Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv28817
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 pd_base.tk pd_objects.tk Log Message: eyah
Index: pd_objects.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/pd_objects.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.7 -r1.1.2.8 *** pd_objects.tk 6 Sep 2005 22:58:52 -0000 --- pd_objects.tk 12 Sep 2005 13:34:46 -0000 *************** *** 33,40 **** } {set photo ""} $p itemconfigure $img -image $photo ! $p itemconfigure $box -fill $gcolor -outline $color -width [expr $selected + 1] } } - subwin { tags { --- 33,67 ---- } {set photo ""} $p itemconfigure $img -image $photo ! $p itemconfigure $box -fill $color -outline [color [lighten $rgb 0.3]] -width [expr $selected + 1] ! } ! } ! gridlines { ! defaults { ! class gridlines ! } ! redraw { ! foreach items $item {$p delete $items} ! foreach xy {x y} { ! array set ta {x n y w} ! array set tj {x center y left} ! array set igx {y width x height} ! set range [expr abs($($t:${xy}b) - $($t:${xy}a))] ! set nSlices [expr $range / $${xy}q] ! if {$nSlices > [set ${xy}m]} {set factor [expr int($nSlices / ($${xy}m + 0.0) + 1)]} else { ! set factor [expr 1. / (int(1./($nSlices / ($${xy}m + 0.0) + 0.0)) + 0.0)] ! } ! set increment [expr $${xy}q * $factor] ! for {set x [expr int($($t:${xy}a) / ($increment + 0.0) + 1)*($increment + 0.0)]} {[expr $($t:${xy}a) > $($t:${xy}b) ? $x >= $($t:${xy}b) : $x <= $($t:${xy}b)]} {set x [expr $($t:${xy}a) > $($t:${xy}b) ? $x - $increment : $x + $increment]} { ! set og [tr $p $t $xy t $x] ! set invgeo [winfo $igx($xy) $p] ! switch $xy { ! y {set coords [concat 0 $og $invgeo $og]} ! x {set coords [concat $og 0 $og $invgeo]}} ! $p lower [$p create text [lrange $coords 0 1] -font {{Bitstream Vera Sans} 8} -fill [rc] -anchor $ta($xy) -text [string range $x 0 7] -justify $tj($xy) -tags $atags] ! $p lower [$p create line $coords -fill $color -stipple gray50 -tags $atags] ! } ! } } } subwin { tags { *************** *** 42,45 **** --- 69,73 ---- } defaults { + x 32 y 24 ins 0 outs 0 *************** *** 130,134 **** } defaults { ! x 6.4 y 1.2 ins 1 outs 1 --- 158,162 ---- } defaults { ! x 2 y 2 ins 1 outs 1 *************** *** 141,145 **** redraw { $p coords $txt $x $y ! $p itemconfigure $box -fill $color $p itemconfigure $txt -font [list {bitstream vera sans} [expr int($sy)]] -text $msg lassign [$p bbox $txt] x y xx yy --- 169,173 ---- redraw { $p coords $txt $x $y ! $p itemconfigure $box -fill $color $p itemconfigure $txt -font [list {bitstream vera sans} [expr int($sy)]] -text $msg lassign [$p bbox $txt] x y xx yy
Index: pd_base.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/pd_base.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.4 -r1.1.2.5 *** pd_base.tk 11 Sep 2005 11:48:37 -0000 --- pd_base.tk 12 Sep 2005 13:34:46 -0000 *************** *** 5,15 ****
set todo { ! io ! cables scale selection gridlines -> objects ! group attr ! markers/snap/quant ! regions / rects (combine?) }
--- 5,13 ----
set todo { ! io/cables scale selection gridlines -> objects ! $p and $t are probably redundant (combine) ! port some complex widgets to test out feasability of this structure }
*************** *** 29,33 ****
# omg the colours!! ! proc rc {} {return [format "#%06x" [expr "int(floor(rand() * 16777216))"]]} proc rgb {} {return [list [expr "int(floor(rand() * 256))"] [expr "int(floor(rand() * 256))"] [expr "int(floor(rand() * 256))"]]} proc lighten {rgb r} {set l {}; foreach c $rgb {lappend l [expr {(256 - $c) * $r + $c}]}; return $l} --- 27,31 ----
# omg the colours!! ! proc rc {} {return [format "#%06x" [expr "int(floor(rand() * 16777216.))"]]} proc rgb {} {return [list [expr "int(floor(rand() * 256))"] [expr "int(floor(rand() * 256))"] [expr "int(floor(rand() * 256))"]]} proc lighten {rgb r} {set l {}; foreach c $rgb {lappend l [expr {(256 - $c) * $r + $c}]}; return $l} *************** *** 58,90 **** $p coords sel $($t:fx) $($t:fy) $x $y}}}
! proc item_new {p t id d} { variable "" - #object definition dictionary (in pd_objects.tk or ~/.pd/*.tk) variable obj
