Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv10456
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.c Log Message: some C++ compatibility
Index: desire.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.c,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.188 -r1.1.2.189 *** desire.c 31 Oct 2006 11:30:26 -0000 --- desire.c 17 Nov 2006 03:26:12 -0000 *************** *** 63,66 **** --- 63,77 ---- for (linetraverser_start(&TRAV,CANVAS); (WIRE=linetraverser_next(&TRAV)); )
+ #define CLAMP(_var,_min,_max) do { if (_var<_min) _var=_min; else if (_var>_max) _var=_max; } while(0) + #ifdef _cplusplus + template <typename T> T MIN(T a, T b) {return a<b?a:b;} + template <typename T> T MAX(T a, T b) {return a>b?a:b;} + #else + #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) + #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) + #endif + #define IS_A_FLOAT(atom,index) ((atom+index)->a_type == A_FLOAT) + #define IS_A_SYMBOL(atom,index) ((atom+index)->a_type == A_SYMBOL) + static void postatom2(const char *s, int argc, t_atom *argv); int imin(int a, int b) {return a<b?a:b;} *************** *** 583,588 **** } x->name = sym; ! x->x1 = x1; x->y1 = y1; x->gl_obj.te_xpix = px1; x->pixwidth = px2-px1; ! x->x2 = x2; x->y2 = y2; x->gl_obj.te_ypix = py1; x->pixheight = py2-py1; x->font = (canvas_getcurrent() ? canvas_getcurrent()->font : sys_defaultfont); x->screenx1 = x->screeny1 = 0; x->screenx2 = 450; x->screeny2 = 300; --- 594,599 ---- } x->name = sym; ! x->x1 = x1; x->y1 = y1; x->gl_obj.te_xpix = (short)px1; x->pixwidth = (int)(px2-px1); ! x->x2 = x2; x->y2 = y2; x->gl_obj.te_ypix = (short)py1; x->pixheight = (int)(py2-py1); x->font = (canvas_getcurrent() ? canvas_getcurrent()->font : sys_defaultfont); x->screenx1 = x->screeny1 = 0; x->screenx2 = 450; x->screeny2 = 300; *************** *** 666,670 **** gobj_unsubscribe((t_gobj *)x,(t_gobj *)manager); } ! x->mapped = f; }
--- 677,681 ---- gobj_unsubscribe((t_gobj *)x,(t_gobj *)manager); } ! x->mapped = (unsigned)f; }
*************** *** 679,683 **** if (f && !x->havewindow) canvas_map(x,1); if (!f && x->havewindow) {sys_mgui(x,"delete",""); canvas_map(x,0);} ! x->havewindow = f; }
--- 690,694 ---- if (f && !x->havewindow) canvas_map(x,1); if (!f && x->havewindow) {sys_mgui(x,"delete",""); canvas_map(x,0);} ! x->havewindow = (unsigned)f; }
*************** *** 1128,1141 **** /* just a raw insert, no other business */ /* doesn't work (why?) */ ! static void canvas_insert_nth(t_canvas *x, int n, t_gobj *new) { t_gobj **y; t_gobj *z; canvas_each2(y,x) if (!n) { z = *y; ! *y = new; ! new->g_next = z; return; } else n--; ! *y = new; }
--- 1139,1152 ---- /* just a raw insert, no other business */ /* doesn't work (why?) */ ! static void canvas_insert_nth(t_canvas *x, int n, t_gobj *nu) { t_gobj **y; t_gobj *z; canvas_each2(y,x) if (!n) { z = *y; ! *y = nu; ! nu->g_next = z; return; } else n--; ! *y = nu; }
*************** *** 1226,1231 **** pd_scanargs(argc,argv,"ffbffffffff",&xperpix,&yperpix,&graphme, &x1,&y1,&x2,&y2,&xpix,&ypix,&xmargin,&ymargin); ! x->pixwidth = xpix; x->pixheight = ypix; ! x->xmargin = xmargin; x->ymargin = ymargin; yperpix = -yperpix; if (xperpix == 0) xperpix = 1; --- 1237,1242 ---- pd_scanargs(argc,argv,"ffbffffffff",&xperpix,&yperpix,&graphme, &x1,&y1,&x2,&y2,&xpix,&ypix,&xmargin,&ymargin); ! x->pixwidth = (int)xpix; x->pixheight = (int)ypix; ! x->xmargin = (int)xmargin; x->ymargin = (int)ymargin; yperpix = -yperpix; if (xperpix == 0) xperpix = 1; *************** *** 1394,1398 ****
void canvas_connect(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg fwhoout, t_floatarg foutlet, t_floatarg fwhoin,t_floatarg finlet) { ! int i, ifrom=fwhoout, outlet=foutlet, ito=fwhoin, inlet=finlet; t_gobj *gfrom=0, *gto=0; t_object *from, *to; --- 1405,1409 ----
