Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/abstractions/pdmtl/convert In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv29868/convert
Removed Files: ascii2pd-help.pd ascii2pd.pd ascii4pd.txt binary2byte-help.pd binary2byte.pd bpm2freq-help.pd bpm2freq.pd bpm2ms-help.pd bpm2ms.pd byte2binary-help.pd byte2binary.pd hex2dec-help.pd hex2dec.pd lightfreq2wave-help.pd lightfreq2wave.pd lightwave2freq-help.pd lightwave2freq.pd list2symbol.pd m2speed-help.pd m2speed.pd ms2bpm-help.pd ms2bpm.pd ms2freq-help.pd ms2freq.pd ms2smp-help.pd ms2smp.pd num2rgb-help.pd num2rgb.pd pd2ascii-help.pd pd2ascii.pd rgb2num-help.pd rgb2num.pd smp2freq-help.pd smp2freq.pd smp2mem-help.pd smp2mem.pd smp2ms-help.pd smp2ms.pd smp2time-help.pd smp2time.pd soundfreq2wave-help.pd soundfreq2wave.pd soundwave2freq-help.pd soundwave2freq.pd spaces2-help.pd spaces2.pd symbol2chars-help.pd symbol2chars.pd symbol2list-help.pd symbol2list.pd time2timer-help.pd time2timer.pd timer2time-help.pd timer2time.pd Log Message: Removing the old pdmtl abstractions
--- byte2binary-help.pd DELETED ---
--- pd2ascii-help.pd DELETED ---
--- smp2mem.pd DELETED ---
--- ascii4pd.txt DELETED ---
--- spaces2-help.pd DELETED ---
--- m2speed-help.pd DELETED ---
--- byte2binary.pd DELETED ---
--- list2symbol.pd DELETED ---
--- bpm2ms-help.pd DELETED ---
--- timer2time.pd DELETED ---
--- ms2bpm.pd DELETED ---
--- spaces2.pd DELETED ---
--- ms2bpm-help.pd DELETED ---
--- ms2smp-help.pd DELETED ---
--- ascii2pd-help.pd DELETED ---
--- time2timer-help.pd DELETED ---
--- smp2ms.pd DELETED ---
--- lightwave2freq.pd DELETED ---
--- smp2freq-help.pd DELETED ---
--- smp2time-help.pd DELETED ---
--- num2rgb.pd DELETED ---
--- symbol2chars.pd DELETED ---
--- ms2freq-help.pd DELETED ---
--- soundfreq2wave-help.pd DELETED ---
--- soundwave2freq-help.pd DELETED ---
--- lightfreq2wave.pd DELETED ---
--- hex2dec.pd DELETED ---
--- smp2mem-help.pd DELETED ---
--- smp2freq.pd DELETED ---
--- ascii2pd.pd DELETED ---
--- binary2byte-help.pd DELETED ---
--- rgb2num.pd DELETED ---
--- ms2freq.pd DELETED ---
--- soundwave2freq.pd DELETED ---
--- num2rgb-help.pd DELETED ---
--- ms2smp.pd DELETED ---
--- symbol2list-help.pd DELETED ---
--- m2speed.pd DELETED ---
--- soundfreq2wave.pd DELETED ---
--- smp2ms-help.pd DELETED ---
--- bpm2ms.pd DELETED ---
--- bpm2freq.pd DELETED ---
--- hex2dec-help.pd DELETED ---
--- time2timer.pd DELETED ---
--- smp2time.pd DELETED ---
--- timer2time-help.pd DELETED ---
--- lightwave2freq-help.pd DELETED ---
--- symbol2chars-help.pd DELETED ---
--- binary2byte.pd DELETED ---
--- lightfreq2wave-help.pd DELETED ---
--- pd2ascii.pd DELETED ---
--- symbol2list.pd DELETED ---
--- bpm2freq-help.pd DELETED ---
--- rgb2num-help.pd DELETED ---