Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv4216
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: added proc super. removed most def $foo erase added class view (not to confuse with class vu)
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.51 -r1.1.2.52 *** desire.tk 14 Sep 2005 01:10:36 -0000 --- desire.tk 14 Sep 2005 04:39:41 -0000 *************** *** 61,65 **** lookup_method $_($self:_class) $selector candidates puts "!!! candidates: $candidates" ! set name [lindex $candidates 0] puts "proc name of $self $selector is $name" set r [uplevel 1 [concat [list $name $self] [lrange $args 2 end]]] --- 61,66 ---- lookup_method $_($self:_class) $selector candidates puts "!!! candidates: $candidates" ! set i 0 ! set name [lindex $candidates $i] puts "proc name of $self $selector is $name" set r [uplevel 1 [concat [list $name $self] [lrange $args 2 end]]] *************** *** 68,71 **** --- 69,81 ---- }
+ proc super {args} { + upvar 2 candidates candidates self self + set i [expr 1+[uplevel 2 {list $i}]] + puts "!!! super #$i" + set name [lindex $candidates $i] + puts "proc name of $self $selector is $name" + set r [uplevel 1 [concat [list $name $self] $args]] + } + class_new thing set _(thing:_super) {} *************** *** 721,725 ****
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! set font(size) 12 set font(width) 0 --- 731,735 ----
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! # why didn't you use the font metrics function? --matju set font(size) 12 set font(width) 0 *************** *** 746,761 **** set look(wirefg) #888888 set look(wirefg2) #ee0000 - #set look(sliderbg) #bbe4ff set look(sliderbg) #ccebff ! #set look(sliderbg) #ddf2ff set look(inletfg) #ff0000 set look(outletfg) #ff0000 ! ! # Tearoff is set to true by default: ! set pd_tearoff 1
set current_x 0 set current_y 0 - set tooltip(mx) -1000 set tooltip(my) -1000 --- 756,769 ---- set look(wirefg) #888888 set look(wirefg2) #ee0000 set look(sliderbg) #ccebff ! #set look(sliderbg) #ffeedd set look(inletfg) #ff0000 set look(outletfg) #ff0000 ! set look(extrapix) [switch $OS { ! osx { set look(extrapix) 2 } ! default { set look(extrapix) 1 }}]
set current_x 0 set current_y 0 set tooltip(mx) -1000 set tooltip(my) -1000 *************** *** 763,767 **** set tooltip(visible) 0 set tooltip(text) "" - set dehighlight {} set wire_from {} --- 771,774 ---- *************** *** 778,785 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
! proc menu_close {name} {pd "$name menuclose 0 ;"} proc menu_save {name} {canvas_checkgeometry $name; pd "$name menusave ;"} proc menu_saveas {name} {canvas_checkgeometry $name; pd "$name menusaveas ;"} ! proc menu_print {name} { set filename [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile pd.ps -defaultextension .ps \ -filetypes { {{postscript} {.ps}} }] --- 785,792 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
! proc menu_close {name} {pd "$name menuclose 0 ;"} proc menu_save {name} {canvas_checkgeometry $name; pd "$name menusave ;"} proc menu_saveas {name} {canvas_checkgeometry $name; pd "$name menusaveas ;"} ! proc menu_print {name} { set filename [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile pd.ps -defaultextension .ps \ -filetypes { {{postscript} {.ps}} }] *************** *** 930,946 **** global _ regsub "\.x" $name "" self - puts "NEW CANVAS $self" set _($self:_class) canvas $self init $width $height $geometry $editable } class_new canvas def canvas init {width height geometry editable} { - set name .