Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv1729
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: netsend first arg changed to a list
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.34 -r1.1.2.600.2.35 *** desire.tk 7 Dec 2006 02:55:29 -0000 --- desire.tk 7 Dec 2006 17:55:05 -0000 *************** *** 244,248 **** } puts "[VTyellow]warning: proc pd is obsolete (called from $level).[VTgrey]" ! netsend [join $args] }
--- 244,248 ---- } puts "[VTyellow]warning: proc pd is obsolete (called from $level).[VTgrey]" ! netsend $args }
*************** *** 256,265 **** if {[string compare $callback noserial]} { set replyset($serial) $callback ! if {$::debug} {puts "<- $message; [VTgreen]serial #$serial will do: $callback $new[VTgrey]"} incr serial } else { ! if {$::debug} {puts "<- $message;"} } ! puts $sock "$message;" }
--- 256,265 ---- if {[string compare $callback noserial]} { set replyset($serial) $callback ! if {$::debug} {puts "<- [join $message]; [VTgreen]serial #$serial will do: $callback $new[VTgrey]"} incr serial } else { ! if {$::debug} {puts "<- [join $message];"} } ! puts $sock "[join $message];" }
*************** *** 706,716 **** frame .controls.switches foreach {w x y z} { ! audiobutton audio ctrls_audio_on {netsend "pd dsp $ctrls_audio_on"} ! meterbutton meters ctrls_meter_on {netsend "pd meters $ctrls_meter_on"} } { pack [checkbutton .controls.switches.$w -text [say $x] \ -variable $y -anchor w -command $z] -side left } ! pack [button .controls.switches.dio -text [say io_errors] -command {netsend "pd audiostatus"} -padx 5] pack .controls.switches -side right frame .debug --- 706,716 ---- frame .controls.switches foreach {w x y z} { ! audiobutton audio ctrls_audio_on {netsend [list pd dsp $ctrls_audio_on]} ! meterbutton meters ctrls_meter_on {netsend [list pd meters $ctrls_meter_on]} } { pack [checkbutton .controls.switches.$w -text [say $x] \ -variable $y -anchor w -command $z] -side left } ! pack [button .controls.switches.dio -text [say io_errors] -command {netsend [list pd audiostatus]} -padx 5] pack .controls.switches -side right frame .debug *************** *** 812,816 **** post "Connected to server" fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering line ! netsend "pd init" poll_sock foreach f $::files_to_open { --- 812,816 ---- post "Connected to server" fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering line ! netsend [list pd init] poll_sock foreach f $::files_to_open { *************** *** 819,823 **** set file [lindex $ff [expr $ffl-1]] set dir [join [lrange $ff 0 [expr $ffl-2]] [file separator]] - #pd pd open $file $dir netsend [join [list pd open $file $dir]] } --- 819,822 ---- *************** *** 856,860 **** }
! proc pdtk_watchdog {} {netsend "pd ping"; after 2000 {pdtk_watchdog}}
proc accel_munge {acc} { --- 855,859 ---- }
! proc pdtk_watchdog {} {netsend [list pd ping]; after 2000 {pdtk_watchdog}}
proc accel_munge {acc} { *************** *** 887,897 ****
def Client new_file {} { ! global untitled_number untitled_folder ! netsend "pd filename Untitled-$untitled_number $untitled_folder" ! netsend "#N canvas" {none} ! netsend "#X pop 1" ! incr untitled_number }
set patch_filetypes { {"pd files" ".pd"} --- 886,897 ----
def Client new_file {} { ! global untitled_number untitled_folder ! netsend [list pd filename Untitled-$untitled_number $untitled_folder] ! netsend [list #N canvas] {none} ! netsend [list #X pop 1] ! incr untitled_number }
+ set patch_filetypes { {"pd files" ".pd"} *************** *** 914,918 **** set basename [string range $filename [expr $i+1] end] if {[string last .pd $filename] >= 0} { ! netsend "pd open [enquote $basename] [enquote $folder]" } } --- 914,918 ---- set basename [string range $filename [expr $i+1] end] if {[string last .pd $filename] >= 0} { ! netsend [list pd open [enquote $basename] [enquote $folder]] } } *************** *** 929,934 ****
def Client quit {} { ! set answer [tk_messageBox -message "Do you really wish to quit?" -type yesno -icon question] ! switch -- $answer {yes {netsend "pd quit"; exit}} }
--- 929,934 ----
def Client quit {} { ! set answer [tk_messageBox -message "Do you really wish to quit?" -type yesno -icon question] ! switch -- $answer {yes {netsend [list pd quit]; exit}} }
