Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv16365
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: added method lookup with backtracking. changed more _($self:...) to @...
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.49 -r1.1.2.50 *** desire.tk 13 Sep 2005 21:58:20 -0000 --- desire.tk 14 Sep 2005 00:29:27 -0000 *************** *** 13,26 **** # (thanks for taking time looking at this code) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! # This section is matju's object system (the base class is called base because ! # there's already something else called class)
set nextid 0 ! proc class_new {name} { ! proc ${name}_new {args} " global nextid _ set self [format %08x $nextid] incr nextid ! set _($self:_class) $name eval [concat [list $self init] $args] " --- 13,35 ---- # (thanks for taking time looking at this code) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! ! #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! # OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN TCL (by Mathieu Bouchard) ! # (please distinguish between what this is and what dataflow is) ! # note, the toplevel class is called "thing".
set nextid 0 ! set _(class:_class) class ! set _(class:_super) {thing} ! ! proc class_new {self {super {thing}}} { ! global _ ! set _($self:_class) class ! set _($self:_super) $super ! proc ${self}_new {args} " global nextid _ set self [format %08x $nextid] incr nextid ! set _($self:_class) $self eval [concat [list $self init] $args] " *************** *** 32,35 **** --- 41,52 ---- }
+ proc lookup_method {class selector listvar} { + global _ + upvar $listvar lv + set name ${class}_$selector + if {[info procs $name} {lappend lv $name} + foreach super $_($class:_super) {lookup_method $super $selector lv} + } + rename unknown _original_unknown proc unknown {args} { *************** *** 41,45 **** return [uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 _original_unknown]] } ! set name $_($self:_class)_$selector puts "proc name of $self $selector is $name" set r [uplevel 1 [concat [list $name $self] [lrange $args 2 end]]] --- 58,65 ---- return [uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 _original_unknown]] } ! set candidates {} ! lookup_method $_($self:_class) $selector candidates ! puts "!!! candidates: $candidates" ! set name [lindex $candidates 0] puts "proc name of $self $selector is $name" set r [uplevel 1 [concat [list $name $self] [lrange $args 2 end]]] *************** *** 48,51 **** --- 68,76 ---- }
+ class_new thing + set _(thing:_super) {} + + #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# + # carmen's canvas source pd_base.tk *************** *** 984,990 **** } } ! bind $c <Key> {canvas_key %W %x %y %K %A 0} ! bind $c <Shift-Key> {canvas_key %W %x %y %K %A 1} ! bind $c <KeyRelease> {canvas_keyup %W %x %y %K %A 0} bind $c <Motion> {canvas_motion %W %x %y 0 %s} bind $c <Alt-Motion> {canvas_motion %W %x %y 4 %s} --- 1009,1015 ---- } } ! bind $c <Key> {canvas_key [canvastosym %W] %x %y %K %A 0} ! bind $c <Shift-Key> {canvas_key [canvastosym %W] %x %y %K %A 1} ! bind $c <KeyRelease> {canvas_keyup [canvastosym %W] %x %y %K %A 0} bind $c <Motion> {canvas_motion %W %x %y 0 %s} bind $c <Alt-Motion> {canvas_motion %W %x %y 4 %s} *************** *** 1011,1027 **** global _ set self [canvastosym $name.c] ! set _($self:action) none ! set _($self:selection) {} ! set _($self:selection_wire) {} ! set _($self:focus) "" ! set _($self:current_x) 30 ! set _($self:current_y) 30 ! #set _($self:editable) $editable ! #if {$editable == 1} { # puts "editable == 1" ! # set _($self:mode) "edit" #} else { ! # set _($self:mode) "run" #}
