Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14813
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata poe.tcl Log Message: added: def Class methods
Index: poe.tcl =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/poe.tcl,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** poe.tcl 19 Dec 2006 04:06:40 -0000 --- poe.tcl 23 Jan 2007 17:23:39 -0000 *************** *** 187,191 **** def Class <= {class} {return [expr [lsearch [$self ancestors] $class]>=0]}
! # those are static methods, and objective.tcl doesn't distinguish them yet. def Class new { args} {eval [concat [list ${self}_new ] $args]} def Class new_as {id args} {eval [concat [list ${self}_new_as $id] $args]} --- 187,203 ---- def Class <= {class} {return [expr [lsearch [$self ancestors] $class]>=0]}
! # note: [luniq] is actually defined in desire.tk ! def Class methods {} { ! set methods {} ! set anc [$self ancestors] ! foreach class $anc { ! foreach name [info procs ${class}_*] { ! lappend methods [join [lrange [split $name _] 1 end] _] ! } ! } ! return [luniq [lsort $methods]] ! } ! ! # those are static methods, and poe.tcl doesn't distinguish them yet. def Class new { args} {eval [concat [list ${self}_new ] $args]} def Class new_as {id args} {eval [concat [list ${self}_new_as $id] $args]}