Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv7354
Modified Files: help-iAmbient2D.pd help-iAmbient3D.pd help-iCircle2D.pd help-iCircle3D.pd help-iCylinder3D.pd help-iLine2D.pd help-iPlane3D.pd help-iSeg2D.pd help-iSphere3D.pd help-pmpd.pd help-tCircle2D.pd help-tCircle3D.pd help-tCube3D.pd help-tCylinder3D.pd help-tLine2D.pd help-tPlane3D.pd help-tSeg2D.pd help-tSphere3D.pd help-tSquare2D.pd Added Files: help-link2D.pd help-link3D.pd help-mass2D.pd help-mass3D.pd help-tLink2D.pd help-tLink3D.pd Removed Files: help-lia.pd help-lia2D.pd help-lia3D.pd help-masse.pd help-masse2D.pd help-masse3D.pd help-tLia2D.pd help-tLia3D.pd Log Message: changing the help file to have english name everywhere.
--- help-tLia2D.pd DELETED ---
Index: help-tSphere3D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-tSphere3D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-tSphere3D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:47 -0000 --- help-tSphere3D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:12 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,37 **** ! #N canvas 737 247 618 430 10; ! #X text 135 35 This object sould be used to test if a specific masse ! is inside a sphere; ! #X text 121 76 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X msg 80 207 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 81 230 setRmax 1; ! #X msg 80 132 setX 0; ! #X msg 79 157 setY 0; ! #X msg 79 180 setZ 0; ! #X text 203 247 minimal and maximal radius of the sphere. If the mass ! is outside or inside this sphere , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X obj 16 302 tSphere3D; ! #X obj 77 302 pmpd.tSphere3D; ! #X text 248 6 Spherical test; ! #X text 178 132 1 : X coordonate of the center of the sphere; ! #X text 178 159 2 : Y coordonate of the center of the sphere; ! #X text 178 183 3 : Z coordonate of the center of the sphere; ! #X text 177 208 4 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 177 229 5 : Maximum Radius; ! #X floatatom 65 338 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 40 360 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 16 384 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 123 382 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X text 122 360 distance of the mass from the center of the circle ! ; ! #X text 122 336 speed of the mass regarding the center of the circle ! ; ! #X connect 2 0 8 0; ! #X connect 3 0 8 0; ! #X connect 4 0 8 0; ! #X connect 5 0 8 0; ! #X connect 6 0 8 0; ! #X connect 8 0 18 0; ! #X connect 8 1 17 0; ! #X connect 8 2 16 0; --- 1,36 ---- ! #N canvas 737 247 618 430 10; ! #X text 135 35 This object sould be used to test if a specific masse ! is inside a sphere; ! #X text 121 76 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X msg 80 207 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 81 230 setRmax 1; ! #X msg 80 132 setX 0; ! #X msg 79 157 setY 0; ! #X msg 79 180 setZ 0; ! #X text 203 247 minimal and maximal radius of the sphere. If the mass ! is outside or inside this sphere , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X obj 16 302 tSphere3D; ! #X text 248 6 Spherical test; ! #X text 178 132 1 : X coordonate of the center of the sphere; ! #X text 178 159 2 : Y coordonate of the center of the sphere; ! #X text 178 183 3 : Z coordonate of the center of the sphere; ! #X text 177 208 4 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 177 229 5 : Maximum Radius; ! #X floatatom 65 338 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 40 360 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 16 384 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 123 382 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X text 122 360 distance of the mass from the center of the circle ! ; ! #X text 122 336 speed of the mass regarding the center of the circle ! ; ! #X connect 2 0 8 0; ! #X connect 3 0 8 0; ! #X connect 4 0 8 0; ! #X connect 5 0 8 0; ! #X connect 6 0 8 0; ! #X connect 8 0 17 0; ! #X connect 8 1 16 0; ! #X connect 8 2 15 0;
Index: help-iCylinder3D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-iCylinder3D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-iCylinder3D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:46 -0000 --- help-iCylinder3D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:10 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,90 **** ! #N canvas 338 52 610 896 10; ! #X text 276 10 Cylinder interaction; ! #X text 166 610 15 : minimum height of the cylinder interaction; ! #X text 168 641 16 : minimum height of the cylinder interaction; ! #X text 167 670 17 : tengential constant force; ! #X text 167 695 18 : tangential rigidity; ! #X text 168 727 19 : normal constant displacement; ! #X text 167 757 20 : tangential constant displacement; ! #X text 166 786 21 : normal displacement proportional to 1/R; ! #X text 166 812 22 : tangential displacement proportional to 1/R; ! #X text 175 118 1 : name; ! #X text 121 76 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 196 136 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 81 343 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 82 366 setRmax 1; ! #X text 198 385 minimal and maximal radius of the circle. If the mass ! is outside or inside this circles , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X msg 80 424 setFN 0; ! #X text 174 181 2 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 173 206 3 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 207 248 normal vector of the circle; ! #X msg 85 266 setX 0; ! #X msg 84 291 setY 0; ! #X msg 84 314 setZ 0; ! #X msg 82 182 setVX 0; ! #X msg 83 207 setVY 0; ! #X msg 84 229 setVZ 0; ! #X text 197 329 center of the circle; ! #X text 174 343 8 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 174 366 9 : Maximum Radius; ! #X text 169 426 10 : constante Normal Force; ! #X text 168 459 11 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 174 230 4 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X msg 81 459 setKN 0; ! #X text 166 504 12 : damping; ! #X msg 81 504 setD 0; ! #X msg 78 731 setdN 0; ! #X obj 9 866 iCylinder3D; ! #X obj 30 840 pmpd.iCylinder3D; ! #X text 177 39 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a cylinder; ! #X text 173 266 5 : center X; ! #X text 173 290 6 : center Y; ! #X text 172 315 7 : center Z; ! #X text 197 443 constant force normal to the cylinder.; ! #X text 199 477 Force is proportional to the distance between the masse ! and the cylindre center.; ! #X text 197 520 normal (to the cylinder surface) damping to the masses. ! ; ! #X text 166 536 13 : Normal force proportional to 1/distance to the ! center of the cylinder; ! #X msg 78 610 setPmin -10000; ! #X msg 80 639 setPmax 10000; ! #X msg 78 756 setdT 0; ! #X text 166 574 14 : Normal force proportional to 1/square(distance) ! to the center of the cylinder; ! #X msg 80 670 setFN 0; ! #X msg 81 705 setKN 0; ! #X msg 82 575 setG 0; ! #X msg 83 538 setRN 0; ! #X msg 77 782 setdKN 0; ! #X msg 77 807 setdKT 0; ! #X connect 12 0 35 0; ! #X connect 13 0 35 0; ! #X connect 15 0 35 0; ! #X connect 19 0 35 0; ! #X connect 20 0 35 0; ! #X connect 21 0 35 0; ! #X connect 22 0 35 0; ! #X connect 23 0 35 0; ! #X connect 24 0 35 0; ! #X connect 31 0 35 0; ! #X connect 33 0 35 0; ! #X connect 34 0 35 0; ! #X connect 45 0 35 0; ! #X connect 46 0 35 0; ! #X connect 47 0 35 0; ! #X connect 49 0 35 0; ! #X connect 50 0 35 0; ! #X connect 51 0 35 0; ! #X connect 52 0 35 0; ! #X connect 53 0 35 0; ! #X connect 54 0 35 0; --- 1,89 ---- ! #N canvas 338 52 610 896 10; ! #X text 276 10 Cylinder interaction; ! #X text 166 610 15 : minimum height of the cylinder interaction; ! #X text 168 641 16 : minimum height of the cylinder interaction; ! #X text 167 670 17 : tengential constant force; ! #X text 167 695 18 : tangential rigidity; ! #X text 168 727 19 : normal constant displacement; ! #X text 167 757 20 : tangential constant displacement; ! #X text 166 786 21 : normal displacement proportional to 1/R; ! #X text 166 812 22 : tangential displacement proportional to 1/R; ! #X text 175 118 1 : name; ! #X text 121 76 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 196 136 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 81 343 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 82 366 setRmax 1; ! #X text 198 385 minimal and maximal radius of the circle. If the mass ! is outside or inside this circles , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X msg 80 424 setFN 0; ! #X text 174 181 2 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 173 206 3 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 207 248 normal vector of the circle; ! #X msg 85 266 setX 0; ! #X msg 84 291 setY 0; ! #X msg 84 314 setZ 0; ! #X msg 82 182 setVX 0; ! #X msg 83 207 setVY 0; ! #X msg 84 229 setVZ 0; ! #X text 197 329 center of the circle; ! #X text 174 343 8 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 174 366 9 : Maximum Radius; ! #X text 169 426 10 : constante Normal Force; ! #X text 168 459 11 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 174 230 4 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X msg 81 459 setKN 0; ! #X text 166 504 12 : damping; ! #X msg 81 504 setD 0; ! #X msg 78 731 setdN 0; ! #X obj 9 866 iCylinder3D; ! #X text 177 39 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a cylinder; ! #X text 173 266 5 : center X; ! #X text 173 290 6 : center Y; ! #X text 172 315 7 : center Z; ! #X text 197 443 constant force normal to the cylinder.; ! #X text 199 477 Force is proportional to the distance between the masse ! and the cylindre center.; ! #X text 197 520 normal (to the cylinder surface) damping to the masses. ! ; ! #X text 166 536 13 : Normal force proportional to 1/distance to the ! center of the cylinder; ! #X msg 78 610 setPmin -10000; ! #X msg 80 639 setPmax 10000; ! #X msg 78 756 setdT 0; ! #X text 166 574 14 : Normal force proportional to 1/square(distance) ! to the center of the cylinder; ! #X msg 80 670 setFN 0; ! #X msg 81 705 setKN 0; ! #X msg 82 575 setG 0; ! #X msg 83 538 setRN 0; ! #X msg 77 782 setdKN 0; ! #X msg 77 807 setdKT 0; ! #X connect 12 0 35 0; ! #X connect 13 0 35 0; ! #X connect 15 0 35 0; ! #X connect 19 0 35 0; ! #X connect 20 0 35 0; ! #X connect 21 0 35 0; ! #X connect 22 0 35 0; ! #X connect 23 0 35 0; ! #X connect 24 0 35 0; ! #X connect 31 0 35 0; ! #X connect 33 0 35 0; ! #X connect 34 0 35 0; ! #X connect 44 0 35 0; ! #X connect 45 0 35 0; ! #X connect 46 0 35 0; ! #X connect 48 0 35 0; ! #X connect 49 0 35 0; ! #X connect 50 0 35 0; ! #X connect 51 0 35 0; ! #X connect 52 0 35 0; ! #X connect 53 0 35 0;
Index: help-iCircle2D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-iCircle2D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-iCircle2D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:46 -0000 --- help-iCircle2D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:10 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,83 **** ! #N canvas 352 49 574 849 10; ! #X text 156 130 1 : name; ! #X obj 12 785 iCircle2D; ! #X text 151 193 2 : center circle X; ! #X text 153 219 3 : center circle Y; ! #X text 260 23 Circlular interaction; ! #X text 154 52 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a circle; ! #X text 152 281 5 : Maximum Radius; ! #X text 151 258 4 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 150 341 6 : constante Normal Force; ! #X text 149 374 7 : constante tengential Force; ! #X text 150 412 8 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 150 430 9 : tengential rigidity; ! #X text 143 492 10 : normal force proportional to 1/R; ! #X text 141 512 11 : tengential force proportional to 1/R; ! #X text 144 558 12 : normal damping; ! #X text 142 580 13 : tengential damping; ! #X text 144 614 14 : Normal displacement; ! #X text 143 633 15 : Tengential displacement; ! #X text 143 670 16 : link damping.; ! #X text 143 731 18 : normal constant displacement; ! #X text 142 753 19 : tangential constant displacement; ! #X obj 28 808 pmpd.iCircle2D; ! #X text 98 97 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 177 148 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 80 194 setX 0; ! #X msg 80 219 setY 0; ! #X msg 80 257 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 81 281 setRmax 1; ! #X text 177 236 center of the circle defining the interactor; ! #X text 176 300 minimal and maximal radius of the circle. If the mass ! is outside or inside this circles , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X text 175 358 constant force normal to the circle.; ! #X text 176 391 add a constant force tangential to the circle.; ! #X msg 78 373 setFT 0; ! #X msg 79 339 setFN 0; ! #X text 175 447 normal and tangential rigidity of the circle. Forces ! are proportional to the distance between the masse and the maximum ! diametter of the circle.; ! #X text 175 528 normal and tangential forces proportional to the 1/distance ! between the masse and the center of the circle.; ! #X text 174 596 normal and tangential (to the circle) damping to the ! masse.; ! #X text 174 649 normal and tangential displacement field.; ! #X text 143 695 17 : Gravitation; ! #X text 172 714 Gravitation : this is a normal force proportional to ! 