Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv27255
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: started working on undo/redo
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.232 -r1.1.2.233 *** desire.tk 12 Jun 2006 18:50:53 -0000 --- desire.tk 12 Jun 2006 19:52:26 -0000 *************** *** 180,192 ****
# runs the restore procedure for the last item in the root undo_queue. ! def History undo {} { set backup $@undo set @undo $@redo set @redo {} ! set err [catch {perform [lindex $backup end]}] if {$err} {set err $errorInfo} set @redo $@undo set @undo [lrange $backup 0 end-1] ! if {$err} [error "error during undo: $err"] }
--- 180,194 ----
# runs the restore procedure for the last item in the root undo_queue. ! def* History undo {} { ! global errorInfo set backup $@undo set @undo $@redo set @redo {} ! set err [catch { $self perform [lindex $backup end]}] ! puts "err --> $err" if {$err} {set err $errorInfo} set @redo $@undo set @undo [lrange $backup 0 end-1] ! }
*************** *** 199,217 ****
# run all actions in an undo. ! def History perform {actions} { $self atomically { ! foreach x [lreverse $actions] {eval $actions} } }
def* History atomically {code} { set ubackup @undo; set @undo {} set rbackup @redo; set @redo {} ! set err [catch {uplevel 1 $code}] if {$err} {set err $errorInfo} ! lappend backup_undo $@undo_queue ! set @undo_queue $ubackup ! set @redo_queue $rbackup ! if {$err} [error "error during undo: $err"] }
--- 201,229 ----
# run all actions in an undo. ! #def* History perform {actions} { ! # $self atomically { ! # foreach x [lreverse $actions] {eval $actions} ! # } ! #} ! ! def* History perform {actions} { ! puts "perform level ---- [info level]" ! set poo $actions $self atomically { ! eval $actions } }
def* History atomically {code} { + global errorInfo + puts "atomically level ---- [info level]" set ubackup @undo; set @undo {} set rbackup @redo; set @redo {} ! set err [catch {uplevel 2 $code}] ! set @undo $ubackup ! set @redo $rbackup ! puts "err ----> $err" if {$err} {set err $errorInfo} ! if {$err} {error "error during undo"} }
*************** *** 902,906 **** def View ninlets {} {return $@ninlets} def View noutlets {} {return $@noutlets} ! def View init {} { set @selected? 0 --- 914,918 ---- def View ninlets {} {return $@ninlets} def View noutlets {} {return $@noutlets} ! def View draw_wires {} {} def View init {} { set @selected? 0 *************** *** 1778,1781 **** --- 1790,1805 ---- .$@canvas.c move $self [expr $u-$x] [expr $v-$y] } + + def* Canvas undomove {objs} { + foreach obj $objs { + pd .$self object_moveto !$obj $_($obj:orig_x) $_($obj:orig_y) + } + + } + + def* View set_orig_xy {x y} { + set @orig_x $x + set @orig_y $y + }
def Canvas motion {x y mods state} { *************** *** 1824,1828 **** edit { if {[distance [list $x $y] $@click_at] > 5} { ! set @action move mset {ox oy} $@click_at } --- 1848,1853 ---- edit { if {[distance [list $x $y] $@click_at] > 5} { ! foreach obj $@selection {mset {x y} [$obj xy];$obj set_orig_xy $x $y} ! set @action move mset {ox oy} $@click_at } *************** *** 2289,2299 **** mset {x y} [$obj xy] pd .$self object_moveto !$obj $x $y } ! ! #puts "....select_by:$@select_by" ! #if {$@select_by == "click"} { ! # set @selection {} ! # } ! #puts "selection:$@selection" } } --- 2314,2321 ---- mset {x y} [$obj xy] pd .$self object_moveto !$obj $x $y + puts "new pos:: $x $y orig pos:: $_($obj:orig_x) $_($obj:orig_y)" } ! set objs $@selection ! $@history add [list $self undomove $objs] } } *************** *** 2463,2467 **** }
! def Box draw_wires {} { puts "wires:$@wires" foreach wire $@wires {$wire draw} --- 2485,2489 ---- }
! def* Box draw_wires {} { puts "wires:$@wires" foreach wire $@wires {$wire draw} *************** *** 2490,2494 **** } #if clicked obj is part of the $@selection, than.... ! if {$in_selection && [llength $selection]>1} { set _($@canvas:action) move } { --- 2512,2518 ---- } #if clicked obj is part of the $@selection, than.... ! if {$in_selection && [llength $_($@canvas:selection)]>1} { ! foreach obj $_($@canvas:selection) {mset {x y} [$obj xy];$obj set_orig_xy $x $y} ! puts "begin to move _______ $_($@canvas:selection)" set _($@canvas:action) move } { *************** *** 2553,2557 **** }
! def Wire draw {} { global look #set thick 2 --- 2577,2581 ---- }
! def* Wire draw {} { global look #set thick 2 *************** *** 2823,2837 **** # call the drawing method twice... $x changed - #if {$_($canvas(current):duplicating)} { - # if {$_($x:_class) != "Canvas"} { - # set test [lsearch $_($canvas(current):children) $x] - # if {$test <0} { - # puts "$_($x:_class)" - # puts "oops..... $x is not in children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - # puts "children are $_($canvas(current):children)" - # } - # } - #} } --- 2847,2852 ---- # call the drawing method twice... $x changed + #if {[info exists _($x:wires)]} {$x draw_wires;} } *************** *** 2951,2955 **** }
! def* BlueBox motionedit {args} { #puts "motions in $self in edit mode" } --- 2966,2970 ---- }
! def BlueBox motionedit {args} { #puts "motions in $self in edit mode" }