Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv4733
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: stuff'n'stuff
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.55 -r1.1.2.56 *** desire.tk 14 Sep 2005 09:49:17 -0000 --- desire.tk 14 Sep 2005 10:09:48 -0000 *************** *** 728,736 **** set current_x 0 set current_y 0 - set tooltip(mx) -1000 - set tooltip(my) -1000 - set tooltip(canvas) foo - set tooltip(visible) 0 - set tooltip(text) "" set dehighlight {} set wire_from {} --- 728,731 ---- *************** *** 882,886 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
! proc pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} { global _ set self [c2self $name] --- 877,881 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
! proc* pdtk_canvas_new {name width height geometry editable} { global _ set self [c2self $name] *************** *** 1371,1375 **** if {$tooltip(visible)} { if {[expr pow($tooltip(mx)-$cx,2) + pow($tooltip(my)-$cy,2) > 100]} { ! hide_canvas_tooltip $tooltip(canvas) } } --- 1366,1370 ---- if {$tooltip(visible)} { if {[expr pow($tooltip(mx)-$cx,2) + pow($tooltip(my)-$cy,2) > 100]} { ! $tooltip(canvas) hide_tooltip } } *************** *** 1531,1542 **** def statusbar update {x y} { global _ cmdline ! set canvas .x$self.c set bar .x$self.stat ! set cx [$canvas canvasx $x] ! set cy [$canvas canvasy $y] $bar.pos configure -text "($cx,$cy)" ! set tags [$canvas gettags [lindex [$canvas find overlapping \ [expr $cx-2] [expr $cy-2] [expr $cx+2] [expr $cy+2]] end]] ! foreach {type id} [identify_target $canvas $cx $cy -1 -1 "click"] {} switch $type { object { --- 1526,1537 ---- def statusbar update {x y} { global _ cmdline ! set c .x$self.c set bar .x$self.stat ! set cx [$c canvasx $x] ! set cy [$c canvasy $y] $bar.pos configure -text "($cx,$cy)" ! set tags [$c gettags [lindex [$c find overlapping \ [expr $cx-2] [expr $cy-2] [expr $cx+2] [expr $cy+2]] end]] ! foreach {type id} [identify_target $self $cx $cy -1 -1 "click"] {} switch $type { object { *************** *** 1560,1573 ****
def canvas click {x y b f} { ! global _ wire_from rightclick_object OS select_area mouse font look ! puts "canvas_click2::: $self $x $y $b $f" ! set canvas .x$self.c ! set cx [$canvas canvasx $x] ! set cy [$canvas canvasy $y] set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } set select_area(x1) $x set select_area(y1) $y set mouse(b1down) 1 ! foreach {type id} [identify_target $canvas $cx $cy $b $f "click"] {} switch $type { object { --- 1555,1567 ----
def canvas click {x y b f} { ! global wire_from rightclick_object OS select_area mouse font look ! set c .x$self.c ! set cx [$c canvasx $x] ! set cy [$c canvasy $y] set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } set select_area(x1) $x set select_area(y1) $y set mouse(b1down) 1 ! foreach {type id} [identify_target $self $cx $cy $b $f "click"] {} switch $type { object { *************** *** 1579,1589 **** if {$run} { #puts "click click click" ! if {$_($id:class) == "bang"} {bang_bang $id $canvas} ! event $id clickevent $canvas $cx $cy $b $f} { ! event $id clickeditevent $canvas $cx $cy $b $f } } ! if {!($f&8) && $edit && [llength [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE]]} { ! foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE] {} if {abs($y2-3-$cy)<=3} { set outs 0 --- 1573,1583 ---- if {$run} { #puts "click click click" ! if {$_($id:class) == "bang"} {bang_bang $id $c} ! event $id clickevent $c $cx $cy $b $f} { ! event $id clickeditevent $c $cx $cy $b $f } } ! if {!