Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv23883
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: cleanup; change proc mset so that it works when there are more values than variables
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.235 -r1.1.2.600.2.236 *** desire.tk 14 Jul 2007 13:37:48 -0000 --- desire.tk 14 Jul 2007 19:44:07 -0000 *************** *** 73,77 ****
# set several variables from elements of a list ! proc mset {vars list} {uplevel 1 "foreach {$vars} {$list} {}"}
# add or substract two lists --- 73,77 ----
# set several variables from elements of a list ! proc mset {vars list} {uplevel 1 "foreach {$vars} {$list} {break}"}
# add or substract two lists *************** *** 2579,2583 **** set @keynav_last_obj 0 } ! puts "Canvas del: [$o class]" if {[$o class] != "Canvas"} { $@history add [list $self ins $i [$o deconstruct]] --- 2579,2583 ---- set @keynav_last_obj 0 } ! # this "if" might not be necessary... try deconstruct_to for everything. if {[$o class] != "Canvas"} { $@history add [list $self ins $i [$o deconstruct]] *************** *** 6004,6008 **** $self draw_name mset {x_off y_off} [$@canvas xy] ! mset {xfrom yto xto yfrom pixwidth pixheight} [$@canvas get_mess] if {[winfo exists [$@canvas widget]]} { mset {c_width c_height} [$@canvas get_dimen] --- 6004,6009 ---- $self draw_name mset {x_off y_off} [$@canvas xy] ! set m [$@canvas get_mess] ! mset {xfrom yto xto yfrom pixwidth pixheight} $m if {[winfo exists [$@canvas widget]]} { mset {c_width c_height} [$@canvas get_dimen] *************** *** 6475,6482 ****
def Completion list_callback {} { - global class_list look $self search_for_externs ! set class_list [luniq [lsort $class_list]] ! toplevel .$self wm protocol .$self WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self cancel" --- 6476,6481 ----
def Completion list_callback {} { $self search_for_externs ! set class_list [luniq [lsort $::class_list]] toplevel .$self wm protocol .$self WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self cancel" *************** *** 6488,6505 **** set @rooty [winfo rooty .$@name.c] set @max [wm maxsize .$self] ! #not sure what this if is for... ! if {[regexp {x([0-9a-z]{6,8})text$} $@textbox textself]} { ! set cut [string first "text" $textself] ! set textself [string range $textself 0 [expr $cut -1]] ! set @textself [string range $textself 0 [expr $cut -1]] ! } ! if {[$canvas look showcomp] <= 20} { ! set @height [$canvas look showcomp]} else {set @height 20} ! listbox $f -width $@width -height $@height -relief flat \ -bg [$@textself look bg] -selectbackground [$@textself look fg] \ ! -activestyle dotbox -selectforeground [$@textself look bg] -fg [$@textself look fg] \ ! -font $look(View:font) $self adjust_box - bind $f <Button-1> "after 1 "$self complete"" bind $f <Return> "after 1 "$self complete"" --- 6487,6496 ---- set @rooty [winfo rooty .$@name.c] set @max [wm maxsize .$self] ! if {[regexp {(x[0-9a-z]{6,8})text$} $@textbox dummy textself]} {set @textself $textself} ! if {[$canvas look showcomp] <= 20} {set @height [$canvas look showcomp]} else {set @height 20} ! listbox $f -width $@width -height $@height -relief flat -activestyle dotbox -font $::look(View:font) \ -bg [$@textself look bg] -selectbackground [$@textself look fg] \ ! -fg [$@textself look fg] -selectforeground [$@textself look bg] $self adjust_box bind $f <Button-1> "after 1 "$self complete"" bind $f <Return> "after 1 "$self complete""