--- 1036,1051 ---- global _ set self [canvastosym $name.c] ! set @action none ! set @selection {} ! set @selection_wire {} ! set @focus "" ! set @current_x 30 ! set @current_y 30 ! #set @editable $editable #if {$editable == 1} { # puts "editable == 1" ! # set @mode "edit" #} else { ! # set @mode "run" #}
*************** *** 1200,1204 **** proc canvas_of {self} { global _ ! return $_($self:canvas) }
--- 1224,1228 ---- proc canvas_of {self} { global _ ! return $@canvas }
*************** *** 1327,1337 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def text create {canvas font_size text} { - #puts "text_create:: $self $canvas $font_size" global look font ! set name_len [string length $text] ! set xs [expr ($font(width) * ($name_len+1) + $font(padx))] ! set ys [expr $font(height) + $font(pady)] ! set @xs $xs ! set @ys $ys objectbox_draw $self $canvas set t $canvas.${self}text --- 1351,1357 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def text create {canvas font_size text} { global look font ! set @name_len [string length $text] ! object_update_size $self objectbox_draw $self $canvas set t $canvas.${self}text *************** *** 1374,1387 **** class_new objectbox def objectbox init {} { ! global offset #set canvas [canvastosym $_(focus)] set canvas $_(focus) set @class "" $self add $canvas }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def objectbox add {canvas} { - #puts "object_add:: $self $canvas" global font look set canvas_id [canvastosym $canvas] --- 1394,1412 ---- class_new objectbox def objectbox init {} { ! set @isnew 1 #set canvas [canvastosym $_(focus)] set canvas $_(focus) set @class "" $self add $canvas + set @name_len 0 + } + + def objectbox update_size {} { + global font + set @xs [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*($@name_len+$@isnew)] + set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] }
def objectbox add {canvas} { global font look set canvas_id [canvastosym $canvas] *************** *** 1391,1395 **** set object [lindex $_($canvas_id:selection) 0] #puts "___ complete $object first ____" ! object_complete $object $canvas } } --- 1416,1420 ---- set object [lindex $_($canvas_id:selection) 0] #puts "___ complete $object first ____" ! objectbox_complete $object $canvas } } *************** *** 1399,1420 **** set _($canvas_id:selection) {} } - set @isnew 1 set canvas_id [canvastosym $canvas] - #puts "canvas_id ==> $canvas_id" set _($canvas_id:obj_in_edit) 1 ! #set _($canvas_id:obj_in_edit) $self ! set _($canvas_id:selection) {} set _($canvas_id:selection) [linsert $_($canvas_id:selection) 0 $self] ! #puts "self:selection: [lindex $_($canvas_id:selection) 0]" ! #puts "set $self:isnew -> $@isnew" ! set @xs [expr $font(width) + $font(padx)] ! set @ys [expr $font(height) + $font(pady)] ! objectbox_draw $self $canvas text_create $self $canvas $font(size) "" }
! #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! def object complete {canvas} { global font set @isselected 0 --- 1424,1437 ---- set _($canvas_id:selection) {} } set canvas_id [canvastosym $canvas] set _($canvas_id:obj_in_edit) 1 ! set _($canvas_id:selection) {} set _($canvas_id:selection) [linsert $_($canvas_id:selection) 0 $self] ! $self update_size objectbox_draw $self $canvas text_create $self $canvas $font(size) "" }
