Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/pddp In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv16604/pddp
Modified Files: makefilename-help.pd Log Message: added chart of all functional printf patterns
Index: makefilename-help.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/doc/pddp/makefilename-help.pd,v retrieving revision 1.4 retrieving revision 1.5 diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5 *** makefilename-help.pd 16 Nov 2005 17:55:10 -0000 1.4 --- makefilename-help.pd 21 Nov 2005 15:26:57 -0000 1.5 *************** *** 1,9 **** ! #N canvas 320 94 591 588 10; #X obj 104 539 pddp; #X obj 8 8 cnv 15 90 553 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; ! #X text 104 463 Pd Documentation Chapter 3.6 - doc/1.manual/x3.htm ; ! #N canvas 135 30 504 632 More_Info 0; #X text 17 4 COMMON USES; #X text 15 577 INNOVATIVE USES; --- 1,9 ---- ! #N canvas 183 30 603 600 10; #X obj 104 539 pddp; #X obj 8 8 cnv 15 90 553 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; ! #X text 104 483 Pd Documentation Chapter 3.6 - doc/1.manual/x3.htm ; ! #N canvas 135 30 508 636 More_Info 0; #X text 17 4 COMMON USES; #X text 15 577 INNOVATIVE USES; *************** *** 217,221 **** #X connect 20 0 18 0; #X connect 22 0 11 0; ! #X restore 104 513 pd More_Info; #N canvas 85 22 397 246 Related_Objects 0; #X text 25 8 Native Pd Objects; --- 217,221 ---- #X connect 20 0 18 0; #X connect 22 0 11 0; ! #X restore 106 507 pd More_Info; #N canvas 85 22 397 246 Related_Objects 0; #X text 25 8 Native Pd Objects; *************** *** 226,235 **** #X obj 31 126 strcat; #X obj 32 155 makesymbol; ! #X restore 104 487 pd Related_Objects; #X text 38 53 INLETS:; #X text 15 197 ARGUMENTS:; #X text 29 316 OUTLETS:; #X text 22 342 EXAMPLES:; ! #X text 21 462 SEE ALSO:; #X obj 10 18 makefilename; #X text 115 18 - FORMAT A STRING WITH A VARIABLE FIELD.; --- 226,235 ---- #X obj 31 126 strcat; #X obj 32 155 makesymbol; ! #X restore 379 507 pd Related_Objects; #X text 38 53 INLETS:; #X text 15 197 ARGUMENTS:; #X text 29 316 OUTLETS:; #X text 22 342 EXAMPLES:; ! #X text 21 482 SEE ALSO:; #X obj 10 18 makefilename; #X text 115 18 - FORMAT A STRING WITH A VARIABLE FIELD.; *************** *** 262,265 **** --- 262,292 ---- location of the incoming variable number in the outgoing symbol. Floats will be converted to integers.; + #N canvas 325 212 524 316 all 0; + #X text 37 59 %c; + #X text 114 59 character; + #X text 37 79 %d or %i; + #X text 114 79 signed decimal integer; + #X text 37 99 %e; + #X text 114 99 scientific notation using "e" character; + #X text 37 119 %E; + #X text 114 119 scientific notation using "e" character; + #X text 37 139 %f; + #X text 37 159 %o; + #X text 114 159 signed octal; + #X text 37 179 %s; + #X text 114 179 symbol; + #X text 37 199 %u; + #X text 114 199 unsigned integer; + #X text 37 219 %x; + #X text 114 219 unsigned hexadecimal in lowercase; + #X text 37 239 %X; + #X text 114 239 unsigned hexadecimal in CAPS; + #X text 37 259 %p; + #X text 114 259 unsigned hexadecimal in lowercase preceeded by "0x" + ; + #X text 24 10 This is a listing of all possible printf patterns used + in Pd's [makefilename]:; + #X text 114 139 decimal floating point (currently broken); + #X restore 201 507 pd all possible patterns; #X connect 13 0 24 0; #X connect 15 0 20 0;