Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv23918
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: subpatcherize supports [inlet~] and [outlet~]
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.413 -r1.1.2.600.2.414 *** desire.tk 17 Oct 2007 00:13:11 -0000 --- desire.tk 18 Oct 2007 12:22:42 -0000 *************** *** 3011,3015 **** $self motion $x $y $f [$self identify_target $x $y $f] } ! set @motion_after_id [after 100 "$self motion_update"] }
--- 3011,3015 ---- $self motion $x $y $f [$self identify_target $x $y $f] } ! set @motion_after_id [after 50 "$self motion_update"] }
*************** *** 4043,4053 **** mset {x y} $center; set inx 0; set outx 0 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $iolist]} {incr i} { ! mset {type io port} [lindex $iolist $i] if {$type == "i"} { ! netsend [list #X obj [expr ($inx+1)*100] 0 inlet] netsend [list #X connect $offset 0 $io $port] incr inx } else { ! netsend [list #X obj [expr ($outx+1)*100] [expr $y*2] outlet] netsend [list #X connect $io $port $offset 0] incr outx --- 4043,4055 ---- mset {x y} $center; set inx 0; set outx 0 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $iolist]} {incr i} { ! mset {type io port dsp} [lindex $iolist $i] if {$type == "i"} { ! if {$dsp} {set inlet "inlet~"} {set inlet "inlet"} ! netsend [list #X obj [expr ($inx+1)*100] 0 $inlet] netsend [list #X connect $offset 0 $io $port] incr inx } else { ! if {$dsp} {set outlet "outlet~"} {set outlet "outlet"} ! netsend [list #X obj [expr ($outx+1)*100] [expr $y*2] $outlet] netsend [list #X connect $io $port $offset 0] incr outx *************** *** 4060,4067 **** set tab {}; set result {} for {set x 0} {$x < [llength $orig]} {incr x} { ! mset {from k1 io1} [lindex $orig $x]; mset {k2 io2} [lindex $io $x] set obj1 [$@objects get $k1] mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$obj1 io_bbox $from $io1]; set x1 [expr int($x1)] ! lappend pos $x1; lappend tab [list $k1 $x1 [list $k2 $io2]] } set tab [lsort -index 1 -real $tab]; set foo "" --- 4062,4070 ---- set tab {}; set result {} for {set x 0} {$x < [llength $orig]} {incr x} { ! mset {from k1 io1 dsp} [lindex $orig $x]; mset {k2 io2} [lindex $io $x] set obj1 [$@objects get $k1] mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$obj1 io_bbox $from $io1]; set x1 [expr int($x1)] ! lappend pos $x1; lappend tab [list $k1 $x1 [list $k2 $io2 $dsp]] ! #lappend pos $x1; lappend tab [list $k1 $x1 [list $k2 $io2]] } set tab [lsort -index 1 -real $tab]; set foo "" *************** *** 4077,4104 **** for {set i 0} {$i < [$obj ninlets]} {incr i} { mset {brk_wires brk_quads} [$self broken_wires i [$@objects search $obj] $i $self] ! if {[llength $brk_wires]} {foreach wire $brk_quads {lappend broken [concat i $wire ]}} } for {set o 0} {$o < [$obj noutlets]} {incr o} { mset {brk_wires brk_quads} [$self broken_wires o [$@objects search $obj] $o $self] ! if {[llength $brk_wires]} {foreach wire $brk_quads {lappend broken [concat o $wire]}} } } # $broken stores totall number of broken connections, i= need [inlet] o = need [outlet] foreach c $broken { ! mset {type f o t i} $c if {$type == "i"} { ! lappend ins [list $t $i];lappend toins [list o $f $o] } else { ! lappend outs [list $f $o]; lappend fromouts [list i $t $i] } } - # figures out the inlet/outlet positioning and num of in/outlet to create set ins [$self subpatcherize_iopos $toins $ins] set outs [$self subpatcherize_iopos $fromouts $outs] - # iolist stores in/outlets to be conected inside the subpatch ! foreach in $ins {mset {idx p} $in; lappend iolist [list i [$self idx_map $idx] $p]} ! foreach out $outs {mset {idx p} $out; lappend iolist [list o [$self idx_map $idx] $p]} puts "\t \t Cutting..............." $self cut --- 4080,4117 ---- for {set i 0} {$i < [$obj ninlets]} {incr i} { mset {brk_wires brk_quads} [$self broken_wires i [$@objects search $obj] $i $self] ! if {[llength $brk_wires]} { ! foreach wire $brk_quads { ! set out_obj_name [[$@objects get [lindex $wire 0]] text] ! if {[regexp {~} $out_obj_name]} {set dsp 1} {set dsp 0} ! lappend broken [concat i $wire $dsp] ! } ! } } for {set o 0} {$o < [$obj noutlets]} {incr o} { mset {brk_wires brk_quads} [$self broken_wires o [$@objects search $obj] $o $self] ! if {[llength $brk_wires]} { ! foreach wire $brk_quads { ! set out_obj_name [[$@objects get [lindex $wire 0]] text] ! if {[regexp {~} $out_obj_name]} {set dsp 1} {set dsp 0} ! lappend broken [concat o $wire $dsp] ! } ! } } } # $broken stores totall number of broken connections, i= need [inlet] o = need [outlet] foreach c $broken { ! mset {type f o t i dsp} $c if {$type == "i"} { ! lappend ins [list $t $i];lappend toins [list o $f $o $dsp] } else { ! lappend outs [list $f $o]; lappend fromouts [list i $t $i $dsp] } } # figures out the inlet/outlet positioning and num of in/outlet to create set ins [$self subpatcherize_iopos $toins $ins] set outs [$self subpatcherize_iopos $fromouts $outs] # iolist stores in/outlets to be conected inside the subpatch ! foreach in $ins {mset {idx p dsp} $in; lappend iolist [list i [$self idx_map $idx] $p $dsp]} ! foreach out $outs {mset {idx p dsp} $out; lappend iolist [list o [$self idx_map $idx] $p $dsp]} puts "\t \t Cutting..............." $self cut *************** *** 4122,4132 **** set obj $@subpatcherize_id foreach wire $wires { ! mset {type f o t i} $wire ! puts "wire:::: $wire" if {$type == "i"} { ! set idx [lsearch $inlist [list $t $i]] $self connect [list $f $o [$@objects search $obj] $idx] } else { ! set idx [lsearch $outlist [list $f $o]] $self connect [list [$@objects search $obj] $idx $t $i] } --- 4135,4144 ---- set obj $@subpatcherize_id foreach wire $wires { ! mset {type f o t i dsp} $wire if {$type == "i"} { ! set idx [lsearch $inlist [list $t $i $dsp]] $self connect [list $f $o [$@objects search $obj] $idx] } else { ! set idx [lsearch $outlist [list $f $o $dsp]] $self connect [list [$@objects search $obj] $idx $t $i] }