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Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.c Log Message: cleanup
Index: desire.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.c,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** desire.c 11 Jul 2007 18:32:46 -0000 --- desire.c 11 Jul 2007 19:39:45 -0000 *************** *** 1918,1922 **** }
! /* sum of Fourier components; called from routines below */ static void garray_dofo(t_garray *x, int npoints, float dcval, int nsin, t_float *vsin, int sineflag) { double phase, fj; --- 1918,1922 ---- }
! /* sum of Fourier components; called from functions below */ static void garray_dofo(t_garray *x, int npoints, float dcval, int nsin, t_float *vsin, int sineflag) { double phase, fj; *************** *** 2499,2516 **** */
! /* ! Routines to read and write canvases to files: ! canvas_savetofile() writes a root canvas to a "pd" file. (Reading "pd" files ! is done simply by passing the contents to the pd message interpreter.) ! Alternatively, the glist_read() and glist_write() routines read and write ! "data" from and to files (reading reads into an existing canvas), using a ! file format as in the dialog window for data. ! */ ! static t_class *declare_class; void canvas_savedeclarationsto(t_canvas *x, t_binbuf *b);
! /* the following routines read "scalars" from a file into a canvas. */ ! static int canvas_scanbinbuf(int natoms, t_atom *vec, int *p_indexout, int *p_next) { int i; --- 2499,2510 ---- */
! /* fucntions to read and write canvases to files: canvas_savetofile() writes a root canvas to a "pd" file. ! (Reading "pd" files is done simply by passing the contents to the pd message interpreter.) ! Alternatively, the glist_read() and glist_write() functions read and write "data" from and to files ! (reading reads into an existing canvas), using a file format as in the dialog window for data. */ static t_class *declare_class; void canvas_savedeclarationsto(t_canvas *x, t_binbuf *b);
! /* the following functions read "scalars" from a file into a canvas. */ static int canvas_scanbinbuf(int natoms, t_atom *vec, int *p_indexout, int *p_next) { int i; *************** *** 2522,2528 **** return i-indexwas; } - static int canvas_readscalar(t_canvas *x, int natoms, t_atom *vec, int *p_nextmsg, int selectit); - static void canvas_readerror(int natoms, t_atom *vec, int message, int nline, char *s) { error(s); --- 2516,2520 ---- *************** *** 2852,2856 **** }
! /* ------ routines to save and restore canvases (patches) recursively. ----*/
/* save to a binbuf, called recursively; cf. canvas_savetofile() which --- 2844,2848 ---- }
! /* ------ functions to save and restore canvases (patches) recursively. ----*/
/* save to a binbuf, called recursively; cf. canvas_savetofile() which *************** *** 2982,2987 **** t_float *read; int hop; ! /* if not reblocking, the next slot communicates the parent's inlet ! signal from the prolog to the DSP routine: */ t_signal *directsignal; t_resample updown; /* IOhannes */ --- 2974,2978 ---- t_float *read; int hop; ! /* if not reblocking, the next slot communicates the parent's inlet signal from the prolog to the DSP routine: */ t_signal *directsignal; t_resample updown; /* IOhannes */ *************** *** 3071,3077 **** /* prolog code: loads buffer from parent patch */ t_int *vinlet_doprolog(t_int *w) { ! t_vinlet *x = (t_vinlet *)(w[1]); ! t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[2]); ! int n = (int)(w[3]); t_float *out = x->fill; if (out == x->endbuf) { --- 3062,3068 ---- /* prolog code: loads buffer from parent patch */ t_int *vinlet_doprolog(t_int *w) { ! t_vinlet *x = (t_vinlet *)w[1]; ! t_float *in = (t_float *)w[2]; ! int n = int(w[3]); t_float *out = x->fill; if (out == x->endbuf) { *************** *** 3199,3208 **** t_float *write; /* next to write in to buffer */ int hop; /* hopsize */ ! /* vice versa from the inlet, if we don't block, this holds the ! parent's outlet signal, valid between the prolog and the dsp setup ! routines. */ t_signal *directsignal; ! /* and here's a flag indicating that we aren't blocked but have to ! do a copy (because we're switched). */ char justcopyout; t_resample updown; /* IOhannes */ --- 3190,3197 ---- t_float *write; /* next to write in to buffer */ int hop; /* hopsize */ ! /* vice versa from the inlet, if we don't block, this holds the ! parent's outlet signal, valid between the prolog and the dsp setup functions. */ t_signal *directsignal; ! /* and here's a flag indicating that we aren't blocked but have to do a copy (because we're switched). */ char justcopyout; t_resample updown; /* IOhannes */ *************** *** 3248,3254 **** /* LATER optimize for non-overlapped case where the "+=" isn't needed */ t_int *voutlet_perform(t_int *w) { ! t_voutlet *x = (t_voutlet *)(w[1]); ! t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[2]); ! int n = (int)(w[3]); t_float *out = x->write, *outwas = out, *end = x->endbuf; while (n--) { --- 3237,3243 ---- /* LATER optimize for non-overlapped case where the "+=" isn't needed */ t_int *voutlet_perform(t_int *w) { ! t_voutlet *x = (t_voutlet *)w[1]; ! t_float *in = (t_float *)w[2]; ! int n = int(w[3]); t_float *out = x->write, *outwas = out, *end = x->endbuf; while (n--) { *************** *** 3287,3294 **** extern "C" int outlet_getsignalindex(t_outlet *x);
