Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/abstractions/footils/rtc-lib/rtc/rtc-help In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv3770/rtc-help
Added Files: Chance.pd Dodecaphonics.pd Envelopes.pd Harmony.pd Lists.pd MSP-RTC.pd Rhythm-Generators.pd Rhythm.pd Toolbox.pd Log Message: added rtc-lib
--- NEW FILE: Harmony.pd --- (This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)
--- NEW FILE: Dodecaphonics.pd --- (This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)
--- NEW FILE: Envelopes.pd --- (This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)
--- NEW FILE: Rhythm-Generators.pd --- (This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)
--- NEW FILE: Chance.pd --- #N canvas 0 48 470 339 10; #X obj 243 233 RandomSeeder; #X obj 175 233 RTC-seed; #X obj 175 24 alea; #X obj 259 24 sequence; #X obj 211 24 series; #X obj 328 85 sneak-random; #X obj 328 110 between-log; #X obj 321 48 sneak; #X obj 244 48 permutate; #X obj 236 110 between-lin; #X obj 236 85 random-norep; #X text 20 99 (working with numbers); #X text 20 39 (working with lists); #X text 20 24 random selections; #X text 20 85 random generators; #X obj 369 48 rota; #X obj 365 24 groups; #X obj 323 24 ratio; #X obj 291 135 between-log-urn; #X obj 300 162 periodic; #X obj 236 162 brownian; #X text 20 199 list generators; #X obj 175 199 make-choice-list; #X obj 175 162 markov; #X obj 175 135 between-lin-urn; #X obj 175 48 sel-princ; #X obj 175 85 xrandom; #X obj 175 110 between; #X text 20 287 © 1993-2004 by Karlheinz Essl <www.essl.at>; #X text 20 273 Real Time Composition Library vs. 4.1 for xMAX; #X text 20 233 random seed;
--- NEW FILE: MSP-RTC.pd --- (This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)
--- NEW FILE: Lists.pd --- #N canvas 1 48 607 490 10; #X obj 285 279 remove; #X obj 330 228 butlast; #X obj 330 253 collect; #X obj 266 253 multiple; #X obj 266 228 butfirst; #X obj 273 127 unique; #X obj 228 253 sum; #X obj 228 228 last; #X obj 228 279 replace; #X text 18 35 basics; #X text 18 229 Lisp-like functions; #X text 18 127 set ops; #X text 18 165 list generators; #X obj 225 127 union; #X obj 325 127 member; #X obj 181 127 sect; #X obj 333 35 slice; #X obj 293 35 join; #X obj 239 35 listlen; #X obj 181 35 listreg; #X obj 181 189 make-choice-list; #X obj 181 165 make-scale; #X obj 181 279 insert; #X obj 181 228 first; #X obj 181 253 piece; #X text 18 351 display; #X obj 181 351 show; #X text 18 315 maths; #X text 18 397 Real Time Composition Library vs. 4.1 for xMAX; #X text 18 411 © 1993-2004 by Karlheinz Essl <www.essl.at>; #X obj 264 165 make-trans-scale; #X obj 295 189 make-ED-scale; #N canvas 1 48 474 291 Lobjects 0; #X obj 88 88 Lsub; #X obj 129 88 Lmult; #X obj 91 119 Lrem; #X obj 176 88 Ldiv; #X obj 46 88 Ladd; #X obj 46 119 Lpow; #X text 26 28 These objects are a subset of Peter Elsea's "Lobjects" - MAX objects for manipulating lists of numbers; #X obj 46 150 Lround; #X text 28 198 University of California , Santa Cruz; #X text 28 185 © 1995-97 by Peter Elsea; #X text 28 216 (FAT externals - OSX savy!); #X restore 181 315 pd Lobjects; #X obj 380 35 position; #X text 41 102 by James McCartney , Richard Dudas and Serge Lemouton ; #X text 270 315 by Peter Elsea; #X obj 406 61 nth; #X obj 316 61 sort; #X obj 245 61 scramble; #X obj 181 61 reverse; #X obj 358 61 group; #X obj 245 86 rotate; #X obj 181 86 permute;
--- NEW FILE: Rhythm.pd --- (This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)
--- NEW FILE: Toolbox.pd --- #N canvas 3 48 536 519 10; #X obj 145 404 max-cursor; #X obj 337 257 first-shot; #X obj 334 383 max-quit; #X obj 243 383 max-menubar; #X obj 324 232 key-bang; #X obj 145 383 max-overdrive; #X obj 306 57 roundto; #X obj 259 57 round; #X obj 240 80 divmod; #X obj 190 57 contrario; #X obj 199 174 dB2lin; #X obj 225 208 first-bang; #X obj 205 293 anti-osc; #X obj 266 293 anti-bis&osc; #X obj 185 328 play2; #X obj 279 140 trans-exp; #X obj 210 140 trans-log; #X obj 145 140 trans-lin; #X obj 145 232 pass; #X obj 145 208 count-bang; #X obj 145 174 lin2dB; #X obj 145 328 play; #X obj 145 293 anti-bis; #X obj 145 24 @; #X obj 145 80 integ; #X obj 145 114 geom; #X obj 145 57 add%; #X obj 190 114 trans; #X obj 296 80 inv; #X text 21 440 © 1993-2004 by Karlheinz Essl <www.essl.at>; #X text 21 426 Real Time Composition Library vs. 4.1 for xMAX; #X obj 329 80 inc-dec; #X obj 353 328 QT-PercPlayer; #X text 21 385 MAX messages; #X text 21 294 repetition check; #X text 21 208 bang operations; #X text 21 174 conversions; #X text 21 328 play; #X text 21 24 scaling; #X text 21 114 transitions; #X text 21 57 mathematics; #X obj 300 208 block-bang; #X obj 145 257 DblBang; #X obj 186 232 per2pass; #X obj 254 232 pass-bang; #X obj 267 257 reanimate; #X msg 191 81 minus; #X obj 203 257 banger16;