1/R*R.; ! #X msg 78 694 setG; ! #X text 173 770 displace the masse if it's inside the interactor; ! #X msg 78 731 setdN; ! #X msg 78 750 setdT; ! #X msg 79 412 setKN; ! #X msg 78 431 setKT; ! #X msg 78 492 setRN; ! #X msg 78 514 setRT; ! #X msg 80 558 setDN; ! #X msg 80 582 setDT; ! #X msg 80 615 setdN; ! #X msg 79 636 setdT; ! #X msg 78 670 setD; ! #X connect 24 0 1 0; ! #X connect 25 0 1 0; ! #X connect 26 0 1 0; ! #X connect 27 0 1 0; ! #X connect 32 0 1 0; ! #X connect 33 0 1 0; ! #X connect 40 0 1 0; ! #X connect 42 0 1 0; ! #X connect 43 0 1 0; ! #X connect 44 0 1 0; ! #X connect 45 0 1 0; ! #X connect 46 0 1 0; ! #X connect 47 0 1 0; ! #X connect 48 0 1 0; ! #X connect 49 0 1 0; ! #X connect 50 0 1 0; ! #X connect 51 0 1 0; ! #X connect 52 0 1 0; --- 1,82 ---- ! #N canvas 352 49 574 849 10; ! #X text 156 130 1 : name; ! #X obj 12 785 iCircle2D; ! #X text 151 193 2 : center circle X; ! #X text 153 219 3 : center circle Y; ! #X text 260 23 Circlular interaction; ! #X text 154 52 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a circle; ! #X text 152 281 5 : Maximum Radius; ! #X text 151 258 4 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 150 341 6 : constante Normal Force; ! #X text 149 374 7 : constante tengential Force; ! #X text 150 412 8 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 150 430 9 : tengential rigidity; ! #X text 143 492 10 : normal force proportional to 1/R; ! #X text 141 512 11 : tengential force proportional to 1/R; ! #X text 144 558 12 : normal damping; ! #X text 142 580 13 : tengential damping; ! #X text 144 614 14 : Normal displacement; ! #X text 143 633 15 : Tengential displacement; ! #X text 143 670 16 : link damping.; ! #X text 143 731 18 : normal constant displacement; ! #X text 142 753 19 : tangential constant displacement; ! #X text 98 97 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 177 148 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 80 194 setX 0; ! #X msg 80 219 setY 0; ! #X msg 80 257 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 81 281 setRmax 1; ! #X text 177 236 center of the circle defining the interactor; ! #X text 176 300 minimal and maximal radius of the circle. If the mass ! is outside or inside this circles , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X text 175 358 constant force normal to the circle.; ! #X text 176 391 add a constant force tangential to the circle.; ! #X msg 78 373 setFT 0; ! #X msg 79 339 setFN 0; ! #X text 175 447 normal and tangential rigidity of the circle. Forces ! are proportional to the distance between the masse and the maximum ! diametter of the circle.; ! #X text 175 528 normal and tangential forces proportional to the 1/distance ! between the masse and the center of the circle.; ! #X text 174 596 normal and tangential (to the circle) damping to the ! masse.; ! #X text 174 649 normal and tangential displacement field.; ! #X text 143 695 17 : Gravitation; ! #X text 172 714 Gravitation : this is a normal force proportional to ! 1/R*R.; ! #X msg 78 694 setG; ! #X text 173 770 displace the masse if it's inside the interactor; ! #X msg 78 731 setdN; ! #X msg 78 750 setdT; ! #X msg 79 412 setKN; ! #X msg 78 431 setKT; ! #X msg 78 492 setRN; ! #X msg 78 514 setRT; ! #X msg 80 558 setDN; ! #X msg 80 582 setDT; ! #X msg 80 615 setdN; ! #X msg 79 636 setdT; ! #X msg 78 670 setD; ! #X connect 23 0 1 0; ! #X connect 24 0 1 0; ! #X connect 25 0 1 0; ! #X connect 26 0 1 0; ! #X connect 31 0 1 0; ! #X connect 32 0 1 0; ! #X connect 39 0 1 0; ! #X connect 41 0 1 0; ! #X connect 42 0 1 0; ! #X connect 43 0 1 0; ! #X connect 44 0 1 0; ! #X connect 45 0 1 0; ! #X connect 46 0 1 0; ! #X connect 47 0 1 0; ! #X connect 48 0 1 0; ! #X connect 49 0 1 0; ! #X connect 50 0 1 0; ! #X connect 51 0 1 0;
--- help-lia3D.pd DELETED ---
--- NEW FILE: help-mass2D.pd --- #N canvas 311 0 712 738 10; #X text 317 6 masse; #X text 152 81 M is positive. negative value give non physical things. ; #X text 152 37 the somme of the forces apply to a masse modifie its velocity (depending of it's weight). the position his change according to the velocity and the weight of the masse; #X text 259 149 2 : M = weith of the masse; #X text 259 181 3 : X = initial position of the masse; #X text 259 202 4 : Y = initial position of the masse; #X text 342 305 if the position of the masse is < Xmin then position will be Xmin; #X msg 115 519 resetF; #X text 246 523 reset the total forces applied to the masse; #X msg 116 496 reset; #X text 246 492 reset position (to it's initial value) and forces to zero. send it's position to it's outlet.; #X text 283 220 change position of the masse , and reset memory (for history).; #X text 282 162 change weith of the masse; #X text 340 289 set the minimum and maximum position of the masse; #X text 283 375 when the masses are at Xmin , Xmax , Ymon , Ymax , Zmin or Zmax , the mouvement is possible only if force apply is superior to the threshold; #X text 283 362 change the threshold value; #X msg 116 450 bang; #X msg 115 541 off; #X msg 116 564 on; #X msg 115 588 loadbang; #X text 244 590 output curent position; #X text 246 545 stop mass mouvement; #X text 245 567 restart mass movement; #X text 252 447 compute position and output it; #X text 250 474 add force to this mass; #X msg 120 153 setM 1; #X msg 119 344 setT 0; #X text 261 97 1 : name; #X text 282 115 this is the name of the mass. you can set value to this name instead of making a pd connection.; #X obj 29 625 mass2D; #X msg 120 256 setXmin -10000 , setXmax 10000 , setYmin -10000 , setYmax 10000; #X text 260 277 5 : Xmin; #X text 260 293 6 : Xmax; #X text 260 309 7 : Ymin; #X text 260 325 8 : Ymax; #X text 259 343 9 : Threshold; #X text 156 23 mass2D : get liaison forces and output position; #X msg 121 182 setX 0 , setY 0; #X msg 121 206 setXY 0 0 0; #X msg 114 427 setD 0; #X text 256 423 10 : set velocity damping of the mass; #X msg 116 472 force2D $f1 $f2 $f3; #X text 154 684 X Y & total force apply to the masse; #X text 169 660 X Y & total velocity of the masse; #X obj 60 657 unpack s f f f; #X obj 45 683 unpack s f f f; #X obj 29 707 unpack s f f; #X text 140 708 X Y position of the masse; #X connect 7 0 29 0; #X connect 9 0 29 0; #X connect 16 0 29 0; #X connect 17 0 29 0; #X connect 18 0 29 0; #X connect 19 0 29 0; #X connect 25 0 29 0; #X connect 26 0 29 0; #X connect 29 0 46 0; #X connect 29 1 45 0; #X connect 29 2 44 0; #X connect 30 0 29 0; #X connect 37 0 29 0; #X connect 38 0 29 0; #X connect 39 0 29 0; #X connect 41 0 29 0;
Index: help-pmpd.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-pmpd.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-pmpd.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:47 -0000 --- help-pmpd.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:11 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,259 **** ! #N canvas 517 121 498 357 12; ! #X text 52 14 physical modeling for pure data using a collection of ! physical ojects.; ! #N canvas 0 0 623 384 read 0; ! #X text 123 207 cyrille.henry@la-kitchen.fr; ! #X text 412 312 ch20031213; ! #X text 30 25 The aim of this collection of objects is to create physical ! behavior with pure data. It's not audio synthesis. But it can be used ! for the creation of parameters that can be used for driving an audio ! or video synthesis.; ! #X text 30 101 Most of the examples use GEM , to allow visualization ! of the "physical" geometry , but you don't need it to use this collection. ! ; ! #X text 30 161 any comments , criticism , suggestions , help would ! be highly apreciated :; ! #X text 28 240 informations can be find :; ! #X text 122 263 http://drpichon.free.fr/pmpd/; ! #X restore 38 87 pd read me first; ! #N canvas 0 0 663 567 basics 0; ! #X text 34 30 Object in this collection can be mass , link and interactor ! , in 1D , 2D or 3D.; ! #X text 47 69 Masses (mass , mass2D , mass3D) are ponctual. They've ! got a weight , and know their position. They can move when they receive ! a force , acording to physical rules.; ! #X text 47 126 Link (link , link2D , link3D) are the basic interaction ! beetween 2 masses. It is a visco-elastic link. The link object receive ! the position of 2 masses , compute the force beetween the 2 masses ! and output a force for each mass.; ! #X text 47 202 Interactors are a kind of link , but influence a group ! of masses at once. They can be used for global interaction. We will ! look further into it later.; ! #X text 32 272 This collection of objects can be interconnected for ! the creation of "physical" structures. Such structures can then move ! , and distord themselves , according to forces applied to them.; ! #X text 29 350 The resulting movements are very natural , due to the ! physical equations used to define the objects.; ! #X text 30 418 all objects can be created using pmpd.name , instead ! of name in order to avoid name conflict between libraries.; ! #X text 29 466 ex :; ! #X text 219 466 are the same objects.; ! #X obj 183 466 lia; ! #X obj 65 466 pmpd.link; ! #X obj 145 466 link; ! #X restore 38 115 pd basics; ! #N canvas 434 60 645 737 global_description 0; ! #X obj 34 169 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 ! -1; ! #X obj 34 268 print; ! #X obj 34 217 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 ! -1; ! #X text 57 165 1; ! #X text 58 216 2; ! #X text 36 452 Here is the basic connection beetween 2 masses :; ! #X obj 40 591 lia; ! #X text 36 529 You can also create things like this :; ! #X text 32 23 For patching simplification , objects in this collection ! only have "cold" inlets. The computation speed depends on an external ! metronome. This metronome should bang alternatively all links in the ! model and then masses of the model.; ! #X text 33 103 mass and link have a name corresponding to their class ! name. They will receive everything sent to this name.; ! #X text 159 236 clicking on bang 1 or 2 is equivalent; ! #X text 32 304 As you sould send a bang alternatively to links and ! masses , you sould give diferent names to the links group and masses ! group.; ! #X text 36 361 Masses output their position when you bang them. This ! position depends on the forces applied to the mass.; ! #X text 36 401 Links output a force according to the position of the ! masses when you bang them. This force sould be applied to the same ! mass.; ! #X text 40 626 The masse1 will never receive forces , so it will never ! move. It is useful for creating a structure attached to a fixed point. ! ; ! #X obj 40 558 mass masse1; ! #X obj 76 591 mass masse2; ! #X obj 110 489 masse; ! #X obj 156 489 lia; ! #X obj 195 489 masse; ! #X obj 34 188 s foo1; ! #X obj 34 237 masse2D foo1; ! #X connect 0 0 20 0; ! #X connect 2 0 21 0; ! #X connect 6 1 16 0; ! #X connect 15 0 6 0; ! #X connect 16 0 6 1; ! #X connect 17 0 18 0; ! #X connect 18 0 17 0; ! #X connect 18 1 19 0; ! #X connect 19 0 18 1; ! #X connect 21 0 1 0; ! #X restore 38 144 pd global_description; ! #N canvas 0 0 762 661 test 0; ! #X msg 108 98 1; ! #X msg 74 98 0; ! #X msg 41 98 -1; ! #X msg 141 98 2; ! #X obj 15 16 loadbang; ! #X floatatom 41 169 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X msg 106 390 1; ! #X msg 72 390 0; ! #X msg 39 390 -1; ! #X msg 139 390 2; ! #X floatatom 39 461 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 37 325 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X msg 106 508 1; ! #X msg 72 508 0; ! #X msg 39 508 -1; ! #X msg 139 508 2; ! #X floatatom 39 579 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 247 61 A force to a masse make it to move at a constant speed. ! You can accelerate it or decelerate it using message box. a nul force ! as no effect.; ! #X floatatom 172 267 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X msg 104 264 1; ! #X msg 70 264 0; ! #X msg 37 264 -1; ! #X msg 137 264 2; ! #X text 247 405 Viscosity link : the force is proportinal to the deformation ! speed of the link; ! #X text 249 265 Rigidity link : the force is proportional to the elongation ! of the link. (the right inlet is not used , so the like take is defauld ! value : 0.) Lengh of the link is null.; ! #X text 238 529 Visco-elasic link : the effect is the somme of the ! 2 previus link.; ! #X obj 15 69 s foo2; ! #X obj 41 142 mass foo2 10 0 0; ! #X obj 37 298 link foo2 0 0.1 0; ! #X obj 39 434 link foo2 0 0 0.1; ! #X obj 39 552 link foo2 0 0.1 0.1; ! #X obj 15 43 metro 300; ! #X connect 0 0 27 0; ! #X connect 1 0 27 0; ! #X connect 2 0 27 0; ! #X connect 3 0 27 0; ! #X connect 4 0 31 0; ! #X connect 6 0 29 0; ! #X connect 7 0 29 0; ! #X connect 8 0 29 0; ! #X connect 9 0 29 0; ! #X connect 12 0 30 0; ! #X connect 13 0 30 0; ! #X connect 14 0 30 0; ! #X connect 15 0 30 0; ! #X connect 18 0 28 0; ! #X connect 19 0 28 0; ! #X connect 20 0 28 0; ! #X connect 21 0 28 0; ! #X connect 22 0 28 0; ! #X connect 27 0 5 0; ! #X connect 28 0 11 0; ! #X connect 29 0 10 0; ! #X connect 30 0 16 0; ! #X connect 31 0 26 0; ! #X restore 40 265 pd test; ! #N canvas 394 231 879 595 simple_exemple 0; ! #X obj 356 237 vsl 15 128 0 127 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -8 0 8 -262144 ! -1 -1 0 0; ! #X obj 74 98 hradio 15 1 0 5 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 ! -1 0; ! #N canvas 477 25 445 299 preset 0; ! #X msg 36 193 setK 0.05 , setD 0 , setD2 30; ! #X msg 55 166 setK 1 , setD 0 , setD2 30; ! #X msg 75 138 setK 1 , setD 0 , setD2 200; ! #X obj 36 16 inlet; ! #X obj 115 254 outlet; ! #X msg 95 108 setK 300 , setD 300 , setD2 5; ! #X obj 36 43 sel 2 1 0 3 4; ! #X msg 115 78 setK 3000 , setD 1000 , setD2 5000; ! #X connect 0 0 4 0; ! #X connect 1 0 4 0; ! #X connect 2 0 4 0; ! #X connect 3 0 6 0; ! #X connect 5 0 4 0; ! #X connect 6 0 0 0; ! #X connect 6 1 1 0; ! #X connect 6 2 2 0; ! #X connect 6 3 5 0; ! #X connect 6 4 7 0; ! #X connect 7 0 4 0; ! #X restore 74 119 pd preset; ! #X obj 336 237 vsl 15 128 0 127 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -8 0 8 -262144 ! -1 -1 0 0; ! #X text 80 415 the masse is link to the cursor with diferents kinf ! of liaison (see the preset); ! #X text 71 18 comportement of a single masse link to a fixed point ! with a visco elastic link.; ! #X text 173 95 <- diferents comportement of the link; ! #N canvas 0 0 268 186 stuff 0; ! #X obj 13 20 loadbang; ! #X obj 48 97 s $0-lia; ! #X obj 13 72 t b b; ! #X obj 13 123 s $0-masse; ! #X obj 13 45 metro 5; ! #X obj 89 20 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 ! -1; ! #X msg 124 92 reset; ! #X msg 89 66 resetL , resetF; ! #X obj 89 40 t b b; ! #X connect 0 0 4 0; ! #X connect 2 0 3 0; ! #X connect 2 1 1 0; ! #X connect 4 0 2 0; ! #X connect 5 0 8 0; ! #X connect 6 0 3 0; ! #X connect 7 0 1 0; ! #X connect 8 0 7 0; ! #X connect 8 1 6 0; ! #X restore 75 65 pd stuff; ! #X text 98 346 click or move the slider ->; ! #X text 396 346 