$self - #puts "canvas_new::: $name $width $height $geometry $editable" global pd_opendir pd_tearoff OS cmdline canvasmenu _ ! # my code begins --chun set _(focus) $name.c - # my code ends - toplevel $name -menu $name.m wm geometry $name $geometry --- 937,950 ---- global _ regsub "\.x" $name "" self set _($self:_class) canvas $self init $width $height $geometry $editable } + class_new canvas def canvas init {width height geometry editable} { global pd_opendir pd_tearoff OS cmdline canvasmenu _ ! set name .$self ! # focus should be set to either always a _ object or always a tk object. else we'll run into trouble. what do we do here? --matju set _(focus) $name.c toplevel $name -menu $name.m wm geometry $name $geometry *************** *** 966,972 **** menu $name.popup -tearoff false populate_menu $name.popup $name { ! {"Properties" {popup_action %W 0} ""} ! {"Open" {popup_action %W 1} ""} ! {"Help" {popup_action %W 2} ""} }
--- 970,976 ---- menu $name.popup -tearoff false populate_menu $name.popup $name { ! {"Properties" {popup_properties [canvastosym %W]} ""} ! {"Open" {popup_open [canvastosym %W]} ""} ! {"Help" {popup_help [canvastosym %W]} ""} }
*************** *** 981,985 **** bind $c <Alt-Control-Button> {canvas_click %W %x %y %b 6} bind $c <Alt-Control-Shift-Button> {canvas_click %W %x %y %b 7} - global OS switch $OS { osx { --- 985,988 ---- *************** *** 992,1004 **** } } ! # change mac to right-click, not middle click -atl 2002.09.02 ! bind $c <ButtonRelease> {canvas_mouseup %W %x %y %b} bind $c <Control-Key> {canvas_ctrlkey %W %K 0} bind $c <Control-Shift-Key> {canvas_ctrlkey %W %K 1} ! bind $c <Alt-Key> {canvas_altkey %W %K %A} switch $OS { unix { ! bind $c <Mod1-Key> {canvas_altkey %W %K %A} ! bind $c <Mod4-Key> {canvas_altkey %W %K %A} } osx { --- 995,1006 ---- } } ! bind $c <ButtonRelease> {canvas_mouseup %W %x %y %b} bind $c <Control-Key> {canvas_ctrlkey %W %K 0} bind $c <Control-Shift-Key> {canvas_ctrlkey %W %K 1} ! bind $c <Alt-Key> {canvas_altkey %W %K %A} switch $OS { unix { ! bind $c <Mod1-Key> {canvas_altkey %W %K %A} ! bind $c <Mod4-Key> {canvas_altkey %W %K %A} } osx { *************** *** 1017,1032 **** pdtk_canvas_editval $name $editable bind $c <Motion> "+statusbar_update $name %x %y" - - global OS switch $OS { unix { ! bind $c <Button-4> "pdtk_canvas_scroll $name.c y -1" ! bind $c <Button-5> "pdtk_canvas_scroll $name.c y +1" ! bind $c <Shift-Button-4> "pdtk_canvas_scroll $name.c x -1" ! bind $c <Shift-Button-5> "pdtk_canvas_scroll $name.c x +1" } default { bind $c <MouseWheel> \ ! "pdtk_canvas_scroll $name.c y [expr -abs(%D)/%D]" bind $c <Shift-MouseWheel> \ ! "pdtk_canvas_scroll $name.c x [expr -abs(%D)/%D]" }} #catch {image create photo mybackground -file "test2.gif"} --- 1019,1032 ---- pdtk_canvas_editval $name $editable bind $c <Motion> "+statusbar_update $name %x %y" switch $OS { unix { ! bind $c <Button-4> "canvas_scroll $name.c y -1" ! bind $c <Button-5> "canvas_scroll $name.c y +1" ! bind $c <Shift-Button-4> "canvas_scroll $name.c x -1" ! bind $c <Shift-Button-5> "canvas_scroll $name.c x +1" } default { bind $c <MouseWheel> \ ! "canvas_scroll $name.c y [expr -abs(%D)/%D]" bind $c <Shift-MouseWheel> \ ! "canvas_scroll $name.c x [expr -abs(%D)/%D]" }} #catch {image create photo mybackground -file "test2.gif"} *************** *** 1278,1285 ****
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# - switch $OS { - osx { set look(extrapix) 2 } - default { set look(extrapix) 1 } - }