! #generate an ID if one wasn't provided ! if {$id eq "-"} { ! if {[dict keys $($t)] eq ""} {set id 0} else { ! set id -1 ! while true {if {[lsearch -integer [dict keys $($t)] [incr id]] == -1} {break}}}} ! set ($t:ci) $id ! ! set type [dict get $d type] ! ! #figure out size/position ! set x [tr $p $t x i $($t:hx)]; set y [tr $p $t y i $($t:hy)] ! set sx 0; set sy 0 ! if {[dict exists $obj $type defaults x]} {set sx [dict get $obj $type defaults x]} ! if {[dict exists $obj $type defaults y]} {set sy [dict get $obj $type defaults y]}
! # 1 global defaults 2 object defaults 3 instance defaults ! set defaults [dict create x $x xx [expr $x + $sx] y $y yy [expr $y + $sy] color {128 128 128}] ! if {[dict exists $obj $type defaults]} {set defaults [dict merge $defaults [dict get $obj $type defaults]]} ! if {$d ne ""} {set defaults [dict merge $defaults $d]} ! update $p $t $id abs $defaults 0 ! ! #draw the item item_draw $p $t $id ! }
proc item_draw {p t is} { --- 56,75 ---- $p coords sel $($t:fx) $($t:fy) $x $y}}}
! proc item_new {p t a} { variable "" variable obj + foreach local [dict keys $a] {set $local [dict get $a $local]} + if {[dict exists $obj $type defaults]} {set da [dict get $obj $type defaults]} {set da {}} + if {$id eq "-"} { + if {[dict keys $($t)] eq ""} {set id 0} else {set id -1 + while true {if {[lsearch [dict keys $($t)] [incr id]] == -1} {break}}}}
! if {![info exists x]} {set x 13; set y 31} ! if {[dict exists $da x]} {set sx [dict get $da x]} {set sx 0} ! if {[dict exists $da y]} {set sy [dict get $da y]} {set sy 0}
! update $p $t $id abs [dict merge [dict merge [dict merge {class item color {128 128 128}} $da] [dict remove $a id]] [dict create x $x xx [expr $x + $sx] y $y yy [expr $y + $sy]]] 0 item_draw $p $t $id ! return $id}
proc item_draw {p t is} { *************** *** 94,103 **** foreach id $is { set type [dict get $($t) $id type] ! set tags [list item i$id $id] ! set color [color [dict get $($t:g) $($t:cg) color]] ! if {[dict exists $obj $type defaults]} { ! foreach local [dict keys [dict get $obj $type defaults]] { ! set $local [dict get $obj $type defaults $local]}} ! eval [dict get $obj $type init] redraw $p $t $id } --- 79,89 ---- foreach id $is { set type [dict get $($t) $id type] ! if {[dict exists $obj $type init]} { ! foreach local [dict keys [dict get $($t) $id]] { ! set $local [dict get $($t) $id $local]} ! set tags [list $class i$id $id] ! set rgb $color; set color [color $rgb] ! eval [dict get $obj $type init] ! } redraw $p $t $id } *************** *** 118,122 **** set ($t:sel) {} item_info $p $t "" ! send "delete $item" } } --- 104,108 ---- set ($t:sel) {} item_info $p $t "" ! send "delete $p:$item" } } *************** *** 132,136 **** rel {dict set ($t) $item $a [expr {[dict get $($t) $item $a] + [dict get $u $a]}]} } ! send [concat update $item $a [dict get $($t) $item $a]] } if {$redraw == 1} {redraw $p $t $item} --- 118,122 ---- rel {dict set ($t) $item $a [expr {[dict get $($t) $item $a] + [dict get $u $a]}]} } ! send [concat update $p:$item $a [dict get $($t) $item $a]] } if {$redraw == 1} {redraw $p $t $item} *************** *** 147,151 **** item_pos $p $t $($t:ci) abs [tr $p $t x i $x] [tr $p $t y i $y] [tr $p $t x i $($t:fx)] [tr $p $t y i $y] } ! first {item_new $p $t - [dict create type rect g $($t:cg) x 0 y 0 xx 0 yy 0 v 1]}}}
proc resize_canvas {p t a x y} {viewpoint $p $t [dict create action resize x $x y $y]} --- 133,137 ---- item_pos $p $t $($t:ci) abs [tr $p $t x i $x] [tr $p $t y i $y] [tr $p $t x i $($t:fx)] [tr $p $t y i $y] } ! first {set ($t:ci) [item_new $p $t [dict create type rect id - x 0 y 0 xx 0 yy 0 v 1]]}}}