look at the mouvement of the masse (the right slider) ! ; ! #X text 80 481 surch system can be usefull for replacing the line object ! of pd when more natural evolution is neaded...; ! #X obj 169 167 lia $0-lia 0 1 0 200; ! #X obj 356 167 masse $0-masse 10000 0; ! #X connect 1 0 2 0; ! #X connect 2 0 11 0; ! #X connect 3 0 11 0; ! #X connect 11 1 12 0; ! #X connect 12 0 0 0; ! #X connect 12 0 11 1; ! #X restore 40 292 pd simple_exemple; ! #X text 64 180 look at mass and link help file :; ! #X obj 65 198 mass; ! #X obj 65 228 link; ! #N canvas 108 97 450 541 list 0; ! #X obj 190 135 iAmbient2D; ! #X obj 305 137 iAmbient3D; ! #X obj 190 166 iCircle2D; ! #X obj 306 257 iCylinder3D; ! #X obj 305 227 iCircle3D; ! #X obj 190 196 iLine2D; ! #X obj 305 197 iPlane3D; ! #X obj 190 225 iSeg2D; ! #X obj 305 168 iSphere3D; ! #X obj 192 75 lia2D; ! #X obj 306 75 lia3D; ! #X obj 79 76 lia; ! #X obj 79 48 mass; ! #X obj 192 48 mass2D; ! #X obj 306 48 mass3D; ! #X text 78 25 1D; ! #X text 191 27 2D; ! #X text 304 28 3D; ! #X text 21 46 basic; ! #X text 19 136 interactors; ! #X text 24 328 test; ! #X obj 192 327 tLia2D; ! #X obj 307 327 tLia3D; ! #X obj 192 389 tCircle2D; ! #X obj 192 419 tLine2D; ! #X obj 192 448 tSeg2D; ! #X obj 305 480 tCylinder3D; ! #X obj 306 420 tPlane3D; ! #X obj 306 450 tCircle3D; ! #X obj 306 390 tSphere3D; ! #X obj 192 358 tSquare2D; ! #X obj 307 359 tCube3D; ! #X restore 40 322 pd list of pmpd's object; --- 1,255 ---- ! #N canvas 517 121 498 357 12; ! #X text 52 14 physical modeling for pure data using a collection of ! physical ojects.; ! #N canvas 0 0 623 384 read 0; ! #X text 123 207 cyrille.henry@la-kitchen.fr; ! #X text 412 312 ch20031213; ! #X text 30 25 The aim of this collection of objects is to create physical ! behavior with pure data. It's not audio synthesis. But it can be used ! for the creation of parameters that can be used for driving an audio ! or video synthesis.; ! #X text 30 101 Most of the examples use GEM , to allow visualization ! of the "physical" geometry , but you don't need it to use this collection. ! ; ! #X text 30 161 any comments , criticism , suggestions , help would ! be highly apreciated :; ! #X text 28 240 informations can be find :; ! #X text 122 263 http://drpichon.free.fr/pmpd/; ! #X restore 38 87 pd read me first; ! #N canvas 0 0 663 567 basics 0; ! #X text 34 30 Object in this collection can be mass , link and interactor ! , in 1D , 2D or 3D.; ! #X text 47 69 Masses (mass , mass2D , mass3D) are ponctual. They've ! got a weight , and know their position. They can move when they receive ! a force , acording to physical rules.; ! #X text 47 126 Link (link , link2D , link3D) are the basic interaction ! beetween 2 masses. It is a visco-elastic link. The link object receive ! the position of 2 masses , compute the force beetween the 2 masses ! and output a force for each mass.; ! #X text 47 202 Interactors are a kind of link , but influence a group ! of masses at once. They can be used for global interaction. We will ! look further into it later.; ! #X text 32 272 This collection of objects can be interconnected for ! the creation of "physical" structures. Such structures can then move ! , and distord themselves , according to forces applied to them.; ! #X text 29 350 The resulting movements are very natural , due to the ! physical equations used to define the objects.; ! #X restore 38 115 pd basics; ! #N canvas 434 60 645 737 global_description 0; ! #X obj 34 169 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 ! -1; ! #X obj 34 268 print; ! #X obj 34 217 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 ! -1; ! #X text 57 165 1; ! #X text 58 216 2; ! #X text 36 452 Here is the basic connection beetween 2 masses :; ! #X text 36 529 You can also create things like this :; ! #X text 32 23 For patching simplification , objects in this collection ! only have "cold" inlets. The computation speed depends on an external ! metronome. This metronome should bang alternatively all links in the ! model and then masses of the model.; ! #X text 33 103 mass and link have a name corresponding to their class ! name. They will receive everything sent to this name.; ! #X text 159 236 clicking on bang 1 or 2 is equivalent; ! #X text 32 304 As you sould send a bang alternatively to links and ! masses , you sould give diferent names to the links group and masses ! group.; ! #X text 36 361 Masses output their position when you bang them. This ! position depends on the forces applied to the mass.; ! #X text 36 401 Links output a force according to the position of the ! masses when you bang them. This force sould be applied to the same ! mass.; ! #X text 40 626 The masse1 will never receive forces , so it will never ! move. It is useful for creating a structure attached to a fixed point. ! ; ! #X obj 40 558 mass masse1; ! #X obj 90 591 mass masse2; ! #X obj 34 188 s foo1; ! #X obj 34 237 mass2D foo1; ! #X obj 110 489 mass; ! #X obj 160 490 link; ! #X obj 214 492 mass; ! #X obj 40 591 link; ! #X connect 0 0 16 0; ! #X connect 2 0 17 0; ! #X connect 14 0 21 0; ! #X connect 15 0 21 1; ! #X connect 17 0 1 0; ! #X connect 18 0 19 0; ! #X connect 19 0 18 0; ! #X connect 19 1 20 0; ! #X connect 20 0 19 1; ! #X connect 21 1 15 0; ! #X restore 38 144 pd global_description; ! #N canvas 0 0 762 661 test 0; ! #X msg 108 98 1; ! #X msg 74 98 0; ! #X msg 41 98 -1; ! #X msg 141 98 2; ! #X obj 15 16 loadbang; ! #X floatatom 41 169 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X msg 106 390 1; ! #X msg 72 390 0; ! #X msg 39 390 -1; ! #X msg 139 390 2; ! #X floatatom 39 461 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 37 325 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X msg 106 508 1; ! #X msg 72 508 0; ! #X msg 39 508 -1; ! #X msg 139 508 2; ! #X floatatom 39 579 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 247 61 A force to a masse make it to move at a constant speed. ! You can accelerate it or decelerate it using message box. a nul force ! as no effect.; ! #X floatatom 172 267 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X msg 104 264 1; ! #X msg 70 264 0; ! #X msg 37 264 -1; ! #X msg 137 264 2; ! #X text 247 405 Viscosity link : the force is proportinal to the deformation ! speed of the link; ! #X text 249 265 Rigidity link : the force is proportional to the elongation ! of the link. (the right inlet is not used , so the like take is defauld ! value : 0.) Lengh of the link is null.; ! #X text 238 529 Visco-elasic link : the effect is the somme of the ! 2 previus link.; ! #X obj 15 69 s foo2; ! #X obj 41 142 mass foo2 10 0 0; ! #X obj 37 298 link foo2 0 0.1 0; ! #X obj 39 434 link foo2 0 0 0.1; ! #X obj 39 552 link foo2 0 0.1 0.1; ! #X obj 15 43 metro 300; ! #X connect 0 0 27 0; ! #X connect 1 0 27 0; ! #X connect 2 0 27 0; ! #X connect 3 0 27 0; ! #X connect 4 0 31 0; ! #X connect 6 0 29 0; ! #X connect 7 0 29 0; ! #X connect 8 0 29 0; ! #X connect 9 0 29 0; ! #X connect 12 0 30 0; ! #X connect 13 0 30 0; ! #X connect 14 0 30 0; ! #X connect 15 0 30 0; ! #X connect 18 0 28 0; ! #X connect 19 0 28 0; ! #X connect 20 0 28 0; ! #X connect 21 0 28 0; ! #X connect 22 0 28 0; ! #X connect 27 0 5 0; ! #X connect 28 0 11 0; ! #X connect 29 0 10 0; ! #X connect 30 0 16 0; ! #X connect 31 0 26 0; ! #X restore 40 265 pd test; ! #N canvas 394 231 879 595 simple_exemple 0; ! #X obj 356 237 vsl 15 128 0 127 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -8 0 8 -262144 ! -1 -1 0 0; ! #X obj 74 98 hradio 15 1 0 5 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 ! -1 0; ! #N canvas 477 25 445 299 preset 0; ! #X msg 36 193 setK 0.05 , setD 0 , setD2 30; ! #X msg 55 166 setK 1 , setD 0 , setD2 30; ! #X msg 75 138 setK 1 , setD 0 , setD2 200; ! #X obj 36 16 inlet; ! #X obj 115 254 outlet; ! #X msg 95 108 setK 300 , setD 300 , setD2 5; ! #X obj 36 43 sel 2 1 0 3 4; ! #X msg 115 78 setK 3000 , setD 1000 , setD2 5000; ! #X connect 0 0 4 0; ! #X connect 1 0 4 0; ! #X connect 2 0 4 0; ! #X connect 3 0 6 0; ! #X connect 5 0 4 0; ! #X connect 6 0 0 0; ! #X connect 6 1 1 0; ! #X connect 6 2 2 0; ! #X connect 6 3 5 0; ! #X connect 6 4 7 0; ! #X connect 7 0 4 0; ! #X restore 74 119 pd preset; ! #X obj 336 237 vsl 15 128 0 127 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -8 0 8 -262144 ! -1 -1 0 0; ! #X text 80 415 the masse is link to the cursor with diferents kinf ! of liaison (see the preset); ! #X text 71 18 comportement of a single masse link to a fixed point ! with a visco elastic link.; ! #X text 173 95 <- diferents comportement of the link; ! #N canvas 0 0 268 186 stuff 0; ! #X obj 13 20 loadbang; ! #X obj 48 97 s $0-lia; ! #X obj 13 72 t b b; ! #X obj 13 123 s $0-masse; ! #X obj 13 45 metro 5; ! #X obj 89 20 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 ! -1; ! #X msg 124 92 reset; ! #X msg 89 66 resetL , resetF; ! #X obj 89 40 t b b; ! #X connect 0 0 4 0; ! #X connect 2 0 3 0; ! #X connect 2 1 1 0; ! #X connect 4 0 2 0; ! #X connect 5 0 8 0; ! #X connect 6 0 3 0; ! #X connect 7 0 1 0; ! #X connect 8 0 7 0; ! #X connect 8 1 6 0; ! #X restore 75 65 pd stuff; ! #X text 98 346 click or move the slider ->; ! #X text 396 346 look at the mouvement of the masse (the right slider) ! ; ! #X text 80 481 surch system can be usefull for replacing the line object ! of pd when more natural evolution is neaded...; ! #X obj 168 167 link $0-lia 0 1 0 200; ! #X obj 356 167 mass $0-masse 10000 0; ! #X connect 1 0 2 0; ! #X connect 2 0 11 0; ! #X connect 3 0 11 0; ! #X connect 11 1 12 0; ! #X connect 12 0 0 0; ! #X connect 12 0 11 1; ! #X restore 40 292 pd simple_exemple; ! #X text 64 180 look at mass and link help file :; ! #X obj 65 198 mass; ! #X obj 65 228 link; ! #N canvas 108 97 450 614 list 0; ! #X obj 190 135 iAmbient2D; ! #X obj 305 137 iAmbient3D; ! #X obj 190 166 iCircle2D; ! #X obj 306 257 iCylinder3D; ! #X obj 305 227 iCircle3D; ! #X obj 190 196 iLine2D; ! #X obj 305 197 iPlane3D; ! #X obj 190 225 iSeg2D; ! #X obj 305 168 iSphere3D; ! #X obj 79 76 lia; ! #X obj 79 48 mass; ! #X obj 192 48 mass2D; ! #X obj 306 48 mass3D; ! #X text 78 25 1D; ! #X text 191 27 2D; ! #X text 304 28 3D; ! #X text 21 46 basic; ! #X text 19 136 interactors; ! #X text 24 328 test; ! #X obj 192 389 tCircle2D; ! #X obj 192 419 tLine2D; ! #X obj 192 448 tSeg2D; ! #X obj 305 480 tCylinder3D; ! #X obj 306 420 tPlane3D; ! #X obj 306 450 tCircle3D; ! #X obj 306 390 tSphere3D; ! #X obj 192 358 tSquare2D; ! #X obj 307 359 tCube3D; ! #X obj 192 327 tLink2D; ! #X obj 307 327 tLink3D; ! #X obj 306 75 link3D; ! #X obj 192 75 link2D; ! #X text 19 535 other; ! #X obj 192 540 pmpd; ! #X obj 306 544 pmpd~; ! #X restore 40 322 pd list of pmpd's object;
Index: help-tCylinder3D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-tCylinder3D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-tCylinder3D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:47 -0000 --- help-tCylinder3D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:11 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,58 **** ! #N canvas 8 15 584 655 10; ! #X text 266 11 Cylinder test; ! #X text 168 39 This object sould be used for testing the relative position ! of a masse depending on a cylinder; ! #X text 166 583 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X text 166 562 distance from the center of the cylinder; ! #X text 167 541 speed from the center of the cylinder; ! #X text 104 81 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X msg 88 289 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 89 312 setRmax 1; ! #X text 205 331 minimal and maximal radius of the circle. If the mass ! is outside or inside this circles , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X text 214 194 normal vector of the circle; ! #X msg 92 212 setX 0; ! #X msg 91 237 setY 0; ! #X msg 91 260 setZ 0; ! #X msg 89 128 setVX 0; ! #X msg 90 153 setVY 0; ! #X msg 91 175 setVZ 0; ! #X text 204 275 center of the circle; ! #X msg 88 380 setPmin -10000; ! #X msg 90 409 setPmax 10000; ! #X obj 13 517 tCylinder3D; ! #X obj 91 517 pmpd.tCylinder3D; ! #X text 181 127 1 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 180 152 2 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 181 176 3 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 180 212 4 : center X; ! #X text 180 236 5 : center Y; ! #X text 179 261 6 : center Z; ! #X text 181 289 7 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 181 312 8 : Maximum Radius; ! #X text 182 382 9 : minimum height of the cylinder interaction; ! #X text 178 411 10 : maximum height of the cylinder interaction; ! #X floatatom 13 584 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 43 563 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 74 543 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 188 464 position of the tested mass; ! #X msg 78 464 position3D 0 0 0; ! #X connect 6 0 19 0; ! #X connect 7 0 19 0; ! #X connect 10 0 19 0; ! #X connect 11 0 19 0; ! #X connect 12 0 19 0; ! #X connect 13 0 19 0; ! #X connect 14 0 19 0; ! #X connect 15 0 19 0; ! #X connect 17 0 19 0; ! #X connect 18 0 19 0; ! #X connect 19 0 31 0; ! #X connect 19 1 32 0; ! #X connect 19 2 33 0; ! #X connect 35 0 19 0; --- 1,57 ---- ! #N canvas 8 15 584 655 10; ! #X text 266 11 Cylinder test; ! #X text 168 39 This object sould be used for testing the relative position ! of a masse depending on a cylinder; ! #X text 166 583 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X text 166 562 distance from the center of the cylinder; ! #X text 167 541 speed from the center of the cylinder; ! #X text 104 81 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X msg 88 289 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 89 312 setRmax 1; ! #X text 205 331 minimal and maximal radius of the circle. If the mass ! is outside or inside this circles , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X text 214 194 normal vector of the circle; ! #X msg 92 212 setX 0; ! #X msg 91 237 setY 0; ! #X msg 91 260 setZ 0; ! #X msg 89 128 setVX 0; ! #X msg 90 153 setVY 0; ! #X msg 91 175 setVZ 0; ! #X text 204 275 center of the circle; ! #X msg 88 380 setPmin -10000; ! #X msg 90 409 setPmax 10000; ! #X obj 13 517 tCylinder3D; ! #X text 181 127 1 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 180 152 2 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 181 176 3 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 180 212 4 : center X; ! #X text 180 236 5 : center Y; ! #X text 179 261 6 : center Z; ! #X text 181 289 7 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 181 312 8 : Maximum Radius; ! #X text 182 382 9 : minimum height of the cylinder interaction; ! #X text 178 411 10 : maximum height of the cylinder interaction; ! #X floatatom 13 584 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 43 563 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 74 543 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 188 464 position of the tested mass; ! #X msg 78 464 position3D 0 0 0; ! #X connect 6 0 19 0; ! #X connect 7 0 19 0; ! #X connect 10 0 19 0; ! #X connect 11 0 19 0; ! #X connect 12 0 19 0; ! #X connect 13 0 19 0; ! #X connect 14 0 19 0; ! #X connect 15 0 19 0; ! #X connect 17 0 19 0; ! #X connect 18 0 19 0; ! #X connect 19 0 30 0; ! #X connect 19 1 31 0; ! #X connect 19 2 32 0; ! #X connect 34 0 19 0;