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# --- 1278,1281 ---- *************** *** 1328,1331 **** --- 1324,1329 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # create a new text object + class_new text {thing} + proc text_new {canvas self x y text font color} { $canvas create text $x $y \ *************** *** 1335,1339 **** }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # change the text proc pdtk_text_set {canvas myname text} {text_set $canvas $myname $text} --- 1333,1336 ---- *************** *** 1377,1385 **** }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def text key {canvas widget x y key iso shift} { global font set @text [$widget get 1.0 1.end] - # regexp {(.x[0-9a-fA-F]+.c).([0-9a-fA-F]+)text(.*)} $widget full canvas self $widget configure -width [expr [llength $@text]+1] $self update_size --- 1374,1380 ---- *************** *** 1437,1441 **** $canvas delete ${self}text $self erase $canvas ! $self pdate_size $self draw $canvas for {set x 0} {$x<$@inlets} {incr x} { --- 1432,1436 ---- $canvas delete ${self}text $self erase $canvas ! $self update_size $self draw $canvas for {set x 0} {$x<$@inlets} {incr x} { *************** *** 1770,1782 **** set mouse(b1down) 1 foreach {type id} [identify_target $canvas $cx $cy $b $f "click"] {} - #puts "click on => $type:$id" - switch $type { object { set run [expr !$edit || ($f&2)] - #pd "$self click-on-object x$id $cx $cy $b $f;" if {[string length $@focus]} {set gid $@focus} if {$f&8} { - #puts "RIGHTCLICK OBJECT" set rightclick_object $id } else { --- 1765,1773 ---- *************** *** 1887,1891 **** } if {[llength $@selection] > 0} { - #puts "dehightlight all!!!!!" foreach obj $@selection { $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) --- 1878,1881 ---- *************** *** 1894,1898 **** } if {[llength $@selection_wire] > 0} { - #puts "dehightlight all wires!!!!!" foreach wire $@selection_wire { $canvas itemconfigure $wire -fill $look(wirefg) --- 1884,1887 ---- *************** *** 1904,1908 **** set @action rect $canvas create line $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy -tags selrect - global OS switch $OS { osx {} default { $canvas itemconfigure selrect -dash {3 3 3 3}}} } --- 1893,1896 ---- *************** *** 2280,2299 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def wire draw {canvas thick x1 y1 x2 y2} { - #puts "wire_draw:: $self $canvas $thick $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2" - global look set xys [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] set length [expr sqrt(pow($x2-$x1,2)+pow($y2-$y1,2))] - # set step [expr 1/floor(1+$length/4)] - # for {set i 0} {$i<=1.001} {set i [expr $i+$step]} { - # set r [expr (rand()-0.5)*$i*(1-$i)*150] - # set r [expr sin($i/$step)*$i*(1-$i)*100] - # set q [expr sin(1+$i/$step)*$i*(1-$i)*100] - # #lappend xys [expr $x1+($x2-$x1)*$i+$r*[expr ($y1-$y2)/$length]] - # #lappend xys [expr $y1+($y2-$y1)*$i+$q*[expr ($x2-$x1)/$length]] - # lappend xys [expr $x1+($x2-$x1)*$i+(rand()-0.5)*150*$i*(1-$i)] - # lappend xys [expr $y1+($y2-$y1)*$i+(rand()-0.5)*150*$i*(1-$i)] - # } - set arrowsize [expr $length<100 ? $length/10 : 10] if {$arrowsize < 5} {set arrow none} {set arrow last} --- 2268,2274 ---- *************** *** 2305,2309 ****
def wire draw2 {canvas} { - #puts "wire_draw2:: $self $canvas" set bbox1 [$canvas bbox [join [list "$@obj1" o "$@port1"] ""]] set bbox2 [$canvas bbox [join [list "$@obj2" i "$@port2"] ""]] --- 2280,2283 ---- *************** *** 2316,2320 ****
