Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14756
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_37 s_main.c u_main.tk Log Message: changing font to courier and adding -fontname feature
Index: s_main.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_main.c,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** s_main.c 19 Oct 2004 11:14:48 -0000 --- s_main.c 23 Oct 2004 10:22:08 -0000 *************** *** 75,78 **** --- 75,79 ---- static int sys_version; int sys_oldtclversion; /* hack to warn g_rtext.c about old text sel */ + char sys_font[20]; /* tb: font name */ char *rcfilename;
*************** *** 482,487 **** .../bin/pd .../lib/pd/bin/pd-gui ! .../lib/pd/doc ! To decide which, we stat .../lib/pd; if that exists, we assume it's the complicated layout. In MSW, it's the "simple" layout, but the gui program is straight wish80: --- 483,488 ---- .../bin/pd .../lib/pd/bin/pd-gui ! .../lib/pd/doc ! To decide which, we stat .../lib/pd; if that exists, we assume it's the complicated layout. In MSW, it's the "simple" layout, but the gui program is straight wish80: *************** *** 735,738 **** --- 736,747 ---- argv += 2; } + /* tb: font name { */ + else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-fontname") && argc > 1) + { + strcpy(sys_font,*(argv+1)); + argc -= 2; + argv += 2; + } + /* } tb */ else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-verbose")) {
Index: u_main.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/u_main.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** u_main.tk 16 Sep 2004 13:53:20 -0000 --- u_main.tk 23 Oct 2004 10:22:08 -0000 *************** *** 268,272 **** set name [format ".help%d" $doc_number] toplevel $name ! text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 -font -*-tahoma---normal--12-* \ -yscrollcommand "$name.scroll set" -background white scrollbar $name.scroll -command "$name.text yview" --- 268,272 ---- set name [format ".help%d" $doc_number] toplevel $name ! text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 -font -*-courier-bold--normal--12-* \ -yscrollcommand "$name.scroll set" -background white scrollbar $name.scroll -command "$name.text yview" *************** *** 1873,1877 **** set $var_iemgui_gn_f [expr [eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] + 1] if {[eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] > 2} {set $var_iemgui_gn_f 0} ! if {[eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] == 0} {$id.gnfs.fb configure -text "tahoma" -font {courier 10 bold}} if {[eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] == 1} {$id.gnfs.fb configure -text "helvetica" -font {helvetica 10 bold}} if {[eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] == 2} {$id.gnfs.fb configure -text "times" -font {times 10 bold}} --- 1873,1877 ---- set $var_iemgui_gn_f [expr [eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] + 1] if {[eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] > 2} {set $var_iemgui_gn_f 0} ! if {[eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] == 0} {$id.gnfs.fb configure -text "courier" -font {courier 10 bold}} if {[eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] == 1} {$id.gnfs.fb configure -text "helvetica" -font {helvetica 10 bold}} if {[eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] == 2} {$id.gnfs.fb configure -text "times" -font {times 10 bold}} *************** *** 2213,2217 **** label $id.gnfs.f_lab -text "font:" -width 6 if {[eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] == 0} { ! button $id.gnfs.fb -text "tahoma" -font {courier 10 bold} -width 7 -command "iemgui_toggle_font $id" } if {[eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] == 1} { button $id.gnfs.fb -text "helvetica" -font {helvetica 10 bold} -width 7 -command "iemgui_toggle_font $id" } --- 2213,2217 ---- label $id.gnfs.f_lab -text "font:" -width 6 if {[eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] == 0} { ! button $id.gnfs.fb -text "courier" -font {courier 10 bold} -width 7 -command "iemgui_toggle_font $id" } if {[eval concat $$var_iemgui_gn_f] == 1} { button $id.gnfs.fb -text "helvetica" -font {helvetica 10 bold} -width 7 -command "iemgui_toggle_font $id" } *************** *** 2274,2278 **** button $id.bcol.c$i -background [format "#%6.6x" $hexcol] \ -activebackground [format "#%6.6x" $hexcol] \ ! -font {tahoma 2 normal} -padx 7 -pady 6 \ -command [format "iemgui_preset_col %s %d" $id $hexcol] } pack $id.bcol.c0 $id.bcol.c1 $id.bcol.c2 $id.bcol.c3 $id.bcol.c4 \ --- 2274,2278 ---- button $id.bcol.c$i -background [format "#%6.6x" $hexcol] \ -activebackground [format "#%6.6x" $hexcol] \ ! -font {courier 2 normal} -padx 7 -pady 6 \ -command [format "iemgui_preset_col %s %d" $id $hexcol] } pack $id.bcol.c0 $id.bcol.c1 $id.bcol.c2 $id.bcol.c3 $id.bcol.c4 \ *************** *** 2285,2289 **** button $id.fcol.c$i -background [format "#%6.6x" $hexcol] \ -activebackground [format "#%6.6x" $hexcol] \ ! -font {tahoma 2 normal} -padx 7 -pady 6 \ -command [format "iemgui_preset_col %s %d" $id $hexcol] } pack $id.fcol.c0 $id.fcol.c1 $id.fcol.c2 $id.fcol.c3 $id.fcol.c4 \ --- 2285,2289 ---- button $id.fcol.c$i -background [format "#%6.6x" $hexcol] \ -activebackground [format "#%6.6x" $hexcol] \ ! -font {courier 2 normal} -padx 7 -pady 6 \ -command [format "iemgui_preset_col %s %d" $id $hexcol] } pack $id.fcol.c0 $id.fcol.c1 $id.fcol.c2 $id.fcol.c3 $id.fcol.c4 \ *************** *** 2296,2300 **** button $id.lcol.c$i -background [format "#%6.6x" $hexcol] \ -activebackground [format "#%6.6x" $hexcol] \ ! -font {tahoma 2 normal} -padx 7 -pady 6 \ -command [format "iemgui_preset_col %s %d" $id $hexcol] } pack $id.lcol.c0 $id.lcol.c1 $id.lcol.c2 $id.lcol.c3 $id.lcol.c4 \ --- 2296,2300 ---- button $id.lcol.c$i -background [format "#%6.6x" $hexcol] \ -activebackground [format "#%6.6x" $hexcol] \ ! -font {courier 2 normal} -padx 7 -pady 6 \ -command [format "iemgui_preset_col %s %d" $id $hexcol] } pack $id.lcol.c0 $id.lcol.c1 $id.lcol.c2 $id.lcol.c3 $id.lcol.c4 \ *************** *** 2589,2593 ****
