Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14810
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: Sliders can be reconfigured from horizontal to vertical and back
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.112 -r1.1.2.600.2.113 *** desire.tk 19 Dec 2006 15:01:23 -0000 --- desire.tk 19 Dec 2006 16:40:10 -0000 *************** *** 4588,4597 **** class_new IEMPropertiesDialog {PropertiesDialog}
! def IEMGUI properties_apply {args} { set orig [list $self properties_apply] foreach var [lrange $::fields($@class) 5 end] {lappend orig $@$var} [$@canvas history] add $orig ! foreach v $args {switch -- $v {{} {set v "empty"}}; lappend props $v} netsend [concat [list .$self reload] $props] }
--- 4588,4600 ---- class_new IEMPropertiesDialog {PropertiesDialog}
! def IEMGUI properties_apply {list {orient -1}} { set orig [list $self properties_apply] foreach var [lrange $::fields($@class) 5 end] {lappend orig $@$var} [$@canvas history] add $orig ! foreach v $list {switch -- $v {{} {set v "empty"}}; lappend props $v} netsend [concat [list .$self reload] $props] + if {$orient >= 0} { + netsend [list .$self orient $orient] + } }
*************** *** 4605,4609 **** lappend props $v } ! eval [concat [list $@of properties_apply] $props] }
--- 4608,4616 ---- lappend props $v } ! if {[[$@of class] <= Slider] || [[$@of class] <= Radio]} { ! $@of properties_apply $props $@orient ! } else { ! $@of properties_apply $props ! } }
*************** *** 4612,4619 **** super $of
! set class $_($of:class) ! wm title .$self "[$class] [say popup_properties]" ! if {![info exists fields($class)]} {set class obj} ! foreach var $fields($class) { set val $_($of:$var) switch -- $val { empty {set val ""}} --- 4619,4626 ---- super $of
! set @class $_($of:class) ! wm title .$self "[$@class] [say popup_properties]" ! if {![info exists fields($@class)]} {set class obj} ! foreach var $fields($@class) { set val $_($of:$var) switch -- $val { empty {set val ""}} *************** *** 4621,4627 **** set @$var $val } ! set @class $_($of:class) ! foreach prop [lrange $fields($class) 5 end] { ! set d [concat $prop [switch $prop { w {list integer -width 7} h {list integer -width 7} --- 4628,4637 ---- set @$var $val } ! if {[[$of class] <= Slider] || [[$of class] <= Radio]} { ! set @orient $_($of:orient) ! $self add .$self [list orient choice -choices {horizontal vertical}] ! } ! foreach prop [lrange $fields($@class) 5 end] { ! set d [concat [list $prop] [switch $prop { w {list integer -width 7} h {list integer -width 7} *************** *** 4654,4663 **** }]] $self add .$self $d - set textvar ${prop}2; # used as textvariable - set textops ${prop}list; # store the options for later - if {$prop == "steady" || $prop == "is_log" || $prop == "isa" || $prop == "fstyle"} { - set @$textops [lindex $d end] - set @$textvar [say [lindex $@$textops $@$prop]] - } } } --- 4664,4667 ---- *************** *** 4665,4669 **** def IEMPropertiesDialog dropmenu_open {f name} {super $f} def IEMPropertiesDialog dropmenu_set {frame var part val} { ! set tmp ${var}list set textvar ${var}2 set @$textvar [say [lindex $@$tmp $val]] --- 4669,4673 ---- def IEMPropertiesDialog dropmenu_open {f name} {super $f} def IEMPropertiesDialog dropmenu_set {frame var part val} { ! set tmp ${var}choices set textvar ${var}2 set @$textvar [say [lindex $@$tmp $val]] *************** *** 4970,4991 **** class_new Radio {BlueBox}
! def Radio orient {} { ! switch $@class { ! hradio {return 0} hdl {return 0} ! vradio {return 1} vdl {return 1} ! default {return 0} } }
def Radio bbox {} { - set orient [$self orient] mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] ! set x2 [expr $x1+$@w*($orient?1:$@n)] ! set y2 [expr $y1+$@w*($orient?$@n:1)] list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 }
def Radio draw {} { - set orient [$self orient] mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] set ins [expr [string compare $@rcv empty]==0] --- 4974,4994 ---- class_new Radio {BlueBox}
