Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/iemlib/src/iemlib1 In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18034/iemlib/src/iemlib1
Removed Files: FIR~.c biquad_freq_resp.c db2v.c f2note.c filter~.c forpp.c gate.c hml_shelf~.c iem_cot4~.c iem_delay~.c iem_pow4~.c iem_sqrt4~.c iemlib.h iemlib1.c Log Message: // class_sethelpsymbol(); changed help-*.pd to *-help.pd chanded file structure to standard 1st step remove old
--- biquad_freq_resp.c DELETED ---
--- iem_cot4~.c DELETED ---
--- iem_delay~.c DELETED ---
--- hml_shelf~.c DELETED ---
--- iem_pow4~.c DELETED ---
--- FIR~.c DELETED ---
--- gate.c DELETED ---
--- iemlib1.c DELETED ---
--- iemlib.h DELETED ---
--- db2v.c DELETED ---
--- filter~.c DELETED ---
--- iem_sqrt4~.c DELETED ---
--- f2note.c DELETED ---
--- forpp.c DELETED ---