {} *************** *** 959,963 **** #return } ! pd "$self mouseup [$name canvasx $x] [$name canvasy $y] $b ;"
set size [$name bbox all] --- 964,968 ---- #return } ! pd "$self mouseup $cx $cy $b ;"
set size [$name bbox all] *************** *** 1077,1131 **** }
- ############ pdtk_canvas_dofont -- run a font and resize dialog ######### - - set fontsize 0 - set stretchval 0 - set whichstretch 0 - - proc dofont_apply {name} { - global _ - pd "$name font $_($name:fontsize) $_($name:stretchval) $_($name:whichstretch) ;" - } - - proc dofont_cancel {name} { - pd "$name cancel ;" - } - - proc pdtk_canvas_dofont {name initsize} { - global fontsize; set fontsize $initsize - global stretchval; set stretchval 100 - global whichstretch; set whichstretch 1 - - toplevel $name - wm title $name "FONT BOMB" - wm protocol $name WM_DELETE_WINDOW "dofont_cancel $name" - - frame $name.buttonframe - pack $name.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m - button $name.buttonframe.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "dofont_cancel $name"; pack $name.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1 - button $name.buttonframe.ok -text "Do it" -command "dofont_apply $name"; pack $name.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1 - frame $name.radiof - pack $name.radiof -side left - - label $name.radiof.label -text "Font Size: " - pack $name.radiof.label -side top - - foreach size {8 10 12 16 24 36} { - radiobutton $name.radiof.radio$size -value $size -variable fontsize -text $size - pack $name.radiof.radio$size -side top -anchor w - } - frame $name.stretchf - pack $name.stretchf -side left - label $name.stretchf.label -text "Stretch: " - pack $name.stretchf.label -side top - entry $name.stretchf.entry -textvariable stretchval -width 5 - pack $name.stretchf.entry -side left - foreach {i label} {1 "X and Y" 2 "X only" 3 "Y only"} { - radiobutton $name.stretchf.radio$i -value $i \ - -variable $_($name:whichstretch) -text $label - pack $name.stretchf.radio$i -side top -anchor w - } - } - ############ properties_dialog #########
--- 1082,1085 ---- *************** *** 1202,1210 **** choice { set i 0 ! foreach part $label { ! radiobutton $f$i -text $part -value $i -variable _($self:$name) ! pack $f$i -side top incr i } } toggle { --- 1156,1168 ---- choice { set i 0 ! frame $f ! label $f.label -text [lindex $label 0] ! pack $f.label $f -side left ! foreach part [lrange $label 1 end] { ! radiobutton $f.$i -text $part -value $i -variable _($self:$name) ! pack $f.$i -side top incr i } + pack $f -side top } toggle { *************** *** 1229,1232 **** --- 1187,1232 ---- }
+ ############ pdtk_canvas_dofont -- run a font and resize dialog ######### + + set fontsize 0 + set stretchval 0 + set whichstretch 0 + + proc dofont_apply {name} { + global _ + set self [string trimleft $name .] + pd "$name font \ + [lindex {8 10 12 16 24 36} $_($self:fontsize)] \ + $_($self:stretchval) [expr 1+$_($self:whichstretch)] ;" + } + + proc dofont_cancel {name} { pd "$name cancel ;" } + + proc pdtk_canvas_dofont {name initsize} { + global _ + set self [string trimleft $name .] + set _($self:fontsize) [lsearch {8 10 12 16 24 36} $initsize] + set _($self:stretchval) 100 + set _($self:whichstretch) 0 + + toplevel $name + wm title $name "FONT BOMB" + wm protocol $name WM_DELETE_WINDOW "dofont_cancel $name" + + frame $name.buttonframe + pack $name.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m + button $name.buttonframe.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "dofont_cancel $name"; pack $name.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1 + button $name.buttonframe.ok -text "Do it" -command "dofont_apply $name"; pack $name.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1 + frame $name.radiof + pack $name.radiof -side left + + set props { + fontsize {"Font Size: " 8 10 12 16 24 36} choice {} + stretchval "Stretch: " entry {-width 5} + whichstretch {"Axes: " "X and Y" "X only" "Y only"} choice {} + } + properties_dialog $self .$self dofont_ok $props + } + ############ pdtk_gatom_dialog -- run a gatom dialog #########