proc resize_canvas {p t a x y} {viewpoint $p $t [dict create action resize x $x y $y]} *************** *** 165,178 **** if {[expr $y > $yy]} {lassign "$y $yy" yy y} set sx [expr $xx - $x]; set sy [expr $yy - $y] ! ! if {[lsearch -integer $($t:sel) $id] >= 0} { set color $($t:sc) set selected 1 } else { ! set color [color [dict get $($t) $id color]] set selected 0} ! if {[dict exists $($t) $id g]} { ! set gcolor [color [dict get $($t:g) [dict get $($t) $id g] color]]} ! set tags [concat item && i$id && $id] set item [$p find withtag $tags] if {[dict exists $obj $type tags]} { --- 151,164 ---- if {[expr $y > $yy]} {lassign "$y $yy" yy y} set sx [expr $xx - $x]; set sy [expr $yy - $y] ! if {[lsearch $($t:sel) $id] >= 0} { ! set rgb {233 233 233} set color $($t:sc) set selected 1 } else { ! set rgb [dict get $($t) $id color] ! set color [color $rgb] set selected 0} ! set atags [concat $class i$id $id] ! set tags [concat $class && i$id && $id] set item [$p find withtag $tags] if {[dict exists $obj $type tags]} { *************** *** 228,232 **** set clean {} foreach item $sel {if {[lindex [$p itemcget $item -tags] 0] eq "item"} {lappend clean [lindex [$p itemcget $item -tags] 2]}} ! set clean [lsort -integer -unique $clean] return $clean } --- 214,218 ---- set clean {} foreach item $sel {if {[lindex [$p itemcget $item -tags] 0] eq "item"} {lappend clean [lindex [$p itemcget $item -tags] 2]}} ! set clean [lsort -unique $clean] return $clean } *************** *** 234,238 **** proc hover {p t x y} { variable "" - foreach xy {x y} {set ($t:h$xy) [set $xy]} if {[$p find withtag sel] ne ""} { sel $p $t motion $x $y --- 220,223 ---- *************** *** 296,303 **** proc togglesel {p t d} { variable "" ! if {[lsearch -integer $($t:sel) $d] < 0} { set ($t:sel) [concat $($t:sel) $d] } else { ! set ($t:sel) [lsearch -inline -not -all -integer $($t:sel) $d] } redraw $p $t $d --- 281,288 ---- proc togglesel {p t d} { variable "" ! if {[lsearch $($t:sel) $d] < 0} { set ($t:sel) [concat $($t:sel) $d] } else { ! set ($t:sel) [lsearch -inline -not -all $($t:sel) $d] } redraw $p $t $d *************** *** 308,312 **** set os $($t:sel) set ($t:sel) $ns ! redraw $p $t [lsort -unique -integer [concat $os $ns]] item_info $p $t $ns } --- 293,297 ---- set os $($t:sel) set ($t:sel) $ns ! redraw $p $t [lsort -unique [concat $os $ns]] item_info $p $t $ns } *************** *** 331,340 **** set n 0 foreach k [concat id $keys] { ! text .i$t.$k -wrap none -width 8 -height 1 -bd 0 .i$t.$k insert 1.0 $k .i$t.$k tag add justify 1.0 end .i$t.$k tag configure justify -justify right .i$t.$k configure -state disabled ! text .i$t.${k}v -wrap none -width 16 -height 1 -bd 0 -bg gray94 bind .i$t.${k}v <Any-KeyRelease> "::pd::item_mua $p $t abs [dict create $k [.i$t.${k}v get 1.0 end] ] 1" grid .i$t.$k .i$t.${k}v -sticky nsew --- 316,325 ---- set n 0 foreach k [concat id $keys] { ! text .i$t.$k -wrap none -width 8 -height 1 -bd 0 -font {{Bitstream Vera Sans} 11} .i$t.$k insert 1.0 $k .i$t.$k tag add justify 1.0 end .i$t.$k tag configure justify -justify right .i$t.$k configure -state disabled ! text .i$t.${k}v -wrap none -width 16 -height 1 -bd 0 -bg gray94 -font {{Bitstream Vera Sans} 10} bind .i$t.${k}v <Any-KeyRelease> "::pd::item_mua $p $t abs [dict create $k [.i$t.${k}v get 1.0 end] ] 1" grid .i$t.$k .i$t.${k}v -sticky nsew *************** *** 406,419 **** $me add command -label $a -command "::pd::clip $p $t $a"}
- - $m add cascade -label "group" -menu [set mg [menu $m.group -tearoff no]] - $mg add command -label "add" -command "::pd::group_new $p $t -" - $mg add cascade -label "sel" -menu [set mgs [menu $mg.selto -tearoff yes]] - foreach group [dict keys $($t:g)] {$mgs add command -label [dict get $($t:g) $group name] -command "::pd::group_assign $p $t $group"} - $m add cascade -label "object" -menu [set mo [menu $m.object -tearoff no]] foreach type [dict keys $obj] { ! $mo add command -label $type -command "::pd::item_new $p $t - {type $type}"} !
