Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv21631
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: turn global look into local table
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.392 -r1.1.2.393 *** desire.tk 21 Aug 2006 17:21:35 -0000 --- desire.tk 22 Aug 2006 01:15:52 -0000 *************** *** 446,450 **** proc say_category {text} {}
! proc look {k} {global look; return $look($k)}
set cmdline(server) [list [file join [file dirname $argh0] ../bin/pd]] --- 446,451 ---- proc say_category {text} {}
! proc look2 {k} {global look; return $look($k)} ! proc look {class k} {global look; return $look($class:$k)}
set cmdline(server) [list [file join [file dirname $argh0] ../bin/pd]] *************** *** 955,959 **** set look(commentframe2) #888888 set look(commentframe3) #cccccc - set look(canvasbgrun) #ffffff set look(canvasbgedit) #dddddd --- 956,959 ---- *************** *** 974,977 **** --- 974,1012 ---- default {concat 1}}] set look(minobjwidth) 21 + + set look(View:tooltip) 1 + set look(View:iowidth) 7 + set look(View:minobjwidth) 21 + set look(View:iopos) 0 + set look(View:inletfg) #ff0000 + set look(View:outletfg) #ff0000 + set look(View:selectframe) #0080ff + set look(View:fg) #000000 + set look(View:bg) #ffffff + set look(View:frame1) #99cccc + set look(View:frame2) #668888 + set look(View:frame3) #000000 + set look(Comment:fg) #000000 + set look(Comment:bg) #cccccc + set look(Comment:frame1) #ffffff + set look(Comment:frame2) #888888 + set look(Comment:frame3) #cccccc + set look(Canvas:bgrun) #ffffff + set look(Canvas:bgedit) #dddddd + set look(Canvas:crosshair) #ff14ff + set look(SelRect:rect) #ff12ff + set look(Wire:fg) #888888 + set look(Wire:fg2) #ee0000 + set look(Wire:thick) 1 + set look(FutureWire:dash) #ee0012 + set look(Slider:bg) #ccebff + set look(Completion:showcomp) 10 + set look(Completion:fg) #000000 + set look(Completion:bg) #ffffff + set look(Completion:selectbg) #000000 + set look(Completion:selectfg) #ffffff + + + set scale(canned) [list 25 33 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400] set crosshair(hairstate) 1 *************** *** 1073,1077 **** def* View unclick {x y f target} {} def View motion {x y f target} {} ! def View init {} { super --- 1108,1121 ---- def* View unclick {x y f target} {} def View motion {x y f target} {} ! def Thing look {k} { ! global look ! if {[info exists look($@_class:$k)]} { ! return $look($@_class:$k) ! } else { ! foreach super [$@_class ancestors] { ! if {[info exists look($super:$k)]} {return $look($super:$k)} ! } ! } ! } def View init {} { super *************** *** 1116,1120 **** }
! def* View item_delete {{suffix all}} { switch -- $suffix { all {.$@canvas.c delete $self } --- 1160,1164 ---- }
! def View item_delete {{suffix all}} { switch -- $suffix { all {.$@canvas.c delete $self } *************** *** 1607,1611 **** def* Canvas draw {} { if {$@subpatch} {super} ;# is for the [pd] box if applicable ! if {$@editmode} {set bg [look canvasbgedit]} else {set bg [look canvasbgrun]} .$self.c configure -background $bg $self adjust_scrollbars --- 1651,1655 ---- def* Canvas draw {} { if {$@subpatch} {super} ;# is for the [pd] box if applicable ! if {$@editmode} {set bg [$self look bgedit]} else {set bg [$self look bgrun]} .$self.c configure -background $bg $self adjust_scrollbars *************** *** 1641,1645 **** } { $self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \ ! -font $font(str) -text $@text -fill [look objectfg] -anchor nw } } --- 1685,1689 ---- } { $self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \ ! -font $font(str) -text $@text -fill [$self look fg] -anchor nw } } *************** *** 1664,1668 **** text $t -height 1 -width [expr [string length $@text]+1] -relief flat \ -bg [.$@canvas.c itemcget ${self}BASE -fill] -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0\ ! -font $font_str -fg [look objectfg] bind $t <Key> "$self key %W %x %y %K %A 0" bind $t <Control-Return> "$self key %W %x %y 10 %A 0" --- 1708,1712 ---- text $t -height 1 -width [expr [string length $@text]+1] -relief flat \ -bg [.