Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv32442
Modified Files: Tag: branch-v0-40-extended u_main.tk Log Message:
- added pdtk_canvas_rightclick method so that right-clicks don't explicitly give focus. There still seems like something else is giving focus.
- made minimum canvas size 50x20 instead of 1x1 (!)
- forced -highlightthickness to 0 to eliminate the black highlight around the active window
- fixed find panel size and turned of resizable
- made the message inlets a lighter grey
Index: u_main.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/u_main.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.25.6.5 -r1.25.6.6 *** u_main.tk 6 Nov 2007 03:32:36 -0000 --- u_main.tk 8 Nov 2007 02:49:55 -0000 *************** *** 92,96 **** set signal_nlet $signal_cord set msg_cord_highlight "#474" ! set msg_cord "#121" set msg_nlet "#fff" set mixed_nlet "#88aaff" --- 92,96 ---- set signal_nlet $signal_cord set msg_cord_highlight "#474" ! set msg_cord "#565" set msg_nlet "#fff" set mixed_nlet "#88aaff" *************** *** 1007,1010 **** --- 1007,1012 ----
toplevel $name + wm geometry $name =250x100+250+100 + wm resizable $name 0 0
#bind $name <FocusIn> "puts stderr "bind focus $name.entry"" *************** *** 1059,1062 **** --- 1061,1065 ---- wm geometry $name $geometry canvas $name.c -width $width -height $height -background white \ + -highlightthickness 0 \ -yscrollcommand "$name.scrollvert set" \ -xscrollcommand "$name.scrollhort set" \ *************** *** 1070,1077 **** pack $name.scrollvert -side right -fill y pack $name.c -side left -expand 1 -fill both ! wm minsize $name 1 1 wm geometry $name $geometry # the file menu ! # The menus are instantiated here for the patch windows. # For the main window, they are created on load, at the --- 1073,1080 ---- pack $name.scrollvert -side right -fill y pack $name.c -side left -expand 1 -fill both ! wm minsize $name 50 20 wm geometry $name $geometry # the file menu ! # The menus are instantiated here for the patch windows. # For the main window, they are created on load, at the *************** *** 1374,1382 **** # button 2 is the right button on Mac; on other platforms it's button 3. if {$pd_nt == 2} { ! bind $name.c <Button-2> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 8} ! bind $name.c <Control-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 8} } else { ! bind $name.c <Button-3> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 8} ! bind $name.c <Control-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 2} } #on linux, button 2 "pastes" from the X windows clipboard --- 1377,1385 ---- # button 2 is the right button on Mac; on other platforms it's button 3. if {$pd_nt == 2} { ! bind $name.c <Button-2> {pdtk_canvas_rightclick %W %x %y %b} ! bind $name.c <Control-Button> {pdtk_canvas_rightclick %W %x %y %b} } else { ! bind $name.c <Button-3> {pdtk_canvas_rightclick %W %x %y %b} ! bind $name.c <Control-Button> {pdtk_canvas_rightclick %W %x %y %b} } #on linux, button 2 "pastes" from the X windows clipboard *************** *** 1682,1704 **** }
proc pdtk_canvas_click {name x y b f} { focus $name ! pd [canvastosym $name] mouse [$name canvasx $x] [$name canvasy $y] $b $f ; }
proc pdtk_canvas_shiftclick {name x y b} { ! pd [canvastosym $name] mouse [$name canvasx $x] [$name canvasy $y] $b 1 ; }
proc pdtk_canvas_ctrlclick {name x y b} { ! pd [canvastosym $name] mouse [$name canvasx $x] [$name canvasy $y] $b 2 ; }
proc pdtk_canvas_altclick {name x y b} { ! pd [canvastosym $name] mouse [$name canvasx $x] [$name canvasy $y] $b 3 ; }
proc pdtk_canvas_dblclick {name x y b} { ! pd [canvastosym $name] mouse [$name canvasx $x] [$name canvasy $y] $b 4 ; }
--- 1685,1715 ---- }
+ proc pdtk_canvas_sendclick {name x y b f} { + pd [canvastosym $name] mouse [$name canvasx $x] [$name canvasy $y] $b $f ; + } + proc pdtk_canvas_click {name x y b f} { focus $name ! pdtk_canvas_sendclick $name $x $y $b $f ! } ! ! proc pdtk_canvas_rightclick {name x y b} { ! pdtk_canvas_sendclick $name $x $y $b 8 }
proc pdtk_canvas_shiftclick {name x y b} { ! pdtk_canvas_sendclick $name $x $y $b 1 }
proc pdtk_canvas_ctrlclick {name x y b} { ! pdtk_canvas_sendclick $name $x $y $b 2 }
proc pdtk_canvas_altclick {name x y b} { ! pdtk_canvas_sendclick $name $x $y $b 3 }
proc pdtk_canvas_dblclick {name x y b} { ! pdtk_canvas_sendclick $name $x $y $b 4 }