Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18159
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: added Help->Documentation back in
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.24 -r1.1.2.600.2.25 *** desire.tk 6 Dec 2006 00:02:21 -0000 --- desire.tk 6 Dec 2006 02:41:05 -0000 *************** *** 231,237 ****
# you pass the 2nd argument if and only if the message creates an object (or pretends to). ! # this happens with those methods of #X (canvases): ! # obj, msg, floatatom, symbolatom, text, pop, connect, text_setto. ! # #N doesn't count and instead #X restore counts and #X pop counts. proc netsend {message {callback nonesuch}} { global serial replyset sock --- 231,237 ----
# you pass the 2nd argument if and only if the message creates an object (or pretends to). ! # this happens with #N canvas, and those methods of #X: ! # obj, msg, floatatom, symbolatom, text, connect, text_setto, array. ! # this does NOT happen with #X coords/restore/pop. proc netsend {message {callback nonesuch}} { global serial replyset sock *************** *** 554,559 **** source $langfile } else { ! source [file join [file dirname $argh0] ../lib/pd/bin/$langfile] ! }
--- 554,558 ---- source $langfile } else { ! source [file join [file dirname [file dirname $argh0]] lib/pd/bin/$langfile] }
*************** *** 688,698 **** frame .controls.switches foreach {w x y z} { ! audiobutton audio ctrls_audio_on {pd pd dsp $ctrls_audio_on} ! meterbutton meters ctrls_meter_on {pd pd meters $ctrls_meter_on} } { pack [checkbutton .controls.switches.$w -text [say $x] \ -variable $y -anchor w -command $z] -side left } ! pack [button .controls.switches.dio -text [say io_errors] -command {pd pd audiostatus} -padx 5] pack .controls.switches -side right frame .debug --- 687,697 ---- frame .controls.switches foreach {w x y z} { ! audiobutton audio ctrls_audio_on {netsend "pd dsp $ctrls_audio_on"} ! meterbutton meters ctrls_meter_on {netsend "pd meters $ctrls_meter_on"} } { pack [checkbutton .controls.switches.$w -text [say $x] \ -variable $y -anchor w -command $z] -side left } ! pack [button .controls.switches.dio -text [say io_errors] -command {netsend "pd audiostatus"} -padx 5] pack .controls.switches -side right frame .debug *************** *** 838,842 **** }
! proc pdtk_watchdog {} {pd pd ping; after 2000 {pdtk_watchdog}}
proc accel_munge {acc} { --- 837,841 ---- }
! proc pdtk_watchdog {} {netsend "pd ping"; after 2000 {pdtk_watchdog}}
proc accel_munge {acc} { *************** *** 896,900 **** set basename [string range $filename [expr $i+1] end] if {[string last .pd $filename] >= 0} { ! pd pd open [enquote $basename] [enquote $folder] } } --- 895,899 ---- set basename [string range $filename [expr $i+1] end] if {[string last .pd $filename] >= 0} { ! netsend "pd open [enquote $basename] [enquote $folder]" } } *************** *** 912,916 **** def Client quit {} { set answer [tk_messageBox -message "Do you really wish to quit?" -type yesno -icon question] ! switch -- $answer {yes {pd pd quit; exit}} }
--- 911,915 ---- def Client quit {} { set answer [tk_messageBox -message "Do you really wish to quit?" -type yesno -icon question] ! switch -- $answer {yes {netsend "pd quit"; exit}} }