$@canvas.c itemcget ${self}BASE -fill] -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0\ ! -font $font_str -fg [$self look fg] bind $t <Key> "$self key %W %x %y %K %A 0" bind $t <Control-Return> "$self key %W %x %y 10 %A 0" *************** *** 1702,1708 **** } #set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*($n+$@edit)] ! set topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * [look iowidth]] ! set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [look iowidth]] ! set @xs [max [look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] } --- 1746,1752 ---- } #set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*($n+$@edit)] ! set topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] ! set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] ! set @xs [max [$self look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] } *************** *** 1760,1766 **** set xyb [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1]] set xyc [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1]] ! $self item BASE rectangle $xya -fill [look objectbg] -width 1 ! $self item BASE1 line $xyb -fill [look objectframe1] -width 1 ! $self item BASE2 line $xyc -fill [look objectframe2] -width 1 }
--- 1804,1810 ---- set xyb [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1]] set xyc [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1]] ! $self item BASE rectangle $xya -fill [$self look bg] -width 1 ! $self item BASE1 line $xyb -fill [$self look frame1] -width 1 ! $self item BASE2 line $xyc -fill [$self look frame2] -width 1 }
*************** *** 1769,1773 **** super $self draw_io ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [look selectframe]} {set frcol [look objectframe3]} set c .$@canvas.c $c itemconfigure ${self}BASE -outline $frcol -dash [if {$@valid} {list 8 8 8 8} {list}] --- 1813,1817 ---- super $self draw_io ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]} set c .$@canvas.c $c itemconfigure ${self}BASE -outline $frcol -dash [if {$@valid} {list 8 8 8 8} {list}] *************** *** 2203,2207 **** set @selection $@children set @selection_wire $@wires ! #foreach obj $@selection {.$self.c itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline [look selectframe]} }
--- 2247,2251 ---- set @selection $@children set @selection_wire $@wires ! #foreach obj $@selection {.$self.c itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline [$self look selectframe]} }
*************** *** 2317,2321 **** } def FutureWire draw {} { ! $self item WIRE line [list $@x1 $@y1 $@x2 $@y2] -dash {4 4 4 4} -fill [look wiredash] }
--- 2361,2365 ---- } def FutureWire draw {} { ! $self item WIRE line [list $@x1 $@y1 $@x2 $@y2] -dash {4 4 4 4} -fill [$self look dash] }
*************** *** 2365,2369 **** def SelRect draw {} { $self item RECT line [list $@x1 $@y1 $@x2 $@y1 $@x2 $@y2 $@x1 $@y2 $@x1 $@y1] \ ! -fill black -dash {3 3 3 3} -dashoffset 3 -fill [look selrect] }
--- 2409,2413 ---- def SelRect draw {} { $self item RECT line [list $@x1 $@y1 $@x2 $@y1 $@x2 $@y2 $@x1 $@y2 $@x1 $@y1] \ ! -fill black -dash {3 3 3 3} -dashoffset 3 -fill [$self look rect] }
*************** *** 2847,2851 **** def Box draw {} { #set text "[$@canvas index $self]: " ! #$self item ID text [$self xy] -fill [look objectfg] -anchor ne -text $text $self draw_box } --- 2891,2895 ---- def Box draw {} { #set text "[$@canvas index $self]: " ! #$self item ID text [$self xy] -fill [$self look fg] -anchor ne -text $text $self draw_box } *************** *** 2906,2912 **** set ys [expr $y2-$y1] for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} { ! set onset [expr $x1 + ($xs-([look iowidth])) * $i / $nplus] ! set points [list [expr $onset] [expr $y-1] [expr $onset+[look iowidth]] $y] ! switch $which { i {set color [look inletfg]} o {set color [look outletfg]}} $self item [list $which$i $which] rectangle $points -outline $color -fill $color } --- 2950,2956 ---- set ys [expr $y2-$y1] for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} { ! set onset [expr $x1 + ($xs-([$self look iowidth])) * $i / $nplus] ! set points [list [expr $onset] [expr $y-1] [expr $onset+[$self look iowidth]] $y] ! switch $which { i {set color [$self look inletfg]} o {set color [$self look outletfg]}} $self item [list $which$i $which] rectangle $points -outline $color -fill $color } *************** *** 2914,2918 ****
def Box draw_io {} { ! set fy [look iopos] mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] $self draw_io2 i $@ninlets [expr $y1-$fy-1] --- 2958,2962 ----