Index: help-iPlane3D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-iPlane3D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-iPlane3D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:46 -0000 --- help-iPlane3D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:10 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,55 **** ! #N canvas 4 8 610 587 10; ! #X text 174 327 8 : constante Normal Force; ! #X text 175 353 9 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 166 405 10 : normal damping; ! #X text 161 463 12 : normal displacement; ! #X text 174 258 5 : X point of the plane; ! #X text 173 281 6 : Y point of the plane; ! #X text 173 304 7 : Z point of the plane; ! #X text 162 491 13 : dormal displacement (proportional to the pronfondary ! of the point); ! #X text 175 107 1 : name; ! #X text 121 74 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 196 125 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 95 327 setFN 0; ! #X text 207 237 normal vector of the circle; ! #X msg 96 255 setX 0; ! #X msg 95 280 setY 0; ! #X msg 95 303 setZ 0; ! #X msg 93 171 setVX 0; ! #X msg 93 196 setVY 0; ! #X msg 95 218 setVZ 0; ! #X text 196 376 Force is proportional to the distance between the masse ! and the circle plane.; ! #X msg 95 354 setKN 0; ! #X msg 96 400 setD 0; ! #X msg 95 433 setPmax 10000; ! #X msg 94 462 setdN 0; ! #X msg 95 493 setdKN 0; ! #X text 283 12 Plane interaction; ! #X obj 21 521 iPlane3D; ! #X obj 38 544 pmpd.iPlane3D; ! #X text 177 41 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a plane; ! #X text 174 170 2 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ! ; ! #X text 173 195 3 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ! ; ! #X text 174 219 4 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ! ; ! #X text 162 433 11 : maximum profound of the circle interaction; ! #X connect 11 0 26 0; ! #X connect 13 0 26 0; ! #X connect 14 0 26 0; ! #X connect 15 0 26 0; ! #X connect 16 0 26 0; ! #X connect 17 0 26 0; ! #X connect 18 0 26 0; ! #X connect 20 0 26 0; ! #X connect 21 0 26 0; ! #X connect 22 0 26 0; ! #X connect 23 0 26 0; ! #X connect 24 0 26 0; --- 1,54 ---- ! #N canvas 4 8 610 587 10; ! #X text 174 327 8 : constante Normal Force; ! #X text 175 353 9 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 166 405 10 : normal damping; ! #X text 161 463 12 : normal displacement; ! #X text 174 258 5 : X point of the plane; ! #X text 173 281 6 : Y point of the plane; ! #X text 173 304 7 : Z point of the plane; ! #X text 162 491 13 : dormal displacement (proportional to the pronfondary ! of the point); ! #X text 175 107 1 : name; ! #X text 121 74 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 196 125 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 95 327 setFN 0; ! #X text 207 237 normal vector of the circle; ! #X msg 96 255 setX 0; ! #X msg 95 280 setY 0; ! #X msg 95 303 setZ 0; ! #X msg 93 171 setVX 0; ! #X msg 93 196 setVY 0; ! #X msg 95 218 setVZ 0; ! #X text 196 376 Force is proportional to the distance between the masse ! and the circle plane.; ! #X msg 95 354 setKN 0; ! #X msg 96 400 setD 0; ! #X msg 95 433 setPmax 10000; ! #X msg 94 462 setdN 0; ! #X msg 95 493 setdKN 0; ! #X text 283 12 Plane interaction; ! #X obj 21 521 iPlane3D; ! #X text 177 41 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a plane; ! #X text 174 170 2 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ! ; ! #X text 173 195 3 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ! ; ! #X text 174 219 4 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ! ; ! #X text 162 433 11 : maximum profound of the circle interaction; ! #X connect 11 0 26 0; ! #X connect 13 0 26 0; ! #X connect 14 0 26 0; ! #X connect 15 0 26 0; ! #X connect 16 0 26 0; ! #X connect 17 0 26 0; ! #X connect 18 0 26 0; ! #X connect 20 0 26 0; ! #X connect 21 0 26 0; ! #X connect 22 0 26 0; ! #X connect 23 0 26 0; ! #X connect 24 0 26 0;
Index: help-tCircle3D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-tCircle3D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-tCircle3D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:47 -0000 --- help-tCircle3D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:11 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,59 **** ! #N canvas 181 15 585 661 10; ! #X text 254 13 Circlular test; ! #X text 97 490 this object is like tPlane3D , but it's action is limited ! in space (circular).; ! #X text 143 147 1 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 143 173 2 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 144 198 3 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 144 226 4 : center circle X; ! #X text 143 252 5 : center circle Y; ! #X text 142 275 6 : center circle Z; ! #X text 140 414 9 : maximum profound of the test; ! #X text 140 45 This object sould be used for testing the masse position. ! ; ! #X text 140 62 It receive masse position , and output 0/1 according ! to the position of the masse (1 if the mass is in the circle); ! #X text 65 101 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X msg 50 325 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 51 349 setRmax 1; ! #X text 164 304 center of the circle defining the interactor; ! #X text 167 367 minimal and maximal radius of the circle. If the mass ! is outside or inside this circles , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X floatatom 12 619 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 149 618 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X floatatom 36 597 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 61 574 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 147 453 position of the tested mass; ! #X text 148 596 distance of the mass from the center of the circle ! ; ! #X text 148 572 speed of the mass regarding the center of the circle ! ; ! #X obj 12 541 tCircle3D; ! #X obj 85 541 pmpd.tCircle3D; ! #X msg 50 149 setVX 0; ! #X msg 50 174 setVY 0; ! #X msg 50 199 setVZ 0; ! #X msg 51 228 setX 0; ! #X msg 51 252 setY 0; ! #X msg 51 277 setZ 0; ! #X msg 48 415 setPmax 10000; ! #X text 138 326 7 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 139 349 8 : Maximum Radius; ! #X msg 48 454 position3D 0 0 0; ! #X connect 12 0 23 0; ! #X connect 13 0 23 0; ! #X connect 23 0 16 0; ! #X connect 23 1 18 0; ! #X connect 23 2 19 0; ! #X connect 25 0 23 0; ! #X connect 26 0 23 0; ! #X connect 28 0 23 0; ! #X connect 29 0 23 0; ! #X connect 30 0 23 0; ! #X connect 31 0 23 0; ! #X connect 34 0 23 0; --- 1,58 ---- ! #N canvas 181 15 585 661 10; ! #X text 254 13 Circlular test; ! #X text 97 490 this object is like tPlane3D , but it's action is limited ! in space (circular).; ! #X text 143 147 1 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 143 173 2 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 144 198 3 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 144 226 4 : center circle X; ! #X text 143 252 5 : center circle Y; ! #X text 142 275 6 : center circle Z; ! #X text 140 414 9 : maximum profound of the test; ! #X text 140 45 This object sould be used for testing the masse position. ! ; ! #X text 140 62 It receive masse position , and output 0/1 according ! to the position of the masse (1 if the mass is in the circle); ! #X text 65 101 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X msg 50 325 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 51 349 setRmax 1; ! #X text 164 304 center of the circle defining the interactor; ! #X text 167 367 minimal and maximal radius of the circle. If the mass ! is outside or inside this circles , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X floatatom 12 619 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 149 618 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X floatatom 36 597 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 61 574 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 147 453 position of the tested mass; ! #X text 148 596 distance of the mass from the center of the circle ! ; ! #X text 148 572 speed of the mass regarding the center of the circle ! ; ! #X obj 12 541 tCircle3D; ! #X msg 50 149 setVX 0; ! #X msg 50 174 setVY 0; ! #X msg 50 199 setVZ 0; ! #X msg 51 228 setX 0; ! #X msg 51 252 setY 0; ! #X msg 51 277 setZ 0; ! #X msg 48 415 setPmax 10000; ! #X text 138 326 7 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 139 349 8 : Maximum Radius; ! #X msg 48 454 position3D 0 0 0; ! #X connect 12 0 23 0; ! #X connect 13 0 23 0; ! #X connect 23 0 16 0; ! #X connect 23 1 18 0; ! #X connect 23 2 19 0; ! #X connect 24 0 23 0; ! #X connect 25 0 23 0; ! #X connect 27 0 23 0; ! #X connect 28 0 23 0; ! #X connect 29 0 23 0; ! #X connect 30 0 23 0; ! #X connect 33 0 23 0;
--- help-lia.pd DELETED ---
Index: help-iLine2D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-iLine2D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-iLine2D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:46 -0000 --- help-iLine2D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:10 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,58 **** ! #N canvas 508 171 589 636 10; ! #X text 163 39 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a line.; ! #X text 175 273 6 : maximum depth (1); ! #X text 266 11 interaction with a line; ! #X text 169 513 12 : Normal displacement; ! #X text 169 544 13 : tengential displacement; ! #X text 177 107 1 : name; ! #X text 123 74 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 198 125 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 108 303 setFN 0; ! #X msg 110 383 setKN 0; ! #X msg 108 512 setdN 0; ! #X obj 17 577 iLine2D; ! #X obj 34 600 pmpd.iLine2D; ! #X msg 106 194 setY1 0; ! #X msg 107 240 setY2 0; ! #X msg 105 169 setX1 -1; ! #X msg 106 217 setX2 1; ! #X text 176 169 2 : X coordonate of the the 1st point of the line; ! #X text 176 193 3 : Y coordonate of the the 1st point of the line; ! #X text 176 216 4 : X coordonate of the the 2nd point of the line; ! #X text 176 240 5 : Y coordonate of the the 2nd point of the line; ! #X msg 107 273 setPmax 1; ! #X text 201 257 X and Y position of the 2 points defining the line. ! ; ! #X text 199 288 maximum depth of the interaction line.; ! #X text 175 305 7 : Normal constant force; ! #X text 175 325 8 : tengential constant force; ! #X text 174 383 9 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 168 445 10 : Normal damping; ! #X text 168 471 11 : Tengential damping; ! #X text 199 347 normal and tangential (to the line) constant forces ! apply to the masse when it is in interaction with this object.; ! #X msg 109 327 setFT 0; ! #X msg 109 445 setDN 0; ! #X text 199 397 normal rigidity. Forces are proportional to the depth ! between the masse and the line. The force is aply only to one side ! of the line.; ! #X text 199 489 normal and tangential damping for the masse.; ! #X msg 109 472 setDT 0; ! #X msg 107 543 setdT 0; ! #X text 198 564 displace the mass when it is in the interactor field ! ; ! #X connect 8 0 11 0; ! #X connect 9 0 11 0; ! #X connect 10 0 11 0; ! #X connect 13 0 11 0; ! #X connect 14 0 11 0; ! #X connect 15 0 11 0; ! #X connect 16 0 11 0; ! #X connect 21 0 11 0; ! #X connect 31 0 11 0; ! #X connect 34 0 11 0; ! #X connect 35 0 11 0; --- 1,57 ---- ! #N canvas 508 171 589 636 10; ! #X text 163 39 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a line.; ! #X text 175 273 6 : maximum depth (1); ! #X text 266 11 interaction with a line; ! #X text 169 513 12 : Normal displacement; ! #X text 169 544 13 : tengential displacement; ! #X text 177 107 1 : name; ! #X text 123 74 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 198 125 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 108 303 setFN 0; ! #X msg 110 383 setKN 0; ! #X msg 108 512 setdN 0; ! #X obj 17 577 iLine2D; ! #X msg 106 194 setY1 0; ! #X msg 107 240 setY2 0; ! #X msg 105 169 setX1 -1; ! #X msg 106 217 setX2 1; ! #X text 176 169 2 : X coordonate of the the 1st point of the line; ! #X text 176 193 3 : Y coordonate of the the 1st point of the line; ! #X text 176 216 4 : X coordonate of the the 2nd point of the line; ! #X text 176 240 5 : Y coordonate of the the 2nd point of the line; ! #X msg 107 273 setPmax 1; ! #X text 201 257 X and Y position of the 2 points defining the line. ! ; ! #X text 199 288 maximum depth of the interaction line.; ! #X text 175 305 7 : Normal constant force; ! #X text 175 325 8 : tengential constant force; ! #X text 174 383 9 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 168 445 10 : Normal damping; ! #X text 168 471 11 : Tengential damping; ! #X text 199 347 normal and tangential (to the line) constant forces ! apply to the masse when it is in interaction with this object.; ! #X msg 109 327 setFT 0; ! #X msg 109 445 setDN 0; ! #X text 199 397 normal rigidity. Forces are proportional to the depth ! between the masse and the line. The force is aply only to one side ! of the line.; ! #X text 199 489 normal and tangential damping for the masse.; ! #X msg 109 472 setDT 0; ! #X msg 107 543 setdT 0; ! #X text 198 564 displace the mass when it is in the interactor field ! ; ! #X connect 8 0 11 0; ! #X connect 9 0 11 0; ! #X connect 10 0 11 0; ! #X connect 12 0 11 0; ! #X connect 13 0 11 0; ! #X connect 14 0 11 0; ! #X connect 15 0 11 0; ! #X connect 20 0 11 0; ! #X connect 30 0 11 0; ! #X connect 33 0 11 0; ! #X connect 34 0 11 0;