def wire select {canvas flag} { - #puts "wire_select:: $self $canvas $flag" global look if {$flag} {set colour #ff8000} {set colour $look(wirefg)} --- 2290,2293 ---- *************** *** 2323,2333 ****
def wire erase {canvas} { - #puts "wire_erase:: $self $canvas" - $canvas delete $self }
def wire update {d} { - #puts "wire_update:: $self $d" foreach [list @obj1 @port1 @obj2 @port2] \ [lrange $d 0 3] {} --- 2296,2303 ---- *************** *** 2336,2341 **** #def wire status {d} { # puts "wire_update:: $self $d" ! # foreach [list @obj1 @port1 @obj2 @port2] \ ! # [lrange $d 0 3] {} #}
--- 2306,2310 ---- #def wire status {d} { # puts "wire_update:: $self $d" ! # foreach [list @obj1 @port1 @obj2 @port2] [lrange $d 0 3] {} #}
*************** *** 2449,2452 **** --- 2418,2424 ---- ############ rendering
+ class_new view {thing} + def view erase {canvas} {item_delete $self $canvas} + proc item {self canvas suffix type coords args} { if {![llength [$canvas gettags ${self}${suffix}]]} { *************** *** 2472,2476 **** }
! def message draw {canvas xs ys ins outs} { global look foreach {x1 y1} [object_xy $self $canvas] {} --- 2444,2449 ---- }
! class_new messagebox {view} ! def messagebox draw {canvas xs ys ins outs} { global look foreach {x1 y1} [object_xy $self $canvas] {} *************** *** 2486,2490 **** }
! def message bang {canvas flag} { global look $canvas itemconfigure ${self}BASE -fill \ --- 2459,2463 ---- }
! def messagebox bang {canvas flag} { global look $canvas itemconfigure ${self}BASE -fill \ *************** *** 2492,2504 **** }
! def message erase {canvas} { ! $canvas delete ${self}BASE ! io_erase $self $canvas ! } ! ! #def message click {canvas} {} ! #def message tick {canvas} {} ! ! def atom draw {canvas xs ys ins outs} { global look foreach {x1 y1} [object_xy $self $canvas] {} --- 2465,2470 ---- }
! class_new atombox {view} ! def atombox draw {canvas xs ys ins outs} { global look foreach {x1 y1} [object_xy $self $canvas] {} *************** *** 2517,2525 **** }
! def atom erase {canvas} { ! $canvas delete ${self}BASE ! io_erase $self $canvas ! } ! def numbox draw {canvas} { global look --- 2483,2487 ---- }
! class_new numbox {view} def numbox draw {canvas} { global look *************** *** 2576,2596 **** # must shrink number if {$is_exp} { ! #if(x->x_gui.x_w <= 5) {x->x_buf[0] = (f < 0.0 ? '-' : '+'); x->x_buf[1] = 0;} ! #i = bufsize - 4; ! #for(idecimal=0; idecimal < i; idecimal++) if(x->x_buf[idecimal] == '.') break; ! #if(idecimal > (x->x_gui.x_w - 4)) { ! # x->x_buf[0]=f<0.0?'-':'+';x->x_buf[1] = 0; ! #} { ! # int new_exp_index=x->x_gui.x_w-4, old_exp_index=bufsize-4; ! # for(i=0; i < 4; i++, new_exp_index++, old_exp_index++) ! # x->x_buf[new_exp_index] = x->x_buf[old_exp_index]; ! # x->x_buf[x->x_gui.x_w] = 0; ! #} } { ! #for(idecimal=0; idecimal < bufsize; idecimal++) ! #if(x->x_buf[idecimal] == '.') break; ! #if(idecimal > x->x_gui.x_w) {x->x_buf[0] = (f < 0.0 ? '-' : '+'); ! # x->x_buf[1] = 0; ! #} {x->x_buf[x->x_gui.x_w] = 0;} } } --- 2538,2544 ---- # must shrink number if {$is_exp} { ! #... } { ! #... } } *************** *** 2598,2607 **** }
- def numbox erase {canvas} { - $canvas delete ${self}BASE ${self}NUMBER ${self}BASE4 - io_erase $self $canvas - label_erase $self $canvas - } - def numbox click {canvas x y b f} { canvas_focus $canvas $self --- 2546,2549 ---- *************** *** 2663,2666 **** --- 2605,2609 ---- }