def Box draw_io {} { ! set fy [$self look iopos] mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] $self draw_io2 i $@ninlets [expr $y1-$fy-1] *************** *** 2933,2937 **** set center [expr ([lindex $area 2] + [lindex $area 0]) / 2 ] set dist [expr abs($x - $center)] ! if {$dist < [expr ([look iowidth]/2)+5] && $dist > 0} {set port $n} }
--- 2977,2981 ---- set center [expr ([lindex $area 2] + [lindex $area 0]) / 2 ] set dist [expr abs($x - $center)] ! if {$dist < [expr ([$self look iowidth]/2)+5] && $dist > 0} {set port $n} }
*************** *** 2940,2947 **** if {$port >= $ports} {set port [expr $ports-1]} set p $self$type$port ! set outline [switch $type {i {concat [look outletfg]} o {concat [look inletfg]}}] $c create rectangle [l+ [$c coords $p] {-4 -4 +4 +4}] -outline $outline -width 1 -tags ${p}b switch $type {i {set tip "inlet $port"} o {set tip "outlet $port"}} ! if {[look tooltip]} {$@canvas show_tooltip $x $y $tip} return $port } --- 2984,2991 ---- if {$port >= $ports} {set port [expr $ports-1]} set p $self$type$port ! set outline [switch $type {i {concat [$self look outletfg]} o {concat [$self look inletfg]}}] $c create rectangle [l+ [$c coords $p] {-4 -4 +4 +4}] -outline $outline -width 1 -tags ${p}b switch $type {i {set tip "inlet $port"} o {set tip "outlet $port"}} ! if {[$self look tooltip]} {$@canvas show_tooltip $x $y $tip} return $port } *************** *** 3007,3012 **** if {$arrowsize < 5} {set arrow none} {set arrow last} set arrowshape [list $arrowsize [expr $arrowsize*4/5] [expr $arrowsize/3]] ! if {[$self selected?]} {set wire_color [look wirefg2]} {set wire_color [look wirefg]} ! $self item WIRE line $xys -width [look wirethick] -smooth yes \ -arrow $arrow -arrowshape $arrowshape -fill $wire_color } --- 3051,3056 ---- if {$arrowsize < 5} {set arrow none} {set arrow last} set arrowshape [list $arrowsize [expr $arrowsize*4/5] [expr $arrowsize/3]] ! if {[$self selected?]} {set wire_color [$self look fg2]} {set wire_color [$self look fg]} ! $self item WIRE line $xys -width [$self look thick] -smooth yes \ -arrow $arrow -arrowshape $arrowshape -fill $wire_color } *************** *** 3022,3027 ****
proc bluify {colour} { scan $colour #%02x%02x%02x r g b ! scan [look sliderbg] #%02x%02x%02x R G B return [format #%02x%02x%02x [expr ($r*$R)>>8] [expr ($g*$G)>>8] [expr ($b*$B)>>8]] } --- 3066,3073 ----
proc bluify {colour} { + global look scan $colour #%02x%02x%02x r g b ! #scan [$self look sliderbg] #%02x%02x%02x R G B ! scan $look(Slider:bg) #%02x%02x%02x R G B return [format #%02x%02x%02x [expr ($r*$R)>>8] [expr ($g*$G)>>8] [expr ($b*$B)>>8]] } *************** *** 3195,3200 **** set points [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x2+4] $y1 $x2 [expr $y1+4] $x2 [expr $y2-4] \ [expr $x2+4] $y2 $x1 $y2 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [look selectframe]} {set frcol [look objectframe3]} ! $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [look objectbg] -outline $frcol -width 1 }
--- 3241,3246 ---- set points [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x2+4] $y1 $x2 [expr $y1+4] $x2 [expr $y2-4] \ [expr $x2+4] $y2 $x1 $y2 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]} ! $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [$self look bg] -outline $frcol -width 1 }
*************** *** 3218,3222 **** def MessageBox bang {flag} { .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE -fill \ ! [if {$flag} {list #ffff00} {list [look objectbg]}] }
--- 3264,3268 ---- def MessageBox bang {flag} { .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE -fill \ ! [if {$flag} {list #ffff00} {list [$self look bg]}] }
*************** *** 3232,3237 **** set points [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x2-4] $y1 $x2 [expr $y1+4] $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] .$@canvas.c canvasx $x1 ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [look selectframe]} {set frcol [look objectframe3]} ! $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [look objectbg] -outline $frcol $self draw_io } --- 3278,3283 ---- set points [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x2-4] $y1 $x2 [expr $y1+4] $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] .$@canvas.c canvasx $x1 ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]} ! $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [$self look bg] -outline $frcol $self draw_io } *************** *** 3241,3245 **** super mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] ! if {[$self selected?]