Revision: 12383 Author: eighthave Date: 2009-09-17 05:08:21 +0000 (Thu, 17 Sep 2009)
Log Message: ----------- ported David Golight's Path and Startup dialog panels to the new layout. It ended up as kind of halfway between the other dialogs and David's original
Modified Paths: -------------- branches/pd-gui-rewrite/0.43/src/pd-gui.tcl
Added Paths: ----------- branches/pd-gui-rewrite/0.43/src/dialog_path.tcl branches/pd-gui-rewrite/0.43/src/dialog_startup.tcl branches/pd-gui-rewrite/0.43/src/scrollbox.tcl branches/pd-gui-rewrite/0.43/src/scrollboxwindow.tcl
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