*************** *** 1286,1295 **** frame .$self.buttonsep -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken frame .$self.buttonframe ! button .$self.buttonframe.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "${procprefix}_cancel .$self" ! button .$self.buttonframe.apply -text "Apply" -command "${procprefix}_apply .$self" ! button .$self.buttonframe.ok -text "OK" -command "${procprefix}_ok .$self" ! pack .$self.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1 ! pack .$self.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1 ! pack .$self.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1 pack .$self.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m pack .$self.buttonsep -side bottom -fill x --- 1286,1293 ---- frame .$self.buttonsep -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken frame .$self.buttonframe ! foreach {a b} {cancel "Cancel" apply "Apply" ok "OK"} { ! button .$self.buttonframe.$a -text $b -command "${procprefix}_$a .$self" ! pack .$self.buttonframe.$a -side left -expand 1 ! } pack .$self.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m pack .$self.buttonsep -side bottom -fill x *************** *** 1395,1402 **** ############ pdtk_iemgui_dialog -- dialog window for iem guis #########
- set iemgui_define_min_flashhold 50 - set iemgui_define_min_flashbreak 10 - set iemgui_define_min_fontsize 4 - proc iemgui_clip_dim {id} { global _ --- 1393,1396 ---- *************** *** 1416,1420 **** global _ set self [string trimleft $id .] - global iemgui_define_min_flashhold iemgui_define_min_flashbreak if {$_($self:rng_sch) == 2} { if {$_($self:max_rng) < $_($self:min_rng)} { --- 1410,1413 ---- *************** *** 1423,1432 **** set _($self:max_rng) $tmp } ! if {$_($self:max_rng) < $iemgui_define_min_flashhold} { ! set _($self:max_rng) $iemgui_define_min_flashhold ! } ! if {$_($self:min_rng) < $iemgui_define_min_flashbreak} { ! set _($self:min_rng) $iemgui_define_min_flashbreak ! } } if {$_($self:rng_sch) == 1} { --- 1416,1421 ---- set _($self:max_rng) $tmp } ! if {$_($self:max_rng) < 50} {set _($self:max_rng) 50} ! if {$_($self:min_rng) < 10} {set _($self:min_rng) 10} } if {$_($self:rng_sch) == 1} { *************** *** 1453,1459 **** global _ set self [string trimleft $id .] ! global iemgui_define_min_fontsize ! if {$_($self:fs) < $iemgui_define_min_fontsize} { ! set _($self:fs) $iemgui_define_min_fontsize } } --- 1442,1447 ---- global _ set self [string trimleft $id .] ! if {$_($self:fs) < 4} { ! set _($self:fs) 4 } } *************** *** 1547,1556 ****
if {$_($self:lin0_log1) >= 0} { ! lappend props lin0_log1 [list $lilo0_label $lilo1_label] choice {} } if {$_($self:loadbang) >= 0} {lappend props loadbang "init" toggle {}} if {$_($self:num) > 0} {lappend props num $num_label entry {-width 4}} if {$_($self:steady) >= 0} { ! lappend props steady [list "jump on click" "steady on click"] choice {} } properties_dialog $self .$self iemgui_ok $props --- 1535,1544 ----
if {$_($self:lin0_log1) >= 0} { ! lappend props lin0_log1 [list "Mode: " $lilo0_label $lilo1_label] choice {} } if {$_($self:loadbang) >= 0} {lappend props loadbang "init" toggle {}} if {$_($self:num) > 0} {lappend props num $num_label entry {-width 4}} if {$_($self:steady) >= 0} { ! lappend props steady [list "Steadiness: " "jump on click" "steady on click"] choice {} } properties_dialog $self .$self iemgui_ok $props *************** *** 1561,1569 **** lappend props ldx "label x offset: " entry {-width 5} lappend props ldy "label y offset: " entry {-width 5} ! lappend props fstyle {"courier (typewriter)" "helvetica (sansserif)" "times (serif)"} choice {} lappend props fs "font size: " entry {-width 5} ! lappend props bcol "background color" color {} ! lappend props fcol "foreground color" color {} ! lappend props lcol "label color" color {} properties_dialog $self .$self iemgui_ok $props cancel_apply_ok $self iemgui --- 1549,1557 ---- lappend props ldx "label x offset: " entry {-width 5} lappend props ldy "label y offset: " entry {-width 5} ! lappend props fstyle {"Typeface: " "courier (typewriter)" "helvetica (sansserif)" "times (serif)"} choice {} lappend props fs "font size: " entry {-width 5} ! lappend props bcol "background color: " color {} ! lappend props fcol "foreground color: " color {} ! lappend props lcol "label color: " color {} properties_dialog $self .$self iemgui_ok $props cancel_apply_ok $self iemgui *************** *** 1954,1959 **** set outputs 1 if {$longform && $multi > 1 && [llength $indevlist] > 1} {set outputs 2} ! if {$longform && $multi > 1 && [llength $indevlist] > 1} {set outputs 3} ! if {$longform && $multi > 1 && [llength $indevlist] > 2} {set outputs 4} if {$multi == 0} { frame $id.out1f --- 1942,1947 ---- set outputs 1 if {$longform && $multi > 1 && [llength $indevlist] > 1} {set outputs 2} ! if {$longform && $multi > 1 && [llength $indevlist] > 2} {set outputs 3} ! if {$longform && $multi > 1 && [llength $indevlist] > 3} {set outputs 4} if {$multi == 0} { frame $id.out1f *************** *** 2422,2426 **** void -noadc "suppress audio input" alias -noaudio|-nosound {list -nodac -noadc} ! radio {-alsa -jack -mmio -portaudio|-pa|-asio -oss} { "use ALSA audio API" "use JACK audio API" --- 2410,2416 ---- void -noadc "suppress audio input" alias -noaudio|-nosound {list -nodac -noadc} ! radio {"" -alsa -jack -mmio -portaudio|-pa|-asio -oss} { ! "Sound API: " ! "default" "use ALSA audio API" "use JACK audio API"