($f&8) && $edit && [llength [$c bbox ${id}BASE]]} { ! foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$c bbox ${id}BASE] {} if {abs($y2-3-$cy)<=3} { set outs 0 *************** *** 1591,1604 **** if {$outs} { set out [expr int(($cx-$x1)*$outs/($x2-$x1))] ! foreach {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [$canvas bbox ${id}o${out}] {} ! wire_draw lnew $canvas 1 $cx $cy $cx $cy ! $canvas itemconfigure lnew -dash {4 4 4 4} set wire_from [list $id $out] return } } - # selection set already [expr [lsearch $@selection $id]>=0] - #mine begins --chun #if selection only contains one object and has already been selected, #allow it to turn into edit mode. --- 1585,1596 ---- if {$outs} { set out [expr int(($cx-$x1)*$outs/($x2-$x1))] ! foreach {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [$c bbox ${id}o${out}] {} ! wire_draw lnew $c 1 $cx $cy $cx $cy ! $c itemconfigure lnew -dash {4 4 4 4} set wire_from [list $id $out] return } } set already [expr [lsearch $@selection $id]>=0] #if selection only contains one object and has already been selected, #allow it to turn into edit mode. *************** *** 1608,1624 **** } } - #mine ends --chun if {($f&1) && !$already} { pd "$self select-object x$id ;" - #puts "___shift click___" } elseif {!$already} { - #pd "$self deselect-all ; $self select-object x$id ;" - #puts "___select this object --> $id" - # my click select object code begins --chun #switch $_($id:class) { #bang { #puts "clicked on bang :: editable = $edit" ! #bang_bang $id $canvas #} --- 1600,1611 ---- } } if {($f&1) && !$already} { pd "$self select-object x$id ;" } elseif {!$already} { #switch $_($id:class) { #bang { #puts "clicked on bang :: editable = $edit" ! #bang_bang $id $c #} *************** *** 1630,1642 **** set old_obj [lindex $@selection 0] if {$@select_by == "click"} { ! objectbox_complete $old_obj $canvas } set @obj_in_edit 0 } - #de-hilight if {[llength $@selection] > 0} { - #puts "dehightlight all!!!!!" foreach obj $@selection { ! $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) } #set @selection {} --- 1617,1627 ---- set old_obj [lindex $@selection 0] if {$@select_by == "click"} { ! objectbox_complete $old_obj $c } set @obj_in_edit 0 } if {[llength $@selection] > 0} { foreach obj $@selection { ! $c itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) } #set @selection {} *************** *** 1644,1657 **** set @selection {} set @selection [linsert $@selection 0 $id] - #puts "@selection --> $@selection" foreach obj $@selection { ! #puts "${obj}BASE :: $canvas" ! $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe4) } set @select_by "click" #} #} - # my click select object code ends - } set @action move --- 1629,1638 ---- set @selection {} set @selection [linsert $@selection 0 $id] foreach obj $@selection { ! $c itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe4) } set @select_by "click" #} #} } set @action move *************** *** 1662,1667 **** #puts "RIGHTCLICK WIRE" } - # my wire click select --chun - #pd "[canvastosym $canvas] click-on-wire $id $cx $cy $b $f;" puts "click on wire" #$canvas create line $xys -tags $self -width $thick \ --- 1643,1646 ---- *************** *** 1678,1682 **** if {[info exists @obj_in_edit]} { if {$@obj_in_edit > 0} { ! objectbox_complete [lindex $@selection 0] $canvas set @obj_in_edit 0 } --- 1657,1661 ---- if {[info exists @obj_in_edit]} { if {$@obj_in_edit > 0} { ! [lindex $@selection 0] complete $self set @obj_in_edit 0 } *************** *** 1684,1688 **** if {[llength $@selection] > 0} { foreach obj $@selection { ! $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) } set @selection {} --- 1663,1667 ---- if {[llength $@selection] > 0} { foreach obj $@selection { ! $c itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) } set @selection {} *************** *** 1690,1702 **** if {[llength $@selection_wire] > 0} { foreach wire $@selection_wire { ! $canvas itemconfigure $wire -fill $look(wirefg) } set @selection_wire {} } ! focus $canvas # my object edit mode code ends set @action rect ! $canvas create line $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy -tags selrect ! switch $OS { osx {} default { $canvas itemconfigure selrect -dash {3 3 3 3}}} } } --- 1669,1681 ---- if {[llength $@selection_wire] > 0} { foreach wire $@selection_wire { ! $c itemconfigure $wire -fill $look(wirefg) } set @selection_wire {} } ! focus $c # my object edit mode code ends set @action rect ! $c create line $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy $cx $cy -tags selrect ! switch $OS { osx {} default { $c itemconfigure selrect -dash {3 3 3 3}}} } } *************** *** 1713,1720 **** def canvas