Revision: 10629 Author: lluisbigorda Date: 2009-01-25 01:30:08 +0000 (Sun, 25 Jan 2009)
Log Message: ----------- new tcl-socket procedure to get frame-data and paint into canvas
Modified Paths: -------------- trunk/externals/pdvjtools/pix_preview/pix_preview.tk2c
Modified: trunk/externals/pdvjtools/pix_preview/pix_preview.tk2c =================================================================== --- trunk/externals/pdvjtools/pix_preview/pix_preview.tk2c 2009-01-25 01:16:22 UTC (rev 10628) +++ trunk/externals/pdvjtools/pix_preview/pix_preview.tk2c 2009-01-25 01:30:08 UTC (rev 10629) @@ -1,66 +1,34 @@ -// ########### colorgrid procedures -- ######### -sys_gui("package require Img\n"); -sys_gui("proc colorgrid_apply {id} {\n"); -// strip "." from the TK id to make a variable name suffix -sys_gui("set vid [string trimleft $id .]\n"); -// for each variable, make a local variable to hold its name... -sys_gui("set var_graph_colorgrid [concat graph_colorgrid_$vid]\n"); -sys_gui("global $var_graph_colorgrid\n"); -sys_gui("set var_graph_xlines [concat graph_xlines_$vid]\n"); -sys_gui("global $var_graph_xlines\n"); -sys_gui("set var_graph_ylines [concat graph_ylines_$vid]\n"); -sys_gui("global $var_graph_ylines\n"); -sys_gui("set cmd [concat $id dialog [eval concat $$var_graph_xlines] [eval concat $$var_graph_ylines] [eval concat $$var_graph_colorgrid] \;]\n"); -// puts stderr $cmd -sys_gui("pd $cmd\n"); -sys_gui("}\n"); -sys_gui("proc colorgrid_cancel {id} {\n"); -sys_gui("set cmd [concat $id cancel \;]\n"); -// puts stderr $cmd -sys_gui("pd $cmd\n"); -sys_gui("}\n"); -sys_gui("proc colorgrid_ok {id} {\n"); -sys_gui("colorgrid_apply $id\n"); -sys_gui("colorgrid_cancel $id\n"); -sys_gui("}\n"); -sys_gui("proc pdtk_colorgrid_dialog {id xlines ylines colorgrid} {\n"); -sys_gui("set vid [string trimleft $id .]\n"); -sys_gui("set var_graph_colorgrid [concat graph_colorgrid_$vid]\n"); -sys_gui("global $var_graph_colorgrid\n"); -sys_gui("set var_graph_xlines [concat graph_xlines_$vid]\n"); -sys_gui("global $var_graph_xlines\n"); -sys_gui("set var_graph_ylines [concat graph_ylines_$vid]\n"); -sys_gui("global $var_graph_ylines\n"); -sys_gui("set $var_graph_colorgrid $colorgrid\n"); -sys_gui("set $var_graph_xlines $xlines\n"); -sys_gui("set $var_graph_ylines $ylines\n"); -sys_gui("toplevel $id\n"); -sys_gui("wm title $id {colorgrid}\n"); -sys_gui("wm protocol $id WM_DELETE_WINDOW [concat colorgrid_cancel $id]\n"); -sys_gui("label $id.label -text {COLORGRID PROPERTIES}\n"); -sys_gui("pack $id.label -side top\n"); -sys_gui("frame $id.buttonframe\n"); -sys_gui("pack $id.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m\n"); -sys_gui("button $id.buttonframe.cancel -text {Cancel} -command "colorgrid_cancel $id"\n"); -sys_gui("button $id.buttonframe.apply -text {Apply} -command "colorgrid_apply $id"\n"); -sys_gui("button $id.buttonframe.ok -text {OK} -command "colorgrid_ok $id"\n"); -sys_gui("pack $id.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1\n"); -sys_gui("pack $id.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1\n"); -sys_gui("pack $id.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1\n"); -sys_gui("frame $id.42rangef\n"); -sys_gui("pack $id.42rangef -side top\n"); -sys_gui("label $id.42rangef.lxlines -text "X sections :"\n"); -sys_gui("entry $id.42rangef.xlines -textvariable $var_graph_xlines -width 7\n"); -sys_gui("pack $id.42rangef.lxlines $id.42rangef.xlines -side left\n"); -sys_gui("frame $id.72rangef\n"); -sys_gui("pack $id.72rangef -side top\n"); -sys_gui("label $id.72rangef.lylines -text "Y sections :"\n"); -sys_gui("entry $id.72rangef.ylines -textvariable $var_graph_ylines -width 7\n"); -sys_gui("pack $id.72rangef.lylines $id.72rangef.ylines -side left\n"); -sys_gui("checkbutton $id.showcolorgrid -text {Show Grid} -variable $var_graph_colorgrid -anchor w\n"); -sys_gui("pack $id.showcolorgrid -side top\n"); -sys_gui("bind $id.42rangef.xlines <KeyPress-Return> [concat colorgrid_ok $id]\n"); -sys_gui("bind $id.72rangef.ylines <KeyPress-Return> [concat colorgrid_ok $id]\n"); -sys_gui("focus $id.42rangef.xlines\n"); -sys_gui("}\n"); -// ########### colorgrid procedures END -- ######### +sys_vgui("package require Img\n"); +sys_vgui("proc Echo_Server%d {port} {\n", whoami); +sys_vgui(" set s [socket -server EchoAccept%d $port]\n", whoami); +sys_vgui(" puts "server%d socket created on port $port"\n", whoami); +sys_vgui("}\n"); +sys_vgui("proc EchoAccept%d {sock addr port} {\n", whoami); +sys_vgui(" global echo\n"); +sys_vgui(" # Record the client's information\n"); +sys_vgui(" puts "Accept $sock from $addr port $port"\n"); +sys_vgui(" set echo(addr,$sock) [list $addr $port]\n"); +sys_vgui(" # Ensure that each "puts" by the server\n"); +sys_vgui(" # results in a network transmission\n"); +sys_vgui(" fconfigure $sock -buffering line\n"); +sys_vgui(" # Set up a callback for when the client sends data\n"); +sys_vgui(" fileevent $sock readable [list Echo%d $sock]\n", whoami); +sys_vgui("}\n"); +sys_vgui("# Echo --\n"); +sys_vgui("# This procedure is called when the server\n"); +sys_vgui("# can read data from the client\n"); +sys_vgui("# Arguments:\n"); +sys_vgui("# sock The socket connection to the client\n"); +sys_vgui("proc Echo%d {sock} {\n", whoami); +sys_vgui(" global echo\n"); +sys_vgui(" # Check end of file or abnormal connection drop,\n"); +sys_vgui(" # then echo data back to the client.\n"); +sys_vgui(" if {[eof $sock] || [catch {gets $sock line}]} {\n"); +sys_vgui(" close $sock\n"); +sys_vgui(" puts "Close $echo(addr,$sock)"\n"); +sys_vgui(" unset echo(addr,$sock)\n"); +sys_vgui(" } else {\n"); +sys_vgui(" #puts $sock $line\n"); +sys_vgui(" imgPREVIEW%d put $line\n", whoami); +sys_vgui(" }\n"); +sys_vgui("}\n");
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