Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18860
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: stuff
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.345 -r1.1.2.346 *** desire.tk 15 Aug 2006 19:47:31 -0000 --- desire.tk 15 Aug 2006 21:07:50 -0000 *************** *** 996,1005 **** def View noutlets= {v} {set @noutlets $v} def View noutlets {} {return $@noutlets} ! def* View click {x y f} {} ;# being clicked in run mode ! def* View clickedit {x y f} {} ;# being clicked in edit mode ! def* View unclick {x y f} {} ;# being unclicked in run mode ! def* View unclickedit {x y f} {} ;# being unclicked in edit mode ! def View motionedit {x y f} {} ;# mouse motion in edit mode ! def View motion {x y f} {} ;# mouse motion in run mode
def View init {} { --- 996,1005 ---- def View noutlets= {v} {set @noutlets $v} def View noutlets {} {return $@noutlets} ! def* View click {x y f target} {} ;# being clicked in run mode ! def* View clickedit {x y f target} {} ;# being clicked in edit mode ! def* View unclick {x y f target} {} ;# being unclicked in run mode ! def* View unclickedit {x y f target} {} ;# being unclicked in edit mode ! def View motionedit {x y f target} {} ;# mouse motion in edit mode ! def View motion {x y f target} {} ;# mouse motion in run mode
def View init {} { *************** *** 1732,1735 **** --- 1732,1738 ---- pd .$@canvas text_setto !$self $l focus $c + } + + def ObjectBox unedit {} { $self erase ;# (why?) } *************** *** 1866,1878 **** #if {$@crosshair} {$self show_crosshair [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@scale] [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@scale]} #if {$@crosshair} {$self show_crosshair $x $y} ! $self motion [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@scale] [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@scale] $f } def Canvas click_wrap {x y b f} { set c .$self.c ! $self click [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@scale] [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@scale] [expr $b*256+$f] } def Canvas unclick_wrap {x y b f} { set c .$self.c ! $self unclick [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@scale] [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@scale] [expr $b*256+$f] } def Canvas key_wrap {x y key iso shift} { --- 1869,1892 ---- #if {$@crosshair} {$self show_crosshair [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@scale] [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@scale]} #if {$@crosshair} {$self show_crosshair $x $y} ! set x [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@scale] ! set y [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@scale] ! set target [$self identify_target $x $y $f "motion"] ! $self motion $x $y $f $target } def Canvas click_wrap {x y b f} { set c .$self.c ! set x [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@scale] ! set y [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@scale] ! set f [expr 1<<($b+7)|$f] ! set target [$self identify_target $x $y $f "click"] ! $self click $x $y $f $target } def Canvas unclick_wrap {x y b f} { set c .$self.c ! set x [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@scale] ! set y [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@scale] ! set f [expr 1<<($b+7)|$f] ! set target [$self identify_target $x $y $f "unclick"] ! $self unclick $x $y $f $target } def Canvas key_wrap {x y key iso shift} { *************** *** 1924,1928 ****
#!@#$ this method is too long ! def* Canvas motion {x y f} { global font canvas tooltip set canvas(current) $self --- 1938,1942 ----
#!@#$ this method is too long ! def* Canvas motion {x y f target} { global font canvas tooltip set canvas(current) $self *************** *** 1939,1944 **** set @curpos [list $x $y] # detects if the focus is not on the canvas itself in run mode, ie. numbox ! if {!$@editmode & [$self focus] != $self & [$self focus] != ""} {[$self focus] motion $x $y $f} ! set target [$self identify_target $x $y $f "motion"] mset {type id detail} $target switch $@action { --- 1953,1957 ---- set @curpos [list $x $y] # detects if the focus is not on the canvas itself in run mode, ie. numbox ! if {!$@editmode & [$self focus] != $self & [$self focus] != ""} {[$self focus] motion $x $y $f $target} mset {type id detail} $target switch $@action { *************** *** 1966,1970 **** object { if {$@editmode} {set event motionedit} {set event motion} ! $id $event $x $y $f } wire {} --- 1979,1983 ---- object { if {$@editmode} {set event motionedit} {set event motion} ! $id $event $x $y $f $target } wire {} *************** *** 1979,1983 **** # wire $id : a wire # nothing : nothing ! def Canvas identify_target2 {x y f label} { set c .$self.c set cx [expr $x*$@scale] --- 1992,1996 ---- # wire $id : a wire # nothing : nothing ! def Canvas identify_target {x y f label} { set c .$self.c set cx [expr $x*$@scale] *************** *** 1999,2003 **** return [list "object" $id] } ! puts "skipped a $class" } } --- 2012,2016 ---- return [list "object" $id] } ! #puts "skipped a $class" } } *************** *** 2008,2017 **** }
