Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv2800
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: .
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.394 -r1.1.2.395 *** desire.tk 22 Aug 2006 13:16:30 -0000 --- desire.tk 23 Aug 2006 01:10:10 -0000 *************** *** 1207,1216 **** def View motion {x y f target} {} def Thing look {k} { ! global look if {[info exists look($@_class:$k)]} { return $look($@_class:$k) } else { foreach super [$@_class ancestors] { ! if {[info exists look($super:$k)]} {return $look($super:$k)} } } --- 1207,1216 ---- def View motion {x y f target} {} def Thing look {k} { ! global look if {[info exists look($@_class:$k)]} { return $look($@_class:$k) } else { foreach super [$@_class ancestors] { ! if {[info exists look($super:$k)]} {return $look($super:$k)} } } *************** *** 1219,1226 **** global accels if {[dict exists $accels $k]} { ! set string [dict get $accels $k] ! set separator [string first : $string 0] ! set class [string range $string 0 [expr $separator - 1]] ! if {$class != $@_class} {return ""} else {return [string range $string [expr $separator + 1] end]} } } --- 1219,1224 ---- global accels if {[dict exists $accels $k]} { ! mset {class key} [split [dict get $accels $k] ":"] ! if {$class != $@_class} {return ""} else {return $key} } } *************** *** 1782,1791 **** def* TextBox draw {} { global font ! #$self update_size # "TEXT" is the text label while "text" is the the input text field tk widget super mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] - set l {} - foreach char [split $@text ""] {lappend l [scan $char %c]} if {$@edit} { set t .$@canvas.c.${self}text --- 1780,1787 ---- def* TextBox draw {} { global font ! $self update_size # "TEXT" is the text label while "text" is the the input text field tk widget super mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] if {$@edit} { set t .$@canvas.c.${self}text *************** *** 1844,1848 **** }
! def* TextBox update_size {{n -1}} { global font set n [string length $@text] --- 1840,1844 ---- }
! def* TextBox update_size {} { global font set n [string length $@text] *************** *** 1918,1922 ****
def* ObjectBox draw {} { - $self update_size super $self draw_io --- 1914,1917 ---- *************** *** 2393,2397 **** }
! def* Canvas end_action {} { $@action delete set @action "none" --- 2388,2392 ---- }
! def Canvas end_action {} { $@action delete set @action "none" *************** *** 2521,2525 ****
#!@#$ this method is too long ! def* Canvas click {x y f target} { if {[winfo exists .completion]} { raise .completion --- 2516,2520 ----
#!@#$ this method is too long ! def Canvas click {x y f target} { if {[winfo exists .completion]} { raise .completion *************** *** 4850,4858 **** }
- #def* ClassBrowser tab {textbox} { - # set $@focus $@listbox - # $self key Down $textbox - #} - def* ClassBrowser key {key focus1 {shift 0}} { #focus1 = whatever --- 4845,4848 ---- *************** *** 4881,4885 **** default { if {$@focus == $@listbox} { ! if {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z]{1}$} $key]} { switch $self { browser {.$self.butt.2 insert end $key} --- 4871,4875 ---- default { if {$@focus == $@listbox} { ! if {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z0-9~/._]{1}$} $key]} { switch $self { browser {.$self.butt.2 insert end $key} *************** *** 5226,5234 **** }
! def Dialog ok {} {$self apply; $self cancel} ! def Dialog cancel {} {$self delete} ! def Dialog close {} {$self delete} ! def Dialog apply {} {} ! def* Dialog delete {} {destroy .$self; super}
def* Dialog init {args} { --- 5216,5224 ---- }
! def Dialog ok {} {$self apply; $self cancel} ! def Dialog cancel {} {$self delete} ! def Dialog close {} {$self delete} ! def Dialog apply {} {} ! def Dialog delete {} {destroy .$self; super}
def* Dialog init {args} { *************** *** 5264,5273 ****
def* Dialog color_popup_select {frame var color} { - global _ preset_colors - #puts " --------------- self:$self name:$var c:$color" set @$var $color ! set fg_color [complement [format #%6.6x $color]] ! $frame.color configure \ ! -background [format #%6.6x $color] -foreground $fg_color -text [format #%6.6x $color] }
--- 5254,5260 ----
def* Dialog color_popup_select {frame var color} { set @$var $color ! set col [format #%6.6x $color] ! $frame.color configure -background $col -foreground [complement $col] -text $col }
*************** *** 5303,5307 **** frame $f pack [frame $f.bar] -fill x - #pack [frame $f.buttonsep -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken] pack [frame $f.main -borderwidth 1 -relief raised \ -width 600 -height 350] -fill both -expand yes --- 5290,5293 ----