Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv17091
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: fixed Radio and multiple tags
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.351 -r1.1.2.352 *** desire.tk 16 Aug 2006 17:50:47 -0000 --- desire.tk 16 Aug 2006 18:08:11 -0000 *************** *** 1018,1025 **** }
! def View item {suffix type coords args} { global font set c .$@canvas.c - set ss $self$suffix set scale [$@canvas scale] set coords [lmap * $coords $scale] --- 1018,1024 ---- }
! def View item {suffixes type coords args} { global font set c .$@canvas.c set scale [$@canvas scale] set coords [lmap * $coords $scale] *************** *** 1039,1045 **** } } ! if {![llength [$c gettags $ss]]} { ! eval [concat [list $c create $type $coords -tags "$ss $self"] $args] } { eval [concat [list $c itemconfigure $ss] $args] --- 1038,1047 ---- } } ! ! set tags {} ! foreach s $suffixes {lappend tags "$self$s"} ! set ss [lindex $tags 0] if {![llength [$c gettags $ss]]} { ! eval [concat [list $c create $type $coords -tags $tags] $args] } { eval [concat [list $c itemconfigure $ss] $args] *************** *** 1056,1060 ****
def View delete {} {$self _delete} ! def* View _delete {} {$self erase; io_erase $self} def* View erase {} {$self item_delete} def View selected? {} {return $@selected?} --- 1058,1062 ----
def View delete {} {$self _delete} ! def* View _delete {} {$self erase} def* View erase {} {$self item_delete} def View selected? {} {return $@selected?} *************** *** 1533,1547 **** set onset [expr $x1 + ($xs-([look iowidth])) * $i / $nplus] set points [list [expr $onset] [expr $y-1] [expr $onset+[look iowidth]] $y] - #will update this code when proc item deals with mult.tags - #if {[llength [$c gettags $self$which$i]] != 0} { - # $c coords ${self}$which$i $points - #} { - # $c create rectangle $points -tags "$self$which $self$which$i $self" \ - # -outline [switch $which { i {concat [look inletfg]} o {concat [look outletfg]}}] - #} - switch $which { i {set color [look inletfg]} o {set color [look outletfg]}} ! $self item $which$i rectangle $points -outline $color -fill $color -tags "$self$which $self$which$i $self" ! } } --- 1535,1540 ---- set onset [expr $x1 + ($xs-([look iowidth])) * $i / $nplus] set points [list [expr $onset] [expr $y-1] [expr $onset+[look iowidth]] $y] switch $which { i {set color [look inletfg]} o {set color [look outletfg]}} ! $self item [list $which$i $which] rectangle $points -outline $color -fill $color } } *************** *** 1554,1559 **** }
- def io erase {} {.$@canvas.c delete ${self}i ${self}o} - #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# class_new TextBox {Box} --- 1547,1550 ---- *************** *** 1978,1989 **** default {$@action motion $x $y $f $target} } ! switch $type { ! inlet {set port [$id hilite_io i $x $y]; set @dehighlight [list $c delete ${id}i${port}b]} ! outlet {set port [$id hilite_io o $x $y]; set @dehighlight [list $c delete ${id}o${port}b]} ! object { ! #if {$@editmode} {set event motionedit} {set event motion} ! #$id $event $x $y $f $target } - wire {} } } --- 1969,1977 ---- default {$@action motion $x $y $f $target} } ! if {$@editmode} { ! switch $type { ! inlet {set port [$id hilite_io i $x $y]; set @dehighlight [list $c delete ${id}i${port}b]} ! outlet {set port [$id hilite_io o $x $y]; set @dehighlight [list $c delete ${id}o${port}b]} } } } *************** *** 2357,2361 **** }
- # should be renamed to "click" when the other "click" becomes unneeded. def* Canvas click {x y f target} { if {[winfo exists .completion]} { --- 2345,2348 ---- *************** *** 2370,2379 **** if {$@editmode} {$self clickedit $x $y $f $target; return} mset {type id detail} $target ! if {![llength $id]} {return} ! switch $type { ! object {$id click $x $y $f $target} ! wire {$id click $x $y $f $target} ! default {error BORK} ! } }
--- 2357,2361 ---- if {$@editmode} {$self clickedit $x $y $f $target; return} mset {type id detail} $target ! if {[llength $id]} {$id click $x $y $f $target} }
*************** *** 3812,3817 **** super for {set i 0} {$i<$@n} {incr i} { ! #fixme: item doesn't support multiple tags yet ! $self item "BUT$i BUT" rectangle \ [list [expr $x1+3] [expr $y1+3] [expr $x1+$@w-3] [expr $y1+$@w-3]] \ -fill #ffffff -outline #000000 --- 3794,3798 ---- super for {set i 0} {$i<$@n} {incr i} { ! $self item [list BUT$i BUT] rectangle \ [list [expr $x1+3] [expr $y1+3] [expr $x1+$@w-3] [expr $y1+$@w-3]] \ -fill #ffffff -outline #000000