- def Canvas identify_target {x y f label} { - set r [$self identify_target2 $x $y $f $label] - puts "[identify_target $x $y $f $label] returns: $r" - return $r - } - #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class_new StatusBar {View} ;# no, using View is wrong here. View is for tk canvas item collections. --- 2021,2024 ---- *************** *** 2056,2060 **** [expr $x-2] [expr $y-2] [expr $x+2] [expr $y+2]] end]] foreach {type id} [$@canvas identify_target $x $y -1 "status"] {} ! switch $type { object { if {[info exists _($id:pdclass)]} {set class $_($id:pdclass)} {set class unknown} --- 2063,2067 ---- [expr $x-2] [expr $y-2] [expr $x+2] [expr $y+2]] end]] foreach {type id} [$@canvas identify_target $x $y -1 "status"] {} ! switch -- $type { object { if {[info exists _($id:pdclass)]} {set class $_($id:pdclass)} {set class unknown} *************** *** 2062,2066 **** } wire {set t "$id wire"} ! default {set t "... $tags"} } if {[string length [$@canvas focus]]} {set t "focus: [$@canvas focus]"} --- 2069,2073 ---- } wire {set t "$id wire"} ! default {set t "type=$type ... $tags"} } if {[string length [$@canvas focus]]} {set t "focus: [$@canvas focus]"} *************** *** 2250,2254 **** $self draw } ! def SelRect unclick {x y bf target} { $self motion $x $y 0 $target set sel {} --- 2257,2261 ---- $self draw } ! def SelRect unclick {x y f target} { $self motion $x $y 0 $target set sel {} *************** *** 2286,2292 **** #!@#$ this method is too long # this method receives (x,y) in descaled coords ! def* Canvas clickedit {x y f} { set c .[$self canvas].c - set target [$self identify_target $x $y $f "click"] mset {type id detail} $target if {$f&8} {$self popup $id [winfo pointerx $c] [winfo pointery $c]; return} --- 2293,2298 ---- #!@#$ this method is too long # this method receives (x,y) in descaled coords ! def* Canvas clickedit {x y f target} { set c .[$self canvas].c mset {type id detail} $target if {$f&8} {$self popup $id [winfo pointerx $c] [winfo pointery $c]; return} *************** *** 2348,2352 ****
# should be renamed to "click" when the other "click" becomes unneeded. ! def* Canvas click {x y f} { if {[winfo exists .completion]} { raise .completion --- 2354,2358 ----
# should be renamed to "click" when the other "click" becomes unneeded. ! def* Canvas click {x y f target} { if {[winfo exists .completion]} { raise .completion *************** *** 2357,2379 **** focus $c set @click_at [list $x $y] ! #if {$@editmode && !($f&2)} {$self clickedit $x $y $f; return} ! if {$@editmode} {$self clickedit $x $y $f; return} ! mset {type id} [$self identify_target $x $y $f "click"] if {![llength $id]} {return} switch $type { ! object {$id click $x $y $f} ! wire {$id click $x $y $f} default {error BORK} } }
! def* Canvas unclickedit {x y f} { set c .$self.c ! mset {type id detail} [$self identify_target $x $y $f "unclick"] switch $@action { ! edit { ! set @obj_in_edit $id ! $id edit ! } move { foreach obj $@selection {pd .$self object_moveto !$obj [$obj xy]} --- 2363,2382 ---- focus $c set @click_at [list $x $y] ! #if {$@editmode && !($f&2)} {$self clickedit $x $y $f $target; return} ! if {$@editmode} {$self clickedit $x $y $f $target; return} ! mset {type id} $target if {![llength $id]} {return} switch $type { ! object {$id click $x $y $f $target} ! wire {$id click $x $y $f $target} default {error BORK} } }
! def* Canvas unclickedit {x y f target} { set c .$self.c ! mset {type id detail} $target switch $@action { ! edit {set @obj_in_edit $id; $id edit} move { foreach obj $@selection {pd .$self object_moveto !$obj [$obj xy]} *************** *** 2383,2398 **** } none {} ! default { ! set target [$self identify_target $x $y $f "unclick"] ! $@action unclick $x $y $f $target ! } } }
! def* Canvas unclick {x y f} { if {$@editmode} { ! $self unclickedit $x $y $f } else { ! if {[$self focus] != ""} {[$self focus] unclick $x $y $b} } $self adjust_scrollbars --- 2386,2398 ---- } none {} ! default {$@action unclick $x $y $f $target} } }
! def* Canvas unclick {x y f target} { if {$@editmode} { ! $self unclickedit $x $y $f $target } else { ! if {[$self focus] != ""} {[$self focus] unclick $x $y $f $target} } $self adjust_scrollbars *************** *** 3036,3050 **** set unborn_child [lsearch $_($c:unborn) $self] if {$unborn_child > -1} { - puts "subscribing unborn child:: $self" - $self subscribe $c $self canvas= $c ! $self draw ;# this shouldn't be here! if {$unborn_child == [expr [llength $_($c:unborn)] - 1]} { # when it reachs the last unborn child, its time to draw the wires # the end of duplication ! puts "### at $self, [llength $_($c:unborn)] unborn children: $_($c:unborn)" set _($c:unborn) "" if {[info exists _($c:unborn_wire)]} { ! puts "time to draw wires ----- $_($c:unborn_wire)" $c wires= $_($c:unborn_wire) #set _($c:unborn_wire) "" --- 3036,3049 ---- set unborn_child [lsearch $_($c:unborn) $self] if {$unborn_child > -1} { $self canvas= $c ! $self subscribe $c ! $self changed if {$unborn_child == [expr [llength $_($c:unborn)] - 1]} { # when it reachs the last unborn child, its time to draw the wires # the end of duplication ! #puts "### at $self, [llength $_($c:unborn)] unborn children: $_($c:unborn)" set _($c:unborn) "" if {[info exists _($c:unborn_wire)]} { ! #puts "time to draw wires ----- $_($c:unborn_wire)" $c wires= $_($c:unborn_wire) #set _($c:unborn_wire) "" *************** *** 3098,3112 **** }