text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 -height 40 -width 60 \ ! -yscrollcommand "$name.scroll set" -font -*-tahoma---normal--12-* scrollbar $name.scroll -command "$name.text yview" pack $name.scroll -side right -fill y --- 2589,2593 ----
text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 -height 40 -width 60 \ ! -yscrollcommand "$name.scroll set" -font -*-courier-bold--normal--12-* scrollbar $name.scroll -command "$name.text yview" pack $name.scroll -side right -fill y *************** *** 2612,2619 **** ############ pdtk_text_new -- create a new text object #2########### proc pdtk_text_new {canvasname myname x y text font color} { ! # if {$font < 13} {set fontname [format -*-tahoma-----%d-* $font]} ! # if {$font >= 13} {set fontname [format -*-tahoma-----%d-* $font]} $canvasname create text $x $y \ ! -font [format -*-tahoma---normal--%d-* $font] \ -tags $myname -text $text -fill $color -anchor nw # pd [concat $myname size [$canvasname bbox $myname] ;] --- 2612,2620 ---- ############ pdtk_text_new -- create a new text object #2########### proc pdtk_text_new {canvasname myname x y text font color} { ! # if {$font < 13} {set fontname [format -*-courier-----%d-* $font]} ! # if {$font >= 13} {set fontname [format -*-courier-----%d-* $font]} ! global pd_fontname $canvasname create text $x $y \ ! -font [format -*-%s-bold--normal--%d-* $pd_fontname $font] \ -tags $myname -text $text -fill $color -anchor nw # pd [concat $myname size [$canvasname bbox $myname] ;] *************** *** 2646,2674 **** # font sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 24.
! proc pdtk_pd_startup {version apilist} { global pd_myversion pd_apilist set pd_myversion $version set pd_apilist $apilist
! set width1 [font measure -*-tahoma---normal--8-* x] ! set height1 [lindex [font metrics -*-tahoma---normal--8-*] 5] ! ! set width2 [font measure -*-tahoma---normal--10-* x] ! set height2 [lindex [font metrics -*-tahoma---normal--10-*] 5] ! ! set width3 [font measure -*-tahoma---normal--12-* x] ! set height3 [lindex [font metrics -*-tahoma---normal--12-*] 5] ! ! set width4 [font measure -*-tahoma---normal--14-* x] ! set height4 [lindex [font metrics -*-tahoma---normal--14-*] 5] ! ! set width5 [font measure -*-tahoma---normal--16-* x] ! set height5 [lindex [font metrics -*-tahoma---normal--16-*] 5] ! ! set width6 [font measure -*-tahoma---normal--24-* x] ! set height6 [lindex [font metrics -*-tahoma---normal--24-*] 5]
! set width7 [font measure -*-tahoma---normal--36-* x] ! set height7 [lindex [font metrics -*-tahoma---normal--36-*] 5]
set tclpatch [info patchlevel] --- 2647,2685 ---- # font sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 24.
! #tb: set the font ! proc pdtk_pd_startup {version apilist fontname} { global pd_myversion pd_apilist set pd_myversion $version set pd_apilist $apilist + + global pd_fontname + if {[string length $fontname] == 0} { + set fontname courier + } + set pd_fontname $fontname + global font1 font2 font3 font4 font5 font 6 font7
! set font1 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--8-* $fontname] ! set font2 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--10-* $fontname] ! set font3 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--12-* $fontname] ! set font4 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--14-* $fontname] ! set font5 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--16-* $fontname] ! set font6 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--24-* $fontname] ! set font7 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--36-* $fontname]
! set width1 [font measure $font1 x] ! set height1 [lindex [font metrics $font1] 5] ! set width2 [font measure $font2 x] ! set height2 [lindex [font metrics $font2] 5] ! set width3 [font measure $font3 x] ! set height3 [lindex [font metrics $font3] 5] ! set width4 [font measure $font4 x] ! set height4 [lindex [font metrics $font4] 5] ! set width5 [font measure $font5 x] ! set height5 [lindex [font metrics $font5] 5] ! set width6 [font measure $font6 x] ! set height6 [lindex [font metrics $font6] 5] ! set width7 [font measure $font7 x] ! set height7 [lindex [font metrics $font7] 5]
set tclpatch [info patchlevel] *************** *** 2771,2775 ****
text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 -height 12 -width 60 \ ! -yscrollcommand "$name.scroll set" -font -*-tahoma---normal--12-* scrollbar $name.scroll -command "$name.text yview" pack $name.scroll -side right -fill y --- 2782,2786 ----
text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 -height 12 -width 60 \ ! -yscrollcommand "$name.scroll set" -font $font3 scrollbar $name.scroll -command "$name.text yview" pack $name.scroll -side right -fill y