! def Radio reinit {mess} { ! super $mess ! switch [lindex $mess 4] { ! hradio {set @orient 0} hdl {set @orient 0} ! vradio {set @orient 1} vdl {set @orient 1} ! default {set @orient 0} } }
def Radio bbox {} { mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] ! set x2 [expr $x1+$@w*($@orient ?1:$@n)] ! set y2 [expr $y1+$@w*($@orient ?$@n:1)] list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 }
def Radio draw {} { mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] set ins [expr [string compare $@rcv empty]==0] *************** *** 4996,5000 **** [list [expr $x1+3] [expr $y1+3] [expr $x1+$@w-3] [expr $y1+$@w-3]] \ -fill #ffffff -outline #000000 ! if {$orient} {set y1 [expr $y1+$@w]} {set x1 [expr $x1+$@w]} } $self set $@on --- 4999,5003 ---- [list [expr $x1+3] [expr $y1+3] [expr $x1+$@w-3] [expr $y1+$@w-3]] \ -fill #ffffff -outline #000000 ! if {$@orient} {set y1 [expr $y1+$@w]} {set x1 [expr $x1+$@w]} } $self set $@on *************** *** 5010,5015 **** $@canvas focus= $self mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] ! set orient [$self orient] ! set i [expr {($orient?$y-$y1:$x-$x1)/$@w}] netsend [list .$self fout $i] } --- 5013,5017 ---- $@canvas focus= $self mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] ! set i [expr {($@orient ?$y-$y1:$x-$x1)/$@w}] netsend [list .$self fout $i] } *************** *** 5018,5022 ****
class_new Slider {BlueBox} ! def Slider orient {} {switch $@class {vsl {return 1} default {return 0}}}
def Slider init {mess} { --- 5020,5031 ----
class_new Slider {BlueBox} ! ! def Slider reinit {mess} { ! super $mess ! switch [lindex $mess 4] { ! hsl {set @orient 0} ! vsl {set @orient 1} ! } ! }
def Slider init {mess} { *************** *** 5032,5039 **** def Slider draw_knob {} { mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] ! set l [expr [$self orient]?$@h:$@w] set span [expr $@max-$@min] set color [$self look bg] ! if {[$self orient]} { set size $@w set y1 [expr $y1+$@h-$@value*($l-1)/$span-2] --- 5041,5048 ---- def Slider draw_knob {} { mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] ! set l [expr $@orient ?$@h:$@w] set span [expr $@max-$@min] set color [$self look bg] ! if {$@orient} { set size $@w set y1 [expr $y1+$@h-$@value*($l-1)/$span-2] *************** *** 5055,5061 **** set xs $@w set ys $@h ! set orient [$self orient] ! if {$orient} {set y1 [expr $y1-2]} {set x1 [expr $x1-2]} ! if {$orient} {set ys [expr $ys+5]} {set xs [expr $xs+5]} set ins [expr [string compare $@rcv empty]==0] set outs [expr [string compare $@snd empty]==0] --- 5064,5069 ---- set xs $@w set ys $@h ! if {$@orient} {set y1 [expr $y1-2]} {set x1 [expr $x1-2]} ! if {$@orient} {set ys [expr $ys+5]} {set xs [expr $xs+5]} set ins [expr [string compare $@rcv empty]==0] set outs [expr [string compare $@snd empty]==0] *************** *** 5069,5074 **** # not used def Slider draw_notches {} { ! set orient [$self orient] ! if {$orient} { set thick [clip [expr $xs/3] 1 5] set x3 [expr $x1+$xs-$thick/2-2] --- 5077,5081 ---- # not used def Slider draw_notches {} { ! if {$@orient} { set thick [clip [expr $xs/3] 1 5] set x3 [expr $x1+$xs-$thick/2-2] *************** *** 5115,5122 ****
def Slider calc {x y x1 y1} { - set orient [$self orient] set span [expr $@max-$@min] ! set l [expr {$orient?$@h:$@w}] ! set d [expr {($orient?$y1-$y:$x-$x1)*$span/($l+0.0)}] return $d } --- 5122,5128 ----
def Slider calc {x y x1 y1} { set span [expr $@max-$@min] ! set l [expr {$@orient ?$@h:$@w}] ! set d [expr {($@orient ?$y1-$y:$x-$x1)*$span/($l+0.0)}] return $d } *************** *** 6051,6055 **** } set trim_name [string trimleft $name "-"] ! set _($self:${name}2) [say $@$name] label $f.butt -textvariable _($self:${name}2) -relief raised -width 20 balloon $f.butt "click to change setting" --- 6057,6062 ---- } set trim_name [string trimleft $name "-"] ! set _($self:${name}2) [say [lindex $choices $@$name]] ! set _($self:${name}choices) $choices label $f.butt -textvariable _($self:${name}2) -relief raised -width 20 balloon $f.butt "click to change setting"