Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv17176
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 pd_base.tk pd_objects.tk Log Message: mayhem and such
Index: pd_objects.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/pd_objects.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.10 -r1.1.2.11 *** pd_objects.tk 13 Sep 2005 11:09:45 -0000 --- pd_objects.tk 14 Sep 2005 08:37:17 -0000 *************** *** 38,44 **** --- 38,93 ---- } } + canvas { + defaults { + color {222 222 222} + sc orange + sel {} + xa 0 xb 100 ya 0 yb 100 xao 0 xbo 100 yao 0 ybo 100 + } + init { + canvas $_ + place $_ -relwidth 1 -relheight 1 + bind $_ <Configure> "::pd::redraw $_ all" + bind $_ <Enter> "focus $_" + bind $_ <Key> "::pd::key $_ %k 1" + bind $_ <KeyRelease> "::pd::key $_ %k 0" + bind $_ <Motion> "::pd::hover $_ %x %y" + bind $_ <4> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action scroll units 1 axis x}" + bind $_ <5> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action scroll units -1 axis x}" + bind $_ <Control-4> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action zoom dir in axe x x %x y %y}" + bind $_ <Control-5> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action zoom dir out axe x x %x y %y}" + bind $_ <Alt-4> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action zoom dir in axe {x y} x %x y %y}" + bind $_ <Alt-5> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action zoom dir out axe {x y} x %x y %y}" + bind $_ <Control-Shift-4> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action zoom dir in axe y x %x y %y}" + bind $_ <Control-Shift-5> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action zoom dir out axe y x %x y %y}" + bind $_ <Shift-4> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action scroll units -1 axis y}" + bind $_ <Shift-5> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action scroll units 1 axis y}" + foreach m {"Control-" "" "Shift-" "Double-"} { + foreach bn {1 2 3} { + set b [list [concat $bn first] [concat B${bn}-Motion motion] [concat ButtonRelease-$bn release]] + foreach ba {0 1 2} { + bind $_ <$m[lindex [lindex $b $ba] 0]> "::pd::click [list [string tolower [string trimright $m -1]]] $bn [lindex [lindex $b $ba] 1] $_ %x %y %X %Y"}}} + if {$::has_tkdnd == 1} {dnd bindtarget $_ text/plain <Drop> "::pd::drop $_ %D %x %y"} + } + redraw { + set bd [expr {[$_ cget -bd] * 2}] + $_ configure -bg $color -width [expr {[winfo width $_] + $bd}] -height [expr {[winfo height $_] + $bd}] + } + proc { + proc lc {_ args} { + variable "" + foreach arg $args { + upvar $arg var + set var [dict get $($_) canvas $arg] + } + return $args + } + } + } gridlines { defaults { class gridlines + stipple gray50 + xq 10 yq 10 xm 15 ym 15 } redraw { *************** *** 48,52 **** array set tj {x center y left} array set igx {y width x height} ! set range [expr abs($($_:${xy}b) - $($_:${xy}a))] set nSlices [expr $range / $${xy}q] if {$nSlices > [set ${xy}m]} {set factor [expr int($nSlices / ($${xy}m + 0.0) + 1)]} else { --- 97,102 ---- array set tj {x center y left} array set igx {y width x height} ! lc $_ xa xb ya yb ! set range [expr abs($${xy}b - $${xy}a)] set nSlices [expr $range / $${xy}q] if {$nSlices > [set ${xy}m]} {set factor [expr int($nSlices / ($${xy}m + 0.0) + 1)]} else { *************** *** 54,58 **** } set increment [expr $${xy}q * $factor] ! for {set x [expr int($($_:${xy}a) / ($increment + 0.0) + 1)*($increment + 0.0)]} {[expr $($_:${xy}a) > $($_:${xy}b) ? $x >= $($_:${xy}b) : $x <= $($_:${xy}b)]} {set x [expr $($_:${xy}a) > $($_:${xy}b) ? $x - $increment : $x + $increment]} { set og [tr $_ $xy t $x] set invgeo [winfo $igx($xy) $_] --- 104,108 ---- } set increment [expr $${xy}q * $factor] ! for {set x [expr int($${xy}a / ($increment + 0.0) + 1)*($increment + 0.0)]} {[expr $${xy}a > $${xy}b ? $x >= $${xy}b : $x <= $${xy}b]} {set x [expr $${xy}a > $${xy}b ? $x - $increment : $x + $increment]} { set og [tr $_ $xy t $x] set invgeo [winfo $igx($xy) $_] *************** *** 61,65 **** x {set coords [concat $og 0 $og $invgeo]}} $_ lower [$_ create text [lrange $coords 0 1] -font {{Bitstream Vera Sans} 8} -fill [rc] -anchor $ta($xy) -text [string range $x 0 7] -justify $tj($xy) -tags $atags] ! $_ lower [$_ create line $coords -fill $color -stipple gray50 -tags $atags] } } --- 111,115 ---- x {set coords [concat $og 0 $og $invgeo]}} $_ lower [$_ create text [lrange $coords 0 1] -font {{Bitstream Vera Sans} 8} -fill [rc] -anchor $ta($xy) -text [string range $x 0 7] -justify $tj($xy) -tags $atags] ! $_ lower [$_ create line $coords -fill $color -stipple $stipple -tags $atags] } } *************** *** 77,81 **** init { $_ create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] ! new $_.$id ${t}$id {bg gray86 ln white sc orange samplerate 44100 xa 0 xb 100 ya 0 yb 100 qx 10 qy 10 mx 15 my 15} $_ create window 0 0 -tags [concat $tags subwin] -window $_.$id -anchor nw } --- 127,131 ---- init { $_ create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] ! new $_.$id {bg gray86 ln white sc orange samplerate 44100 xa 0 xb 100 ya 0 yb 100 qx 10 qy 10 mx 15 my 15} $_ create window 0 0 -tags [concat $tags subwin] -window $_.$id -anchor nw } *************** *** 166,177 **** defaults {x 3 y 3 ins 1 outs 1} init { ! $_ create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] $_ create oval 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags button] } redraw { ! $_ itemconfigure $box -fill $color $_ coords $box $x $y $xx $yy $_ coords $button $x $y $xx $yy } }
--- 216,232 ---- defaults {x 3 y 3 ins 1 outs 1} init { ! $_ create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] -width 0 $_ create oval 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags button] } redraw { ! $_ itemconfigure $box -fill $color -width $selected -outline [color $rgb] $_ coords $box $x $y $xx $yy $_ coords $button $x $y $xx $yy } + proc { + proc button:flash {} { + + } + } }
*************** *** 195,199 **** $_ itemconfigure $txt -font [list {bitstream vera sans} [expr int($sy)]] -text $msg lassign [$_ bbox $txt] x y xx yy ! set flare [expr $xx + ($xx - $x) / 10.] $_ coords $box $x $y $flare $y $xx [expr $y + ($yy - $y)/2.] $flare $yy $x $yy } --- 250,254 ---- $_ itemconfigure $txt -font [list {bitstream vera sans} [expr int($sy)]] -text $msg lassign [$_ bbox $txt] x y xx yy ! set flare [expr $xx + ($xx - $x) / 12.] $_ coords $box $x $y $flare $y $xx [expr $y + ($yy - $y)/2.] $flare $yy $x $yy }
Index: pd_base.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/pd_base.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.7 -r1.1.2.8 *** pd_base.tk 13 Sep 2005 11:09:45 -0000 --- pd_base.tk 14 Sep 2005 08:37:17 -0000 *************** *** 12,16 **** }
! foreach pkg {snack tkdnd tkpath} { if {[catch {package require $pkg}]} {set has_$pkg 0} {set has_$pkg 1} } --- 12,16 ---- }
