Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv23927
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 pd_base.tk pd_objects.tk Log Message:
Index: pd_objects.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/pd_objects.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.8 -r1.1.2.9 *** pd_objects.tk 12 Sep 2005 13:34:46 -0000 --- pd_objects.tk 12 Sep 2005 17:36:48 -0000 *************** *** 7,12 **** } defaults { ! ins 1 ! outs 3 zero_x 0 zero_y 1 --- 7,14 ---- } defaults { ! x 1 y 1 ! ins 2 ! outs 2 ! color {123 232 4} zero_x 0 zero_y 1 *************** *** 114,117 **** --- 116,120 ---- cable { defaults { + class cable x 10 y 10 from "" *************** *** 119,123 **** } init { ! $p create line 0 0 0 0 -tags $tags -fill green -arrow last -width 8 } destroy { --- 122,126 ---- } init { ! $p create line 0 0 0 0 -tags $tags -fill green -arrow last -width 4 } destroy { *************** *** 125,135 **** } redraw { ! if {$from ne "" && [llength $from] == 2 } { ! set loc [ioloc $p $t [lindex $from 0] [lindex $from 1] out] ! set $x [lindex $loc 0]; set y [lindex $loc 1] } ! if {$to ne "" && [llength $to] == 2 } { ! set loc [ioloc $p $t [lindex $to 0] [lindex $to 1] in] ! set $xx [lindex $loc 0]; set yy [lindex $loc 1] } $p coords $item $x $y $xx $yy --- 128,138 ---- } redraw { ! if {[llength $from] == 2 } { ! set loc [ioloc $p $t [lindex $from 0] [lindex $from 1] outs] ! lassign $loc x y } ! if {[llength $to] == 2 } { ! set loc [ioloc $p $t [lindex $to 0] [lindex $to 1] ins] ! lassign $loc xx yy } $p coords $item $x $y $xx $yy *************** *** 139,156 **** } proc { ! proc ioloc {p t id n side} { variable "" ! array set ax {x x xx x y y yy y} ! foreach c {x y xx yy} { ! set $c [tr $p $t $ax($c) t [dict get $($t) $id $c]]} ! # puts "obj $x $y $xx $yy" ! array set nio "out [dict get $($t) $id outs] in [dict get $($t) $id ins]" ! set pos [expr $n / $nio($side).0 * ($xx - $x + 0.0) + $x] ! # puts "io $pos $y" ! return [list $pos $y] } } }
msg { tags { --- 142,165 ---- } proc { ! proc ioloc {p t id n io} { variable "" ! foreach c {x xx y yy} { ! set $c [tr $p $t [string range $c 0 0] t [dict get $($t) $id $c]]} ! if {$io eq "ins"} {set py $y} {set py $yy} ! set px [expr ($n / ([dict get $($t) $id $io] + 0.0)) * ($xx - $x + 0.0) + $x] ! return [list $px $py] } } }
+ io { + init { + puts "io $ins $outs" + } + redraw { + puts "RedrawIO $ins $outs" + } + } + msg { tags {
Index: pd_base.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/pd_base.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.5 -r1.1.2.6 *** pd_base.tk 12 Sep 2005 13:34:46 -0000 --- pd_base.tk 12 Sep 2005 17:36:47 -0000 *************** *** 7,13 **** io/cables scale selection - gridlines -> objects $p and $t are probably redundant (combine) ! port some complex widgets to test out feasability of this structure }
--- 7,12 ---- io/cables scale selection $p and $t are probably redundant (combine) ! port some complex widgets }
*************** *** 69,73 **** if {[dict exists $da y]} {set sy [dict get $da y]} {set sy 0}
! update $p $t $id abs [dict merge [dict merge [dict merge {class item color {128 128 128}} $da] [dict remove $a id]] [dict create x $x xx [expr $x + $sx] y $y yy [expr $y + $sy]]] 0 item_draw $p $t $id return $id} --- 68,72 ---- if {[dict exists $da y]} {set sy [dict get $da y]} {set sy 0}
! update $p $t $id abs [dict merge [dict merge [dict merge {class item ins 0 outs 0 color {128 128 128}} $da] [dict remove $a id]] [dict create x $x xx [expr $x + $sx] y $y yy [expr $y + $sy]]] 0 item_draw $p $t $id return $id} *************** *** 85,88 **** --- 84,90 ---- set rgb $color; set color [color $rgb] eval [dict get $obj $type init] + if {$class eq "item" && ($ins > 0 || $outs > 0)} { + eval [dict get $obj io init] + } } redraw $p $t $id *************** *** 166,170 **** set $tag [$p find withtag "$tags && $tag"]}} eval [dict get $obj $type redraw] ! # redraw_io $p $t $id } } --- 168,181 ---- set $tag [$p find withtag "$tags && $tag"]}} eval [dict get $obj $type redraw] ! if {$class eq "item" && ($ins > 0 || $outs > 0)} { ! eval [dict get $obj io redraw] ! foreach i [dict keys $($t)] { ! if {[dict get $($t) $i class] eq "cable"} { ! if {[lindex [dict get $($t) $i from] 0] eq $id || [lindex [dict get $($t) $i to] 0] eq $id} { ! redraw $p $t $i ! } ! } ! } ! } } } *************** *** 213,217 **** proc cleansel {p t sel} { set clean {} ! foreach item $sel {if {[lindex [$p itemcget $item -tags] 0] eq "item"} {lappend clean [lindex [$p itemcget $item -tags] 2]}} set clean [lsort -unique $clean] return $clean --- 224,230 ---- proc cleansel {p t sel} { set clean {} ! foreach item $sel { ! set class [lindex [$p itemcget $item -tags] 0] ! if {$class eq "item" || $class eq "cable"} {lappend clean [lindex [$p itemcget $item -tags] 2]}} set clean [lsort -unique $clean] return $clean *************** *** 268,272 **** proc item_info {p t clicked} { variable "" ! # return set n 0;$p delete hover foreach item $clicked { --- 281,285 ---- proc item_info {p t clicked} { variable "" ! return set n 0;$p delete hover foreach item $clicked { *************** *** 473,477 **** switch $action { selecta { ! updatesel $p $t [dict keys $($t)] } cut { --- 486,492 ---- switch $action { selecta { ! set items {} ! foreach i [dict keys $($t)] {if {[dict get $($t) $i class] eq "item"} {lappend items $i}} ! updatesel $p $t $items } cut {