void canvas_connect(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg fwhoout, t_floatarg foutlet, t_floatarg fwhoin,t_floatarg finlet) { ! int i, ifrom=(int)fwhoout, outlet=(int)foutlet, ito=(int)fwhoin, inlet=(int)finlet; t_gobj *gfrom=0, *gto=0; t_object *from, *to; *************** *** 1614,1618 **** t_garray *graph_array(t_canvas *gl, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *templateargsym, t_floatarg fsize, t_floatarg fflags) { ! int n = fsize, zonset, ztype, saveit; t_symbol *zarraytype; t_garray *x; --- 1625,1629 ---- t_garray *graph_array(t_canvas *gl, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *templateargsym, t_floatarg fsize, t_floatarg fflags) { ! int n = (int)fsize, zonset, ztype, saveit; t_symbol *zarraytype; t_garray *x; *************** *** 1620,1624 **** t_template *template, *ztemplate; t_symbol *templatesym = gensym("pd-_float_array"); ! int flags = fflags; int filestyle = ((flags & 6) >> 1); int style = filestyle == 0 ? PLOTSTYLE_POLY : filestyle == 1 ? PLOTSTYLE_POINTS : filestyle; --- 1631,1635 ---- t_template *template, *ztemplate; t_symbol *templatesym = gensym("pd-_float_array"); ! int flags = (int)fflags; int filestyle = ((flags & 6) >> 1); int style = filestyle == 0 ? PLOTSTYLE_POLY : filestyle == 1 ? PLOTSTYLE_POINTS : filestyle; *************** *** 1667,1671 **** t_canvas *gl; t_garray *a; ! int flags = fflags; if (size < 1) size = 1; if (otherflag == 0 || !(gl = canvas_findgraph(parent))) --- 1678,1682 ---- t_canvas *gl; t_garray *a; ! int flags = (int)fflags; if (size < 1) size = 1; if (otherflag == 0 || !(gl = canvas_findgraph(parent))) *************** *** 1682,1686 **** void garray_arraydialog(t_garray *x, t_symbol *name, t_floatarg fsize, t_floatarg fflags, t_floatarg deleteit) { ! int flags = fflags; int saveit = ((flags & 1) != 0); int style = ((flags & 6) >> 1); --- 1693,1697 ---- void garray_arraydialog(t_garray *x, t_symbol *name, t_floatarg fsize, t_floatarg fflags, t_floatarg deleteit) { ! int flags = (int)fflags; int saveit = ((flags & 1) != 0); int style = ((flags & 6) >> 1); *************** *** 1709,1713 **** else if (canvas_isvisible(x->canvas->owner)) gobj_changed(x,0); } ! size = fsize; if (size < 1) size = 1; if (size != a->n) garray_resize(x, size); --- 1720,1724 ---- else if (canvas_isvisible(x->canvas->owner)) gobj_changed(x,0); } ! size = (int)fsize; if (size < 1) size = 1; if (size != a->n) garray_resize(x, size); *************** *** 1747,1751 **** } sys_vgui(".%sArrayWindow.lb delete 0 %d\n", x->realname->s_name, ARRAYPAGESIZE - 1); ! for (i = page * ARRAYPAGESIZE; (i < (page+1)*ARRAYPAGESIZE && i < a->n); i++) { yval = *(float *)(a->vec + elemsize*i + yonset); sys_vgui(".%sArrayWindow.lb insert %d {%d) %g}\n", x->realname->s_name, i%ARRAYPAGESIZE, i, yval); --- 1758,1762 ---- } sys_vgui(".%sArrayWindow.lb delete 0 %d\n", x->realname->s_name, ARRAYPAGESIZE - 1); ! for (i = (int)page * ARRAYPAGESIZE; (i < (page+1)*ARRAYPAGESIZE && i < a->n); i++) { yval = *(float *)(a->vec + elemsize*i + yonset); sys_vgui(".%sArrayWindow.lb insert %d {%d) %g}\n", x->realname->s_name, i%ARRAYPAGESIZE, i, yval); *************** *** 1770,1775 **** }
! static float canvas_xtopixels(t_canvas *x, float xval); ! static float canvas_ytopixels(t_canvas *x, float yval);