! /* prolog for outlets -- store pointer to the outlet on the ! parent, which, if "reblock" is false, will want to refer ! back to whatever we see on our input during the "dsp" method ! called later. */ extern "C" void voutlet_dspprolog(t_voutlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs, int myvecsize, int calcsize, int phase, int period, int frequency, int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched) { --- 3276,3281 ---- extern "C" int outlet_getsignalindex(t_outlet *x);
! /* prolog for outlets -- store pointer to the outlet on the parent, which, if "reblock" is false, will want to refer ! back to whatever we see on our input during the "dsp" method called later. */ extern "C" void voutlet_dspprolog(t_voutlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs, int myvecsize, int calcsize, int phase, int period, int frequency, int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched) { *************** *** 3370,3376 **** } } ! /* if we aren't blocked but we are switched, the epilog code just ! copies zeros to the output. In this case the blocking code actually ! jumps over the epilog if the block is running. */ else if (switched) { if (parentsigs) { --- 3357,3362 ---- } } ! /* if we aren't blocked but we are switched, the epilog code just ! copies zeros to the output. In this case the blocking code actually jumps over the epilog if the block is running. */ else if (switched) { if (parentsigs) { *************** *** 3393,3399 **** * maybe indeces would be better... * up till now we provide several upsampling methods and 1 single downsampling method (no filtering !) */ ! if (s){ char c=*s->name; ! switch(c){ case 'h': case 'H': x->updown.method=RESAMPLE_HOLD; break; /* up: sample and hold */ case 'l': case 'L': x->updown.method=RESAMPLE_LINEAR; break; /* up: linear interpolation */ --- 3379,3385 ---- * maybe indeces would be better... * up till now we provide several upsampling methods and 1 single downsampling method (no filtering !) */ ! if (s) { char c=*s->name; ! switch(c) { case 'h': case 'H': x->updown.method=RESAMPLE_HOLD; break; /* up: sample and hold */ case 'l': case 'L': x->updown.method=RESAMPLE_LINEAR; break; /* up: linear interpolation */ *************** *** 3419,3431 ****
/* This file defines the "scalar" object, which is not a text object, just a ! "gobj". Scalars have templates which describe their structures, which ! can contain numbers, sublists, and arrays. ! ! */ ! ! /* IOhannes changed the canvas_restore, so that it might accept $args as well (like "pd $0_test") ! * so you can make multiple & distinguishable templates; added Krzysztof Czajas fix to avoid crashing... ! */ ! t_class *scalar_class;
--- 3405,3411 ----
/* This file defines the "scalar" object, which is not a text object, just a ! "gobj". Scalars have templates which describe their structures, which can contain numbers, sublists, and arrays. ! IOhannes changed the canvas_restore, so that it might accept $args as well (like "pd $0_test") ! so you can make multiple & distinguishable templates; added Krzysztof Czajas fix to avoid crashing... */ t_class *scalar_class;
*************** *** 3763,3767 **** /* --------------- CONFORMING TO CHANGES IN A TEMPLATE ------------ */
! /* the following routines handle updating scalars to agree with changes in their template. The old template is assumed to be the "installed" one so we can delete old items; but making new ones we have to avoid scalar_new --- 3743,3747 ---- /* --------------- CONFORMING TO CHANGES IN A TEMPLATE ------------ */