Index: help-iAmbient3D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-iAmbient3D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-iAmbient3D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:46 -0000 --- help-iAmbient3D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:10 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,76 **** ! #N canvas 281 53 599 822 10; ! #X text 272 20 ambient interaction; ! #X text 172 40 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a commun environement; ! #X text 179 143 1 : name; ! #X text 172 70 This object should receive a bang to be active (act ! like the link object); ! #X text 196 155 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X text 200 642 if a mass is outside of this rectangle , the mass ! will not interact with this object.; ! #X text 197 450 value of the damping forces. this force is oposite ! from the velocity of the mass. It is proportional to the velocity of ! the masse.; ! #X text 198 295 this is constant force apply to all masses interacting ! this this object. Gravity is a constant negative force on Y axes.; ! #X msg 74 225 setFX 0; ! #X msg 75 249 setFY 0; ! #X msg 76 335 setRndFX 0; ! #X msg 76 359 setRndFY 0; ! #X msg 77 431 setD 0; ! #X msg 69 499 setXmin -100000; ! #X msg 69 543 setYmin -100000; ! #X msg 69 521 setXmax 100000; ! #X msg 69 566 setYmax 100000; ! #X text 202 627 minimum and maximum position of the interactor.; ! #X msg 70 673 setdX 0; ! #X msg 70 694 setdY 0; ! #X text 77 112 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X obj 16 752 iAmbient3D; ! #X obj 47 775 pmpd.iAmbient3D; ! #X msg 76 272 setFZ 0; ! #X msg 77 385 setRndFZ 0; ! #X msg 69 589 setZmin -100000; ! #X msg 69 611 setZmax 100000; ! #X msg 70 716 setdZ 0; ! #X text 200 401 Maximum amplitude of a random force aplyed to masses ! (X , Y and Z amplitude).; ! #X text 175 225 2 : X constant force field; ! #X text 174 249 3 : Y constant force field; ! #X text 173 270 4 : Z constant force field; ! #X text 172 333 5 : rnd X force field; ! #X text 170 360 6 : rnd Y force field; ! #X text 170 386 7 : rnd Z force field; ! #X text 170 432 8 : damping; ! #X text 172 500 9 : X minimum; ! #X text 172 521 10 : X maximum; ! #X text 172 543 11 : Y minimum; ! #X text 171 565 12 : Y maximum; ! #X text 172 591 13 : Z minimum; ! #X text 171 611 14 : Z maximum; ! #X text 170 675 15 : X displacement field; ! #X text 169 696 16 : Y displacement field; ! #X text 169 719 17 : Z displacement field; ! #X text 200 736 X and Y displacement field. displace the masse if it's ! in the interactor field; ! #X msg 72 202 setFXY 0 0 0; ! #X connect 8 0 21 0; ! #X connect 9 0 21 0; ! #X connect 10 0 21 0; ! #X connect 11 0 21 0; ! #X connect 12 0 21 0; ! #X connect 13 0 21 0; ! #X connect 14 0 21 0; ! #X connect 15 0 21 0; ! #X connect 16 0 21 0; ! #X connect 18 0 21 0; ! #X connect 19 0 21 0; ! #X connect 23 0 21 0; ! #X connect 24 0 21 0; ! #X connect 25 0 21 0; ! #X connect 26 0 21 0; ! #X connect 27 0 21 0; ! #X connect 46 0 21 0; --- 1,75 ---- ! #N canvas 281 53 599 822 10; ! #X text 272 20 ambient interaction; ! #X text 172 40 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a commun environement; ! #X text 179 143 1 : name; ! #X text 172 70 This object should receive a bang to be active (act ! like the link object); ! #X text 196 155 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X text 200 642 if a mass is outside of this rectangle , the mass ! will not interact with this object.; ! #X text 197 450 value of the damping forces. this force is oposite ! from the velocity of the mass. It is proportional to the velocity of ! the masse.; ! #X text 198 295 this is constant force apply to all masses interacting ! this this object. Gravity is a constant negative force on Y axes.; ! #X msg 74 225 setFX 0; ! #X msg 75 249 setFY 0; ! #X msg 76 335 setRndFX 0; ! #X msg 76 359 setRndFY 0; ! #X msg 77 431 setD 0; ! #X msg 69 499 setXmin -100000; ! #X msg 69 543 setYmin -100000; ! #X msg 69 521 setXmax 100000; ! #X msg 69 566 setYmax 100000; ! #X text 202 627 minimum and maximum position of the interactor.; ! #X msg 70 673 setdX 0; ! #X msg 70 694 setdY 0; ! #X text 77 112 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X obj 16 752 iAmbient3D; ! #X msg 76 272 setFZ 0; ! #X msg 77 385 setRndFZ 0; ! #X msg 69 589 setZmin -100000; ! #X msg 69 611 setZmax 100000; ! #X msg 70 716 setdZ 0; ! #X text 200 401 Maximum amplitude of a random force aplyed to masses ! (X , Y and Z amplitude).; ! #X text 175 225 2 : X constant force field; ! #X text 174 249 3 : Y constant force field; ! #X text 173 270 4 : Z constant force field; ! #X text 172 333 5 : rnd X force field; ! #X text 170 360 6 : rnd Y force field; ! #X text 170 386 7 : rnd Z force field; ! #X text 170 432 8 : damping; ! #X text 172 500 9 : X minimum; ! #X text 172 521 10 : X maximum; ! #X text 172 543 11 : Y minimum; ! #X text 171 565 12 : Y maximum; ! #X text 172 591 13 : Z minimum; ! #X text 171 611 14 : Z maximum; ! #X text 170 675 15 : X displacement field; ! #X text 169 696 16 : Y displacement field; ! #X text 169 719 17 : Z displacement field; ! #X text 200 736 X and Y displacement field. displace the masse if it's ! in the interactor field; ! #X msg 72 202 setFXY 0 0 0; ! #X connect 8 0 21 0; ! #X connect 9 0 21 0; ! #X connect 10 0 21 0; ! #X connect 11 0 21 0; ! #X connect 12 0 21 0; ! #X connect 13 0 21 0; ! #X connect 14 0 21 0; ! #X connect 15 0 21 0; ! #X connect 16 0 21 0; ! #X connect 18 0 21 0; ! #X connect 19 0 21 0; ! #X connect 22 0 21 0; ! #X connect 23 0 21 0; ! #X connect 24 0 21 0; ! #X connect 25 0 21 0; ! #X connect 26 0 21 0; ! #X connect 45 0 21 0;
Index: help-iSeg2D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-iSeg2D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-iSeg2D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:46 -0000 --- help-iSeg2D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:10 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,64 **** ! #N canvas 378 178 579 646 10; ! #X text 175 273 6 : maximum depth (1); ! #X text 169 513 12 : Normal displacement; ! #X text 169 544 13 : tengential displacement; ! #X text 177 107 1 : name; ! #X text 123 74 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 198 125 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 108 303 setFN 0; ! #X msg 110 383 setKN 0; ! #X msg 108 512 setdN 0; ! #X msg 106 194 setY1 0; ! #X msg 107 240 setY2 0; ! #X msg 105 169 setX1 -1; ! #X msg 106 217 setX2 1; ! #X msg 107 273 setPmax 1; ! #X text 175 305 7 : Normal constant force; ! #X text 175 325 8 : tengential constant force; ! #X text 174 383 9 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 168 445 10 : Normal damping; ! #X text 168 471 11 : Tengential damping; ! #X msg 109 327 setFT 0; ! #X msg 109 445 setDN 0; ! #X text 199 397 normal rigidity. Forces are proportional to the depth ! between the masse and the line. The force is aply only to one side ! of the line.; ! #X text 199 489 normal and tangential damping for the masse.; ! #X msg 109 472 setDT 0; ! #X msg 107 543 setdT 0; ! #X text 198 564 displace the mass when it is in the interactor field ! ; ! #X text 266 11 interaction with a segment; ! #X text 163 39 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a segment.; ! #X text 135 596 this object is like iLine2D , but the action is more ! limited in space; ! #X obj 17 577 iSeg2D; ! #X obj 34 600 pmpd.iSeg2D; ! #X text 177 169 2 : X coordonate of the the 1st point of the segment ! ; ! #X text 176 193 3 : Y coordonate of the the 1st point of the segment ! ; ! #X text 176 216 4 : X coordonate of the the 2nd point of the segment ! ; ! #X text 176 240 5 : Y coordonate of the the 2nd point of the segment ! ; ! #X text 201 257 X and Y position of the 2 points defining the segment. ! ; ! #X text 199 288 maximum depth of the interaction segment.; ! #X text 199 347 normal and tangential (to the segment) constant forces ! apply to the masse when it is in interaction with this object.; ! #X connect 6 0 29 0; ! #X connect 7 0 29 0; ! #X connect 8 0 29 0; ! #X connect 9 0 29 0; ! #X connect 10 0 29 0; ! #X connect 11 0 29 0; ! #X connect 12 0 29 0; ! #X connect 13 0 29 0; ! #X connect 20 0 29 0; ! #X connect 23 0 29 0; ! #X connect 24 0 29 0; --- 1,63 ---- ! #N canvas 378 178 579 646 10; ! #X text 175 273 6 : maximum depth (1); ! #X text 169 513 12 : Normal displacement; ! #X text 169 544 13 : tengential displacement; ! #X text 177 107 1 : name; ! #X text 123 74 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 198 125 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 108 303 setFN 0; ! #X msg 110 383 setKN 0; ! #X msg 108 512 setdN 0; ! #X msg 106 194 setY1 0; ! #X msg 107 240 setY2 0; ! #X msg 105 169 setX1 -1; ! #X msg 106 217 setX2 1; ! #X msg 107 273 setPmax 1; ! #X text 175 305 7 : Normal constant force; ! #X text 175 325 8 : tengential constant force; ! #X text 174 383 9 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 168 445 10 : Normal damping; ! #X text 168 471 11 : Tengential damping; ! #X msg 109 327 setFT 0; ! #X msg 109 445 setDN 0; ! #X text 199 397 normal rigidity. Forces are proportional to the depth ! between the masse and the line. The force is aply only to one side ! of the line.; ! #X text 199 489 normal and tangential damping for the masse.; ! #X msg 109 472 setDT 0; ! #X msg 107 543 setdT 0; ! #X text 198 564 displace the mass when it is in the interactor field ! ; ! #X text 266 11 interaction with a segment; ! #X text 163 39 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a segment.; ! #X text 135 596 this object is like iLine2D , but the action is more ! limited in space; ! #X obj 17 577 iSeg2D; ! #X text 177 169 2 : X coordonate of the the 1st point of the segment ! ; ! #X text 176 193 3 : Y coordonate of the the 1st point of the segment ! ; ! #X text 176 216 4 : X coordonate of the the 2nd point of the segment ! ; ! #X text 176 240 5 : Y coordonate of the the 2nd point of the segment ! ; ! #X text 201 257 X and Y position of the 2 points defining the segment. ! ; ! #X text 199 288 maximum depth of the interaction segment.; ! #X text 199 347 normal and tangential (to the segment) constant forces ! apply to the masse when it is in interaction with this object.; ! #X connect 6 0 29 0; ! #X connect 7 0 29 0; ! #X connect 8 0 29 0; ! #X connect 9 0 29 0; ! #X connect 10 0 29 0; ! #X connect 11 0 29 0; ! #X connect 12 0 29 0; ! #X connect 13 0 29 0; ! #X connect 20 0 29 0; ! #X connect 23 0 29 0; ! #X connect 24 0 29 0;
--- NEW FILE: help-link3D.pd --- #N canvas 186 56 629 692 10; #X text 230 37 lia3D : get position of masses , output force; #X text 133 637 this object is a 3D version of link. more exemple can be find in the link help; #X msg 67 511 position3D $f1 $f2 $f3; #X text 253 620 forces depend of the physicals properies of the liaison ; #X text 260 13 link between 2 masses; #X text 227 595 1 : force to apply to mass 1 (float); #X text 227 568 2 : force to apply to mass 2 (float); #X text 251 389 if the size of the link is < Lmin then force of the link will be null; #X text 257 440 if the size of the link is > Lmax then force of the link will be null; #X text 225 68 1 : name; #X msg 105 125 setL 0; #X msg 105 154 setK 0; #X msg 105 184 setD 0; #X msg 104 214 setD2 0; #X text 226 122 2 : Lenght; #X text 250 139 change Length of the link; #X text 226 153 3 : rigidity; #X text 249 168 change rigidity; #X text 230 238 change position of mass 1; #X msg 104 270 bang; #X text 229 266 compute and output forces , according to the last masses positions; #X msg 106 300 reset; #X msg 105 326 resetF; #X msg 105 350 resetL; #X msg 104 374 setLmin 0; #X text 229 185 4 : Damping of the link deformation; #X text 231 214 5 : Damping of the masses speed; #X text 226 297 reset position of masses and set speed of the link to zero; #X text 226 324 reset damping and inertial force of the link.; #X text 224 351 set the length of the liaison to it's curent lengh ; #X text 228 371 set the minimum size of the link; #X text 227 424 set the maximum size of the link; #X msg 104 424 setLmax 10000; #X text 250 84 you can use it in pd to send messages / bang / etc to the lia. this is for simplifying connection.; #X text 227 510 position of mass 2; #X obj 36 538 link3D; #X msg 58 239 position3D $f1 $f2 $f3; #X obj 67 565 unpack s f f f; #X obj 36 593 unpack s f f f; #X msg 104 475 setM 1; #X text 227 472 change mucle force : a muscle can change the link size (link size = muscle * lenght); #X connect 2 0 35 1; #X connect 10 0 35 0; #X connect 11 0 35 0; #X connect 12 0 35 0; #X connect 13 0 35 0; #X connect 19 0 35 0; #X connect 21 0 35 0; #X connect 22 0 35 0; #X connect 23 0 35 0; #X connect 24 0 35 0; #X connect 32 0 35 0; #X connect 35 0 38 0; #X connect 35 1 37 0; #X connect 36 0 35 0; #X connect 39 0 35 0;
