Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv4745
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.c desire.h Log Message: canvas: rename "isgraph" to "gop"
Index: desire.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.h,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** desire.h 7 Aug 2007 18:46:40 -0000 --- desire.h 13 Aug 2007 01:51:39 -0000 *************** *** 170,174 **** unsigned int willvis:1; /* make me visible after loading */ unsigned int goprect:1; /* draw rectangle for graph-on-parent */ ! unsigned int isgraph:1; /* show as graph on parent */ unsigned int hidetext:1; /* hide object-name + args when doing graph on parent */ long next_o_index; /* next object index. to be incremented on each use */ --- 170,174 ---- unsigned int willvis:1; /* make me visible after loading */ unsigned int goprect:1; /* draw rectangle for graph-on-parent */ ! unsigned int gop:1; unsigned int hidetext:1; /* hide object-name + args when doing graph on parent */ long next_o_index; /* next object index. to be incremented on each use */
Index: desire.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.c,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** desire.c 13 Aug 2007 00:01:49 -0000 --- desire.c 13 Aug 2007 01:51:36 -0000 *************** *** 600,604 **** if (x->name != s_Pd) pd_bind(x, canvas_makebindsym(x->name)); x->owner = g; ! x->isgraph = 1; x->goprect = 0; x->binbuf = binbuf_new(); --- 600,604 ---- if (x->name != s_Pd) pd_bind(x, canvas_makebindsym(x->name)); x->owner = g; ! x->gop = 1; x->goprect = 0; x->binbuf = binbuf_new(); *************** *** 630,634 **** x->screenx1 = int(x1); x->screeny1 = int(y1); x->screenx2 = int(x2); x->screeny2 = int(y2); ! if (!x->isgraph && x->y2 < x->y1) { /* if it's flipped so that y grows upward, fix so that zero is bottom edge and redraw. This is only appropriate if we're a regular "text" object on the parent. */ --- 630,634 ---- x->screenx1 = int(x1); x->screeny1 = int(y1); x->screenx2 = int(x2); x->screeny2 = int(y2); ! if (!x->gop && x->y2 < x->y1) { /* if it's flipped so that y grows upward, fix so that zero is bottom edge and redraw. This is only appropriate if we're a regular "text" object on the parent. */ *************** *** 680,684 **** /* we consider a graph "toplevel" if it has its own window or if it appears as a box in its parent window so that we don't draw the actual contents there. */ ! int canvas_istoplevel(t_canvas *x) {return x->havewindow || !x->isgraph;}
static int canvas_getfont(t_canvas *x) { --- 680,684 ---- /* we consider a graph "toplevel" if it has its own window or if it appears as a box in its parent window so that we don't draw the actual contents there. */ ! int canvas_istoplevel(t_canvas *x) {return x->havewindow || !x->gop;}
static int canvas_getfont(t_canvas *x) { *************** *** 1110,1119 **** Set reasonable defaults for any missing paramters and redraw things if necessary. */ void canvas_setgraph(t_canvas *x, int flag, int nogoprect) { ! if (!flag && x->isgraph) { ! x->isgraph = 0; } else if (flag) { if (x->pixwidth <= 0) x->pixwidth = CANVAS_DEFGRAPHWIDTH; if (x->pixheight <= 0) x->pixheight = CANVAS_DEFGRAPHHEIGHT; ! SET(isgraph,1); SET(hidetext,!!(flag&2)); if (!nogoprect && !x->goprect) canvas_each(g,x) if (pd_checkobject(g)) {SET(goprect,1); break;} --- 1110,1119 ---- Set reasonable defaults for any missing paramters and redraw things if necessary. */ void canvas_setgraph(t_canvas *x, int flag, int nogoprect) { ! if (!flag && x->gop) { ! x->gop = 0; } else if (flag) { if (x->pixwidth <= 0) x->pixwidth = CANVAS_DEFGRAPHWIDTH; if (x->pixheight <= 0) x->pixheight = CANVAS_DEFGRAPHHEIGHT; ! SET(gop,1); SET(hidetext,!!(flag&2)); if (!nogoprect && !x->goprect) canvas_each(g,x) if (pd_checkobject(g)) {SET(goprect,1); break;} *************** *** 1436,1440 **** static t_canvas *canvas_findgraph(t_canvas *x) { t_gobj *y = 0; ! canvas_each(z,x) if (z->_class==canvas_class && ((t_canvas *)z)->isgraph) y = z; return (t_canvas *)y; } --- 1436,1440 ---- static t_canvas *canvas_findgraph(t_canvas *x) { t_gobj *y = 0; ! canvas_each(z,x) if (z->_class==canvas_class && ((t_canvas *)z)->gop) y = z; return (t_canvas *)y; } *************** *** 2025,2029 **** } gobj_changed(x,"children"); ! if (x->isgraph && !x->goprect && pd_checkobject(y)) SET(goprect,1); if (class_isdrawcommand(y->_class)) canvas_redrawallfortemplate(template_findbyname(canvas_makebindsym(canvas_getcanvas(x)->name)), 0); --- 2025,2029 ---- } gobj_changed(x,"children"); ! if (x->gop && !x->goprect && pd_checkobject(y)) SET(goprect,1); if (class_isdrawcommand(y->_class)) canvas_redrawallfortemplate(template_findbyname(canvas_makebindsym(canvas_getcanvas(x)->name)), 0); *************** *** 2064,2068 ****
t_canvas *canvas_getcanvas(t_canvas *x) { ! while (x->owner && !x->havewindow && x->isgraph) x = x->owner; return x; } --- 2064,2068 ----