! foreach pkg {Img snack tkdnd tkpath} { if {[catch {package require $pkg}]} {set has_$pkg 0} {set has_$pkg 1} } *************** *** 32,35 **** --- 32,56 ---- proc darken {rgb r} {set l {}; foreach c $rgb {lappend l [expr {$c - ($c * $r)}]}; return $l} proc color {rgb} {return [format "#%02x%02x%02x" [expr int([lindex $rgb 0])] [expr int([lindex $rgb 1])] [expr int([lindex $rgb 2])]]} + proc hsvToRgb {hue sat value} { + set v [format %.0f [expr {255.0*$value}]] + if {$sat == 0} {return "$v $v $v"} else { + set hue [expr {$hue*6.0}] + if {$hue >= 6.0} {set hue 0.0} + scan $hue. %d i + set f [expr {$hue-$i}] + set p [format %.0f [expr {255.0*$value*(1 - $sat)}]] + set q [format %.0f [expr {255.0*$value*(1 - ($sat*$f))}]] + set t [format %.0f [expr {255.0*$value*(1 - ($sat*(1 - $f)))}]] + switch $i { + 0 {return "$v $t $p"} + 1 {return "$q $v $p"} + 2 {return "$p $v $t"} + 3 {return "$p $q $v"} + 4 {return "$t $p $v"} + 5 {return "$v $p $q"} + default {error "i value $i is out of range"}}}} + # option add *borderWidth 0 widgetDefault + option add *borderWidth 0 + option add *font {{bitstream vera sans} 10}
# if you can shorten this you kick ass *************** *** 48,54 **** switch $a { first { foreach xy {x y} {set ($_:c$xy) [set $xy];set ($_:f$xy) [set $xy]} $_ create rect $($_:cx) $($_:cy) $($_:cx) $($_:cy) \ ! -tags sel -fill "" -outline $($_:sc) -width 12} release {$_ delete sel} motion { --- 69,76 ---- switch $a { first { + lc $_ sc foreach xy {x y} {set ($_:c$xy) [set $xy];set ($_:f$xy) [set $xy]} $_ create rect $($_:cx) $($_:cy) $($_:cx) $($_:cy) \ ! -tags sel -fill "" -outline $sc -width 12} release {$_ delete sel} motion { *************** *** 93,100 **** }
proc item_delete {_ {items ""}} { variable "" variable obj ! if {$items eq ""} {set items $($_:sel)} foreach item $items { foreach i [$_ find withtag i$item] { --- 115,126 ---- }
+ proc getsel {_} { + variable "" + return [dict get $($_) canvas sel] + } proc item_delete {_ {items ""}} { variable "" variable obj ! if {$items eq ""} {set items [getsel $_]} foreach item $items { foreach i [$_ find withtag i$item] { *************** *** 105,109 **** eval [dict get $obj $type destroy]} dict unset ($_) $item ! set ($_:sel) {} item_info $_ "" send "delete $_:$item" --- 131,135 ---- eval [dict get $obj $type destroy]} dict unset ($_) $item ! dict set ($_) canvas sel {} item_info $_ "" send "delete $_:$item" *************** *** 126,129 **** --- 152,163 ---- }
+ proc up {_ id args} { + variable "" + foreach arg $args { + upvar $arg var + dict set ($_) $id $arg $var + } + } + proc update_one {_ item r k v redraw} { update $_ $item $r [dict create $k $v] $redraw *************** *** 153,157 **** if {[expr $y > $yy]} {lassign "$y $yy" yy y} set sx [expr $xx - $x]; set sy [expr $yy - $y] ! if {[lsearch $($_:sel) $id] >= 0} {set rgb {233 233 233};set color $($_:sc);set selected 1} else { set rgb [dict get $($_) $id color];set color [color $rgb];set selected 0} set atags [concat $class i$id $id] --- 187,191 ---- if {[expr $y > $yy]} {lassign "$y $yy" yy y} set sx [expr $xx - $x]; set sy [expr $yy - $y] ! if {[lsearch [getsel $_] $id] >= 0} {set rgb {233 233 233};set color [set [lc $_ sc]];set selected 1} else { set rgb [dict get $($_) $id color];set color [color $rgb];set selected 0} set atags [concat $class i$id $id] *************** *** 162,175 **** set $tag [$_ find withtag "$tags && $tag"]}} eval [dict get $obj $type redraw] ! if {$class eq "item" && ($ins > 0 || $outs > 0)} { ! eval [dict