*************** *** 1164,1168 **** set canvas [$@canvas get_canvas] if {$canvas == ""} {return} ! set c [[$canvas get_canvas] widget] if {![winfo exists $c]} {return} } --- 1164,1168 ---- set canvas [$@canvas get_canvas] if {$canvas == ""} {return} ! set c [[$@canvas get_canvas] widget] if {![winfo exists $c]} {return} } *************** *** 1175,1180 ****
def View delete {} { ! if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} { ! } else {$self erase} } def View erase {} {$self item_delete} --- 1175,1181 ----
def View delete {} { ! # if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} { ! # } else {$self erase} ! $self erase } def View erase {} {$self item_delete} *************** *** 1217,1220 **** --- 1218,1222 ---- def View get_canvas {} { set canvas $@canvas + if {$canvas == ""} {return ""} while {![winfo exists [$canvas widget]]} {set canvas [$canvas canvas]} return $canvas *************** *** 1258,1265 ****
def View draw_maybe {} { ! if {$@canvas == "" && [winfo exists .$self.c]} {$self draw} if {[$self class] == "Canvas" && $@canvas == ""} {return} if {$@inside_box} { ! if {[$@canvas mapped]} {if {![$@canvas abs]} {$self draw}} } else { # for drawing opened gop --- 1260,1267 ----
def View draw_maybe {} { ! if {$@canvas == "" && [winfo exists .$self.c]} {$self draw; puts " here is another draw"} if {[$self class] == "Canvas" && $@canvas == ""} {return} if {$@inside_box} { ! if {[$@canvas mapped]} {if {![$@canvas abs]} {$self draw; puts " here is the draw"}} } else { # for drawing opened gop *************** *** 1268,1272 **** } else { if {[$self class] == "Array"} {$self draw; return} ! # puts "skipping $self, don't draw it...." $self delete } --- 1270,1274 ---- } else { if {[$self class] == "Array"} {$self draw; return} ! #puts "skipping $self, don't draw it...." $self delete } *************** *** 1284,1302 **** #set @mapped 0 if {$@gop} { ! set @mapped 1; netsend ".$self map 1" } else { ! set @mapped 0; netsend ".$self map 0" } ! pd .$self close return } if {$@gop} { foreach x $@children {$x outside_of_the_box} ! pd .$self close return } switch [tk_messageBox -message [say save_changes?] -icon question -type yesnocancel -default cancel] { ! yes {$self save; pd .$self close} ! no { pd .$self close} cancel {} } --- 1286,1304 ---- #set @mapped 0 if {$@gop} { ! set @mapped 1; netsend [list .$self map 1] } else { ! set @mapped 0; netsend [list .$self map 0] } ! netsend [list .$self close] return } if {$@gop} { foreach x $@children {$x outside_of_the_box} ! netsend [list .$self close] return } switch [tk_messageBox -message [say save_changes?] -icon question -type yesnocancel -default cancel] { ! yes {$self save; netsend [list .$self close]} ! no { netsend [list .$self close]} cancel {} } *************** *** 1306,1316 **** if {$@subpatch} {return [$@canvas save]} $self checkgeometry - #if {$@name != ""} { - # pd .$self savetofile $@name $@folder - #} else { - # $self save_as - #} if {![regexp {^Untitled-[0-9]} $@name]} { ! pd .$self savetofile $@name $@folder } else { $self save_as --- 1308,1313 ---- if {$@subpatch} {return [$@canvas save]} $self checkgeometry if {![regexp {^Untitled-[0-9]} $@name]} { ! netsend [list .$self savetofile $@name $@folder] } else { $self save_as *************** *** 1326,1330 **** set @folder [string range $filename 0 [expr [string last / $filename]-1]] puts "save $@file dir to $@folder" ! pd .$self savetofile $@file $@folder } } --- 1323,1327 ---- set @folder [string range $filename 0 [expr [string last / $filename]-1]] puts "save $@file dir to $@folder" ! netsend [list .$self savetofile $@file $@folder] } } *************** *** 1357,1361 **** set help_directory [string range $filename 0 [expr [string last / $filename]-1]] set basename [string range $filename [expr [string last / $filename]+1] end] ! netsend "pd open [pdtk_enquote $basename] [pdtk_enquote $help_directory]" } } --- 1354,1358 ---- set help_directory [string range $filename 0 [expr [string last / $filename]-1]] set basename [string range $filename [expr [string last / $filename]+1] end] ! netsend [list pd open [pdtk_enquote $basename] [pdtk_enquote $help_directory]] } } *************** *** 1762,1767 **** } def Canvas reload {} { ! netsend ".$self map 0" ! netsend ".$self map 1" } def Canvas redraw {} { --- 1759,1764 ---- } def Canvas reload {} { ! netsend [list .$self map 0] ! netsend [list .$self map 1] } def Canvas redraw {} { *************** *** 1781,1785 **** default {set goto [list $self new_object_callback]} } ! netsend [join [concat [list .$self $sel $x $y] $args]] $goto }