t_canvas *canvas_getcanvas(t_canvas *x) { ! while (x->owner && !x->havewindow && x->gop) x = x->owner; return x; } *************** *** 2211,2215 **** static float canvas_pixelstox(t_canvas *x, float xpix) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float width = x->x2-x->x1; ! if (!x->isgraph) return x->x1 + width * xpix; if (x->havewindow) return x->x1 + width * xpix / (x->screenx2-x->screenx1); graph_graphrect(x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); --- 2211,2215 ---- static float canvas_pixelstox(t_canvas *x, float xpix) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float width = x->x2-x->x1; ! if (!x->gop) return x->x1 + width * xpix; if (x->havewindow) return x->x1 + width * xpix / (x->screenx2-x->screenx1); graph_graphrect(x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); *************** *** 2218,2222 **** static float canvas_pixelstoy(t_canvas *x, float ypix) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float height = x->y2-x->y1; ! if (!x->isgraph) return x->y1 + height * ypix; if (x->havewindow) return x->y1 + height * ypix / (x->screeny2-x->screeny1); graph_graphrect(x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); --- 2218,2222 ---- static float canvas_pixelstoy(t_canvas *x, float ypix) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float height = x->y2-x->y1; ! if (!x->gop) return x->y1 + height * ypix; if (x->havewindow) return x->y1 + height * ypix / (x->screeny2-x->screeny1); graph_graphrect(x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); *************** *** 2227,2231 **** static int canvas_xtopixels(t_canvas *x, float xval) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float width = x->x2-x->x1; ! if (!x->isgraph) return int((xval-x->x1)/width); if (x->havewindow) return int((x->screenx2-x->screenx1) * (xval-x->x1) / width); graph_graphrect(x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); --- 2227,2231 ---- static int canvas_xtopixels(t_canvas *x, float xval) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float width = x->x2-x->x1; ! if (!x->gop) return int((xval-x->x1)/width); if (x->havewindow) return int((x->screenx2-x->screenx1) * (xval-x->x1) / width); graph_graphrect(x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); *************** *** 2234,2238 **** static int canvas_ytopixels(t_canvas *x, float yval) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float height = x->y2-x->y1; ! if (!x->isgraph) return int((yval-x->y1)/height); if (x->havewindow) return int((x->screeny2-x->screeny1) * (yval-x->y1) / height); graph_graphrect(x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); --- 2234,2238 ---- static int canvas_ytopixels(t_canvas *x, float yval) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float height = x->y2-x->y1; ! if (!x->gop) return int((yval-x->y1)/height); if (x->havewindow) return int((x->screeny2-x->screeny1) * (yval-x->y1) / height); graph_graphrect(x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); *************** *** 2246,2250 **** static int text_xpix(t_text *x, t_canvas *canvas) { float width = canvas->x2-canvas->x1; ! if (canvas->havewindow || !canvas->isgraph) return x->x; if (canvas->goprect) return canvas->x+x->x-canvas->xmargin; return canvas_xtopixels(canvas, canvas->x1 + width * x->x / (canvas->screenx2-canvas->screenx1)); --- 2246,2250 ---- static int text_xpix(t_text *x, t_canvas *canvas) { float width = canvas->x2-canvas->x1; ! if (canvas->havewindow || !canvas->gop) return x->x; if (canvas->goprect) return canvas->x+x->x-canvas->xmargin; return canvas_xtopixels(canvas, canvas->x1 + width * x->x / (canvas->screenx2-canvas->screenx1)); *************** *** 2252,2256 **** static int text_ypix(t_text *x, t_canvas *canvas) { float height = canvas->y2-canvas->y1; ! if (canvas->havewindow || !canvas->isgraph) return x->y; if (canvas->goprect) return canvas->y+x->y-canvas->ymargin; return canvas_ytopixels(canvas, canvas->y1 + height* x->y / (canvas->screeny2-canvas->screeny1)); --- 2252,2256 ---- static int text_ypix(t_text *x, t_canvas *canvas) { float height = canvas->y2-canvas->y1; ! if (canvas->havewindow || !canvas->gop) return x->y; if (canvas->goprect) return canvas->y+x->y-canvas->ymargin; return canvas_ytopixels(canvas, canvas->y1 + height* x->y / (canvas->screeny2-canvas->screeny1)); *************** *** 2738,2747 **** static void canvas_savecoordsto(t_canvas *x, t_binbuf *b) { /* if everything is the default, skip saving this line */ ! if (!x->isgraph && x->x1==0 && x->y1==0 && x->x2==1 && x->y2==1 && x->pixwidth==0 && x->pixheight==0) return; /* if we have a graph-on-parent rectangle, we're new style. The format is arranged so that old versions of Pd can at least do something with it. otherwise write in 0.38-compatible form. */ ! binbuf_addv(b,"ttffffffi","#X","coords", x->x1, x->y1, x->x2, x->y2, (float)x->pixwidth, (float)x->pixheight, ! x->isgraph?x->hidetext?2:1:0); if (x->goprect) binbuf_addv(b, "ff", (float)x->xmargin, (float)x->ymargin); binbuf_addv(b,";"); --- 2738,2746 ---- static void canvas_savecoordsto(t_canvas *x, t_binbuf *b) { /* if everything is the default, skip saving this line */ ! if (!x->gop && x->x1==0 && x->y1==0 && x->x2==1 && x->y2==1 && x->pixwidth==0 && x->pixheight==0) return; /* if we have a graph-on-parent rectangle, we're new style. The format is arranged so that old versions of Pd can at least do something with it. otherwise write in 0.38-compatible form. */ ! binbuf_addv(b,"ttffffffi","#X","coords", x->x1,x->y1,x->x2,x->y2, (float)x->pixwidth,(float)x->pixheight, x->gop?x->hidetext?2:1:0); if (x->goprect) binbuf_addv(b, "ff", (float)x->xmargin, (float)x->ymargin); binbuf_addv(b,";");