Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv8801
Modified Files: Tag: branch-v0-39-2-extended u_main.tk Log Message: switched Cmd-Click to the more Pd-ish behavior that Ctrl-Click has on the other platforms
Index: u_main.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/u_main.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.17.2.19 -r1.17.2.20 *** u_main.tk 9 Jul 2007 18:40:26 -0000 --- u_main.tk 11 Jul 2007 21:55:45 -0000 *************** *** 1193,1199 **** bind $name.c <Option-Shift-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 5} bind $name.c <Option-Control-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 6} bind $name.c <Option-Control-Shift-Button> \ {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 7} - bind $name.c <Mod1-Button> {pdtk_canvas_ctrlclick %W %x %y %b} } else { bind $name.c <Alt-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 4} --- 1193,1199 ---- bind $name.c <Option-Shift-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 5} bind $name.c <Option-Control-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 6} + bind $name.c <Mod1-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 6} bind $name.c <Option-Control-Shift-Button> \ {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 7} } else { bind $name.c <Alt-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 4} *************** *** 1516,1521 ****
proc pdtk_canvas_ctrlclick {name x y b} { ! # first get rid of ".c" suffix; we'll refer to the toplevel instead ! menu_editmode [string trimright $name .c] }
--- 1516,1520 ----
proc pdtk_canvas_ctrlclick {name x y b} { ! pd [canvastosym $name] mouse [$name canvasx $x] [$name canvasy $y] $b 2 ; }