*************** *** 942,946 **** $self populate_menu find {find find_again find_last_error} $self populate_menu help { ! about class_browser client_class_tree clipboard_view history_view do_what_i_mean {} test_audio_and_midi load_meter latency_meter} } --- 941,945 ---- $self populate_menu find {find find_again find_last_error} $self populate_menu help { ! about documentation class_browser client_class_tree clipboard_view history_view do_what_i_mean {} test_audio_and_midi load_meter latency_meter} } *************** *** 1045,1049 **** read_ddrc "defaults.ddrc" } else { ! read_ddrc [file join [file dirname $argh0] "../lib/pd/bin/defaults.ddrc"] } read_ddrc --- 1044,1048 ---- read_ddrc "defaults.ddrc" } else { ! read_ddrc [file join [file dirname [file dirname $argh0]] "lib/pd/bin/defaults.ddrc"] } read_ddrc *************** *** 1358,1370 **** }
! def Canvas new_file {} {global main; $main new_file} ! def Canvas open_file {} {global main; $main open_file} ! def Canvas send_message {} {global main; $main send_message} ! def Canvas paths {} {global main; $main paths} ! def Client paths {} {pd pd start-path-dialog} def Client test_audio_and_midi {} {menu_doc_open doc/7.stuff/tools testtone.pd } def Client load_meter {} {menu_doc_open doc/7.stuff/tools load-meter.pd} def Client latency_meter {} {menu_doc_open doc/7.stuff/tools latency.pd } - def Client menu_documentation {} {pd menu_documentation} def Client about {} {AboutDialog new} def Client class_browser {} {Browser new_as browser browser 0 0 ""} --- 1357,1382 ---- }
! def Client documentation {} { ! set filename [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension .pd \ ! -filetypes { {{documentation} {.pd .txt .htm}} } -initialdir $::docdir] ! if {$filename != ""} { ! if {[string first .txt $filename] >= 0} { ! menu_opentext $filename ! } elseif {[string first .htm $filename] >= 0} { ! menu_openhtml $filename ! } else { ! set help_directory [string range $filename 0 [expr [string last / $filename]-1]] ! set basename [string range $filename [expr [string last / $filename]+1] end] ! netsend "pd open [pdtk_enquote $basename] [pdtk_enquote $help_directory]" ! } ! } ! } ! ! def Canvas new_file {} {$::main new_file} ! def Canvas open_file {} {$::main open_file} ! def Canvas send_message {} {$::main send_message} def Client test_audio_and_midi {} {menu_doc_open doc/7.stuff/tools testtone.pd } def Client load_meter {} {menu_doc_open doc/7.stuff/tools load-meter.pd} def Client latency_meter {} {menu_doc_open doc/7.stuff/tools latency.pd } def Client about {} {AboutDialog new} def Client class_browser {} {Browser new_as browser browser 0 0 ""} *************** *** 1378,1384 **** set pd_guidir ${pd_prefix}/lib/pd set doc_number 1
proc menu_opentext {filename} { ! global doc_number pd_guidir pd_myversion set w [format ".help%d" $doc_number] toplevel $w --- 1390,1402 ---- set pd_guidir ${pd_prefix}/lib/pd set doc_number 1 + set updir [file dirname [file dirname $argh0]] + if {[file exists $updir/lib/pd/doc]} { + set docdir $updir/lib/pd/doc + } else { + set docdir $updir/doc + }
proc menu_opentext {filename} { ! global doc_number pd_myversion set w [format ".help%d" $doc_number] toplevel $w *************** *** 1395,1399 **** while {![eof $f]} { set bigstring [read $f 1000] ! regsub -all PD_BASEDIR $bigstring $pd_guidir bigstring regsub -all PD_VERSION $bigstring $pd_myversion bigstring $w.1.text insert end $bigstring --- 1413,1417 ---- while {![eof $f]} { set bigstring [read $f 1000] ! regsub -all PD_BASEDIR $bigstring $::pd_guidir bigstring regsub -all PD_VERSION $bigstring $pd_myversion bigstring $w.1.text insert end $bigstring *************** *** 1406,1411 ****
proc menu_doc_open {subdir basename} { ! global pd_guidir ! set dirname $pd_guidir/$subdir if {[string first .txt $basename] >= 0} { return [menu_opentext $dirname/$basename] --- 1424,1428 ----
proc menu_doc_open {subdir basename} { ! set dirname $::pd_guidir/$subdir if {[string first .txt $basename] >= 0} { return [menu_opentext $dirname/$basename]