get $obj io redraw] ! foreach i [dict keys $($_)] { ! if {[dict get $($_) $i class] eq "cable"} { ! if {[lindex [dict get $($_) $i from] 0] eq $id || [lindex [dict get $($_) $i to] 0] eq $id} { ! redraw $_ $i ! } ! } ! } ! } } } --- 196,209 ---- set $tag [$_ find withtag "$tags && $tag"]}} eval [dict get $obj $type redraw] ! if {$class eq "item" && ($ins > 0 || $outs > 0)} { ! eval [dict get $obj io redraw] ! # foreach i [dict keys $($_)] { ! # if {[dict get $($_) $i class] eq "cable"} { ! # if {[lindex [dict get $($_) $i from] 0] eq $id || [lindex [dict get $($_) $i to] 0] eq $id} { ! # redraw $_ $i ! # } ! # } ! # } ! } } } *************** *** 178,182 **** variable "" variable obj ! foreach id $($_:sel) { set type [dict get $($_) $id type] if {[dict exists $obj $type defaults]} { --- 212,216 ---- variable "" variable obj ! foreach id [getsel $_] { set type [dict get $($_) $id type] if {[dict exists $obj $type defaults]} { *************** *** 193,197 **** set mx [tr $_ x d [expr {$x - $($_:cx)}]] set my [tr $_ y d [expr {$y - $($_:cy)}]] ! foreach item $($_:sel) {item_pos $_ $item rel $mx $my $mx $my} }
--- 227,231 ---- set mx [tr $_ x d [expr {$x - $($_:cx)}]] set my [tr $_ y d [expr {$y - $($_:cy)}]] ! foreach item [getsel $_] {item_pos $_ $item rel $mx $my $mx $my} }
*************** *** 234,238 **** set c [lindex $clicked end] resize_modes $_ $x $y $c ! if {[llength $($_:sel)] <= 1} {updatesel $_ $c} inspect $_ $c } else { --- 268,272 ---- set c [lindex $clicked end] resize_modes $_ $x $y $c ! if {[llength [getsel $_]] <= 1} {updatesel $_ $c} inspect $_ $c } else { *************** *** 288,295 **** proc togglesel {_ d} { variable "" ! if {[lsearch $($_:sel) $d] < 0} { ! set ($_:sel) [concat $($_:sel) $d] } else { ! set ($_:sel) [lsearch -inline -not -all $($_:sel) $d] } redraw $_ $d --- 322,329 ---- proc togglesel {_ d} { variable "" ! if {[lsearch [getsel $_] $d] < 0} { ! set ($_:sel) [concat [getsel $_] $d] } else { ! set ($_:sel) [lsearch -inline -not -all [getsel $_] $d] } redraw $_ $d *************** *** 298,303 **** proc updatesel {_ ns} { variable "" ! set os $($_:sel) ! set ($_:sel) $ns redraw $_ [lsort -unique [concat $os $ns]] item_info $_ $ns --- 332,337 ---- proc updatesel {_ ns} { variable "" ! set os [getsel $_] ! dict set ($_) canvas sel $ns redraw $_ [lsort -unique [concat $os $ns]] item_info $_ $ns *************** *** 314,317 **** --- 348,377 ---- }
+ proc colors {} { + variable "" + set p .colors + if {![winfo exists $p]} { + toplevel $p + # yes this should be generated algorithmically and will be when i get aroud to it, god willing + set picker {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} + image create photo colorpicker + colorpicker configure -data $picker + label $p.colors -bd 0 + entry $p.rgb -bd 0 -width 10 -font {{bitstream vera sans} 8} + bind $p.colors <B1-Motion> {::pd::colors:pick %x %y} + bind $p.colors <1> {::pd::colors:pick %x %y} + grid $p.colors -sticky nsew + grid $p.rgb -stick nsew + $p.colors configure -image colorpicker + }} + proc colors:pick {x y} { + if {![expr $y <= 255 && $y >= 0 && $x >= 0 && $x <= 50]} {return} + set p .colors + set rgb [hsvToRgb [expr (255 - $y) / 255.] [expr $x <= 25 ? 