mouseup {x y b} { global canvas_mouseup wire_from wire_to _ font look offset_wire ! set canvas .x$self.c ! set name $canvas ! set cx [$name canvasx $x] ! set cy [$name canvasy $y] if {[llength $wire_from]} { if {[llength $wire_to]} { --- 1692,1698 ---- def canvas mouseup {x y b} { global canvas_mouseup wire_from wire_to _ font look offset_wire ! set c .x$self.c ! set cx [$c canvasx $x] ! set cy [$c canvasy $y] if {[llength $wire_from]} { if {[llength $wire_to]} { *************** *** 1755,1760 **** #maybe don't need this set _($wire_id) $d ! wire_update $wire_id $d; ! wire_draw2 $wire_id $name; #pd "$self add-wire x$wire_from x$wire_to ;" #puts "::::connect from $wire_from to $wire_to" --- 1733,1738 ---- #maybe don't need this set _($wire_id) $d ! wire_update $wire_id $d ! wire_draw2 $wire_id $c #pd "$self add-wire x$wire_from x$wire_to ;" #puts "::::connect from $wire_from to $wire_to" *************** *** 1765,1774 **** set wire_from {} set wire_to {} ! $name delete lnew #return } ! if {[llength [$canvas gettags selrect]] > 0} { #puts "___figure out what objects are in selrect!!!" ! set coords [$canvas coords selrect] set x1 [lindex $coords 0] set y1 [lindex $coords 1] --- 1743,1752 ---- set wire_from {} set wire_to {} ! $c delete lnew #return } ! if {[llength [$c gettags selrect]] > 0} { #puts "___figure out what objects are in selrect!!!" ! set coords [$c coords selrect] set x1 [lindex $coords 0] set y1 [lindex $coords 1] *************** *** 1778,1784 **** #puts "selrect area ::: $x1 $y1, $x2 $y2" # my selrect code begins --chun ! set selrect_id [$canvas find withtag selrect] #puts "selrect's id ::: $selrect_id" ! set selected_elements [$canvas find overlapping $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] #puts "elements in selrect --> $selected_elements" set selrect_index [lsearch $selected_elements $selrect_id] --- 1756,1762 ---- #puts "selrect area ::: $x1 $y1, $x2 $y2" # my selrect code begins --chun ! set selrect_id [$c find withtag selrect] #puts "selrect's id ::: $selrect_id" ! set selected_elements [$c find overlapping $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] #puts "elements in selrect --> $selected_elements" set selrect_index [lsearch $selected_elements $selrect_id] *************** *** 1791,1795 **** set element_tags {} foreach item $selected_elements { ! eval lappend element_tags [$canvas gettags $item] } #puts "tags in selrect --> $element_tags" --- 1769,1773 ---- set element_tags {} foreach item $selected_elements { ! eval lappend element_tags [$c gettags $item] } #puts "tags in selrect --> $element_tags" *************** *** 1801,1805 **** } # this would make things shorter ! # if {[regexp {^l([a-f0-9]{6,8})} [$canvas gettags $tag] id]} #if {[regexp {^l([a-f0-9]{6,8})} $tag wire_id]} { # --- 1779,1783 ---- } # this would make things shorter ! # if {[regexp {^l([a-f0-9]{6,8})} [$c gettags $tag] id]} #if {[regexp {^l([a-f0-9]{6,8})} $tag wire_id]} { # *************** *** 1838,1842 **** foreach wire_id $_($obj:0:$x) { #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) ! #wire_draw2 $wire_id $canvas set i [lsearch $@selection_wire $wire_id] if {$i<0} {lappend @selection_wire $wire_id} --- 1816,1820 ---- foreach wire_id $_($obj:0:$x) { #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) ! #wire_draw2 $wire_id $self set i [lsearch $@selection_wire $wire_id] if {$i<0} {lappend @selection_wire $wire_id} *************** *** 1849,1853 **** foreach wire_id $_($obj:1:$x) { #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) ! #wire_draw2 $wire_id $canvas set i [lsearch $@selection_wire $wire_id] if {$i<0} {lappend @selection_wire $wire_id} --- 1827,1831 ---- foreach wire_id $_($obj:1:$x) { #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) ! #wire_draw2 $wire_id $self set i [lsearch $@selection_wire $wire_id] if {$i<0} {lappend @selection_wire $wire_id} *************** *** 1859,1863 **** #puts "@selection_wire --> $@selection_wire" foreach obj $@selection) { - #puts "${obj}BASE :: $canvas" $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe4) } --- 1837,1840 ---- *************** *** 1867,1871 **** set @select_by "selrect" } { - #puts "dehightlight all!!!!!" #foreach obj $@selection { #$canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) --- 1844,1847 ---- *************** *** 1873,1884 **** #set @selection {} } - # my selrect code ends $canvas delete selrect }
