Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/build/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv19994
Removed Files: 0x260x260x7e.c 0x2e.c 0x3c0x7e.c 0x3d0x3d0x7e.c 0x3e0x7e.c 0x7c0x7c0x7e.c a2l.c abs~.c absgn~.c add2_comma.c atoi.c avg~.c biquad_freq_resp.c blockmirror~.c blockswap~.c bpe.c date.c db2v.c demultiplex~.c demultiplex.c dfreq~.c dirac~.c dollarg.c drip.c envrms~.c exp_inc.c f2note.c fade~.c fifop.c filter~.c float24.c for++.c glue.c hml_shelf~.c iem_blocksize~.c iem_cot4~.c iem_delay~.c iem_i_route.c iem_pbank_csv.c iem_pow4~.c iem_route.c iem_samplerate~.c iem_sel_any.c iem_sqrt4~.c index.c length.c lifop.c limiter~.c list2int.c list2send.c list2symbol.c lister.c lp1_t~.c lpt.c m2f~.c makesymbol.c matrix.c mavg.c mergefilename.c minmax.c modulo_counter.c mov_avrg_kern~.c msgfile.c mtx_abs.c mtx_add.c mtx_and.c mtx_bitand.c mtx_bitleft.c mtx_bitor.c mtx_bitright.c mtx_check.c mtx_cholesky.c mtx_col.c mtx_colon.c mtx_concat.c mtx_conv.c mtx_cos.c mtx_cumsum.c mtx_dbtorms.c mtx_decay.c mtx_diag.c mtx_diegg.c mtx_diff.c mtx_distance2.c mtx_egg.c mtx_element.c mtx_eq.c mtx_exp.c mtx_eye.c mtx_fill.c mtx_find.c mtx_gauss.c mtx_ge.c mtx_gt.c mtx_index.c mtx_int.c mtx_inverse.c mtx_le.c mtx_log.c mtx_lt.c mtx_max2.c mtx_mean.c mtx_min2.c mtx_minmax.c mtx_mul~.c mtx_mul.c mtx_neq.c mtx_not.c mtx_ones.c mtx_or.c mtx_pivot.c mtx_pow.c mtx_print.c mtx_prod.c mtx_rand.c mtx_repmat.c mtx_resize.c mtx_reverse.c mtx_rmstodb.c mtx_roll.c mtx_row.c mtx_rowrfft.c mtx_rowrifft.c mtx_scroll.c mtx_sin.c mtx_size.c mtx_slice.c mtx_sort.c mtx_sub.c mtx_sum.c mtx_trace.c mtx_transpose.c mtx_zeros.c multiline~.c multiplex~.c multiplex.c niagara.c noish~.c noisi~.c operating_system.c pack~.c packel.c para_bp2~.c pdf~.c peakenv~.c post_netreceive.c pre_inlet.c prime.c prvu~.c pvu~.c quantize~.c relay.c repack.c repeat.c round_zero.c rvu~.c sfplay.c sfrecord.c sgn~.c sigzero~.c sin_phase~.c sort.c soundfile_info.c splitfilename.c step~.c strcmp.c stripfilename.c sum.c swap~.c symbol2list.c t3_bpe.c t3_delay.c t3_line~.c t3_metro.c t3_sig~.c t3_timer.c tabdump.c tabminmax.c tabset.c tavg~.c time.c toggle_mess.c transf_fader.c unpack~.c unsymbol.c urn.c vcf_filter~.c wrap.c z~.c Log Message: removed doubled files (from zexy, iemlib and iemmatrix - now in libdir format)
--- dirac~.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_colon.c DELETED ---
--- m2f~.c DELETED ---
--- dfreq~.c DELETED ---
--- unpack~.c DELETED ---
--- operating_system.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_distance2.c DELETED ---
--- para_bp2~.c DELETED ---
--- list2int.c DELETED ---
--- swap~.c DELETED ---
--- lpt.c DELETED ---
--- dollarg.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_not.c DELETED ---
--- tavg~.c DELETED ---
--- splitfilename.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_gt.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_sum.c DELETED ---
--- iem_route.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_inverse.c DELETED ---
--- z~.c DELETED ---
--- 0x3d0x3d0x7e.c DELETED ---
--- biquad_freq_resp.c DELETED ---
--- iem_cot4~.c DELETED ---
--- repeat.c DELETED ---
--- minmax.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_min2.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_roll.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_diff.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_sub.c DELETED ---
--- fifop.c DELETED ---
--- blockswap~.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_scroll.c DELETED ---
--- for++.c DELETED ---
--- float24.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_pivot.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_cumsum.c DELETED ---
--- sgn~.c DELETED ---
--- rvu~.c DELETED ---
--- 0x3c0x7e.c DELETED ---
--- mavg.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_bitand.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_rand.c DELETED ---
--- multiline~.c DELETED ---
--- t3_line~.c DELETED ---
--- blockmirror~.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_pow.c DELETED ---
--- 0x2e.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_rowrifft.c DELETED ---
--- iem_pbank_csv.c DELETED ---
--- noisi~.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_diegg.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_sort.c DELETED ---
--- filter~.c DELETED ---
--- multiplex.c DELETED ---
--- sfrecord.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_cholesky.c DELETED ---
--- tabdump.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_fill.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_transpose.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_minmax.c DELETED ---
--- demultiplex~.c DELETED ---
--- mov_avrg_kern~.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_conv.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_size.c DELETED ---