! /* the following functions handle updating scalars to agree with changes in their template. The old template is assumed to be the "installed" one so we can delete old items; but making new ones we have to avoid scalar_new *************** *** 4221,4231 **** char *classname = classsym->name; int flags = 0; - int nxy, i; - t_slot *fd; x->canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); ! if (classname[0] == 'f') { ! classname += 6; ! flags |= CLOSED; ! } else classname += 4; slot_setfloat_const(&x->vis, 1); if (classname[0] == 'c') flags |= BEZ; --- 4201,4206 ---- char *classname = classsym->name; int flags = 0; x->canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); ! if (classname[0] == 'f') {classname += 6; flags |= CLOSED;} else classname += 4; slot_setfloat_const(&x->vis, 1); if (classname[0] == 'c') flags |= BEZ; *************** *** 4247,4254 **** FIELDSET(float,width,1); if (argc < 0) argc = 0; ! nxy = argc + (argc&1); x->npoints = nxy>>1; x->vec = (t_slot *)getbytes(nxy * sizeof(t_slot)); ! for (i = 0, fd = x->vec; i < argc; i++, fd++, argv++) slot_setfloatarg(fd, 1, argv); if (argc & 1) slot_setfloat_const(fd, 0); return x; --- 4222,4230 ---- FIELDSET(float,width,1); if (argc < 0) argc = 0; ! int nxy = argc + (argc&1); x->npoints = nxy>>1; x->vec = (t_slot *)getbytes(nxy * sizeof(t_slot)); ! t_slot *fd = x->vec; ! for (int i=0; i<argc; i++, fd++, argv++) slot_setfloatarg(fd, 1, argv); if (argc & 1) slot_setfloat_const(fd, 0); return x; *************** *** 4256,4265 ****
static void curve_float(t_curve *x, t_floatarg f) { - int viswas; if (x->vis.type != A_FLOAT || x->vis.var) { pd_error(x, "global vis/invis for a template with variable visibility"); return; } ! viswas = x->vis.f!=0; if ((f!=0 && viswas) || (f==0 && !viswas)) return; canvas_redrawallfortemplatecanvas(x->canvas, 2); --- 4232,4240 ----
static void curve_float(t_curve *x, t_floatarg f) { if (x->vis.type != A_FLOAT || x->vis.var) { pd_error(x, "global vis/invis for a template with variable visibility"); return; } ! int viswas = x->vis.f!=0; if ((f!=0 && viswas) || (f==0 && !viswas)) return; canvas_redrawallfortemplatecanvas(x->canvas, 2); *************** *** 4344,4353 **** t_array *ap, float basex, float basey, int xpix, int ypix, int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit) { t_curve *x = (t_curve *)z; - int n = x->npoints; int bestn = -1; int besterror = 0x7fffffff; t_slot *f = x->vec; if (!slot_getfloat(&x->vis, t, data, 0)) return 0; ! for (int i=0; i<n; i++, f += 2) { int xval = (int)slot_getcoord(f , t, data, 0), xloc = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + xval); int yval = (int)slot_getcoord(f+1, t, data, 0), yloc = canvas_ytopixels(canvas, basey + yval); --- 4319,4327 ---- t_array *ap, float basex, float basey, int xpix, int ypix, int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit) { t_curve *x = (t_curve *)z; int bestn = -1; int besterror = 0x7fffffff; t_slot *f = x->vec; if (!slot_getfloat(&x->vis, t, data, 0)) return 0; ! for (int i=0; i<x->npoints; i++, f += 2) { int xval = (int)slot_getcoord(f , t, data, 0), xloc = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + xval); int yval = (int)slot_getcoord(f+1, t, data, 0), yloc = canvas_ytopixels(canvas, basey + yval); *************** *** 4381,4388 **** }
- static void curve_free(t_curve *x) { - free(x->vec); - } - t_class *plot_class;
--- 4355,4358 ---- *************** *** 4511,4516 **** float linewidth, xloc, xinc, yloc, style, xsum, yval, vis, scalarvis; t_array *array; - int nelem; - char *elem; if (plot_readownertemplate(x, data, t, &elemtemplatesym, &array, &linewidth, &xloc, &xinc, &yloc, &style, &vis, &scalarvis)) return; t_slot *xslot = &x->xpoints, *yslot = &x->ypoints, *wslot = &x->wpoints; --- 4481,4484 ---- *************** *** 4518,4523 **** if (array_getfields(elemtemplatesym, &elemtemplatecanvas, &elemtemplate, &elemsize, xslot, yslot, wslot, &xonset, &yonset, &wonset)) return; ! nelem = array->n; ! elem = (char *)array->vec; if (tovis) { if (style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS) { --- 4486,4491 ---- if (array_getfields(elemtemplatesym, &elemtemplatecanvas, &elemtemplate, &elemsize, xslot, yslot, wslot, &xonset, &yonset, &wonset)) return; ! int nelem = array->n; ! char *elem = (char *)array->vec; if (tovis) { if (style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS) { *************** *** 4533,4539 **** inextx = ixpix + 2; } else { ! float usexloc = xsum; ! xsum += xinc; ! ixpix = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, slot_cvttocoord(xslot, usexloc)); inextx = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, slot_cvttocoord(xslot, xsum)); } --- 4501,4505 ---- inextx = ixpix + 2; } else { ! ixpix = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, slot_cvttocoord(xslot, xsum)); xsum += xinc; inextx = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, slot_cvttocoord(xslot, xsum)); } *************** *** 4856,4860 **** class_addcreator2("template",gtemplate_new_old,"*");
! curve_class = class_new2("drawpolygon",curve_new,curve_free,sizeof(t_curve),0,"*"); class_setdrawcommand(curve_class); class_addcreator2("drawcurve", curve_new,"*"); --- 4822,4826 ---- class_addcreator2("template",gtemplate_new_old,"*");
! curve_class = class_new2("drawpolygon",curve_new,0,sizeof(t_curve),0,"*"); class_setdrawcommand(curve_class); class_addcreator2("drawcurve", curve_new,"*");