$m add cascade -label "view" -menu [set mv [menu $m.view -tearoff no]] --- 391,397 ---- $me add command -label $a -command "::pd::clip $p $t $a"}
$m add cascade -label "object" -menu [set mo [menu $m.object -tearoff no]] foreach type [dict keys $obj] { ! $mo add command -label $type -command "::pd::item_new $p $t {id - type $type x [tr $p $t x i $x] y [tr $p $t y i $y]}"}
$m add cascade -label "view" -menu [set mv [menu $m.view -tearoff no]] *************** *** 489,493 **** } redraw $p $t all - gridlines $p $t }
--- 467,470 ---- *************** *** 518,522 **** set pasted {} foreach item [dict keys $($t:c)] { ! item_new $p $t - [dict get $($t:c) $item] } } --- 495,499 ---- set pasted {} foreach item [dict keys $($t:c)] { ! item_new $p $t [dict merge [dict get $($t:c) $item] {id -}] } } *************** *** 531,554 **** }
- proc group_new {p t grp} { - variable "" - set exists 0 - dict for {key val} $($t:g) {if {[dict get $val name] eq $grp} {set exists 1}} - if {$exists == 0} { - if {$grp eq "-"} {set grp [random_txt [expr "int(floor(rand() * 10 + 2))"]]} - set n -1 - while true { if {[lsearch -integer [dict keys $($t:g)] [incr n]] == -1} {break}} - dict set ($t:g) $n name $grp - dict set ($t:g) $n color [rgb] - set ($t:cg) $n - } - } - - - proc group_assign {p t group} { - variable "" - item_mua $p $t abs [dict create g $group] 1 - } - proc item_mua {p t r u redraw} { variable "" --- 508,511 ---- *************** *** 565,570 **** set ($t:mode) $m(mode) $p configure -bg $m(bg) ! set ($t:ln) $m(ln) ! gridlines $p $t }
--- 522,528 ---- set ($t:mode) $m(mode) $p configure -bg $m(bg) ! ! update $p $t grid abs [dict create ln $m(ln)] 1 ! redraw $p $t grid }
*************** *** 595,599 **** set x [tr $p $t x i $x] set y [tr $p $t y i $y] ! item_new $p $t - [dict create type sound g 1 v 1 x $x y $y xx $x yy $y filename [regsub -- {^file:[/]+} $d "/"]] } } --- 553,557 ---- set x [tr $p $t x i $x] set y [tr $p $t y i $y] ! item_new $p $t [dict create type sound id - g 1 v 1 x $x y $y xx $x yy $y filename [regsub -- {^file:[/]+} $d "/"]] } } *************** *** 602,612 **** variable "" variable obj ! set opts [dict merge {bg gray86 ln white mode edit sc orange samplerate 44100 xa 0 xb 100 ya 0 yb 100 qx 10 qy 10 mx 15 my 15} $opts] foreach xy {x y} {foreach ab {a b} {set ($t:${xy}${ab}o) [dict get $opts ${xy}${ab}]}} ! foreach a {sc ln mode xa xb ya yb qx qy mx my samplerate} {set ($t:$a) [dict get $opts $a]} if {[winfo exists $p] != 1} { canvas $p -bg [dict get $opts bg] place $p -relwidth 1 -relheight 1 ! bind $p <Configure> "::pd::gridlines $p $t; ::pd::redraw $p $t all" bind $p <Enter> "focus $p" bind $p <Key> "::pd::key $p $t %k 1" --- 560,570 ---- variable "" variable obj ! set opts [dict merge {bg gray86 ln white mode edit sc orange samplerate 44100 xa 0 xb 100 ya 0 yb 100 xq 10 yq 10 xm 15 ym 15} $opts] foreach xy {x y} {foreach ab {a b} {set ($t:${xy}${ab}o) [dict