! def objectbox complete {canvas} { global font set @isselected 0 *************** *** 1425,1430 **** $canvas delete ${self}text objectbox_erase $self $canvas ! set @sx [expr ($@name_len*$font(width)) + $font(padx)] ! set @sy [expr $font(height) + $font(pady)] objectbox_draw $self $canvas for {set x 0} {$x<$@inlets} {incr x} { --- 1442,1446 ---- $canvas delete ${self}text objectbox_erase $self $canvas ! objectbox_update_size $self objectbox_draw $self $canvas for {set x 0} {$x<$@inlets} {incr x} { *************** *** 1432,1436 **** #puts "wires at inlet $x to select --> $_($self:0:$x)" #wire_update $_() - #wire_update:: l80f8ea8 81168ae 1 81168af 0 0 foreach wire_id $_($self:0:$x) { wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) --- 1448,1451 ---- *************** *** 1457,1461 ****
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! def object edit {canvas} { global font set canvas_id [canvastosym $canvas] --- 1472,1476 ----
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! def objectbox edit {canvas} { global font set canvas_id [canvastosym $canvas] *************** *** 1492,1513 **** proc canvas_motion {canvas x y mods state} { #puts "canvas_motion::: $canvas $x $y $mods $state" ! canvas_motion2 $canvas $x $y $mods $state ! #statusbar_update [canvastosym $canvas] $x $y }
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! proc canvas_motion2 {canvas x y mods state} { ! #puts "canvas_motion2::: $x $y $mods $state" ! global current_x current_y old_x old_y select_area mouse font global tooltip _ dehighlight look wire_from wire_to ! set self [canvastosym $canvas] ! set cx [$canvas canvasx $x] ! set cy [$canvas canvasy $y] ! ! set _($self:current_x) $cx ! set _($self:current_y) $cy
! set edit 0; switch $_($self:mode) { edit { set edit 1 } } if {$tooltip(visible)} { #puts "cx=$cx cy=$cy tooltip=($tooltip(mx),$tooltip(my),$tooltip(canvas),$tooltip(visible)" --- 1507,1524 ---- proc canvas_motion {canvas x y mods state} { #puts "canvas_motion::: $canvas $x $y $mods $state" ! canvas_motion2 [canvastosym $canvas] $x $y $mods $state ! statusbar_update [canvastosym $canvas] $x $y }
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! def canvas motion2 {x y mods state} { global current_x current_y old_x old_y select_area mouse font global tooltip _ dehighlight look wire_from wire_to ! #puts "canvas_motion2::: $x $y $mods $state" ! set canvas $self.c ! set cx [$canvas canvasx $x]; set @current_x $cx ! set cy [$canvas canvasy $y]; set @current_y $cy
! set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } if {$tooltip(visible)} { #puts "cx=$cx cy=$cy tooltip=($tooltip(mx),$tooltip(my),$tooltip(canvas),$tooltip(visible)" *************** *** 1531,1540 **** $canvas coords lnew $l } ! switch $_($self:action) { move { #pd "$self displace-selection [expr $cx-$old_x] [expr $cy-$old_y] ;\n" # my move object code begins --chun #puts "move objects by :: [expr $cx-$old_x] [expr $cy-$old_y]" ! foreach obj $_($self:selection) { #puts "___ move object $obj ___" set _($obj:cx) [expr $_($obj:cx) + $cx-$old_x] --- 1542,1551 ---- $canvas coords lnew $l } ! switch $@action { move { #pd "$self displace-selection [expr $cx-$old_x] [expr $cy-$old_y] ;\n" # my move object code begins --chun #puts "move objects by :: [expr $cx-$old_x] [expr $cy-$old_y]" ! foreach obj $@selection { #puts "___ move object $obj ___" set _($obj:cx) [expr $_($obj:cx) + $cx-$old_x] *************** *** 1549,1553 **** set text_pos [list [expr $_($obj:cx)+1] [expr $_($obj:cy)+1]] set text_pos2 [list [expr $_($obj:cx)+2] [expr $_($obj:cy)+2]] ! if {$_($self:obj_in_edit)} {$canvas coords ${obj}text $text_pos} $canvas coords ${obj}TEXT $text_pos2 } --- 1560,1564 ---- set text_pos [list [expr $_($obj:cx)+1] [expr $_($obj:cy)+1]] set text_pos2 [list [expr $_($obj:cx)+2] [expr $_($obj:cy)+2]] ! if {$@obj_in_edit} {$canvas coords ${obj}text $text_pos} $canvas coords ${obj}TEXT $text_pos2 } *************** *** 1558,1563 **** } #----handles the wire update---- ! #set _($self:inlets) $ins ! #set _($self:outlets) $outs for {set x 0} {$x<$_($obj:inlets)} {incr x} { #if {[info exists]} --- 1569,1574 ---- } #----handles the wire update---- ! #set @inlets $ins ! #set @outlets $outs for {set x 0} {$x<$_($obj:inlets)} {incr x} { #if {[info exists]} *************** *** 1596,1601 **** } set run [expr !