Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/iemlib/iemhelp In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv17549/iemlib/iemhelp
Removed Files: $n-help.pd 0.INTRO.txt 7_guis-INTRO.pd FIR~-help.pd LFO_noise~-help.pd add2_comma-help.pd addl~-help.pd all_guis-INTRO.pd all_guis-INTRO.txt any-help.pd ap1~-help.pd ap2~-help.pd bng.pd bpe-help.pd bpq2~-help.pd bpw2~-help.pd bsq2~-help.pd bsw2~-help.pd db2v-help.pd dbtofad-help.pd default-help.pd divl~-help.pd dollarg-help.pd dsp-help.pd dsp~-help.pd exp_inc-help.pd f2note-help.pd fade~-help.pd fadtodb-help.pd fadtorms-help.pd float24-help.pd for++-help.pd gate-help.pd gui-menue.pd hdial.pd help-$n.pd help-FIR~.pd help-LFO_noise~.pd help-add2_comma.pd help-addl~.pd help-any.pd help-ap1~.pd help-ap2~.pd help-bpe.pd help-bpq2~.pd help-bpw2~.pd help-bsq2~.pd help-bsw2~.pd help-db2v.pd help-dbtofad.pd help-default.pd help-divl~.pd help-dollarg.pd help-dsp.pd help-dsp~.pd help-exp_inc.pd help-f2note.pd help-fade~.pd help-fadtodb.pd help-fadtorms.pd help-float24.pd help-for++.pd help-gate.pd help-hml_shelf~.pd help-hp10_bess~.pd help-hp10_butt~.pd help-hp10_cheb~.pd help-hp10_crit~.pd help-hp1~.pd Log Message: // class_sethelpsymbol(); changed help-*.pd to *-help.pd chanded file structure to standard 1st step remove old
--- addl~-help.pd DELETED ---
--- add2_comma-help.pd DELETED ---
--- f2note-help.pd DELETED ---
--- FIR~-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-add2_comma.pd DELETED ---
--- all_guis-INTRO.pd DELETED ---
--- help-dbtofad.pd DELETED ---
--- help-LFO_noise~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-bsq2~.pd DELETED ---
--- any-help.pd DELETED ---
--- 7_guis-INTRO.pd DELETED ---
--- ap1~-help.pd DELETED ---
--- default-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-for++.pd DELETED ---
--- fadtorms-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-f2note.pd DELETED ---
--- help-gate.pd DELETED ---
--- ap2~-help.pd DELETED ---
--- db2v-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-fade~.pd DELETED ---
--- bsw2~-help.pd DELETED ---
--- bsq2~-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-bpw2~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-FIR~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-hp10_butt~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-default.pd DELETED ---
--- bpw2~-help.pd DELETED ---
--- exp_inc-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-divl~.pd DELETED ---
--- bpe-help.pd DELETED ---
--- LFO_noise~-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-hp10_cheb~.pd DELETED ---
--- dollarg-help.pd DELETED ---
--- for++-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-exp_inc.pd DELETED ---
--- $n-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-bsw2~.pd DELETED ---
--- dbtofad-help.pd DELETED ---
--- gui-menue.pd DELETED ---
--- fadtodb-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-dsp.pd DELETED ---
--- help-hp1~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-$n.pd DELETED ---
--- help-hml_shelf~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-hp10_bess~.pd DELETED ---
--- divl~-help.pd DELETED ---
--- 0.INTRO.txt DELETED ---
--- bng.pd DELETED ---
--- help-float24.pd DELETED ---
--- help-any.pd DELETED ---
--- help-bpe.pd DELETED ---
--- help-dollarg.pd DELETED ---
--- help-dsp~.pd DELETED ---
--- bpq2~-help.pd DELETED ---
--- all_guis-INTRO.txt DELETED ---
--- dsp-help.pd DELETED ---
--- fade~-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ap1~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-fadtodb.pd DELETED ---
--- help-bpq2~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-addl~.pd DELETED ---
--- hdial.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ap2~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-hp10_crit~.pd DELETED ---
--- dsp~-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-fadtorms.pd DELETED ---
--- float24-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-db2v.pd DELETED ---
--- gate-help.pd DELETED ---