Index: help-tLine2D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-tLine2D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-tLine2D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:47 -0000 --- help-tLine2D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:12 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,47 **** ! #N canvas 6 5 586 578 10; ! #X text 129 40 This object sould be used for testing the masse position. ! ; ! #X text 129 56 It receive masse position , and output 0/1 according ! to the position of the masse (1 if the mass is on a side of the line) ! ; ! #X text 175 146 1 : name; ! #X text 121 113 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 196 164 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 104 233 setY1 0; ! #X msg 105 279 setY2 0; ! #X msg 103 208 setX1 -1; ! #X msg 104 256 setX2 1; ! #X text 174 208 2 : X coordonate of the the 1st point of the line; ! #X text 174 232 3 : Y coordonate of the the 1st point of the line; ! #X text 174 255 4 : X coordonate of the the 2nd point of the line; ! #X text 174 279 5 : Y coordonate of the the 2nd point of the line; ! #X msg 105 312 setPmax 1; ! #X text 199 296 X and Y position of the 2 points defining the line. ! ; ! #X text 197 327 maximum depth of the interaction line.; ! #X text 269 14 test line; ! #X obj 35 450 tLine2D; ! #X obj 92 450 pmpd.tLine2D; ! #X text 173 312 6 : maximum depth; ! #X floatatom 72 481 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 72 481 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 53 505 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 35 529 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 172 479 speed regarding the distance from the segment; ! #X text 171 504 distance from the segment; ! #X text 171 530 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X text 195 378 position of the mass (first outlet of the mass object) ! ; ! #X msg 92 379 position2D 0 0; ! #X connect 5 0 17 0; ! #X connect 6 0 17 0; ! #X connect 7 0 17 0; ! #X connect 8 0 17 0; ! #X connect 13 0 17 0; ! #X connect 17 0 23 0; ! #X connect 17 1 22 0; ! #X connect 17 2 21 0; ! #X connect 28 0 17 0; --- 1,46 ---- ! #N canvas 6 5 586 578 10; ! #X text 129 40 This object sould be used for testing the masse position. ! ; ! #X text 129 56 It receive masse position , and output 0/1 according ! to the position of the masse (1 if the mass is on a side of the line) ! ; ! #X text 175 146 1 : name; ! #X text 121 113 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 196 164 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 104 233 setY1 0; ! #X msg 105 279 setY2 0; ! #X msg 103 208 setX1 -1; ! #X msg 104 256 setX2 1; ! #X text 174 208 2 : X coordonate of the the 1st point of the line; ! #X text 174 232 3 : Y coordonate of the the 1st point of the line; ! #X text 174 255 4 : X coordonate of the the 2nd point of the line; ! #X text 174 279 5 : Y coordonate of the the 2nd point of the line; ! #X msg 105 312 setPmax 1; ! #X text 199 296 X and Y position of the 2 points defining the line. ! ; ! #X text 197 327 maximum depth of the interaction line.; ! #X text 269 14 test line; ! #X obj 35 450 tLine2D; ! #X text 173 312 6 : maximum depth; ! #X floatatom 72 481 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 72 481 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 53 505 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 35 529 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 172 479 speed regarding the distance from the segment; ! #X text 171 504 distance from the segment; ! #X text 171 530 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X text 195 378 position of the mass (first outlet of the mass object) ! ; ! #X msg 92 379 position2D 0 0; ! #X connect 5 0 17 0; ! #X connect 6 0 17 0; ! #X connect 7 0 17 0; ! #X connect 8 0 17 0; ! #X connect 13 0 17 0; ! #X connect 17 0 22 0; ! #X connect 17 1 21 0; ! #X connect 17 2 20 0; ! #X connect 27 0 17 0;
--- help-masse3D.pd DELETED ---
Index: help-iCircle3D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-iCircle3D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-iCircle3D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:46 -0000 --- help-iCircle3D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:10 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,70 **** ! #N canvas 277 111 566 710 10; ! #X text 177 107 1 : name; ! #X text 285 12 Circlular interaction; ! #X text 179 41 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a circle; ! #X text 123 74 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 198 125 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 104 332 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 105 355 setRmax 1; ! #X text 200 374 minimal and maximal radius of the circle. If the mass ! is outside or inside this circles , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X text 199 432 constant force normal to the circle.; ! #X msg 103 413 setFN 0; ! #X obj 20 632 iCircle3D; ! #X obj 37 655 pmpd.iCircle3D; ! #X text 176 170 2 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 175 195 3 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 209 237 normal vector of the circle; ! #X msg 108 255 setX 0; ! #X msg 107 280 setY 0; ! #X msg 107 303 setZ 0; ! #X text 175 255 5 : center circle X; ! #X text 175 279 6 : center circle Y; ! #X text 174 304 7 : center circle Z; ! #X msg 105 171 setVX 0; ! #X msg 105 196 setVY 0; ! #X msg 107 218 setVZ 0; ! #X text 199 318 center of the circle; ! #X text 176 332 8 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 176 355 9 : Maximum Radius; ! #X text 171 415 10 : constante Normal Force; ! #X text 170 448 11 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 176 219 4 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 201 466 Force is proportional to the distance between the masse ! and the circle plane.; ! #X msg 104 448 setKN 0; ! #X text 168 493 12 : damping; ! #X text 199 509 normal (to the circle plane) damping to the masses. ! ; ! #X msg 104 493 setD 0; ! #X text 170 560 14 : Normal constant displacement; ! #X text 171 589 15 : displace the masse proportionaly to it's depth ! of the mass in the interactor; ! #X msg 103 558 setdN 0; ! #X msg 104 589 setdKN 0; ! #X text 170 532 13 : maximum profound of the circle interaction; ! #X text 168 642 this object is like iPlane3D , but it's action is ! more limited in space.; ! #X msg 104 532 setPmax 10000; ! #X connect 5 0 10 0; ! #X connect 6 0 10 0; ! #X connect 9 0 10 0; ! #X connect 15 0 10 0; ! #X connect 16 0 10 0; ! #X connect 17 0 10 0; ! #X connect 21 0 10 0; ! #X connect 22 0 10 0; ! #X connect 23 0 10 0; ! #X connect 31 0 10 0; ! #X connect 34 0 10 0; ! #X connect 37 0 10 0; ! #X connect 38 0 10 0; ! #X connect 41 0 10 0; --- 1,69 ---- ! #N canvas 277 111 566 710 10; ! #X text 177 107 1 : name; ! #X text 285 12 Circlular interaction; ! #X text 179 41 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a circle; ! #X text 123 74 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 198 125 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 104 332 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 105 355 setRmax 1; ! #X text 200 374 minimal and maximal radius of the circle. If the mass ! is outside or inside this circles , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X text 199 432 constant force normal to the circle.; ! #X msg 103 413 setFN 0; ! #X obj 20 632 iCircle3D; ! #X text 176 170 2 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 175 195 3 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 209 237 normal vector of the circle; ! #X msg 108 255 setX 0; ! #X msg 107 280 setY 0; ! #X msg 107 303 setZ 0; ! #X text 175 255 5 : center circle X; ! #X text 175 279 6 : center circle Y; ! #X text 174 304 7 : center circle Z; ! #X msg 105 171 setVX 0; ! #X msg 105 196 setVY 0; ! #X msg 107 218 setVZ 0; ! #X text 199 318 center of the circle; ! #X text 176 332 8 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 176 355 9 : Maximum Radius; ! #X text 171 415 10 : constante Normal Force; ! #X text 170 448 11 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 176 219 4 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the circle ! ; ! #X text 201 466 Force is proportional to the distance between the masse ! and the circle plane.; ! #X msg 104 448 setKN 0; ! #X text 168 493 12 : damping; ! #X text 199 509 normal (to the circle plane) damping to the masses. ! ; ! #X msg 104 493 setD 0; ! #X text 170 560 14 : Normal constant displacement; ! #X text 171 589 15 : displace the masse proportionaly to it's depth ! of the mass in the interactor; ! #X msg 103 558 setdN 0; ! #X msg 104 589 setdKN 0; ! #X text 170 532 13 : maximum profound of the circle interaction; ! #X text 168 642 this object is like iPlane3D , but it's action is ! more limited in space.; ! #X msg 104 532 setPmax 10000; ! #X connect 5 0 10 0; ! #X connect 6 0 10 0; ! #X connect 9 0 10 0; ! #X connect 14 0 10 0; ! #X connect 15 0 10 0; ! #X connect 16 0 10 0; ! #X connect 20 0 10 0; ! #X connect 21 0 10 0; ! #X connect 22 0 10 0; ! #X connect 30 0 10 0; ! #X connect 33 0 10 0; ! #X connect 36 0 10 0; ! #X connect 37 0 10 0; ! #X connect 40 0 10 0;
--- help-masse2D.pd DELETED ---
--- NEW FILE: help-tLink3D.pd --- #N canvas 626 360 644 394 10; #X text 228 31 output informations about a tested link; #X text 224 332 distance between the 2 masses; #X text 224 308 elongation speed of the link; #X text 228 255 position of the center of the link; #X text 225 282 orientation of the link; #X msg 64 205 position3D $f1 $f2 $f3; #X text 231 68 1 : name; #X text 229 173 change position of mass 1; #X msg 65 126 bang; #X text 230 123 compute and output forces , according to the last masses positions; #X text 256 84 you can use it in pd to send messages / bang / etc to the lia. this is for simplifying connection.; #X text 229 204 position of mass 2; #X msg 65 175 position3D $f1 $f2 $f3; #X obj 64 259 unpack s f f f; #X text 321 7 teste a link; #X obj 27 232 tLink3D; #X obj 51 284 unpack s f f f; #X floatatom 39 309 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 27 332 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X connect 5 0 15 1; #X connect 8 0 15 0; #X connect 12 0 15 0; #X connect 15 0 18 0; #X connect 15 1 17 0; #X connect 15 2 16 0; #X connect 15 3 13 0;
--- NEW FILE: help-tLink2D.pd --- #N canvas 712 340 590 388 10; #X text 181 337 1 : distance between the 2 masses; #X text 181 309 2 : elongation speed of the link; #X text 181 281 3 : orientation of the link; #X text 182 257 4 : position of the center of the link; #X text 181 39 link2D : get position of masses , output forces; #X text 216 12 link between 2 masses; #X text 181 67 1 : name; #X text 185 162 change position of mass 1; #X msg 57 131 bang; #X text 182 127 compute and output forces , according to the last masses positions; #X text 206 83 you can use it in pd to send messages / bang / etc to the lia. this is for simplifying connection.; #X msg 58 162 position2D $f1 $f2; #X msg 62 194 position2D $f1 $f2; #X text 184 194 position of mass 2; #X obj 25 220 tLink2D; #X floatatom 25 339 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 37 311 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 49 284 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 62 258 unpack s f f; #X connect 8 0 14 0; #X connect 11 0 14 0; #X connect 12 0 14 1; #X connect 14 0 15 0; #X connect 14 1 16 0; #X connect 14 2 17 0; #X connect 14 3 18 0;
Index: help-tCube3D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-tCube3D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-tCube3D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:47 -0000 --- help-tCube3D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:11 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,37 **** ! #N canvas 14 12 620 496 10; ! #X text 137 42 This object sould be used for testing the masse position. ! ; ! #X text 137 59 It receive masse position , and output 0/1 according ! to the position of the masse (1 if the mass is in the square); ! #X text 296 15 test cube; ! #X text 214 299 if a mass is outside of this rectangle , the mass ! will not interact with this object.; ! #X text 216 284 minimum and maximum position of the interactor.; ! #X text 77 112 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X obj 13 399 tCube3D; ! #X obj 76 399 pmpd.tCube3D; ! #X msg 83 156 setXmin -1; ! #X msg 83 178 setXmax 1; ! #X msg 83 200 setYmin -1; ! #X msg 83 223 setYmax 1; ! #X msg 83 246 setZmin -1; ! #X msg 83 268 setZmax 1; ! #X floatatom 13 433 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 172 431 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X text 192 357 position of the tested mass; ! #X msg 84 357 position3D 0 0 0; ! #X text 186 157 1 : X minimum; ! #X text 186 178 2 : X maximum; ! #X text 185 201 3 : Y minimum; ! #X text 185 222 4 : Y maximum; ! #X text 186 248 5 : Z minimum; ! #X text 185 268 6 : Z maximum; ! #X connect 6 0 14 0; ! #X connect 8 0 6 0; ! #X connect 9 0 6 0; ! #X connect 10 0 6 0; ! #X connect 11 0 6 0; ! #X connect 12 0 6 0; ! #X connect 13 0 6 0; ! #X connect 17 0 6 0; --- 1,36 ---- ! #N canvas 14 12 620 496 10; ! #X text 137 42 This object sould be used for testing the masse position. ! ; ! #X text 137 59 It receive masse position , and output 0/1 according ! to the position of the masse (1 if the mass is in the square); ! #X text 296 15 test cube; ! #X text 214 299 if a mass is outside of this rectangle , the mass ! will not interact with this object.; ! #X text 216 284 minimum and maximum position of the interactor.; ! #X text 77 112 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X obj 13 399 tCube3D; ! #X msg 83 156 setXmin -1; ! #X msg 83 178 setXmax 1; ! #X msg 83 200 setYmin -1; ! #X msg 83 223 setYmax 1; ! #X msg 83 246 setZmin -1; ! #X msg 83 268 setZmax 1; ! #X floatatom 13 433 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 172 431 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X text 192 357 position of the tested mass; ! #X msg 84 357 position3D 0 0 0; ! #X text 186 157 1 : X minimum; ! #X text 186 178 2 : X maximum; ! #X text 185 201 3 : Y minimum; ! #X text 185 222 4 : Y maximum; ! #X text 186 248 5 : Z minimum; ! #X text 185 268 6 : Z maximum; ! #X connect 6 0 13 0; ! #X connect 7 0 6 0; ! #X connect 8 0 6 0; ! #X connect 9 0 6 0; ! #X connect 10 0 6 0; ! #X connect 11 0 6 0; ! #X connect 12 0 6 0; ! #X connect 16 0 6 0;
--- help-lia2D.pd DELETED ---