get $opts ${xy}${ab}]}} ! foreach a {sc ln mode xa xb ya yb xq yq xm ym samplerate} {set ($t:$a) [dict get $opts $a]} if {[winfo exists $p] != 1} { canvas $p -bg [dict get $opts bg] place $p -relwidth 1 -relheight 1 ! bind $p <Configure> "::pd::redraw $p $t all" bind $p <Enter> "focus $p" bind $p <Key> "::pd::key $p $t %k 1" *************** *** 636,674 **** set i -1; set sel {} foreach a {i sel} {set ($t:$a) [set $a]} - group_new $p $t default } } ! gridlines $p $t item_draw $p $t all }
! proc gridlines {p t} { ! variable "" ! foreach item [$p find withtag gridline] {$p delete $item} ! foreach xy {x y} { ! array set ta {x n y w} ! array set tj {x center y left} ! array set igx {y width x height} ! set range [expr {abs($($t:${xy}b) - $($t:${xy}a))}] ! set nSlices [expr {$range / $($t:q$xy)}] ! if {$nSlices > $($t:m${xy})} {set factor [expr {int($nSlices / ($($t:m${xy}) + 0.0) + 1)}]} else { ! set factor [expr {1. / (int(1./($nSlices / ($($t:m${xy}) + 0.0) + 0.0)) + 0.0)}] ! } ! set increment [expr {$($t:q${xy}) * $factor}] ! for {set x [expr {int($($t:${xy}a) / ($increment + 0.0) + 1)*($increment + 0.0)}]} {[expr {$($t:${xy}a) > $($t:${xy}b) ? $x >= $($t:${xy}b) : $x <= $($t:${xy}b)}]} {set x [expr {$($t:${xy}a) > $($t:${xy}b) ? $x - $increment : $x + $increment}]} { ! set og [tr $p $t $xy t $x] ! set invgeo [winfo $igx($xy) $p] ! switch $xy { ! y {set coords [concat 0 $og $invgeo $og]} ! x {set coords [concat $og 0 $og $invgeo]}} ! $p lower [$p create text [lrange $coords 0 1] -font {{Bitstream Vera Sans} 8} -fill [rc] -anchor $ta($xy) -text [string range $x 0 7] -justify $tj($xy) -tags gridline] ! $p lower [$p create line $coords -fill $($t:ln) -stipple gray50 -tags gridline] ! }}} ! ! # variable pd_send ! # if {[catch {set pd_send [socket localhost 4400]}]} {set pd_send -1} {puts "connected $pd_send"} ! # catch { ! # set pd_receive [socket -server ::pd::receive_conn 4401] ! # } proc receive_conn {s addr port} { fileevent $s readable [list ::pd::receive $s] --- 594,610 ---- set i -1; set sel {} foreach a {i sel} {set ($t:$a) [set $a]} } } ! foreach a {ln xa xb ya yb xq yq xm ym} {set $a [dict get $opts $a]} ! item_new $p $t [dict create type gridlines id grid xa $xa xb $xb ya $ya yb $yb xq $xq yq $yq xm $xm ym $ym] item_draw $p $t all }
! variable pd_send ! set pd_send -1 ! proc connect {} { ! if {[catch {set pd_send [socket localhost 4400]}]} {set pd_send -1} {puts "connected $pd_send"} ! catch {set pd_receive [socket -server ::pd::receive_conn 4401]} ! } proc receive_conn {s addr port} { fileevent $s readable [list ::pd::receive $s] *************** *** 685,693 **** } proc send {msg} { ! # variable pd_send ! # if {$pd_send ne -1} { ! # puts $pd_send [concat $msg ;] ! # flush $pd_send ! # } }
--- 621,630 ---- } proc send {msg} { ! # puts [concat s: $msg] ! variable pd_send ! if {$pd_send ne -1} { ! puts $pd_send [concat $msg ;] ! flush $pd_send ! } }