Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv31743
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: fixed a few small things re gop
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.207 -r1.1.2.600.2.208 *** desire.tk 9 Jul 2007 10:27:23 -0000 --- desire.tk 9 Jul 2007 14:08:48 -0000 *************** *** 1354,1358 **** netsend [list .$self vis 0] if {$@gop} { ! set @mapped 1; netsend [list .$self map 1] } else { set @mapped 0; netsend [list .$self map 0] --- 1354,1358 ---- netsend [list .$self vis 0] if {$@gop} { ! set @mapped 0; netsend [list .$self map 0] } else { set @mapped 0; netsend [list .$self map 0] *************** *** 1505,1509 **** def Canvas editmodeswitch {args} {$self editmode= [expr !$@editmode]} def Canvas window {} { ! if {$@gop && $@canvas != ""} {return [$@canvas window]} return .$self } --- 1505,1509 ---- def Canvas editmodeswitch {args} {$self editmode= [expr !$@editmode]} def Canvas window {} { ! #if {$@gop && $@canvas != ""} {return [$@canvas window]} return .$self } *************** *** 1667,1673 ****
def Canvas gop_rect {} { - # 0 -1 1 1 90 95 10 20 set rect [list $@xmargin $@ymargin [expr $@xmargin+$@pixwidth] [expr $@ymargin+$@pixheight]] ! if {$@goprect == ""} {set @goprect [GopRect new $self $rect]} $@goprect draw
--- 1667,1674 ----
def Canvas gop_rect {} { set rect [list $@xmargin $@ymargin [expr $@xmargin+$@pixwidth] [expr $@ymargin+$@pixheight]] ! if {$@goprect == ""} { ! set @goprect [GopRect new $self $rect] ! } elseif {!$@editmode} {$@goprect delete; set @goprect ""; return} $@goprect draw
*************** *** 2172,2177 **** $self adjust_scrollbars if {$@gop} { ! if {[llength $@children] != 1 && \ ! [[lindex $@children 0] class] != "Array"} {$self gop_rect} } } --- 2173,2180 ---- $self adjust_scrollbars if {$@gop} { ! # this was to test if a canvas is graphical array.... ! #if {[llength $@children] != 1 && \ ! # [[lindex $@children 0] class] != "Array"} {$self gop_rect} ! $self gop_rect } } *************** *** 2498,2504 **** set ::subpatcherize(future_sub) "" } ! set was [winfo exists .$self] ! if {$flag && $was && [$self gop]} {$self redraw} ! if {$flag && $was} {$self raise} if {$flag && !$was} { #if {!$subpatcherize(paste) && !$subpatcherize(edit)} { --- 2501,2507 ---- set ::subpatcherize(future_sub) "" } ! set was [winfo exists .$self] ! if {$flag && $was && [$self gop]} {$self redraw} ! if {$flag && $was} {$self raise} if {$flag && !$was} { #if {!$subpatcherize(paste) && !$subpatcherize(edit)} { *************** *** 2528,2543 **** }
! # this is wrong, arg is called "children" but only accepts one child at a time. ! def Canvas visible_children+= {children} { ! if {[lsearch $@visible_children $children] < 0} { ! set @visible_children [lappend @visible_children $children] $self changed visible_children } }
! # this is wrong, arg is called "children" but only accepts one child at a time. ! def Canvas visible_children-= {children} { ! if {[lsearch $@visible_children $children] >= 0} { ! set @visible_children [lwithout $@visible_children $children] $self changed visible_children } --- 2531,2544 ---- }
! def Canvas visible_children+= {child} { ! if {[lsearch $@visible_children $child] < 0} { ! set @visible_children [lappend @visible_children $child] $self changed visible_children } }
! def Canvas visible_children-= {child} { ! if {[lsearch $@visible_children $child] >= 0} { ! set @visible_children [lwithout $@visible_children $child] $self changed visible_children } *************** *** 2839,2843 **** if {$type_idx >= 0} {break} } - mset {iox ioy} [lmap / [rect_centre [$c bbox $io]] $@zoom] set @iohilite [list $object $iox $ioy $type $port] --- 2840,2843 ---- *************** *** 2951,2955 **** set tags [$c gettags $tag] if {[regexp {^[x][0-9a-f]{6,8}[oi][0-9]{1,3}} $tags io]} { ! lappend ios $io } } --- 2951,2960 ---- set tags [$c gettags $tag] if {[regexp {^[x][0-9a-f]{6,8}[oi][0-9]{1,3}} $tags io]} { ! foreach item {i o} { ! set type_idx [string first $item $io] ! set object [string range $io 0 [expr $type_idx-1]] ! if {$type_idx >= 0} {break} ! } ! if {[$object canvas] == $self} {lappend ios $io} } } *************** *** 3504,3509 **** netsend [list .$self vis 1] netsend [list .$self map 1] ! #$self init_window ! #$self redraw }
--- 3509,3514 ---- netsend [list .$self vis 1] netsend [list .$self map 1] ! $self init_window ! $self redraw }
*************** *** 5320,5323 **** --- 5325,5329 ---- global fields classinfo super $of + set @canvas $of wm title .$self "[say canvas] [say popup_properties]" set @gop [$of gop] *************** *** 5353,5356 **** --- 5359,5363 ---- def CanvasPropertiesDialog apply {} { #pd .$@of donecanvasdialog $@xscale $@yscale $@graphme + if {![$@canvas editmode]} {$@canvas editmode= 1} netsend [list .$@of coords $@xfrom $@yfrom $@xto $@yto $@width $@height $@gop $@xmargin $@ymargin] #donecanvasdialogy sends back weird scientific notation values....