--- tabminmax.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_log.c DELETED ---
--- modulo_counter.c DELETED ---
--- peakenv~.c DELETED ---
--- absgn~.c DELETED ---
--- list2symbol.c DELETED ---
--- sin_phase~.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_dbtorms.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_or.c DELETED ---
--- pdf~.c DELETED ---
--- strcmp.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_trace.c DELETED ---
--- date.c DELETED ---
--- repack.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_add.c DELETED ---
--- urn.c DELETED ---
--- drip.c DELETED ---
--- db2v.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_bitright.c DELETED ---
--- atoi.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_gauss.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_rmstodb.c DELETED ---
--- noish~.c DELETED ---
--- t3_delay.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_exp.c DELETED ---
--- msgfile.c DELETED ---
--- iem_sqrt4~.c DELETED ---
--- iem_i_route.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_diag.c DELETED ---
--- soundfile_info.c DELETED ---
--- round_zero.c DELETED ---
--- tabset.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_max2.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_egg.c DELETED ---
--- sum.c DELETED ---
--- multiplex~.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_col.c DELETED ---
--- iem_blocksize~.c DELETED ---
--- list2send.c DELETED ---
--- packel.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_rowrfft.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_zeros.c DELETED ---
--- pack~.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_check.c DELETED ---
--- vcf_filter~.c DELETED ---
--- mergefilename.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_int.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_eye.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_slice.c DELETED ---
--- iem_sel_any.c DELETED ---
--- quantize~.c DELETED ---
--- glue.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_element.c DELETED ---
--- sigzero~.c DELETED ---
--- sort.c DELETED ---
--- add2_comma.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_ge.c DELETED ---
--- iem_delay~.c DELETED ---
--- bpe.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_find.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_bitleft.c DELETED ---
--- demultiplex.c DELETED ---
--- 0x260x260x7e.c DELETED ---
--- transf_fader.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_print.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_row.c DELETED ---
--- makesymbol.c DELETED ---
--- sfplay.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_lt.c DELETED ---
--- prime.c DELETED ---
--- pvu~.c DELETED ---
--- t3_bpe.c DELETED ---
--- t3_sig~.c DELETED ---
--- length.c DELETED ---
--- matrix.c DELETED ---
--- post_netreceive.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_reverse.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_decay.c DELETED ---
--- a2l.c DELETED ---
--- time.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_and.c DELETED ---
--- iem_pow4~.c DELETED ---
--- wrap.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_index.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_neq.c DELETED ---
--- prvu~.c DELETED ---
--- exp_inc.c DELETED ---
--- stripfilename.c DELETED ---
--- t3_metro.c DELETED ---
--- envrms~.c DELETED ---
--- toggle_mess.c DELETED ---
--- limiter~.c DELETED ---
--- fade~.c DELETED ---
--- hml_shelf~.c DELETED ---
--- lister.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_abs.c DELETED ---
--- symbol2list.c DELETED ---
--- niagara.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_bitor.c DELETED ---
--- iem_samplerate~.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_ones.c DELETED ---
--- lp1_t~.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_mean.c DELETED ---
--- avg~.c DELETED ---
--- 0x7c0x7c0x7e.c DELETED ---
--- 0x3e0x7e.c DELETED ---
--- abs~.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_sin.c DELETED ---
--- index.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_le.c DELETED ---
--- relay.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_eq.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_prod.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_repmat.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_resize.c DELETED ---
--- unsymbol.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_concat.c DELETED ---
--- t3_timer.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_mul~.c DELETED ---
--- step~.c DELETED ---
--- lifop.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_mul.c DELETED ---
--- mtx_cos.c DELETED ---
--- pre_inlet.c DELETED ---
--- f2note.c DELETED ---