--- 1778,1782 ---- default {set goto [list $self new_object_callback]} } ! netsend [list [concat [list .$self $sel $x $y] $args]] $goto }
*************** *** 1799,1802 **** --- 1796,1800 ---- if {[winfo exists .$self.c]} {return $self} } + if {[info exists @subpatch]} {if {$@subpatch} {return [$self canvas]}} return [super] } *************** *** 2217,2221 **** set l {} foreach char [split $@text ""] {lappend l [scan $char %c]} ! netsend [join [list .$@canvas text_setto !$self $l]] [list $@canvas new_object_callback] $self changed if {[$@canvas action] == "insert"} { --- 2215,2219 ---- set l {} foreach char [split $@text ""] {lappend l [scan $char %c]} ! netsend [list .$@canvas text_setto !$self $l] [list $@canvas new_object_callback] $self changed if {[$@canvas action] == "insert"} { *************** *** 2373,2377 **** $@history add [list $self ins $i [$o deconstruct]] } ! netsend [join [list .$self "object_delete" !$o]] }
--- 2371,2375 ---- $@history add [list $self ins $i [$o deconstruct]] } ! netsend [list .$self object_delete !$o] }
*************** *** 2893,2897 **** set ref [lsearch $ycoords [lindex [lsort -increasing $ycoords] 0]] #pd .$self push ! netsend [join [list .$self "push"]] set paste(state) $self foreach mess [pd_mess_split [$::clipboard value]] { --- 2891,2895 ---- set ref [lsearch $ycoords [lindex [lsort -increasing $ycoords] 0]] #pd .$self push ! netsend [list .$self "push"] set paste(state) $self foreach mess [pd_mess_split [$::clipboard value]] { *************** *** 2919,2923 **** set mess2 [lreplace $mess 2 3 $x2 $y2] } ! netsend [join $mess2] [list $self new_object_callback] incr @obj_count } --- 2917,2921 ---- set mess2 [lreplace $mess 2 3 $x2 $y2] } ! netsend $mess2 [list $self new_object_callback] incr @obj_count } *************** *** 2925,2929 **** } } ! netsend "#X pop 1" }
--- 2923,2927 ---- } } ! netsend [list #X pop 1] }
*************** *** 2977,2982 **** def Canvas popup_open {} { set @mapped 1 ! pd .$self vis 1 ! pd .$self map 1 $self init_window $self redraw --- 2975,2980 ---- def Canvas popup_open {} { set @mapped 1 ! netsend [list .$self vis 1] ! netsend [list .$self map 1] $self init_window $self redraw *************** *** 3008,3017 **** $self selection_wire-= [lindex $@wires_pair [expr [lsearch $@wires_pair $wire]+1]] mset {from outlet to inlet} $wire ! netsend [join [list .$self disconnect $from $outlet $to $inlet]] $@history add [list $self connect $wire] } def Canvas connect {wire} { mset {from outlet to inlet} $wire ! netsend [join [list .$self connect $from $outlet $to $inlet]] $@history add [list $self disconnect $wire] } --- 3006,3015 ---- $self selection_wire-= [lindex $@wires_pair [expr [lsearch $@wires_pair $wire]+1]] mset {from outlet to inlet} $wire ! netsend [list .$self disconnect $from $outlet $to $inlet] $@history add [list $self connect $wire] } def Canvas connect {wire} { mset {from outlet to inlet} $wire ! netsend [list .$self connect $from $outlet $to $inlet] $@history add [list $self disconnect $wire] } *************** *** 4020,4024 **** # View xy is virtual (for GOP) def Box moveto {x1 y1} { ! netsend ".$@canvas object_moveto !$self $x1 $y1" [$@canvas history] add [list $self moveto $@x1 $@y1] if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} { --- 4018,4022 ---- # View xy is virtual (for GOP) def Box moveto {x1 y1} { ! netsend [list .$@canvas object_moveto !$self $x1 $y1] [$@canvas history] add [list $self moveto $@x1 $@y1] if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} { *************** *** 6754,6758 **** set audio_props [$self audio_properties=?] #pd pd audio-dialog $audio_props ! netsend [join [list "pd" "sudio-dialog" $audio_props]] }
--- 6752,6756 ---- set audio_props [$self audio_properties=?] #pd pd audio-dialog $audio_props ! netsend [list "pd" "sudio-dialog" $audio_props] }
*************** *** 6938,6942 ****
def ServerPrefsDialog init {} { ! netsend "pd audio-properties" $self init_reverse_hash $self read --- 6936,6940 ----
def ServerPrefsDialog init {} { ! netsend [list pd audio-properties] $self init_reverse_hash $self read