Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv7143
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: fixed -lib: fixed tooltip content; more error prevention; won't add empty library names; <Return> in entrybox does add; ...
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.293 -r1.1.2.294 *** desire.tk 7 Aug 2006 17:54:14 -0000 --- desire.tk 7 Aug 2006 18:37:11 -0000 *************** *** 4823,4832 **** -activestyle none -xscrollcommand "$f.a.xscroll set" foreach line $_($self:$name) {$f.a.list insert end $line} ! # save the listbox path at _($self:$name) instead ! set _($self:$name) $f.a.list scrollbar $f.a.yscroll -command "$f.a.list yview" scrollbar $f.a.xscroll -command "$f.a.list xview" -orient horizontal ! pack $f.a.xscroll -side bottom -fill x pack $f.a.list -side left -fill both -expand 1 pack $f.a.yscroll -side left -fill y --- 4823,4831 ---- -activestyle none -xscrollcommand "$f.a.xscroll set" foreach line $_($self:$name) {$f.a.list insert end $line} ! set @$name $f.a.list ;# save the listbox path at @$name instead scrollbar $f.a.yscroll -command "$f.a.list yview" scrollbar $f.a.xscroll -command "$f.a.list xview" -orient horizontal ! pack $f.a.xscroll -side bottom -fill x pack $f.a.list -side left -fill both -expand 1 pack $f.a.yscroll -side left -fill y *************** *** 4852,4856 **** pack $f.b -side top } ! lists { set no_max_label 1 frame $f --- 4851,4855 ---- pack $f.b -side top } ! libraries { set no_max_label 1 frame $f *************** *** 4875,4900 **** entry $f.b.entry.add -width 15 -borderwidth 5 -relief ridge pack $f.b.entry.add -side left button $f.b.entry.3 -command "$self entry_set2listbox $f.a.list $f.b.entry.add" -text "add" -width 6 ! balloon $f.b.entry.3 "click to select directory" pack $f.b.entry.3 -side left pack $f.b.entry -side top button $f.b.butts.5 -command "$self dir_up $f.a.list" -text "up" -width 4 ! balloon $f.b.butts.5 "click to select directory" pack $f.b.butts.5 -side left -padx 3 button $f.b.butts.6 -command "$self dir_down $f.a.list" -text "down" -width 4 ! balloon $f.b.butts.6 "click to select directory" pack $f.b.butts.6 -side left -padx 2 button $f.b.butts.4 -command "$self dir_remove $f.a.list" -text "remove" -width 6 ! balloon $f.b.butts.4 "click to select directory" pack $f.b.butts.4 -side left -padx 2 pack $f.b.butts -side top pack $f.b -side top ! } ! default { frame $f --- 4874,4899 ---- entry $f.b.entry.add -width 15 -borderwidth 5 -relief ridge + bind $f.b.entry.add <Return> "$self entry_set2listbox $f.a.list $f.b.entry.add" pack $f.b.entry.add -side left button $f.b.entry.3 -command "$self entry_set2listbox $f.a.list $f.b.entry.add" -text "add" -width 6 ! balloon $f.b.entry.3 "add the name you typed to the list" pack $f.b.entry.3 -side left pack $f.b.entry -side top button $f.b.butts.5 -command "$self dir_up $f.a.list" -text "up" -width 4 ! balloon $f.b.butts.5 "swap order with previous library" pack $f.b.butts.5 -side left -padx 3 button $f.b.butts.6 -command "$self dir_down $f.a.list" -text "down" -width 4 ! balloon $f.b.butts.6 "swap order with next library" pack $f.b.butts.6 -side left -padx 2 button $f.b.butts.4 -command "$self dir_remove $f.a.list" -text "remove" -width 6 ! balloon $f.b.butts.4 "remove library selected in the list" pack $f.b.butts.4 -side left -padx 2 pack $f.b.butts -side top pack $f.b -side top ! } default { frame $f *************** *** 5108,5112 **** def PagedDialog entry_set2listbox {listbox entry} { set var [$entry get] ! $listbox insert end $var $listbox yview end focus .$self --- 5107,5111 ---- def PagedDialog entry_set2listbox {listbox entry} { set var [$entry get] ! if {$var != ""} {$listbox insert end $var} $listbox yview end focus .$self *************** *** 5115,5127 **** def PagedDialog dir_remove {listbox} { set sel [$listbox curselection] ! if {$sel != ""} { $listbox delete $sel $listbox selection set $sel - } }
def PagedDialog dir_up {listbox} { set sel [$listbox curselection] ! if {$sel > 0} { set line [$listbox get $sel] $listbox delete $sel --- 5114,5125 ---- def PagedDialog dir_remove {listbox} { set sel [$listbox curselection] ! if {$sel == ""} {return} $listbox delete $sel $listbox selection set $sel }
def PagedDialog dir_up {listbox} { set sel [$listbox curselection] ! if {$sel == 0} {return} set line [$listbox get $sel] $listbox delete $sel *************** *** 5129,5139 **** $listbox selection set [expr $sel - 1] $listbox see [expr $sel - 1] - } }
def PagedDialog dir_down {listbox} { set sel [$listbox curselection] ! if {$sel != ""} { ! if {$sel < [expr [$listbox size] - 1]} { set line [$listbox get $sel] $listbox delete $sel --- 5127,5135 ---- $listbox selection set [expr $sel - 1] $listbox see [expr $sel - 1] }
def PagedDialog dir_down {listbox} { set sel [$listbox curselection] ! if {$sel == "" || $sel == [expr [$listbox size] - 1]} {return} set line [$listbox get $sel] $listbox delete $sel *************** *** 5141,5146 **** $listbox selection set [expr $sel + 1] $listbox see [expr $sel + 1] - } - } }
--- 5137,5140 ---- *************** *** 5200,5204 ****
section section_externals ! lists -lib
section section_paths --- 5194,5198 ----
section section_externals ! libraries -lib
section section_paths *************** *** 5262,5266 **** switch $type { folders {lappend @$name [lindex $line 1]} ! lists {lappend @$name [lindex $line 1]} files {incr i; lappend @$name [lindex $contents $i]} radio {set @$name $line} --- 5256,5260 ---- switch $type { folders {lappend @$name [lindex $line 1]} ! libraries {lappend @$name [lindex $line 1]} files {incr i; lappend @$name [lindex $contents $i]} radio {set @$name $line} *************** *** 5301,5305 **** switch $type { folders {foreach item [$v get 0 [$v size]] {puts $fd "$name $item"}} ! lists {foreach item [$v get 0 [$v size]] {puts $fd "$name $item"}} #files {foreach x $v {puts $fd "$name $x"}} #void {if {[string length $v]} {if {$v} {puts $fd $name}}} --- 5295,5299 ---- switch $type { folders {foreach item [$v get 0 [$v size]] {puts $fd "$name $item"}} ! libraries {foreach item [$v get 0 [$v size]] {puts $fd "$name $item"}} #files {foreach x $v {puts $fd "$name $x"}} #void {if {[string length $v]} {if {$v} {puts $fd $name}}} *************** *** 5349,5353 **** [list $name [say $name] $type {}] } ! lists { properties_dialog $self $f.main.$section ServerPrefsDialog_ok \ [list $name [say $name] $type {}] --- 5343,5347 ---- [list $name [say $name] $type {}] } ! libraries { properties_dialog $self $f.main.$section ServerPrefsDialog_ok \ [list $name [say $name] $type {}]