$edit] ! if {[string length $_($self:focus)]} { ! set id $_($self:focus) if {$run} { event $id motionevent $canvas $cx $cy $mods} { --- 1607,1612 ---- } set run [expr !$edit] ! if {[string length $@focus]} { ! set id $@focus if {$run} { event $id motionevent $canvas $cx $cy $mods} { *************** *** 1655,1659 **** } } ! #puts "search clicked object: [lsearch $_($self:selection) $id]" #puts "b1_down? $mouse(b1down)" #puts "arghhhhhhhh" --- 1666,1670 ---- } } ! #puts "search clicked object: [lsearch $@selection $id]" #puts "b1_down? $mouse(b1down)" #puts "arghhhhhhhh" *************** *** 1829,1833 **** set old_obj [lindex $@selection 0] if {$@select_by == "click"} { ! object_complete $old_obj $canvas } set @obj_in_edit 0 --- 1840,1844 ---- set old_obj [lindex $@selection 0] if {$@select_by == "click"} { ! objectbox_complete $old_obj $canvas } set @obj_in_edit 0 *************** *** 1877,1881 **** if {[info exists @obj_in_edit]} { if {$@obj_in_edit > 0} { ! object_complete [lindex $@selection 0] $canvas set @obj_in_edit 0 } --- 1888,1892 ---- if {[info exists @obj_in_edit]} { if {$@obj_in_edit > 0} { ! objectbox_complete [lindex $@selection 0] $canvas set @obj_in_edit 0 } *************** *** 2088,2109 **** if {[llength $@selection]==1} { #puts "___only one obj selected by click!!!" - #pd "$self gobj-activate x$@selection;" #puts "____ selected by ->$@select_by ____" - if {$@select_by == "click"} { - switch $_($@selection:class) { ! ! objectbox { ! if {$@obj_in_edit == 0} { ! set @obj_in_edit 1 ! object_edit [lindex $@selection 0] $canvas ! } ! } ! } } ! #object_edit $@edit_object $canvas } set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } --- 2099,2115 ---- if {[llength $@selection]==1} { #puts "___only one obj selected by click!!!" #pd "$self gobj-activate x$@selection;" #puts "____ selected by ->$@select_by ____" if {$@select_by == "click"} { switch $_($@selection:class) { ! objectbox { ! if {$@obj_in_edit == 0} { ! set @obj_in_edit 1 ! objectbox_edit [lindex $@selection 0] $canvas ! } ! } } } ! #objectbox_edit $@edit_object $canvas } set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } *************** *** 2190,2200 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
! proc canvas_key {canvas x y key iso shift} { # .controls.switches.meterbutton configure -text $key #puts "canvas_key::: $canvas $x $y $key $iso $shift" - - global OS - global _ - set self [canvastosym $canvas] #hide_canvas_tooltip $canvas switch $OS { --- 2196,2204 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
! def canvas key {x y key iso shift} { ! global OS ! set canvas $self.c # .controls.switches.meterbutton configure -text $key #puts "canvas_key::: $canvas $x $y $key $iso $shift" #hide_canvas_tooltip $canvas switch $OS { *************** *** 2241,2245 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
! proc canvas_keyup {canvas x y key iso shift} { #puts "canvas_keyup::: $canvas $x $y $key $iso $shift"
--- 2245,2250 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
! def canvas keyup {x y key iso shift} { ! set canvas $self.c #puts "canvas_keyup::: $canvas $x $y $key $iso $shift"