! def MessageBox click {x y b f} { $self bang 1 - $@canvas focus= $self pd .$self bang after 150 $self bang 0 }
- def MessageBox unclick {x y mod} { - $@canvas focus= "" - } - def MessageBox bang {flag} { .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE -fill \ --- 3097,3106 ---- }
! def MessageBox click {x y f target} { $self bang 1 pd .$self bang after 150 $self bang 0 }
def MessageBox bang {flag} { .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE -fill \ *************** *** 3176,3180 **** }
! def BlueBox motionedit {args} { #puts "motions in $self in edit mode" } --- 3170,3174 ---- }
! def BlueBox motionedit {x y f target} { #puts "motions in $self in edit mode" } *************** *** 3532,3536 **** }
! def AtomBox click {x y b f} { set c .$@canvas.c set @clickpos [list $x $y] --- 3526,3530 ---- }
! def AtomBox click {x y f target} { set c .$@canvas.c set @clickpos [list $x $y] *************** *** 3543,3547 **** }
! def AtomBox unclick {x y b} { set @clicking 0 if {[lindex $@clickpos 0] == $x && [lindex $@clickpos 1] == $y} { --- 3537,3541 ---- }
! def AtomBox unclick {x y f target} { set @clicking 0 if {[lindex $@clickpos 0] == $x && [lindex $@clickpos 1] == $y} { *************** *** 3557,3561 **** }
! def FloatAtom motion {x y mod} { set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] if {!$focused} {return} --- 3551,3555 ---- }
! def FloatAtom motion {x y f target} { set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] if {!$focused} {return} *************** *** 3648,3652 **** }
! def NumBox click {x y b f} { $@canvas focus= $self .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill #00ff00 --- 3642,3646 ---- }
! def NumBox click {x y f target} { $@canvas focus= $self .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill #00ff00 *************** *** 3658,3662 **** }
! def NumBox motion {x y mod} { set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] if {!$focused || !$@clicking} {return} --- 3652,3656 ---- }
! def NumBox motion {x y f target} { set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] if {!$focused || !$@clicking} {return} *************** *** 3672,3676 **** def NumBox unfocus {} {set @buf ""; $self changed}
! def NumBox unclick {x y b} { set @clicking 0 #if {$@oval!=$@val} { --- 3666,3670 ---- def NumBox unfocus {} {set @buf ""; $self changed}
! def NumBox unclick {x y f target} { set @clicking 0 #if {$@oval!=$@val} { *************** *** 3777,3781 **** }
! def Radio click {x y b f} { $@canvas focus= $self mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] --- 3771,3775 ---- }
! def Radio click {x y f target} { $@canvas focus= $self mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] *************** *** 3787,3791 **** }
! def Radio unclick {x y mod} {$@canvas focus= ""}
class_new Slider {BlueBox} --- 3781,3785 ---- }
! def Radio unclick {x y f target} {$@canvas focus= ""}
class_new Slider {BlueBox} *************** *** 3860,3864 **** }
! def Slider click {x y b f} { $@canvas focus= $self set @first [list $x $y] --- 3854,3858 ---- }
! def Slider click {x y f target} { $@canvas focus= $self set @first [list $x $y] *************** *** 3868,3872 **** }
! def Slider unclick {x y mod} { set @clicking 0 if {[lindex $@first 1] != $y} { --- 3862,3866 ---- }
! def Slider unclick {x y f target} { set @clicking 0 if {[lindex $@first 1] != $y} { *************** *** 3878,3882 **** }
! def Slider motion {x y f} { set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] if {!$focused} {return} --- 3872,3876 ---- }
! def Slider motion {x y f target} { set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] if {!$focused} {return} *************** *** 3940,3946 ****
! def Bang unclick {x y b} {$@canvas focus= ""}
! def Bang click {x y b f} { $@canvas focus= $self pd .$self bang --- 3934,3940 ----
! def Bang unclick {x y f target} {$@canvas focus= ""}
! def Bang click {x y f target} { $@canvas focus= $self pd .$self bang *************** *** 3985,3989 **** }
! def Toggle click {x y b f} { pd .$self bang if {!$@on} {set @on 1} {set @on 0} --- 3979,3983 ---- }
! def Toggle click {x y f target} { pd .$self bang if {!$@on} {set @on 1} {set @on 0} *************** *** 3993,3997 **** }
! def Toggle unclick {x y b} { set @clicking 0 $@canvas focus= "" --- 3987,3991 ---- }
! def Toggle unclick {x y f target} { set @clicking 0 $@canvas focus= ""