Index: help-iAmbient2D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-iAmbient2D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-iAmbient2D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:46 -0000 --- help-iAmbient2D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:10 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,61 **** ! #N canvas 572 117 613 725 10; ! #X obj 16 652 iAmbient2D; ! #X text 272 20 ambient interaction; ! #X text 178 41 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a commun environement; ! #X text 179 143 1 : name; ! #X text 176 71 This object should receive a bang to be active (act ! like the link object); ! #X obj 46 672 pmpd.iAmbient2D; ! #X text 196 155 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X text 201 552 if a mass is outside of this rectangle , the mass ! will not interact with this object.; ! #X text 196 404 value of the damping forces. this force is oposite ! from the velocity of the mass. It is proportional to the velocity of ! the masse.; ! #X text 195 356 Maximum amplitude of a random force aplyed to masses ! (X and Y amplitude).; ! #X text 196 270 this is constant force apply to all masses interacting ! this this object. Gravity is a constant negative force on Y axes.; ! #X msg 73 225 setFX 0; ! #X msg 73 249 setFY 0; ! #X msg 76 304 setRndFX 0; ! #X msg 77 333 setRndFY 0; ! #X msg 79 385 setD 0; ! #X msg 76 451 setXmin -100000; ! #X msg 76 495 setYmin -100000; ! #X msg 76 473 setXmax 100000; ! #X msg 76 518 setYmax 100000; ! #X text 173 517 10 : Y maximum; ! #X text 179 495 9 : Y minimum; ! #X text 179 473 8 : X maximum; ! #X text 179 452 7 : X minimum; ! #X text 202 537 minimum and maximum position of the interactor.; ! #X msg 78 593 setdX 0; ! #X msg 78 616 setdY 0; ! #X text 77 112 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 175 225 2 : X constant force field; ! #X text 174 249 3 : Y constant force field; ! #X text 177 306 4 : rnd X force field; ! #X text 175 334 5 : rnd Y force field; ! #X text 176 389 6 : damping; ! #X text 174 593 11 : X displacement field; ! #X text 173 617 12 : y displacement field; ! #X text 205 640 X and Y displacement field. displace the mass if it's ! inside the interactor field; ! #X msg 72 202 setFXY 0 0; ! #X connect 11 0 0 0; ! #X connect 12 0 0 0; ! #X connect 13 0 0 0; ! #X connect 14 0 0 0; ! #X connect 15 0 0 0; ! #X connect 16 0 0 0; ! #X connect 17 0 0 0; ! #X connect 18 0 0 0; ! #X connect 19 0 0 0; ! #X connect 25 0 0 0; ! #X connect 26 0 0 0; ! #X connect 36 0 0 0; --- 1,60 ---- ! #N canvas 572 117 613 725 10; ! #X obj 16 652 iAmbient2D; ! #X text 272 20 ambient interaction; ! #X text 178 41 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a commun environement; ! #X text 179 143 1 : name; ! #X text 176 71 This object should receive a bang to be active (act ! like the link object); ! #X text 196 155 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X text 201 552 if a mass is outside of this rectangle , the mass ! will not interact with this object.; ! #X text 196 404 value of the damping forces. this force is oposite ! from the velocity of the mass. It is proportional to the velocity of ! the masse.; ! #X text 195 356 Maximum amplitude of a random force aplyed to masses ! (X and Y amplitude).; ! #X text 196 270 this is constant force apply to all masses interacting ! this this object. Gravity is a constant negative force on Y axes.; ! #X msg 73 225 setFX 0; ! #X msg 73 249 setFY 0; ! #X msg 76 304 setRndFX 0; ! #X msg 77 333 setRndFY 0; ! #X msg 79 385 setD 0; ! #X msg 76 451 setXmin -100000; ! #X msg 76 495 setYmin -100000; ! #X msg 76 473 setXmax 100000; ! #X msg 76 518 setYmax 100000; ! #X text 173 517 10 : Y maximum; ! #X text 179 495 9 : Y minimum; ! #X text 179 473 8 : X maximum; ! #X text 179 452 7 : X minimum; ! #X text 202 537 minimum and maximum position of the interactor.; ! #X msg 78 593 setdX 0; ! #X msg 78 616 setdY 0; ! #X text 77 112 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 175 225 2 : X constant force field; ! #X text 174 249 3 : Y constant force field; ! #X text 177 306 4 : rnd X force field; ! #X text 175 334 5 : rnd Y force field; ! #X text 176 389 6 : damping; ! #X text 174 593 11 : X displacement field; ! #X text 173 617 12 : y displacement field; ! #X text 205 640 X and Y displacement field. displace the mass if it's ! inside the interactor field; ! #X msg 72 202 setFXY 0 0; ! #X connect 10 0 0 0; ! #X connect 11 0 0 0; ! #X connect 12 0 0 0; ! #X connect 13 0 0 0; ! #X connect 14 0 0 0; ! #X connect 15 0 0 0; ! #X connect 16 0 0 0; ! #X connect 17 0 0 0; ! #X connect 18 0 0 0; ! #X connect 24 0 0 0; ! #X connect 25 0 0 0; ! #X connect 35 0 0 0;
Index: help-tCircle2D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-tCircle2D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-tCircle2D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:47 -0000 --- help-tCircle2D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:11 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,40 **** ! #N canvas 830 6 548 565 10; ! #X text 173 41 This object sould be used for testing the masse position. ! ; ! #X text 303 9 test circle; ! #X text 173 58 It receive masse position , and output 0/1 according ! to the position of the masse (1 if the mass is in the circle); ! #X text 98 97 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X msg 66 157 setX 0; ! #X msg 66 182 setY 0; ! #X msg 66 220 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 67 244 setRmax 1; ! #X text 163 199 center of the circle defining the interactor; ! #X text 165 266 minimal and maximal radius of the circle. If the mass ! is outside or inside this circles , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X obj 105 408 pmpd.tCircle2D; ! #X obj 32 408 tCircle2D; ! #X floatatom 32 486 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 169 485 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X msg 68 321 position2D 0 0; ! #X floatatom 56 464 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 81 441 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 167 320 position of the tested mass; ! #X text 168 463 distance of the mass from the center of the circle ! ; ! #X text 168 439 speed of the mass regarding the center of the circle ! ; ! #X text 137 156 1 : center circle X; ! #X text 138 182 2 : center circle Y; ! #X text 137 221 3 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 138 244 4 : Maximum Radius; ! #X connect 4 0 11 0; ! #X connect 5 0 11 0; ! #X connect 6 0 11 0; ! #X connect 7 0 11 0; ! #X connect 11 0 12 0; ! #X connect 11 1 15 0; ! #X connect 11 2 16 0; ! #X connect 14 0 11 0; --- 1,39 ---- ! #N canvas 830 6 548 565 10; ! #X text 173 41 This object sould be used for testing the masse position. ! ; ! #X text 303 9 test circle; ! #X text 173 58 It receive masse position , and output 0/1 according ! to the position of the masse (1 if the mass is in the circle); ! #X text 98 97 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X msg 66 157 setX 0; ! #X msg 66 182 setY 0; ! #X msg 66 220 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 67 244 setRmax 1; ! #X text 163 199 center of the circle defining the interactor; ! #X text 165 266 minimal and maximal radius of the circle. If the mass ! is outside or inside this circles , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X obj 32 408 tCircle2D; ! #X floatatom 32 486 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 169 485 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X msg 68 321 position2D 0 0; ! #X floatatom 56 464 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 81 441 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 167 320 position of the tested mass; ! #X text 168 463 distance of the mass from the center of the circle ! ; ! #X text 168 439 speed of the mass regarding the center of the circle ! ; ! #X text 137 156 1 : center circle X; ! #X text 138 182 2 : center circle Y; ! #X text 137 221 3 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 138 244 4 : Maximum Radius; ! #X connect 4 0 10 0; ! #X connect 5 0 10 0; ! #X connect 6 0 10 0; ! #X connect 7 0 10 0; ! #X connect 10 0 11 0; ! #X connect 10 1 14 0; ! #X connect 10 2 15 0; ! #X connect 13 0 10 0;
Index: help-iSphere3D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-iSphere3D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-iSphere3D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:46 -0000 --- help-iSphere3D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:10 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,67 **** ! #N canvas 37 20 614 708 10; ! #X text 247 6 Spherical interaction; ! #X text 181 182 2 : X coordonate of the center of the sphere; ! #X text 170 555 13 : constant displacement normal to the circle. (0) ! ; ! #X text 171 580 14 : normal displacement proportional to 1/distance ! between the masse and the sphere.; ! #X text 172 517 12 : normal force proportional to 1/sqare(distance) ! between the masse and the sphere.; ! #X text 169 615 15 : normal displacement proportional to 1/sqare(distance) ! between the masse and the sphere.; ! #X text 171 486 11 : normal constant displacement; ! #X text 175 118 1 : name; ! #X text 121 76 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 196 136 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 80 257 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 81 280 setRmax 1; ! #X msg 78 340 setFN 0; ! #X msg 79 378 setKN 0; ! #X msg 79 485 setdN 0; ! #X msg 79 579 setdRN 0; ! #X msg 78 518 setG 0; ! #X obj 17 659 iSphere3D; ! #X obj 78 659 pmpd.iSphere3D; ! #X text 177 39 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a Sphere; ! #X msg 80 182 setX 0; ! #X msg 79 207 setY 0; ! #X msg 79 230 setZ 0; ! #X text 179 208 3 : Y coordonate of the center of the sphere; ! #X text 178 233 4 : Z coordonate of the center of the sphere; ! #X text 177 258 5 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 177 279 6 : Maximum Radius; ! #X text 203 297 minimal and maximal radius of the sphere. If the mass ! is outside or inside this sphere , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X text 204 356 constant force normal to the sphere.; ! #X text 204 396 Force is proportional to the distance between the masse ! and the sphere center.; ! #X text 175 338 7 : constante Normal Force; ! #X text 175 377 8 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 178 423 9 : normal forces proportional to 1/distance between ! the masse and the sphere.; ! #X text 173 456 10 : damping; ! #X msg 78 457 setDN 0; ! #X text 204 471 normal (to the sphere surface) damping to the masses. ! ; ! #X msg 79 553 setdKN 0; ! #X msg 78 620 setdGN 0; ! #X msg 79 425 setFRN; ! #X connect 10 0 17 0; ! #X connect 11 0 17 0; ! #X connect 12 0 17 0; ! #X connect 13 0 17 0; ! #X connect 14 0 17 0; ! #X connect 15 0 17 0; ! #X connect 16 0 17 0; ! #X connect 20 0 17 0; ! #X connect 21 0 17 0; ! #X connect 22 0 17 0; ! #X connect 34 0 17 0; ! #X connect 36 0 17 0; ! #X connect 37 0 17 0; ! #X connect 38 0 17 0; --- 1,66 ---- ! #N canvas 37 20 614 708 10; ! #X text 247 6 Spherical interaction; ! #X text 181 182 2 : X coordonate of the center of the sphere; ! #X text 170 555 13 : constant displacement normal to the circle. (0) ! ; ! #X text 171 580 14 : normal displacement proportional to 1/distance ! between the masse and the sphere.; ! #X text 172 517 12 : normal force proportional to 1/sqare(distance) ! between the masse and the sphere.; ! #X text 169 615 15 : normal displacement proportional to 1/sqare(distance) ! between the masse and the sphere.; ! #X text 171 486 11 : normal constant displacement; ! #X text 175 118 1 : name; ! #X text 121 76 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 196 136 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 80 257 setRmin 0; ! #X msg 81 280 setRmax 1; ! #X msg 78 340 setFN 0; ! #X msg 79 378 setKN 0; ! #X msg 79 485 setdN 0; ! #X msg 79 579 setdRN 0; ! #X msg 78 518 setG 0; ! #X obj 17 659 iSphere3D; ! #X text 177 39 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a Sphere; ! #X msg 80 182 setX 0; ! #X msg 79 207 setY 0; ! #X msg 79 230 setZ 0; ! #X text 179 208 3 : Y coordonate of the center of the sphere; ! #X text 178 233 4 : Z coordonate of the center of the sphere; ! #X text 177 258 5 : Minimum Radius; ! #X text 177 279 6 : Maximum Radius; ! #X text 203 297 minimal and maximal radius of the sphere. If the mass ! is outside or inside this sphere , it will not interact with this ! link.; ! #X text 204 356 constant force normal to the sphere.; ! #X text 204 396 Force is proportional to the distance between the masse ! and the sphere center.; ! #X text 175 338 7 : constante Normal Force; ! #X text 175 377 8 : normal rigidity; ! #X text 178 423 9 : normal forces proportional to 1/distance between ! the masse and the sphere.; ! #X text 173 456 10 : damping; ! #X msg 78 457 setDN 0; ! #X text 204 471 normal (to the sphere surface) damping to the masses. ! ; ! #X msg 79 553 setdKN 0; ! #X msg 78 620 setdGN 0; ! #X msg 79 425 setFRN; ! #X connect 10 0 17 0; ! #X connect 11 0 17 0; ! #X connect 12 0 17 0; ! #X connect 13 0 17 0; ! #X connect 14 0 17 0; ! #X connect 15 0 17 0; ! #X connect 16 0 17 0; ! #X connect 19 0 17 0; ! #X connect 20 0 17 0; ! #X connect 21 0 17 0; ! #X connect 33 0 17 0; ! #X connect 35 0 17 0; ! #X connect 36 0 17 0; ! #X connect 37 0 17 0;