/* routine to get screen coordinates of a point in an array */ --- 1781,1786 ---- }
! static int canvas_xtopixels(t_canvas *x, float xval); ! static int canvas_ytopixels(t_canvas *x, float yval);
/* routine to get screen coordinates of a point in an array */ *************** *** 2011,2015 **** return; } ! style = template_getfloat(scalartemplate, gensym("style"), x->scalar->sc_vec, 0); filestyle = (style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS ? 1 : (style == PLOTSTYLE_POLY ? 0 : style)); binbuf_addv(b, "sssisi;", gensym("#X"), gensym("array"), --- 2022,2026 ---- return; } ! style = (int)template_getfloat(scalartemplate, gensym("style"), x->scalar->sc_vec, 0); filestyle = (style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS ? 1 : (style == PLOTSTYLE_POLY ? 0 : style)); binbuf_addv(b, "sssisi;", gensym("#X"), gensym("array"), *************** *** 2090,2094 **** return; } ! npoints = atom_getfloatarg(0,argc--,argv++); argv++, argc--; svec = (t_float *)getbytes(sizeof(t_float) * argc); --- 2101,2105 ---- return; } ! npoints = atom_getintarg(0,argc--,argv++); argv++, argc--; svec = (t_float *)getbytes(sizeof(t_float) * argc); *************** *** 2104,2108 **** return; } ! npoints = atom_getfloatarg(0,argc--,argv++); svec = (t_float *)getbytes(sizeof(t_float) * argc); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) svec[i] = atom_getfloatarg(i, argc, argv); --- 2115,2119 ---- return; } ! npoints = atom_getintarg(0,argc--,argv++); svec = (t_float *)getbytes(sizeof(t_float) * argc); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) svec[i] = atom_getfloatarg(i, argc, argv); *************** *** 2137,2141 **** if (argc < 2) return; else { ! int firstindex = atom_getfloatarg(0,argc--,argv++); if (firstindex < 0) { /* drop negative x values */ argc += firstindex; --- 2148,2152 ---- if (argc < 2) return; else { ! int firstindex = atom_getintarg(0,argc--,argv++); if (firstindex < 0) { /* drop negative x values */ argc += firstindex; *************** *** 2223,2228 **** void garray_resize(t_garray *x, t_floatarg f) { t_array *array = garray_getarray(x); ! int n = f<1?1:f; ! garray_fittograph(x, n, template_getfloat( template_findbyname(x->scalar->sc_template), gensym("style"), x->scalar->sc_vec, 1)); array_resize_and_redraw(array, n); --- 2234,2239 ---- void garray_resize(t_garray *x, t_floatarg f) { t_array *array = garray_getarray(x); ! int n = f<1?1:(int)f; ! garray_fittograph(x, n, (int)template_getfloat( template_findbyname(x->scalar->sc_template), gensym("style"), x->scalar->sc_vec, 1)); array_resize_and_redraw(array, n); *************** *** 2502,2508 ****
static void graph_xticks(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg point, t_floatarg inc, t_floatarg f) ! {t_tick *t = &x->xtick; t->point = point; t->inc = inc; t->lperb = f; canvas_redraw(x);} static void graph_yticks(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg point, t_floatarg inc, t_floatarg f) ! {t_tick *t = &x->ytick; t->point = point; t->inc = inc; t->lperb = f; canvas_redraw(x);}
static void graph_xlabel(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { --- 2513,2519 ----
static void graph_xticks(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg point, t_floatarg inc, t_floatarg f) ! {t_tick *t = &x->xtick; t->point = point; t->inc = inc; t->lperb = (int)f; canvas_redraw(x);} static void graph_yticks(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg point, t_floatarg inc, t_floatarg f) ! {t_tick *t = &x->ytick; t->point = point; t->inc = inc; t->lperb = (int)f; canvas_redraw(x);}