1. : ($x - 50) / -25.] [expr $x <= 25 ? $x / 25. : 1.]] + $p.rgb delete 0 end + $p.rgb insert 0 $rgb + $p.rgb configure -bg [color $rgb] + } + proc inspector {_} { variable "" *************** *** 325,328 **** --- 385,389 ---- if {![winfo exists $p]} {return} variable "" + if {![dict exists $($_) $id]} {return} set keys [dict keys [dict get $($_) $id]] if {![info exists ($_:inspect)] || ($($_:inspect:type) ne [dict get $($_) $id type])} { *************** *** 330,347 **** set n 0 foreach k [concat id $keys] { ! text $p.$k -wrap none -width 8 -height 1 -bd 0 -font {{Bitstream Vera Sans} 11} ! $p.$k insert 1.0 $k ! $p.$k tag add justify 1.0 end ! $p.$k tag configure justify -justify right $p.$k configure -state disabled ! text $p.${k}v -wrap none -width 16 -height 1 -bd 0 -bg gray94 -font {{Bitstream Vera Sans} 10} ! bind $p.${k}v <Any-KeyRelease> "::pd::item_mua $_ abs [dict create $k [$p.${k}v get 1.0 end] ] 1" grid $p.$k $p.${k}v -sticky nsew grid columnconfigure $p 1 -weight 3 grid columnconfigure $p 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $p $n -weight 1 - # grid rowconfigure .i$t .i$t.${k}v -weight 1 - # grid columnconfigure .i$t .i$t.${k}v -weight 3 - # grid columnconfigure .i$t .i$t.$k -weight 1 incr n } --- 391,407 ---- set n 0 foreach k [concat id $keys] { ! entry $p.$k -width 8 -bd 0 -font {{Bitstream Vera Sans} 11} ! $p.$k insert 0 $k $p.$k configure -state disabled ! entry $p.${k}v -width 16 -bd 0 -bg gray94 -font {{Bitstream Vera Sans} 10} ! if {$n == 0} {set cmd "::pd::inspect $_ [$p.${k}v get]";set cmdT $cmd} { ! set cmd "::pd::item_mua $_ abs [dict create $k [$p.${k}v get] ] 1 [$p.idv get]" ! set cmdT "::pd::item_mua $_ abs [dict create $k [$p.${k}v get] ] 1"} ! bind $p.${k}v <Any-KeyRelease> $cmd ! bind $p.${k}v <Tab> $cmdT grid $p.$k $p.${k}v -sticky nsew grid columnconfigure $p 1 -weight 3 grid columnconfigure $p 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $p $n -weight 1 incr n } *************** *** 349,357 **** } set ($_:inspect) $id ! $p.idv delete 1.0 end ! $p.idv insert 1.0 $id foreach k $keys { ! $p.${k}v delete 1.0 end ! $p.${k}v insert 1.0 [dict get $($_) $id $k]}}
proc click {m button action _ x y X Y} { --- 409,417 ---- } set ($_:inspect) $id ! $p.idv delete 0 end ! $p.idv insert 0 $id foreach k $keys { ! $p.${k}v delete 0 end ! $p.${k}v insert 0 [dict get $($_) $id $k]}}
proc click {m button action _ x y X Y} { *************** *** 374,378 **** } elseif {[$_ find withtag sel] ne ""} { sel $_ release $x $y ! } elseif {[llength $($_:sel)] > 1 && [llength $clicked] > 0 && [lsearch $($_:sel) $clicked] == -1} { updatesel $_ $clicked}} 2 {if {$clicked ne ""} {mode $_ item_scale} {mode $_ resize_canvas}} --- 434,438 ---- } elseif {[$_ find withtag sel] ne ""} { sel $_ release $x $y ! } elseif {[llength [getsel $_]] > 1 && [llength $clicked] > 0 && [lsearch [getsel $_] $clicked] == -1} { updatesel $_ $clicked}} 2 {if {$clicked ne ""} {mode $_ item_scale} {mode $_ resize_canvas}} *************** *** 414,417 **** --- 474,478 ----
$m add command -label reload -command {source pd_base.tk} + $m add command -label "colors" -command "::pd::colors" $m add command -label "console" -command {source /usr/local/bin/tkcon.tcl; tkcon show} $m add command -label "inspector" -command "::pd::inspector $_" *************** *** 427,467 **** variable "" array set dm {x width y height} switch $inv { ! t {return [expr {($v - $($_:${d}a)) / ($($_:${d}b) - $($_:${d}a) + 0.0) * [winfo $dm($d) $_]}]} ! i {return [expr {($($_:${d}b) - $($_:${d}a)) * $v /([winfo $dm($d) $_] + 0.0) + $($_:${d}a)}]} ! d {return [expr {($($_:${d}b) - $($_:${d}a)) * $v /([winfo $dm($d) $_] + 0.0)}]} ! id {return [expr {$v / ($($_:${d}b) - $($_:${d}a) + 0.0) * [winfo $dm($d) $_]}]}}}
