Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv17544
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: more $@children stuff
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.295 -r1.1.2.600.2.296 *** desire.tk 6 Aug 2007 19:24:21 -0000 --- desire.tk 6 Aug 2007 21:57:20 -0000 *************** *** 2648,2654 **** --- 2648,2656 ---- def Canvas children_idx {obj} {return [lsearch $@children $obj]} def Canvas child_by_idx {obj} {return [lindex $@children $obj]} + def Canvas children_each {var code} {uplevel 2 [list foreach $var [$self children] $code]}
def Canvas havewindow= {flag} { global subpatcherize + # race condition! if {$::subpatcherize(future_sub) != ""} { $::subpatcherize(future_sub) subpatcherize_paste *************** *** 2658,2671 **** #if {$flag && $was && [$self gop]} {$self redraw} if {$flag && $was} {$self raise} ! if {$flag && !$was} { ! #if {!$subpatcherize(paste) && !$subpatcherize(edit)} { ! # netsend [list .$self map 1] ! # $self init_window ! #} else { ! # if {$subpatcherize(paste)} {set subpatherize(paste) 0} ! # if {$subpatcherize(edit)} {set subpatherize(edit) 0; $self draw_wires} ! #} ! } ;#??? ! if {!$flag && $was} {$self delete_window} ;#??? }
--- 2660,2664 ---- #if {$flag && $was && [$self gop]} {$self redraw} if {$flag && $was} {$self raise} ! if {!$flag && $was} {$self delete_window} }
*************** *** 2765,2769 **** #HACK: check for >=0 because object not deleted properly. #set i [$self index $obj]; if {$i>=0} {$self del $i} ! $self del [$self index $obj] } foreach x $@selection_wire { --- 2758,2762 ---- #HACK: check for >=0 because object not deleted properly. #set i [$self index $obj]; if {$i>=0} {$self del $i} ! $self del [$self children_idx $obj] } foreach x $@selection_wire { *************** *** 2834,2838 ****
def Canvas quadrant {du dv array} { ! switch $@keynav_current { 0 {set @keynav_current [lindex $@children 0]}} set foo {} set bar {} --- 2827,2831 ----
def Canvas quadrant {du dv array} { ! if {!$@keynav_current} {set @keynav_current [lindex $@children 0]} set foo {} set bar {} *************** *** 3343,3357 **** def Canvas get_childcanvas {} { set canvases {} ! foreach child $@children {if {[$child class] == "Canvas"} {lappend canvases $child}} return $canvases }
- def Canvas index {child} { - # this could be O(1) if the proper database were maintained. - set n [lsearch $@children $child] - if {$n<0} {puts "Canvas index $child == -1 !!!"} - return $n - } - def Canvas runcommand {} {$@runcommand pack_prompt}
--- 3336,3343 ---- def Canvas get_childcanvas {} { set canvases {} ! foreach child [$self children] {if {[$child class] == "Canvas"} {lappend canvases $child}} return $canvases }
def Canvas runcommand {} {$@runcommand pack_prompt}
*************** *** 5497,5508 **** set @properties [list "gop" "xfrom" "xto" "yfrom" "yto" "width" "height" "xmargin" "ymargin"] set mess [$of get_mess] ! set @xfrom [lindex $mess 0] ! set @xto [lindex $mess 2] ! set @yfrom [lindex $mess 1] ! set @yto [lindex $mess 3] ! set @width [lindex $mess 4] ! set @height [lindex $mess 5] ! set @xmargin [lindex $mess 6] ! set @ymargin [lindex $mess 7] if {!$@width} {set @width 85}; if {!$@height} {set @height 60} $self add .$self [list gop toggle -command "$self gop_setting"] --- 5483,5487 ---- set @properties [list "gop" "xfrom" "xto" "yfrom" "yto" "width" "height" "xmargin" "ymargin"] set mess [$of get_mess] ! mset [list @xfrom @yfrom @xto @yto @width @height @xmargin @ymargin] $mess if {!$@width} {set @width 85}; if {!$@height} {set @height 60} $self add .$self [list gop toggle -command "$self gop_setting"] *************** *** 8386,8391 **** if {$selcanvas == ""} { list #X connect \ ! [$@canvas index $@from] $@outlet \ ! [$@canvas index $@to] $@inlet } { list #X connect \ --- 8365,8370 ---- if {$selcanvas == ""} { list #X connect \ ! [$@canvas children_idx $@from] $@outlet \ ! [$@canvas children_idx $@to] $@inlet } { list #X connect \