} {set fcol red} else {set fcol [look objectfg]} if {[string length $@val] <= $@w} { set string $@text --- 3287,3291 ---- super mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] ! if {[$self selected?]} {set fcol red} else {set fcol [$self look fg]} if {[string length $@val] <= $@w} { set string $@text *************** *** 3248,3252 **** } $self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \ ! -text $string -fill [look objectfg] -font $font(str) -anchor nw }
--- 3294,3298 ---- } $self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \ ! -text $string -fill [$self look fg] -font $font(str) -anchor nw }
*************** *** 3261,3268 **** set xyb [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1]] set xyc [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1]] ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [look selectframe]} {set frcol [look commentframe3]} ! $self item BASE rectangle $xya -fill [look commentbg] -outline $frcol ! $self item BASE1 line $xyb -fill [look commentframe1] ! $self item BASE2 line $xyc -fill [look commentframe2] }
--- 3307,3314 ---- set xyb [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1]] set xyc [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1]] ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]} ! $self item BASE rectangle $xya -fill [$self look bg] -outline $frcol ! $self item BASE1 line $xyb -fill [$self look frame1] ! $self item BASE2 line $xyc -fill [$self look frame2] }
*************** *** 3277,3281 **** set xyc [list [expr $x2-1] [expr $y1+1] [expr $x2-1] [expr $y2-1] [expr $x1+1] [expr $y2-1]] set color [bluify [parse_color $@bcol]] ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [look selectframe]} {set frcol [look objectframe3]} $self item BASE rectangle $xya -fill $color -outline $frcol $self item BASE2 line $xyb -fill #ffffff --- 3323,3327 ---- set xyc [list [expr $x2-1] [expr $y1+1] [expr $x2-1] [expr $y2-1] [expr $x1+1] [expr $y2-1]] set color [bluify [parse_color $@bcol]] ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]} $self item BASE rectangle $xya -fill $color -outline $frcol $self item BASE2 line $xyb -fill #ffffff *************** *** 3604,3610 **** if {!$@w} {set @w 5} set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*$@w] ! set topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * [look iowidth]] ! set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [look iowidth]] ! set @xs [max [look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] } --- 3650,3656 ---- if {!$@w} {set @w 5} set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*$@w] ! set topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] ! set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] ! set @xs [max [$self look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] } *************** *** 3660,3666 **** global font set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*[string length $@buf]] ! set topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * [look iowidth]] ! set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [look iowidth]] ! set @xs [max [look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] } --- 3706,3712 ---- global font set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*[string length $@buf]] ! set topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] ! set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] ! set @xs [max [$self look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] } *************** *** 3682,3688 **** set points2 [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$ys/2] [expr $y1+$ys/2] $x1 $y2] set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] ! if {$focused} {set color4 #00ff00} {set color4 [look objectbg]} ! $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [parse_color $@bcol] -outline [look objectframe3] ! $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -fill $color4 -outline [look objectframe3] #$self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text [$self ftoa] \ # -font $font(str) -fill [parse_color $@fcol] --- 3728,3734 ---- set points2 [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$ys/2] [expr $y1+$ys/2] $x1 $y2] set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] ! if {$focused} {set color4 #00ff00} {set color4 [$self look bg]} ! $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [parse_color $@bcol] -outline [$self look frame3] ! $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -fill $color4 -outline [$self look frame3] #$self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text [$self ftoa] \ # -font $font(str) -fill [parse_color $@fcol] *************** *** 3695,3699 **** } $self draw_io ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [look selectframe]} {set frcol [look objectframe3]} $c itemconfigure ${self}BASE -outline $frcol } --- 3741,3745 ---- } $self draw_io ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]} $c itemconfigure ${self}BASE -outline $frcol } *************** *** 3750,3754 **** #if {$@oval!=$@val} { # $@canvas focus= "" ! # .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill [look objectbg] # pd .$self float $@val #} --- 3796,3800 ---- #if {$@oval!=$@val} { # $@canvas focus= "" ! # .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill [$self look bg] # pd .$self float $@val #} *************** *** 3760,3764 **** } { $@canvas focus= "" ! .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill [look objectbg] if {$@key_input} {set @val $@old_val; set @key_input 0; set @text $@val} } --- 3806,3810 ---- } { $@canvas focus= "" ! .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill [$self look bg] if {$@key_input} {set @val $@old_val; set @key_input 0; set @text $@val} } *************** *** 3927,3931 **** set coords [list $x1 $y3 [expr $x1+$xs] $y3] } ! $@canvas item NOTCH $coords -dash [list 1 $eighth 1 $eighth] -width $thick -fill [darker [look sliderbg]] }
--- 3973,3977 ---- set coords [list $x1 $y3 [expr $x1+$xs] $y3] } ! $@canvas item NOTCH $coords -dash [list 1 $eighth 1 $eighth] -width $thick -fill [darker [$self look bg]] }
*************** *** 4185,4189 **** $self item TEXT text [list $x1 $y1] \ -font $font(str) -text "an array named '$@name' should appear in this patch" \ ! -fill [look objectfg] -anchor nw }
--- 4231,4235 ---- $self item TEXT text [list $x1 $y1] \ -font $font(str) -text "an array named '$@name' should appear in this patch" \ ! -fill [$self look fg] -anchor nw }
*************** *** 4435,4440 **** #set v1 [list $x $y1 $x $vy2] #set h1 [list $x1 $y $vx2 $y] ! $self item VHAIR1 line $v1 -fill [look selectframe] -width 0.5 -dash {4 4 4 4} ! $self item HHAIR1 line $h1 -fill [look selectframe] -width 0.5 -dash {4 4 4 4} }
--- 4481,4486 ---- #set v1 [list $x $y1 $x $vy2] #set h1 [list $x1 $y $vx2 $y] ! $self item VHAIR1 line $v1 -fill [$self look crosshair] -width 0.5 -dash {4 4 4 4} ! $self item HHAIR1 line $h1 -fill [$self look crosshair] -width 0.5 -dash {4 4 4 4} }
*************** *** 4472,4477 **** #set h1 [list [expr $x - $x + $xoff] $y [expr $x + ($width +$xoff)] $y] #$self item BORDER rect [list $vx1 $vy1 $vx2 $vy2] -width 10 ! $self item VHAIR1 line $v1 -fill [look selectframe] -width 0.5 -dash {4 4 4 4} ! $self item HHAIR1 line $h1 -fill [look selectframe] -width 0.5 -dash {4 4 4 4} }
--- 4518,4523 ---- #set h1 [list [expr $x - $x + $xoff] $y [expr $x + ($width +$xoff)] $y] #$self item BORDER rect [list $vx1 $vy1 $vx2 $vy2] -width 10 ! $self item VHAIR1 line $v1 -fill [$self look selectframe] -width 0.5 -dash {4 4 4 4} ! $self item HHAIR1 line $h1 -fill [$self look selectframe] -width 0.5 -dash {4 4 4 4} }
*************** *** 4645,4653 **** set x1 [format %0.f $x1];set y1 [format %0.f $y1] set x2 [format %0.f $x2];set y2 [format %0.f $y2] ! if {[look showcomp] <= 20} { ! set @height [look showcomp]} else {set @height 20} listbox $f -width $@width -height $@height -relief flat \ ! -bg [look canvasbgedit] -selectbackground [complement [look objectfg]] \ ! -activestyle dotbox -selectforeground [look objectfg] -fg [complement [look canvasbgedit]] $self fill_box [$@textbox get 1.0 1.end] $f configure -width $@width --- 4691,4699 ---- set x1 [format %0.f $x1];set y1 [format %0.f $y1] set x2 [format %0.f $x2];set y2 [format %0.f $y2] ! if {[$self look showcomp] <= 20} { ! set @height [$self look showcomp]} else {set @height 20} listbox $f -width $@width -height $@height -relief flat \ ! -bg [$self look bg] -selectbackground [$self look selectbg] \ ! -activestyle dotbox -selectforeground [$self look selectfg] -fg [$self look fg] $self fill_box [$@textbox get 1.0 1.end] $f configure -width $@width