proc viewpoint {_ opts} { variable "" switch [dict get $opts action] { fit { lassign [$_ bbox item] xa ya xb yb ! set ($_:xa) [tr $_ x i $xa] ! set ($_:xb) [tr $_ x i $xb] ! set ($_:ya) [tr $_ y i $ya] ! set ($_:yb) [tr $_ y i $yb] } mirror_x { ! lassign "$($_:xb) $($_:xa)" ($_:xa) ($_:xb) } mirror_y { ! lassign "$($_:yb) $($_:ya)" ($_:ya) ($_:yb) } reset { ! set ($_:ya) $($_:yao);set ($_:yb) $($_:ybo);set ($_:xa) $($_:xao);set ($_:xb) $($_:xbo) } move { foreach xy {x y} { set mvt [tr $_ $xy d [expr {[dict get $opts $xy] - $($_:c$xy)}]] ! foreach ab {a b} {set ($_:${xy}$ab) [expr {$($_:${xy}$ab) - $mvt}]}} } zoom { array set dir {in 0.5 out 1.5} foreach xy [dict get $opts axe] { ! set radius [expr {($($_:${xy}b) - $($_:${xy}a)) / 2. * $dir([dict get $opts dir])}] set center [tr $_ $xy i [dict get $opts $xy]] ! set ($_:${xy}a) [expr {$center - $radius}] ! set ($_:${xy}b) [expr {$center + $radius}] } } --- 488,530 ---- variable "" array set dm {x width y height} + lc $_ xa xb ya yb switch $inv { ! t {return [expr ($v - $${d}a) / ($${d}b - $${d}a + 0.0) * [winfo $dm($d) $_]]} ! i {return [expr ($${d}b - $${d}a) * $v /([winfo $dm($d) $_] + 0.0) + $${d}a]} ! d {return [expr ($${d}b - $${d}a) * $v /([winfo $dm($d) $_] + 0.0)]} ! id {return [expr $v / ($${d}b - $${d}a + 0.0) * [winfo $dm($d) $_]]}}}
proc viewpoint {_ opts} { variable "" + lc $_ xa xb ya yb xao yao xbo ybo switch [dict get $opts action] { fit { lassign [$_ bbox item] xa ya xb yb ! foreach z {xa xb ya yb} {set $z [tr $_ [string range $z 0 0] i [set $z]]} } mirror_x { ! lassign "$xb $xa" xa xb } mirror_y { ! lassign "$yb $ya" ya yb } reset { ! lassign "$xao $xbo $yao $ybo" xa xb ya yb ! } ! square { ! } move { foreach xy {x y} { set mvt [tr $_ $xy d [expr {[dict get $opts $xy] - $($_:c$xy)}]] ! foreach ab {a b} {set ${xy}$ab [expr $${xy}$ab - $mvt]}} } zoom { array set dir {in 0.5 out 1.5} foreach xy [dict get $opts axe] { ! set radius [expr ($${xy}b - $${xy}a) / 2. * $dir([dict get $opts dir])] set center [tr $_ $xy i [dict get $opts $xy]] ! set ${xy}a [expr {$center - $radius}] ! set ${xy}b [expr {$center + $radius}] } } *************** *** 469,481 **** foreach xy {x y} { set mvt [tr $_ $xy d [expr {[dict get $opts $xy] - $($_:c$xy)}]] ! set ($_:${xy}a) [expr {$($_:${xy}a) - $mvt}] ! set ($_:${xy}b) [expr {$($_:${xy}b) + $mvt}]} } scroll { set xy [dict get $opts axis] ! set mv [expr {($($_:${xy}b) - $($_:${xy}a)) / 4.0}] ! foreach ab {a b} {set ($_:${xy}$ab) [expr {[dict get $opts units] > 0 ? $($_:${xy}$ab) + $mv : $($_:${xy}$ab) - $mv }]} } } redraw $_ all } --- 532,545 ---- foreach xy {x y} { set mvt [tr $_ $xy d [expr {[dict get $opts $xy] - $($_:c$xy)}]] ! set ${xy}a [expr $${xy}a - $mvt] ! set ${xy}b [expr $${xy}b + $mvt]} } scroll { set xy [dict get $opts axis] ! set mv [expr ($${xy}b - $${xy}a) / 4.0] ! foreach ab {a b} {set ${xy}$ab [expr [dict get $opts units] > 0 ? $${xy}$ab + $mv : $${xy}$ab - $mv ]} } } + up $_ canvas xa xb ya yb redraw $_ all } *************** *** 492,496 **** set ($_:c) [dict create] set i 0 ! foreach item $($_:sel) { dict set ($_:c) $i [dict get $($_) $item] incr i --- 556,560 ---- set ($_:c) [dict create] set i 0 ! foreach item [getsel $_] { dict set ($_:c) $i [dict get $($_) $item] incr i *************** *** 501,505 **** set ($_:c) [dict create] set i 0 ! foreach item $($_:sel) { dict set ($_:c) $i [dict get $($_) $item] incr i --- 565,569 ---- set ($_:c) [dict create] set i 0 ! foreach item [getsel $_] { dict set ($_:c) $i [dict get $($_) $item] incr i *************** *** 522,528 **** }