static void graph_xlabel(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { *************** *** 2547,2563 ****
/* convert an x coordinate value to an x pixel location in window */ ! static float canvas_xtopixels(t_canvas *x, float xval) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float width = x->x2-x->x1; ! if (!x->isgraph) return (xval-x->x1) / width; ! if (x->havewindow) return (x->screenx2-x->screenx1) * (xval-x->x1) / width; graph_graphrect((t_gobj *)x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); ! return x1 + (x2-x1) * (xval-x->x1) / width; } ! static float canvas_ytopixels(t_canvas *x, float yval) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float height = x->y2-x->y1; ! if (!x->isgraph) return (yval-x->y1) / height; ! if (x->havewindow) return (x->screeny2-x->screeny1) * (yval-x->y1) / height; graph_graphrect((t_gobj *)x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); ! return y1 + (y2-y1) * (yval-x->y1) / height; }
--- 2558,2574 ----
/* convert an x coordinate value to an x pixel location in window */ ! static int canvas_xtopixels(t_canvas *x, float xval) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float width = x->x2-x->x1; ! if (!x->isgraph) return (int)((xval-x->x1)/width); ! if (x->havewindow) return (int)((x->screenx2-x->screenx1) * (xval-x->x1) / width); graph_graphrect((t_gobj *)x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); ! return (int)(x1 + (x2-x1) * (xval-x->x1) / width); } ! static int canvas_ytopixels(t_canvas *x, float yval) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; float height = x->y2-x->y1; ! if (!x->isgraph) return (int)((yval-x->y1)/height); ! if (x->havewindow) return (int)((x->screeny2-x->screeny1) * (yval-x->y1) / height); graph_graphrect((t_gobj *)x, x->owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); ! return (int)(y1 + (y2-y1) * (yval-x->y1) / height); }
*************** *** 2633,2637 **** for (i=0,f=x->xtick.point; f<0.99*x->x2+0.01*x->x1; i++, f+=x->xtick.inc) { int tickpix = i%x->xtick.lperb ? 2 : 4; ! int x0 = canvas_xtopixels(x, f); sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create line %d %d %d %d -tags %s\n", (long)c, x0, (int)upix, x0, (int)(upix-tickpix), tag); sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create line %d %d %d %d -tags %s\n", (long)c, x0, (int)lpix, x0, (int)(lpix+tickpix), tag); --- 2644,2648 ---- for (i=0,f=x->xtick.point; f<0.99*x->x2+0.01*x->x1; i++, f+=x->xtick.inc) { int tickpix = i%x->xtick.lperb ? 2 : 4; ! int x0 = (int)canvas_xtopixels(x, f); sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create line %d %d %d %d -tags %s\n", (long)c, x0, (int)upix, x0, (int)(upix-tickpix), tag); sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create line %d %d %d %d -tags %s\n", (long)c, x0, (int)lpix, x0, (int)(lpix+tickpix), tag); *************** *** 4495,4501 **** }
- float MIN(float a, float b) {return a<b?a:b;} - float MAX(float a, float b) {return a>b?a:b;} - static void slot_setfloat_var(t_slot *fd, t_symbol *s) { char *s1, *s2, *s3, strbuf[MAXPDSTRING]; --- 4506,4509 ---- *************** *** 4506,4510 **** fd->min = fd->max = fd->scrmin = fd->scrmax = fd->quantum = 0; } else { ! int cpy = MIN(s1-s->s_name,MAXPDSTRING-5), got; strncpy(strbuf, s->s_name, cpy); strbuf[cpy] = 0; --- 4514,4518 ---- fd->min = fd->max = fd->scrmin = fd->scrmax = fd->quantum = 0; } else { ! int cpy = (int)MIN(s1-s->s_name,MAXPDSTRING-5), got; strncpy(strbuf, s->s_name, cpy); strbuf[cpy] = 0; *************** *** 4699,4703 ****