+ class_new comment {view} def comment draw {canvas xs ys ins outs} { if {[llength [$canvas gettags $self]] != 0} {} *************** *** 2668,2673 **** }
- def comment erase {canvas} {} - def bluebox draw {canvas x1 y1 xs ys ins outs} { global look --- 2611,2614 ---- *************** *** 2687,2695 **** }
! def bluebox erase {canvas} { ! $canvas delete ${self}BASE ${self}BASE2 ${self}BASE3 ! io_erase $self $canvas ! } ! def radio orient {} { switch $@class { --- 2628,2632 ---- }
! class_new radio {view} def radio orient {} { switch $@class { *************** *** 2732,2741 **** }
! def radio erase {canvas} { ! bluebox_erase $self $canvas ! $canvas delete ${self}BUT ! label_erase $self $canvas ! } ! def radio click {canvas x y b f} { set x [expr $x-$@x1] --- 2669,2673 ---- }
! class_new radio {view} def radio click {canvas x y b f} { set x [expr $x-$@x1] *************** *** 2752,2755 **** --- 2684,2688 ---- }
+ class_new slider {view} def slider orient {} { switch $@class { *************** *** 2818,2827 **** }
- def slider erase {canvas} { - bluebox_erase $self $canvas - label_erase $self $canvas - $canvas delete ${self}KNOB - } - def slider click {canvas x y b f} { canvas_focus $canvas $self --- 2751,2754 ---- *************** *** 2857,2860 **** --- 2784,2788 ---- }
+ #class_new label_new {view} def label draw {canvas} { foreach {x1 y1} [object_xy $self $canvas] {} *************** *** 2876,2880 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
! class_new bang def bang init {} { global offset _ --- 2804,2808 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
! class_new bang {view} def bang init {} { global offset _ *************** *** 2899,2903 **** }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def bang draw {canvas} { foreach {x1 y1} [object_xy $self $canvas] {} --- 2827,2830 ---- *************** *** 2918,2927 **** }
- def bang erase {canvas} { - bluebox_erase $self $canvas - io_erase $self $canvas - $canvas delete ${self}BUT ${self}LABEL - } - def bang click {canvas x y b f} { pd "x$self click $x $y 0 0 0 ;" --- 2845,2848 ---- *************** *** 2933,2936 **** --- 2854,2858 ---- }
+ class_new toggle {view} def toggle draw {canvas} { foreach {x1 y1} [object_xy $self $canvas] {} *************** *** 2963,2967 **** }
- def toggle erase {canvas} { bluebox_erase $self $canvas --- 2885,2888 ---- *************** *** 2974,2977 **** --- 2895,2900 ---- }
+ class new vu {view} + set vu_col { 0 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 *************** *** 3051,3060 **** }
- def vu erase {canvas} { - bluebox_erase $self $canvas - label_erase $self $canvas - $canvas delete ${self}SCALE ${self}RMS ${self}MASK - } - catch { package require tkdnd --- 2974,2977 ---- *************** *** 3062,3065 **** --- 2979,2983 ---- }
+ class_new dropper {view} def dropper draw {canvas} { set isnew [expr [llength [$canvas gettags ${self}BASE]] == 0] *************** *** 3083,3091 ****
def dropper erase {canvas} { - bluebox_erase $self $canvas destroy $canvas.${self}DROP ! $canvas delete ${self}window }
def cnv draw {canvas} { foreach {x1 y1} [object_xy $self $canvas] {} --- 3001,3009 ----
def dropper erase {canvas} { destroy $canvas.${self}DROP ! super $canvas }
+ class cnv {view} def cnv draw {canvas} { foreach {x1 y1} [object_xy $self $canvas] {} *************** *** 3097,3105 **** }
- def cnv erase {canvas} { - label_erase $self $canvas - $canvas delete ${self}BASE ${self}LABEL - } - ##################################################################################### ############ console --- 3015,3018 ----