if {[llength $@selection]==1} { - #puts "___only one obj selected by click!!!" #pd "$self gobj-activate x$@selection;" - #puts "____ selected by ->$@select_by ____" if {$@select_by == "click"} { switch $_($@selection:class) { --- 1849,1857 ---- *************** *** 1895,1902 **** set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } set run [expr !$edit] - - #not sure what this does - #puts "mouseup2::: @focus => $@focus" - if {[string length $@focus]} { set id $@focus --- 1868,1871 ---- *************** *** 1979,1985 **** def canvas key {x y key iso shift} { global OS ! set canvas $self.c ! # .controls.switches.meterbutton configure -text $key ! hide_canvas_tooltip $canvas switch $OS { osx { --- 1948,1953 ---- def canvas key {x y key iso shift} { global OS ! set c .x$self.c ! $c hide_tooltip switch $OS { osx { *************** *** 1992,2023 **** if {$key == "KP_Delete"} {set key 127; set keynum 127} if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key} ! #pd [canvastosym $canvas] key 1 $key $shift; ! set edit 0; switch $_($self:mode) { edit { set edit 1 } } ! puts "focus = $_($self:focus)" ! #puts "key = $key" ! if {$key == 8} { ! #puts "delete something" ! #puts "object selected=> [llength $_($self:selection)] => $_($self:selection)" ! if {[llength $_($self:selection)] > 0} {canvas_delete_selection $self} ! if {[llength $_($self:selection_wire)] > 0} { ! #$canvas delete $_($self:selection_wire) ! foreach wire $_($self:selection_wire) { ! $canvas delete $wire ! } ! set _($self:selection_wire) {} } } - - #mmm, don't know what this does.... -- chun - #if {[string length $_($self:focus)] > 0} { - #set id $_($self:focus) - #set run [expr !$edit] - #if {$run && [info exists _($id:keyevent)]} { - # eval [linsert [list $_($self:focus) $canvas $key $shift] 0 $_($id:keyevent)] - #} elseif {!$run && [info exists _($id:keyeditevent)]} { - # eval [linsert [list $_($self:focus) $canvas $key $shift] 0 $_($id:keyeditevent)] - #} - #} statusbar_update $self $x $y } --- 1960,1982 ---- if {$key == "KP_Delete"} {set key 127; set keynum 127} if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key} ! set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } ! puts "focus = $@focus" if {$key == 8} { ! if {[llength $@selection] > 0} {$self delete_selection} ! if {[llength $@selection_wire] > 0} { ! $c delete $@selection_wire ! foreach wire $@selection_wire {$c delete $wire} ! set @selection_wire {} ! } ! } ! if {[string length $@focus] > 0} { ! set id $@focus ! set run [expr !$edit] ! if {$run && [info exists _($id:keyevent)]} { ! eval [linsert [list $_($self:focus) $self $key $shift] 0 $_($id:keyevent)] ! } elseif {!$run && [info exists _($id:keyeditevent)]} { ! eval [linsert [list $_($self:focus) $self $key $shift] 0 $_($id:keyeditevent)] } } statusbar_update $self $x $y } *************** *** 3017,3021 **** set tooltip(mx) -1000 set tooltip(my) -1000 ! set tooltip(canvas) foo set tooltip(visible) 0 set tooltip(text) "" --- 2976,2980 ---- set tooltip(mx) -1000 set tooltip(my) -1000 ! set tooltip(canvas) "" set tooltip(visible) 0 set tooltip(text) "" *************** *** 3024,3028 **** global current_x current_y tooltip if {$tooltip(visible) && [string compare $text $tooltip(text)==0]} {return} ! hide_canvas_tooltip $canvas set border 4 set x [expr $x+$border+4] --- 2983,2987 ---- global current_x current_y tooltip if {$tooltip(visible) && [string compare $text $tooltip(text)==0]} {return} ! $self hide_tooltip set border 4 set x [expr $x+$border+4] *************** *** 3039,3043 **** set tooltip(mx) $current_x set tooltip(my) $current_y ! set tooltip(canvas) $canvas set tooltip(visible) 1 set tooltip(text) $text --- 2998,3002 ---- set tooltip(mx) $current_x set tooltip(my) $current_y ! set tooltip(canvas) $self set tooltip(visible) 1 set tooltip(text) $text