static void numbertocolor(int n, char *s) { ! n = MAX(n,0); sprintf(s, "#%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x", rangecolor(n/100), rangecolor((n/10)%10), rangecolor(n%10)); } --- 4707,4711 ----
static void numbertocolor(int n, char *s) { ! n = (int)MAX(n,0); sprintf(s, "#%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x", rangecolor(n/100), rangecolor((n/10)%10), rangecolor(n%10)); } *************** *** 4722,4728 **** pix[2*i+1] = canvas_ytopixels(canvas, basey + slot_getcoord(f+1, template, data, 1)); } ! numbertocolor(slot_getfloat(&x->outlinecolor, template, data, 1), outline); if (flags & CLOSED) { ! numbertocolor(slot_getfloat(&x->fillcolor, template, data, 1), fill); //sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create polygon\\n", (long)canvas_getcanvas(canvas)); } else sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create line\\n", (long)canvas_getcanvas(canvas)); --- 4730,4736 ---- pix[2*i+1] = canvas_ytopixels(canvas, basey + slot_getcoord(f+1, template, data, 1)); } ! numbertocolor((int)slot_getfloat(&x->outlinecolor, template, data, 1), outline); if (flags & CLOSED) { ! numbertocolor((int)slot_getfloat(&x->fillcolor, template, data, 1), fill); //sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create polygon\\n", (long)canvas_getcanvas(canvas)); } else sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create line\\n", (long)canvas_getcanvas(canvas)); *************** *** 4777,4782 **** if (!slot_getfloat(&x->vis, template, data, 0)) return 0; for (i = 0, f = x->vec; i < n; i++, f += 2) { ! int xval = slot_getcoord(f , template, data, 0), xloc = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + xval); ! int yval = slot_getcoord(f+1, template, data, 0), yloc = canvas_ytopixels(canvas, basey + yval); int xerr = iabs(xloc-xpix); int yerr = iabs(yloc-ypix); --- 4785,4790 ---- if (!slot_getfloat(&x->vis, template, data, 0)) return 0; for (i = 0, f = x->vec; i < n; i++, f += 2) { ! int xval = (int)slot_getcoord(f , template, data, 0), xloc = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + xval); ! int yval = (int)slot_getcoord(f+1, template, data, 0), yloc = canvas_ytopixels(canvas, basey + yval); int xerr = iabs(xloc-xpix); int yerr = iabs(yloc-ypix); *************** *** 4961,4966 **** array_getcoordinate(canvas, &array->vec[i*elemsize], xonset, yonset, wonset, i, basex + xloc, basey + yloc, xinc, xslot, yslot, wslot, &xpix, &ypix, &wpix); ! x1=MIN(x1,xpix); y1=MIN(y1,ypix-wpix); ! x2=MAX(x2,xpix); y2=MAX(y2,ypix+wpix); if (scalarvis != 0) { /* check also the drawing instructions for the scalar */ --- 4969,4974 ---- array_getcoordinate(canvas, &array->vec[i*elemsize], xonset, yonset, wonset, i, basex + xloc, basey + yloc, xinc, xslot, yslot, wslot, &xpix, &ypix, &wpix); ! x1=(int)MIN(x1,xpix); y1=(int)MIN(y1,ypix-wpix); ! x2=(int)MAX(x2,xpix); y2=(int)MAX(y2,ypix+wpix); if (scalarvis != 0) { /* check also the drawing instructions for the scalar */ *************** *** 6064,6073 **** }
- #define CLAMP(_var,_min,_max) do { if (_var<_min) _var=_min; else if (_var>_max) _var=_max; } while(0) - #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) - #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) - #define IS_A_FLOAT(atom,index) ((atom+index)->a_type == A_FLOAT) - #define IS_A_SYMBOL(atom,index) ((atom+index)->a_type == A_SYMBOL) - /*EXTERN*/ void canvas_savecontainerto(t_canvas *x, t_binbuf *b);
--- 6072,6075 ----