! proc item_mua {_ r u redraw} { variable "" ! foreach item $($_:sel) {update $_ $item $r $u $redraw} }
--- 586,593 ---- }
! proc item_mua {_ r u redraw {items -}} { variable "" ! if {$items eq "-"} {set items [getsel $_]} ! foreach item $items {update $_ $item $r $u $redraw} }
*************** *** 574,616 **** variable "" variable obj ! set opts [dict merge {bg gray86 ln white mode edit sc orange samplerate 44100 xa 0 xb 100 ya 0 yb 100 xq 10 yq 10 xm 15 ym 15} $opts] ! foreach xy {x y} {foreach ab {a b} {set ($_:${xy}${ab}o) [dict get $opts ${xy}${ab}]}} ! foreach a {sc ln mode xa xb ya yb xq yq xm ym samplerate} {set ($_:$a) [dict get $opts $a]} if {[winfo exists $_] != 1} { ! canvas $_ -bg [dict get $opts bg] ! place $_ -relwidth 1 -relheight 1 ! bind $_ <Configure> "::pd::redraw $_ all" ! bind $_ <Enter> "focus $_" ! bind $_ <Key> "::pd::key $_ %k 1" ! bind $_ <KeyRelease> "::pd::key $_ %k 0" ! bind $_ <Motion> "::pd::hover $_ %x %y" ! bind $_ <4> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action scroll units 1 axis x}" ! bind $_ <5> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action scroll units -1 axis x}" ! bind $_ <Control-4> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action zoom dir in axe x x %x y %y}" ! bind $_ <Control-5> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action zoom dir out axe x x %x y %y}" ! bind $_ <Alt-4> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action zoom dir in axe {x y} x %x y %y}" ! bind $_ <Alt-5> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action zoom dir out axe {x y} x %x y %y}" ! bind $_ <Control-Shift-4> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action zoom dir in axe y x %x y %y}" ! bind $_ <Control-Shift-5> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action zoom dir out axe y x %x y %y}" ! bind $_ <Shift-4> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action scroll units -1 axis y}" ! bind $_ <Shift-5> "::pd::viewpoint $_ {action scroll units 1 axis y}" ! foreach m {"Control-" "" "Shift-" "Double-"} { ! foreach bn {1 2 3} { ! set b [list [concat $bn first] [concat B${bn}-Motion motion] [concat ButtonRelease-$bn release]] ! foreach ba {0 1 2} { ! bind $_ <$m[lindex [lindex $b $ba] 0]> "::pd::click [list [string tolower [string trimright $m -1]]] $bn [lindex [lindex $b $ba] 1] $_ %x %y %X %Y"}}} ! if {$::has_tkdnd == 1} {dnd bindtarget $_ text/plain <Drop> "::pd::drop $_ %D %x %y"} ! set bd [expr {[$_ cget -bd] * 2}] ! $_ configure -bg gray -width [expr {[winfo width $_] + $bd}] -height [expr {[winfo height $_] + $bd}] ! if {[info exists ($_)] != 1} { ! set ($_) {} ! set ($_:g) {} ! set i -1; set sel {} ! foreach a {i sel} {set ($_:$a) [set $a]} ! } } ! foreach a {ln xa xb ya yb xq yq xm ym} {set $a [dict get $opts $a]} ! item_new $_ [dict create type gridlines id grid xa $xa xb $xb ya $ya yb $yb xq $xq yq $yq xm $xm ym $ym] ! item_draw $_ all }
--- 639,648 ---- variable "" variable obj ! if {[info exists ($_)] != 1} {set ($_) {}} if {[winfo exists $_] != 1} { ! item_new $_ [dict create type canvas id canvas] ! item_new $_ [dict create type gridlines id grid] } ! # item_draw $_ all }
*************** *** 645,646 **** --- 677,683 ----
} + + if {$argv eq "1" && ![winfo exists .c]} { + toplevel .c -width 512 -height 512 + ::pd::new .c.c {} + }