Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/miXed/riddle In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv5264
Added Files: riddle.c riddle.h Log Message:
--- NEW FILE: riddle.h --- /* Copyright (c) 2007 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */
#ifndef __RIDDLE_H__ #define __RIDDLE_H__
EXTERN_STRUCT _riddle; #define t_riddle struct _riddle
EXTERN_STRUCT _rdsource; #define t_rdsource struct _rdsource
EXTERN_STRUCT _rdsink; #define t_rdsink struct _rdsink
EXTERN_STRUCT _rdpool; #define t_rdpool struct _rdpool
EXTERN_STRUCT _rdbuffer; #define t_rdbuffer struct _rdbuffer
typedef void (*t_rdblockfn)(t_riddle *); typedef void (*t_rddspfn)(t_riddle *, t_signal **);
struct _riddle { t_sic rd_sic;
/* designed for system-level control: block mismatches, etc. (user-level control via '_idle' slot in graphpool) */ int rd_disabled; int rd_wasdisabled;
t_rdblockfn rd_blockfn; t_rddspfn rd_dspfn;
t_rdpool *rd_graphpool;
int rd_graphsr; int rd_graphblock;
int rd_nsiginlets; int rd_nremoteslots; t_rdsource *rd_inslots; /* rd_nsiginlets + rd_nremoteslots elements */ t_rdsource *rd_remoteslots; /* == rd_inslots + rd_nsiginlets */
int rd_nsigoutlets; t_rdsink *rd_outslots; /* rd_nsigoutlets elements */
int rd_remotesource; /* LATER consider storing remote sources here */ };
void riddlebug_post(t_riddle *rd, char *pfx, char *fmt, ...);
int riddle_getsr(t_riddle *rd); int riddle_getgraphblock(t_riddle *rd);
int riddle_getsourceblock(t_riddle *rd, int siginno); t_symbol *riddle_getsourcepattern(t_riddle *rd, int siginno, int *maxblockp); int riddle_getoutblock(t_riddle *rd, int sigoutno); t_symbol *riddle_getoutpattern(t_riddle *rd, int sigoutno, int *maxblockp);
void riddle_setoutblock(t_riddle *rd, int sigoutno, int newblock); void riddle_setoutpattern(t_riddle *rd, int sigoutno, t_symbol *pattern, int maxblock);
int riddle_checksourceblock(t_riddle *rd, int siginno, int reqblock); int riddle_checksourcepattern(t_riddle *rd, int siginno, t_symbol *reqpattern, int *maxblockp); int riddle_checkanysource(t_riddle *rd, int siginno);
int riddle_isdisabled(t_riddle *rd); void riddle_disable(t_riddle *rd); void riddle_mute(t_riddle *rd, t_signal **sp);
t_class *riddle_setup(t_symbol *name, t_newmethod newfn, t_method freefn, size_t sz, t_method floatfn, t_rdblockfn blockfn, t_rddspfn dspfn);
void riddle_updatedsp(void);
void rdpool_set(t_rdpool *rp, t_symbol *key, int size, t_float *data); void rdpool_setbygraph(t_canvas *graph, t_symbol *key, int size, t_float *data); t_float *rdpool_get(t_rdpool *rp, t_symbol *key, int *sizep); t_float *riddle_getlink(t_riddle *rd, t_symbol *key, int *sizep); t_canvas *riddle_getgraph(t_riddle *rd, int sigoutno);
t_rdbuffer *riddle_getbuffer(t_symbol *name); t_rdbuffer *rdbuffer_getwriter(t_rdbuffer *rb); void rdbuffer_validate(t_rdbuffer *rb, int nblock); void rdbuffer_reset(t_rdbuffer *rb); int rdbuffer_getframesize(t_rdbuffer *rb); t_float *rdbuffer_gethead(t_rdbuffer *rb); void rdbuffer_stephead(t_rdbuffer *rb); void rdbuffer_movehead(t_rdbuffer *rb, int nframes); void rdbuffer_delayhead(t_rdbuffer *rb, int nframes); void rdbuffer_free(t_rdbuffer *rb); t_rdbuffer *rdbuffer_new(t_riddle *owner, t_symbol *name, int nframes); t_rdbuffer *rdbuffer_newreader(t_riddle *owner, t_symbol *name);
int riddle_erbfill(int nbands, int *buf, int nblock, int sr);
--- NEW FILE: riddle.c --- /* Copyright (c) 2007 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include "m_pd.h" #include "common/loud.h" #include "common/grow.h" #include "sickle/sic.h" #include "riddle.h"
/* obj_starttraverseoutlet, obj_nexttraverseoutlet, obj_noutlets, obj_nsiginlets, obj_nsigoutlets, obj_siginletindex, obj_sigoutletindex, obj_issignalinlet, obj_issignaloutlet */ #include "m_imp.h"
[...1307 lines suppressed...] double fc = df; int i, erbcount = 0, bincount = 0, lastbin = 0; int bufsize = nbands + 1; while (erbcount < nbands && fc < fmax) { /* the formula is taken from ~jos/bbt (the results slightly differ from moore-glasberg's demos) */ double erbnumber = coef * log(.00437 * fc + 1.); bincount++; if ((int)erbnumber > erbcount) /* LATER rethink */ { buf[erbcount++] = bincount - lastbin; lastbin = bincount; } fc += df; } for (i = erbcount; i < bufsize; i++) buf[i] = 0; return (erbcount); }