Index: help-tPlane3D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-tPlane3D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-tPlane3D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:47 -0000 --- help-tPlane3D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:12 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,41 **** ! #N canvas 141 50 610 449 10; ! #X text 295 18 Plane test; ! #X text 184 259 5 : X point of the plane; ! #X text 183 282 6 : Y point of the plane; ! #X text 183 305 7 : Z point of the plane; ! #X text 185 108 1 : name; ! #X text 121 74 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 206 126 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X text 217 238 normal vector of the circle; ! #X msg 96 255 setX 0; ! #X msg 95 280 setY 0; ! #X msg 95 303 setZ 0; ! #X msg 93 171 setVX 0; ! #X msg 93 196 setVY 0; ! #X msg 95 218 setVZ 0; ! #X msg 95 344 setPmax 10000; ! #X text 177 41 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a plane; ! #X text 184 171 2 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ! ; ! #X text 183 196 3 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ! ; ! #X text 184 220 4 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ! ; ! #X obj 14 415 tPlane3D; ! #X obj 70 415 pmpd.tPlane3D; ! #X text 199 379 position of the mass (first outlet of the mass object) ! ; ! #X msg 94 379 position3D 0 0 0; ! #X text 184 346 8 : maximum profound of the circle interaction; ! #X connect 8 0 19 0; ! #X connect 9 0 19 0; ! #X connect 10 0 19 0; ! #X connect 11 0 19 0; ! #X connect 12 0 19 0; ! #X connect 13 0 19 0; ! #X connect 14 0 19 0; ! #X connect 22 0 19 0; --- 1,40 ---- ! #N canvas 141 50 610 449 10; ! #X text 295 18 Plane test; ! #X text 184 259 5 : X point of the plane; ! #X text 183 282 6 : Y point of the plane; ! #X text 183 305 7 : Z point of the plane; ! #X text 185 108 1 : name; ! #X text 121 74 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 206 126 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X text 217 238 normal vector of the circle; ! #X msg 96 255 setX 0; ! #X msg 95 280 setY 0; ! #X msg 95 303 setZ 0; ! #X msg 93 171 setVX 0; ! #X msg 93 196 setVY 0; ! #X msg 95 218 setVZ 0; ! #X msg 95 344 setPmax 10000; ! #X text 177 41 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction ! between a collection of masse and a plane; ! #X text 184 171 2 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ! ; ! #X text 183 196 3 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ! ; ! #X text 184 220 4 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ! ; ! #X obj 14 415 tPlane3D; ! #X text 199 379 position of the mass (first outlet of the mass object) ! ; ! #X msg 94 379 position3D 0 0 0; ! #X text 184 346 8 : maximum profound of the circle interaction; ! #X connect 8 0 19 0; ! #X connect 9 0 19 0; ! #X connect 10 0 19 0; ! #X connect 11 0 19 0; ! #X connect 12 0 19 0; ! #X connect 13 0 19 0; ! #X connect 14 0 19 0; ! #X connect 21 0 19 0;
Index: help-tSquare2D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-tSquare2D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-tSquare2D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:47 -0000 --- help-tSquare2D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:12 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,29 **** ! #N canvas 111 51 545 429 10; ! #X text 137 42 This object sould be used for testing the masse position. ! ; ! #X text 137 59 It receive masse position , and output 0/1 according ! to the position of the masse (1 if the mass is in the square); ! #X text 296 15 test cube; ! #X text 190 241 minimum and maximum position of the interactor.; ! #X text 77 112 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X msg 83 156 setXmin -1; ! #X msg 83 178 setXmax 1; ! #X msg 83 200 setYmin -1; ! #X msg 83 223 setYmax 1; ! #X floatatom 15 360 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 175 362 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X text 194 284 position of the tested mass; ! #X obj 15 326 tSquare2D; ! #X obj 78 326 pmpd.tSquare2D; ! #X text 186 157 1 : X minimum; ! #X text 186 178 2 : X maximum; ! #X text 186 200 3 : Y minimum; ! #X text 185 222 4 : Y maximum; ! #X msg 86 284 position2D 0 0 0; ! #X connect 5 0 12 0; ! #X connect 6 0 12 0; ! #X connect 7 0 12 0; ! #X connect 8 0 12 0; ! #X connect 12 0 9 0; ! #X connect 18 0 12 0; --- 1,28 ---- ! #N canvas 111 51 545 429 10; ! #X text 137 42 This object sould be used for testing the masse position. ! ; ! #X text 137 59 It receive masse position , and output 0/1 according ! to the position of the masse (1 if the mass is in the square); ! #X text 296 15 test cube; ! #X text 190 241 minimum and maximum position of the interactor.; ! #X text 77 112 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X msg 83 156 setXmin -1; ! #X msg 83 178 setXmax 1; ! #X msg 83 200 setYmin -1; ! #X msg 83 223 setYmax 1; ! #X floatatom 15 360 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 175 362 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X text 194 284 position of the tested mass; ! #X obj 15 326 tSquare2D; ! #X text 186 157 1 : X minimum; ! #X text 186 178 2 : X maximum; ! #X text 186 200 3 : Y minimum; ! #X text 185 222 4 : Y maximum; ! #X msg 86 284 position2D 0 0 0; ! #X connect 5 0 12 0; ! #X connect 6 0 12 0; ! #X connect 7 0 12 0; ! #X connect 8 0 12 0; ! #X connect 12 0 9 0; ! #X connect 17 0 12 0;
--- NEW FILE: help-mass3D.pd --- #N canvas 125 5 709 792 10; #X text 317 6 masse; #X text 152 81 M is positive. negative value give non physical things. ; #X text 152 37 the somme of the forces apply to a masse modifie its velocity (depending of it's weight). the position his change according to the velocity and the weight of the masse; #X text 259 150 2 : M = weith of the masse; #X text 259 189 3 : X = initial position of the masse; #X text 259 210 4 : Y = initial position of the masse; #X text 324 327 if the position of the masse is < Xmin then position will be Xmin; #X text 259 226 5 : Z = initial position of the masse; #X text 259 303 6 : Xmin; #X text 259 319 7 : Xmax; #X text 259 335 8 : Ymin; #X text 259 351 9 : Ymax; #X text 252 367 10 : Zmin; #X text 252 383 11 : Zmax; #X text 252 398 12 : Threshold; #X msg 119 565 resetF; #X text 250 569 reset the total forces applied to the masse; #X msg 120 538 reset; #X text 248 534 reset position (to it's initial value) and forces to zero. send it's position to it's outlet.; #X text 285 241 change position of the masse , and reset memory (for history).; #X text 283 169 change weith of the masse; #X text 323 310 set the minimum and maximum position of the masse; #X text 302 413 when the masses are at Xmin , Xmax , Ymon , Ymax , Zmin or Zmax , the mouvement is possible only if force apply is superior to the threshold; #X msg 119 489 bang; #X msg 119 588 off; #X msg 120 610 on; #X msg 119 635 loadbang; #X text 248 637 output curent position; #X text 250 592 stop mass mouvement; #X text 249 613 restart mass movement; #X text 250 486 compute position and output it; #X text 247 515 add force to this mass; #X text 156 23 mass3D : get liaison forces and output position; #X obj 31 678 mass3D; #X msg 120 514 force3D $f1 $f2 $f3; #X msg 120 154 setM 1; #X msg 121 190 setX 0 , setY 0 , setZ 0; #X msg 117 270 setXmin -10000 , setXmax 10000 , setYmin -10000 , setYmax 10000 , setZmin -10000 , setZmax 10000; #X msg 119 397 setT 0; #X obj 31 759 unpack s f f f; #X text 261 98 1 : name; #X text 282 116 this is the name of the mass. you can set value to this name instead of making a pd connection.; #X text 148 760 X Y Z positin of the masse; #X text 163 736 X Y Z & total force apply to the masse; #X text 178 712 X Y Z & total velocity of the masse; #X msg 121 214 setXYZ 0 0 0; #X msg 119 462 setD 0; #X text 252 460 13 : Damp : change the velocyty damping of the mass ; #X obj 62 710 unpack s f f f f; #X obj 46 735 unpack s f f f f; #X connect 15 0 33 0; #X connect 17 0 33 0; #X connect 23 0 33 0; #X connect 24 0 33 0; #X connect 25 0 33 0; #X connect 26 0 33 0; #X connect 33 0 39 0; #X connect 33 1 49 0; #X connect 33 2 48 0; #X connect 34 0 33 0; #X connect 35 0 33 0; #X connect 36 0 33 0; #X connect 37 0 33 0; #X connect 38 0 33 0; #X connect 45 0 33 0; #X connect 46 0 33 0;
--- help-masse.pd DELETED ---
--- NEW FILE: help-link2D.pd --- #N canvas 0 0 673 682 10; #X text 250 618 forces depend of the physicals properies of the liaison ; #X text 226 36 link2D : get position of masses , output forces; #X text 260 13 link between 2 masses; #X text 224 593 1 : force to apply to mass 1 (float); #X text 224 566 2 : force to apply to mass 2 (float); #X text 251 389 if the size of the link is < Lmin then force of the link will be null; #X text 257 440 if the size of the link is > Lmax then force of the link will be null; #X text 225 68 1 : name; #X msg 105 125 setL 0; #X msg 105 154 setK 0; #X msg 105 184 setD 0; #X msg 104 214 setD2 0; #X text 226 122 2 : Lenght; #X text 250 139 change Length of the link; #X text 226 153 3 : rigidity; #X text 249 168 change rigidity; #X text 230 238 change position of mass 1; #X msg 104 270 bang; #X text 229 266 compute and output forces , according to the last masses positions; #X msg 106 300 reset; #X msg 105 326 resetF; #X msg 105 350 resetL; #X msg 104 374 setLmin 0; #X text 229 185 4 : Damping of the link deformation; #X text 231 214 5 : Damping of the masses speed; #X text 226 297 reset position of masses and set speed of the link to zero; #X text 226 324 reset damping and inertial force of the link.; #X text 224 351 set the length of the liaison to it's curent lengh ; #X text 228 371 set the minimum size of the link; #X text 227 424 set the maximum size of the link; #X msg 104 424 setLmax 10000; #X text 250 84 you can use it in pd to send messages / bang / etc to the lia. this is for simplifying connection.; #X obj 33 536 link2D; #X msg 103 238 position2D $f1 $f2; #X msg 102 508 position2D $f1 $f2; #X text 224 508 position of mass 2; #X obj 64 563 unpack s f f; #X obj 33 591 unpack s f f; #X text 130 635 this object is a 3D version of link. more exemple can be find in the link help; #X msg 104 475 setM 1; #X text 227 472 change mucle force : a muscle can change the link size (link size = muscle * lenght); #X connect 8 0 32 0; #X connect 9 0 32 0; #X connect 10 0 32 0; #X connect 11 0 32 0; #X connect 17 0 32 0; #X connect 19 0 32 0; #X connect 20 0 32 0; #X connect 21 0 32 0; #X connect 22 0 32 0; #X connect 30 0 32 0; #X connect 32 0 37 0; #X connect 32 1 36 0; #X connect 33 0 32 0; #X connect 34 0 32 1; #X connect 39 0 32 0;
--- help-tLia3D.pd DELETED ---
Index: help-tSeg2D.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pmpd/help/help-tSeg2D.pd,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** help-tSeg2D.pd 9 Apr 2004 16:55:47 -0000 --- help-tSeg2D.pd 13 Jun 2006 17:50:12 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 1,47 **** ! #N canvas 38 50 579 593 10; ! #X text 270 16 test segment; ! #X text 129 40 This object sould be used for testing the masse position. ! ; ! #X text 129 56 It receive masse position , and output 0/1 according ! to the position of the masse (1 if the mass is on a side of the line) ! ; ! #X text 175 146 1 : name; ! #X text 121 113 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 196 164 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 104 233 setY1 0; ! #X msg 105 279 setY2 0; ! #X msg 103 208 setX1 -1; ! #X msg 104 256 setX2 1; ! #X text 174 208 2 : X coordonate of the the 1st point of the line; ! #X text 174 232 3 : Y coordonate of the the 1st point of the line; ! #X text 174 255 4 : X coordonate of the the 2nd point of the line; ! #X text 174 279 5 : Y coordonate of the the 2nd point of the line; ! #X msg 105 312 setPmax 1; ! #X text 199 296 X and Y position of the 2 points defining the line. ! ; ! #X text 197 327 maximum depth of the interaction line.; ! #X text 173 312 6 : maximum depth; ! #X floatatom 66 481 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 66 481 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 50 505 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 35 529 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 172 479 speed regarding the distance from the segment; ! #X text 171 504 distance from the segment; ! #X text 171 530 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X text 195 378 position of the mass (first outlet of the mass object) ! ; ! #X msg 92 379 position2D 0 0; ! #X obj 35 450 tSeg2D; ! #X obj 92 450 pmpd.tSeg2D; ! #X connect 6 0 27 0; ! #X connect 7 0 27 0; ! #X connect 8 0 27 0; ! #X connect 9 0 27 0; ! #X connect 14 0 27 0; ! #X connect 26 0 27 0; ! #X connect 27 0 21 0; ! #X connect 27 1 20 0; ! #X connect 27 2 19 0; --- 1,46 ---- ! #N canvas 38 50 579 593 10; ! #X text 270 16 test segment; ! #X text 129 40 This object sould be used for testing the masse position. ! ; ! #X text 129 56 It receive masse position , and output 0/1 according ! to the position of the masse (1 if the mass is on a side of the line) ! ; ! #X text 175 146 1 : name; ! #X text 121 113 message to change parametter / default value / creation ! arg number / description; ! #X text 196 164 this is the name of the mass interacting with this ! object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass , ! to allow an interaction with this mass.; ! #X msg 104 233 setY1 0; ! #X msg 105 279 setY2 0; ! #X msg 103 208 setX1 -1; ! #X msg 104 256 setX2 1; ! #X text 174 208 2 : X coordonate of the the 1st point of the line; ! #X text 174 232 3 : Y coordonate of the the 1st point of the line; ! #X text 174 255 4 : X coordonate of the the 2nd point of the line; ! #X text 174 279 5 : Y coordonate of the the 2nd point of the line; ! #X msg 105 312 setPmax 1; ! #X text 199 296 X and Y position of the 2 points defining the line. ! ; ! #X text 197 327 maximum depth of the interaction line.; ! #X text 173 312 6 : maximum depth; ! #X floatatom 66 481 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 66 481 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 50 505 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X floatatom 35 529 5 0 0 0 - - -; ! #X text 172 479 speed regarding the distance from the segment; ! #X text 171 504 distance from the segment; ! #X text 171 530 0/1 according to the position of the masse; ! #X text 195 378 position of the mass (first outlet of the mass object) ! ; ! #X msg 92 379 position2D 0 0; ! #X obj 35 450 tSeg2D; ! #X connect 6 0 27 0; ! #X connect 7 0 27 0; ! #X connect 8 0 27 0; ! #X connect 9 0 27 0; ! #X connect 14 0 27 0; ! #X connect 26 0 27 0; ! #X connect 27 0 21 0; ! #X connect 27 1 20 0; ! #X connect 27 2 19 0;